南城苑 クーポン・割引料金【2025年最安価格で予約】





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スタンダードルーム 南城苑 クーポン
温泉ルーム 南城苑 クーポン


南城苑 クーポン
Posted 2024-07-03 03:50:27
共同駐車場は南城苑のすぐ傍です。予定のチェックインの時間よりも早く着きましたが、気持ち良く対応して下さいました。掃除が行き届き廊下がピカピカで、素足で歩いてもとても気持ちが良かったです。部屋はお香が焚かれ、何という気遣い!と感動しました。 部屋は7.5畳の細長い長方形で狭く感じます。奥にある広縁の窓には大きなテーブルが設置され3種類の椅子が備えてあります。窓からは大自然に囲まれた素晴らしい眺望が見え癒されました。近くで買ってきたお菓子や飲み物を味わいながらこの広縁で過ごしましたが、広縁にいると部屋の狭さが気になりませんでした。 温泉は大浴場2、家族風呂2あり、にごり湯でした。家族風呂は空いていたら自由に使えます。 食事は食事会場でしたが、それぞれ仕切りがあるので他のお客様と顔を合わせる事はありません。熊本の郷土料理が沢山出ました。辛子蓮根や馬刺し、紅鱒のお刺身、牛肉の陶板焼き、何もかも美味しかったです。 食事を終えて部屋に帰ると再びお香が焚かれ、レモン入りの冷水が用意されてました。 帰りは駐車場まで見送って頂き、最後まで気持ちよく過ごせました。また機会があれば是非利用したいです。
南城苑 クーポン
Posted 2024-12-03 02:02:52
Nanjeon Onsen. Recommended! I managed to book this lovely ryokan that was listed as “full” on the popular booking sites, by going direct to their website. They are super good, read on! 1) Before we came, they wrote email to check our dietary requirements and prepared bath bags according to gender/ size. 2) We were delayed by traffic and wrote to tell them that we may not be able to reach in time for 6pm dinner, maybe half an hour late. Then, because we arrived in the dark, we missed the turn and got lost. They sent a young guy staff to help > limited English, Papago app helped a ton! We googled and re-drove our way out. Then arrived like 7ish, starving and cold. An older guy and the young guy greeted us. The older one told the younger one to tell us not to worry, to go eat first and then check in later. (Some onsens will not serve dinner if you are late!). 3) When we entered the dining room, the lady staff serving explained all the food laid out beautifully for us. And then continued as they served up one course after another till course 12. Course 13 was thoughtfully served to our room so we could rest and have our dessert. The young guy staff took our passports to do the check in while we ate. 4) Then when we wheeled our luggage in, the elderly man was quietly waiting to clean our luggage wheels one by one before loading into the hall. He does not speak much cos his English is non existent and will come across as abrupt. But if you observe, you will know that he is very thoughtful. 5) The beds were nicely laid for us when we took our luggages up. Yukata, warm coat, toe socks, a bag with smallwash towel, toothbrush and comb were provided. Men bag had shaving cream pack and shaver. 6) The baths were indoors/ outdoors, male and female separated. There are also two private baths, one open to nature and one enclosed. During hours that are open to public, the private baths will be key-entry only for guests while the outdoors communal ones are open to all. Indoors are still guests only. I tried all. It was lightly mineralized baths. My skin felt very smooth after. 7) Food is superb. Very intricate 13 course dinner, very filling. Horse sashimi (basashi) tastes like Parma ham with no salt. Should try. 8) Parking is convenient. They are located just next to Tourist Information centre.
南城苑 クーポン
Posted 2023-12-02 01:19:18
I made an online reservation 10 weeks in advance. There was limited availability, and I could only book for 1 night. We communicated via email regarding meal preference, as my husband is a pescatarian. They were very accommodating. The location of Nanjoen was very central , just steps away from the old town filled with restaurants and shops. We were received with a welcome drink. They took our luggage and wiped them clean before they were delivered to our room. We had a spacious Japanese room with tatami. We used their onsens, both family and gender separated ones. The outdoor ones have a part-mountain view. I had an unforgettable experience with Kurokawa onsens water. For the first time ever in my life, not a single strand of my hair fell. I usually have clumps of hair fall off every day after showers. I combed my hair through multiple times, as I could not believe that. None fell off. I have never experienced that in other onsens before, eg. Beppu, Hakone. I was joking that I would have to move to Kurokawa. The Kaiseki dinner was great , all dishes were a feast for the eyes. Breakfast was also delicious with local fresh ingredients. We were particularly pleased with their hospitality. Top notch service. We were happy that we could stay for at least 1 day, 2 would be better.
南城苑 クーポン
Posted 2023-03-25 20:56:42
We stayed in Kurakowa Onsen for 2 nights and very much enjoyed our stay at Nanjouen. Its a really beautiful Ryokan, with lovely people, amazing food, a lot of love for details, great Onsen and much more. Amazing value for money and I cant recommend it enough. We had a double room with a separate bedroom with two western beds, a main room with tatami mats and place for 2-3 futons, a bar with chairs and amazing views, and a private semi open air onsen (and a shower and toilet). Halfboard is included and is excellent. Its severed in private rooms, and the Kaiseki dinners are really amazing. There are gender separated onsen, indoor and outdoor.


Zakka raifu
吉原ごんべえ村 キャンプ場


  • 空港

  • 鉄道駅
