四川省 ホテルの宿泊者口コミ・レビュー

Emeishan Fanxing Mountain House (Huangwan Visitor Center)
フレンドリーで丁寧なフロントスタッフがいるとても良いホテルです。車での旅行なので、無料の夜間駐車場を提供しています。 30分無料と聞いていたのですが、最初は知らず、40分停まって5元かかりました(笑)。アフタヌーンティーもありましたが、楽しむ時間がなかったので、お店の方が中国茶に変更して部屋まで送ってくれました。さつまいもスティックやポテトスティックはありますか?塩漬け*黄のように香ばしくて美味しい、塩漬け*黄のような味わいです。ミニワッフルも美味しいです。部屋のスタイルはシンプルでエレガントです。ジャスミン茶は私の好みに非常に適しています。マットはとても柔らかくて厚く、お茶を飲みながら座るのがとても快適です。とても気に入りました。写真を撮り忘れたので、子供がスマホで遊んでいる間にこっそり撮った写真で間に合わせます。唯一の欠点は、冷たい風の中で朝食を食べなければならないことですが、朝食の味はまあまあです。
Pure Cloud Hotel
I can't say enough about how stunning this hotel is. Nestled in a breathtaking mountain area, the natural beauty all around is truly captivating. The hospitality we experienced was exceptional. Our host went above and beyond, assisting us with everything we needed. He even provided transportation and cooked delicious meals for us, making our stay incredibly comfortable and convenient. Our room was nothing short of spectacular. We were given a top-floor suite, boasting a spacious terrace with panoramic views. It was the perfect spot to relax and soak in the scenery. The breakfast each morning was delightful, offering a variety of tasty options. Overall, our experience was fantastic, and we can't wait to return.
Shouzhuo Guesthouse
設備:デザイン感はとても強いですが、実用性も考慮に入れてほしいです。たとえば、バスルームのティッシュボックスは紙を抽出できません。ワンクリックで家全体の照明を消すことはできません。夜は長い間消灯します。対応が異なります。最も重要な水圧は小さく、水は濁っていますが、この価格のホームステイは本当にこのようなものにならないはずです体験の状況 衛生:衛生状態はとても良く、予想外です。詳細は整っています 環境:深い山と古い森の感覚は、古代人の日の出と日の入りの生活を体験することができます空気は特に良いですが、アリに注意を払う必要があります🐜病院に噛まれて戻ってきます。 サービス:アップグレードされた部屋タイプ、フロントデスク、執事、掃除は非常に熱心です❤️🔥地元の習慣と民俗を感じ、地元の文化に統合します。一般的に、それは経験する価値があります。次回のハードウェア設備がユーザーエクスペリエンスを強化することができることを願っています。それは本当に完璧です
Yushe Yunshan Designer Hot Spring Hotel (Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area Visitor Center)
当初は1日だけ予約していましたが、さらに1日滞在を延長しました。家族は離れたくなかった。 🤣 ロビーでのコーヒーの飲み放題: 彼氏はとても気に入っています サービス: すべてのリクエストに対応 素敵な環境 衛生:潔癖症患者にとって朗報 設備:最新の全自動設備
Qingcheng Mountain several mountain houses
帶着很高的期待來的,感覺住下來還是有點小失望。 首先地理位置來講很不方便,在單獨的一座小山坡上,坡度很陡峭,下山十分鐘,爬上來估計要二十多分鐘還會累個半死,車子也開不上山,民宿有個小的接駁車,但衹會主動接送入住和退房那一次,其餘時間要離開小院都靠走路,要出門去後山玩或者去吃飯都非常麻煩。 其次是防蟲,在山裡住民宿蟲子多是避免不了的,這個一開始就有心理準備,但是不知道是不是老闆怕破壞生態的緣故,民宿幾乎沒有任何防蟲措施,在小院外頭的時候被咬得大包小包暫且不提,在房間裏也每日平均徒手殺蟲7隻以上,品種顏色各異,有幾衹甚至爬到了床上,屋內沒有驅蟲設施,衹有公區有一瓶共用的花露水。 我們進出門都是幾乎馬上關閉門的,也沒有開過紗窗,不存在説是我們自己把蚊蟲放進來的情況。 然後是設施,提供一次性浴巾和洗臉巾和一次性拖鞋,對於潔癖星人很友好,點贊,床品很乾凈舒服,點贊,院子看起來拍照挺好看的,點贊,但是窗簾完全不遮光,沒戴眼罩的話幾乎睡不了一個整覺,而且一扯開全是灰,嗆得直打噴嚏,公區的布椅子也很臟,污漬嚴重,我們訂房的時候奔着房間外頭的露台去的,想着能在上頭喝茶聊天,沒想到上頭全是密密麻麻的螞蟻和落葉,可能這就是原生態吧。 然後是服務,民宿的定價應該在後山民宿裏算是中等偏上了,但真的沒有感覺到對應的服務,早餐非常簡單,沒有什麼可以挑選的品種,咖啡也不會每個人都主動提供,接駁車上很臟,從來沒坐過這麼臟的車,感覺從來沒洗過,吃飯外賣點不了,問了幾家都不願意送上來,衹有吃和民宿合作的農家樂的菜,選擇很侷限。 總的來説,住名宿確實需要為情懷買單,但是我們住下來的感受是不值得,配套措施完全沒有跟上,體驗感真的不好,希望老闆多多改進吧! 放張圖證明真的來過
Qingcheng Mountain Suxi Qingshan Forest Homestay
在成都臨時起意多留兩日度週末,尋找住所時,發現青城山“素喜”。有種情緒是“樸素的歡喜”,未見就讓人心生好感。 民宿位於青城山的後山鳳棲山,街子古鎮就在山腳下。上山公路九曲十八彎,行過一條雅緻竹林小道後豁然開朗,“素喜”現代時尚的玻璃建築與四周的自然景緻和諧共存,相得益彰。 抵達民宿後,發現它的確如名字一般,處處都藏着不期而至的小確幸。到訪之時正值立冬後的第一天,秋意尚未散盡,銀杏葉已轉黃,與更顯翠綠的山林相互映襯,五彩斑斕。 素喜的房間名字都充滿了詩意。入住的房間名為“扶搖”,有扶搖直上雲天的豪邁意境。房間的落地大窗正對山景,將一幅流動的山水畫卷收納入屋。晨起時,濃霧鎖住山丘,站在陽台眺望,綿延的遠山在霧氣中若隱若現,恰似仙境;午後坐在案桌前,沏上一壺香茗,聽窗外雨打芭蕉葉;晚間,螢火蟲在林中忽閃歡悦,秋蟲在草叢淺吟低唱,撫琴一曲《良宵引》與天地進行一場無言對話。 從初到時的小挑剔到離開後的回憶,感動於民宿主理人孟起和小鉉夫婦,如同現代的田園詩人,腳踏實地在這片山林間構築着他們心中的桃花源。願他們夢想成真。 期待再見青山素喜。
Siguniang Mountain Looking Up at the Starry Sky  [The first choice for overseas tourists]
I would give this place 100 stars if I could. Besides the absolute beauty of the hotel location and the excellent amenities, what blew our minds was the service. In Chinese, they call it “服务至上” and I have never experienced it so profoundly except here even compared to the exorbitant hotels I have stayed elsewhere in the world. Some examples include: the chauffeur is always happy and ready to send us to anywhere within the Changpinggou area. When we had to go outside of the area such as back to Chengdu, they very patiently helped us to contact drivers and arrange for our rides. The bidet in my friends’ room was not working well, and they sent mechanics to fix the issue even though it was at night. My partner left his glasses in a bar in the town, and the hotel sent the chauffeur to retrieve it back to the hotel for us. The hotel also offers free photoshoot in traditional costume, and the staff was so patiently helping to send us the photos when we realised we could not access the Baidu cloud system because we are foreigners. All these were above and beyond anything we expected to receive at most hotels, much less a boutique hotel in a relatively remote area. Communication via Wechat was top notch, from the day before we arrived to after we have checked out - this is especially important for us foreigners who are not familiar with navigating China’s systems. Food and drinks were excellent as well, we ordered the chicken hotpot and other dishes on our first day, such a fantastic meal especially in the cold. The hotel also replenished our complimentary snacks and beverages every day. We only wished that we could have stayed longer here. 