“ 高雄おもしろカード ″を使って
* コスパ最強の遊び方!高雄を思う存分満喫できる、公共交通機関乗り放題のチケットと人気スポットの入場・体験チケットがセット🎫✨
* 台湾・高雄のMRT、ライトレール、路線バス、中長距離バス(客運)、が48時間乗り放題の高雄ぶらりカード🚃🚌
* 愛河クルーズや観覧車など、高雄の必見5大スポットが無料で体験できる👏
【高雄おもしろカード(MenGo+) 48時間】
* MRT、ライトレール、市バス、高速バス、フェリーの初回利用時に48時間のカウントダウンがスタートします🕐
* 交通機関の初回検札時から有効期間の計測が開始され、連続48時間(乗車/入場時刻に基づく)交通機関が使用可能となります。追加の引き落としは行われません。一度の乗車につき1名様のみご利用いただけます。
* 乗り放題:高雄MRT、高雄ライトレール、市バス、高速バス
* 2回限定:高雄フェリー(乗客のみ、鼓山-旗津、前~中州に適用)
期間限定で高雄 YouBike 2.0の各乗車の最初の30分間無料で利用可能がついていました🚲✨
・i-Ride KAOHSIUNG フライングシアターチケット体験1回(フライオーバーシリーズ限定)
・高雄ポップミュージックセンター 常設展示エリアへの入場1回🎵
Using the Kaohsiung Fun Card .
I have been touring around Kaohsiung in Tainan 🏃💨.
You can purchase the card online in advance and exchange it at a designated location to receive an unlimited ride Metro Card!
I redeemed mine at the Kaohsiung station, which was the closest station to my hotel✨.
In addition to 48 hours of unlimited rides on public transportation, it also included an admission voucher (Taiwan Transportation Ticket) to 5 popular Kaohsiung facilities, so I felt like I was getting a great deal 🌻✨.
* The most cost-effective way to play!A set of unlimited public transportation tickets and admission/experience tickets to popular spots to enjoy Kaohsiung to the fullest 🎫✨!
* Kaohsiung Burari Card 🚃🚌 for unlimited rides on MRT, light rail, local buses, and medium and long distance buses in Kaohsiung, Taiwan for 48 hours.
* Free experience of five must-see spots in Kaohsiung, including the Love River Cruise and Ferris wheel 👏.
Kaohsiung Fun Card (MenGo+) 48 hours
* 48-hour countdown starts upon first use of MRT, light rail, city bus, express bus, and ferry 🕐.
* The validity period measurement will start from the time of the first ticket inspection of the transportation service, and the transportation service will be available for 48 consecutive hours (based on the boarding/entry time).No additional debits will be made.May be used by only one person per ride.
* Unlimited rides: Kaohsiung MRT, Kaohsiung Light Rail, City Bus, Express Bus
* Limited to 2 rides: Kaohsiung Ferry (passengers only, applicable to Gushan - Qijing and Qian - Zhongzhou)
For a limited time, Kaohsiung YouBike 2.0 came with free access to the first 30 minutes of each ride 🚲✨.
but the initial registration didn't work and I ended up not using it 😢YouBike is placed in many places so it's perfect when you don't want to wait for the bus 💡.
💰Included in the fee💰
Kaohsiung fun card (MenGo+)
Unlimited rides for 48 hours 🎫✨.
One ride on the Love River Solar Boat 🚢.
One ride on the Dream Era Giant Ferris Wheel🎡.
One i-Ride KAOHSIUNG Flying Theater ticket experience (Flyover Series only)
One admission to the Kaohsiung Pop Music Center permanent exhibition area 🎵.
∙ One exhibition ticket to the Pier 2 exhibition area (choose either the Contemporary Pavilion/News Warehouse) 🎨.
\\ 週末どこ行こう?を解決💡✨//