The hotel service was par excellence! Our taxi driver brought us to the main hotel instead of its branch 7 km away. A senior staff member having found out our mistake voluntarily took us in her car to the hotel we booked! All the hotel staff were very friendly and helpful. The hotel room was very clean and the amenities were in good condition! It is only about 300m from Tengwang Pavilion (滕王阁) we wanted to visit. Will definitely book it again for my next trip.
慌しい一日の終わりには、Galactic True Home International Hotelでおくつろぎください。Galactic True Home International Hotelは、南昌でも指折りの素晴らしい宿泊施設の内の一つです。当施設は南昌から9km、昌北国際空港から29kmと、便利な立地です。最寄の主要公共交通機関は学府大道東で、当施設から2kmです。付近には南昌之星摩天輪や贛江市民公園、Nanchang Meland Club (Wanda Plaza Store)などがあり、南昌の観光に非常に便利な立地です。館内の様々な施設で、有意義にお過ごしいただけます。南昌のホテルの中でも、Galactic True Home International Hotelはそのすばらしい設備で高評価をいただいております。このホテルは、家族連れのお客様に特に好評です。
慌しい一日の終わりには、Grace Select Hotel (tengwangge Nanchang Bayi Square )でおくつろぎください。Grace Select Hotel (tengwangge Nanchang Bayi Square )は、ビジネスでもレジャーでも、南昌での快適な滞在をご提供いたします。当施設から南昌までわずか3km、昌北国際空港まで32kmと、交通が非常に便利です。桃苑が徒歩圏内にあり、市内観光に非常に便利です。付近には予章書院旧址やCross Street Night Market (Wangfujing Shopping Center Hongcheng Road Store)、Wanshougongなどがあり、南昌の観光に非常に便利な立地です。長い一日の終わりには、館内施設でくつろぐのもお勧めです。南昌の当施設のお客様は、駐車場をご利用いただけます。このホテルのサービスレベルは高いと評判です。このホテルは、出張のお客様に多数ご宿泊いただいております。
南昌嘉莱特和平国際酒店(Galactic Peace International Hotel)は、南昌市傷病地区にある5つ星ビジネスホテルで、鉄道駅から0.8km、昌北空港から車で30分です。スーペリアからスイートまで、さまざまなタイプの客室があります。ホテル内のレストランでは、中国料理と西洋料理をお召し上がりいただけます。 大型宴会場、広さの異なる会議室などの施設があり、ニーズに合わせてフルにご利用いただけます。
LLionelWe have a cosy and pampered experience. Our room butler is very friendly. She took good care of our laundry and returned on the same day. Her name is Shen Hai Xiang. Well done! 沈海香
YYUNI2202Primus is really one of my favorite hotels. The hotel is located in a very calm place away from all the city noise. The food is tasty and the staff is always friendly and helpful. I recommend this hotel 100%
DDavid AyrVery modern and superb facilities. Very reasonable price indeed considering the extremely high quality of the rooms and of the excellent service. Although the staff are not fluent in English, they use translation sofrware to supplement their English language knowledge and the staff are extremely helpful. The note that I sent to the staff thanking them says it all (see below). I highly recommend this hotel!
“Dear Lucas and colleagues at Jinjiang Capital: first of all, once again Lucas, I would like to thank you very much for your help in getting me some warm clothes to deal with the extremely cold weather in Nanchang. Your assistance went beyond the call of duty and I admire and respect you and the dedication you have to your work. Additionally, I would like to thank all the staff there who have made a special effort to help me, in the context of my failure to learn Chinese language to any decent degree. Last night and this morning colleagues helped me with getting a taxi to catch my train, making sure that all things were in place to make it easy for me. The colleague who went with me to Floor 1 assisted in making sure that the taxi was going to the correct railway station. I would like to also express my gratitude to those colleagues. … Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.”
JJasonOverall good, little tired and Chinese! The location is on a main road, so is a little loud. Room was clean and comfy though. Taxi wasn’t the easiest to get from this hotel, so had to you DiDi