永远难忘这里的热情和友善,超级感恩,期待下次有机会能回到四姑娘山再住这里!扎西德勒🙏
Chengdu Fanwu Art B&B
Where do I start? First of all I never write review of hotels so this is a first for me. I stay in hotels all over the world 50-100 nights per year so I am very picky with any praise. I almost always stay in branded hotels because I normally can expect the consistency of the product that is the hallmark of the global five star hotel brands. However on this trip to Pengzhou - where we go often to visit family - I decided to take a chance and stay in a home stay. I can say we are truly grateful that we tried this. An Li and her husband professor Yang have done an incredible job on the property. They are first and foremost incredible hosts and are friends to all. But they have also created as unique a property I have ever seen. Sitting on a large multi acre piece of land abutting a small creek, they have designed and built an incredible home. The decoration and attention to detail is immaculate. The clean lines of the design along with the homely interior design touches make this a place that we felt like we were actually coming home to every night. The daily chef level breakfast by An Li was full of five star hotel details and taste. Every day was different from American style to local style and all in between and all delicious! Waking up to nothing but birds chirping and looking out the window at a beautiful field of crops was incredible. There are many things I am sure I am leaving out (comfortable rooms - check, water pressure - check, clean - check). You will have to stay there to fully appreciate all the extra touches that make this the best homestay we have ever had the privilege of staying in! We can’t wait to return !
Bijiaxiaozhu boutique Inn in Jiuzhaigou
The location of this inn is literally in the centre of the town, which provides easy access to restaurants (for ******* food and BBQ, can ask for recommendations from the inn owner Xiao Bi or Mr Feng) and the most famous show ”Jiu Zai Qian Gu Qing” (highly recommended even if you can't speak Chinese)(15 mins walk). Although it is a bit distant from the national park entrance (10 mins driving distance), the owner Mr. Feng offered free transportation taking us there and picking us up. The owners were really friendly and helpful. There is an in-house restaurant which serves local specialties such as highland beef hotpot and wild mushroom free range chicken hotpot. The home-made honey yogurt barley wheat bread was super delicious. We had to leave early for a bus back to Chengdu (7.45am), Xiao Bi made an effort to get up early to cook us noodles for breakfast. Beautiful scenery around the Inn. The inn was converted from a traditional ******* property. The rooms were decorated and furnished in a Chinese style and each bed comes with its own panda. The inn provides disposable towels every day, which is probably not everyone's cup of tea, as they are quite small if you have long hair, but there is a hair dryer available. This inn is for people who like to enjoy the slow pace of life in the Highlands (you can't rush physically as you could easily get out of breath due to low oxygen levels) and who like social interaction with other travellers and inn owners. The owners are not English speaking but they have no problems communicating with non Chinese speakers using a translation app.
Siguniangshan Zhongshan Inn (Changpinggou Scenic Area)
Owner was really helpful. Heating floor worked well. *** there was an oxygen generator machine that saved us from severe AMS *** Food is ok 20 yuan per pax for send you at Shuangqiaogou. Tell Laoban, and he will solve you everything!!


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