YYushanchangIt’s my second time to visit this hot spring resort. I had good time again.It’s great service as my first time experience. I had the 精進料理 for dinner. The waitress told me the name of the vegetable ,how did the chief cook it and what’s the benefit of my healthy.I really enjoy my birthday vegan dinner. There are two rooms and one yard next to my private bath room. I can see the bird in the yard and enjoy my bath in the room. Great staff , Nice room and definitely will come back again.這次是第二次造訪,因為第一次體驗很好所以選擇生日時候來這裡度假放鬆。餐點是精進料理,女服務生對於蔬菜的解說很詳細,我感受到日本人的文化及專業的服務。很享受的生日晚宴。房間裡包含有日式房跟洋式房及一間私人庭院泡澡浴缸及庭院。早晨拉開紙門可以看到庭院的鳥兒叫,陽光透過樹葉灑落在榻榻米上,喝杯茶走到庭院感受有馬山林的空氣,有淡淡的竹子味道,還可以在自己的浴缸看到綠意的庭院,享受早晨的寧靜。當然早餐也是很棒的享受,健康飲食讓身體沒有負擔,整個人可以沈澱的心靈跟身體的resort.感覺很好還會再來。