I'm half way through Mesechet Meilah w/Tosfot. Tosfot, here, so far, upon quoting an individual tosafist, 80-90% of the time quotes Rabbeinu Peretz. I'm not seeing the usual references to R"Y or R"T - why is Rabbeinu Peretz the go-to Tosafist for Mesechet Meilah? Are there other tractates where a single Tosafist dominates?

  • 2
    See also the Chida in Shem HaGedolim, Maareches Seforim, Maareches Tav, 19 for more.
    – Shmuel
    Commented yesterday
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    2) the footnotes in the Chida there writes: "The introduction to Sefer HaBatim by Rabbi David Kochavi, it is written: "Rabbi Peretz, who lived during the time of the Sefer Mitzvot Katan (Semak), established many students. He condensed the Tosafot and expanded them with explanatory and analytical ideas." - so this might explain why!
    – Shmuel
    Commented yesterday

1 Answer 1


To answer the first question, the Tosfot of Meilah was compiled by a student of Rabbeinu Peretz and was based largely on his teachings, so it makes sense that he would dominate the work. See here for a list of authors of the various tosfot and their main sources.

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