Scrape URLs in Google Sheets for SEO.

With this script you can input a URL and our simple SEO scraper will extract data to quickly identify technical SEO issues. 🚀

Check out the GIF to see it in action 🎥

How to add the Script to Google Sheets

1. Copy the script below:

 * Simple Google Sheets SEO scraper to extract data from a URL.
 * @param {""} url - input the target URL.
 * @param {false} allHeadings [OPTIONAL] Select whether you would like the first heading returned, or all headings returned in a comma-separated list. Default is set to false.
 * @param {false} displayLinks [OPTIONAL] Select whether you would like the internal and external links returned as comma-separated lists (truncated to 5,000 character cell limit). Default is set to false.
 * @param {"body"} selector [OPTIONAL] Include a CSS selector to scrape custom content.
 * @customfunction

function seoscraper(url, allHeadings, displayLinks, selector) {
  // Validate the URL
  if (!url) {
    return "You need to enter a valid URL.";
  } else if (!url.includes("http")) {
    return "You need to include the URL protocol eg. HTTP or HTTPs.";

  // Default values for allHeadings and displayLinks
  allHeadings = allHeadings || false;
  displayLinks = displayLinks || false;

  // Data array to store the extracted attributes
  data = [];

  try {
    // Fetch the URL content
    const fetch = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
      muteHttpExceptions: true,
      followRedirects: false

    // Load the fetched content into Cheerio
    const content = fetch.getContentText();
    const $ = Cheerio.load(content);

    // Get the body text
    const body = $("body").text();

    // Function to format text
    const trimText = (text) => text.trim().toLowerCase();

    // Get the response status code
    const status = fetch.getResponseCode();

    // Extract various SEO attributes
    const title = $("title").text().trim();
    const description = $("meta[name='description']").attr("content");
    const canonical = $("link[rel='canonical']").attr("href");
    const robots = $("meta[name='robots']").attr("content");
    const wordCount = body.trim().split(/\s+/).length;
    const h1 = trimText($("h1").first().text());
    const h2 = allHeadings ? $("h2").map((i, e) => trimText($(e).text())).get().toString() : trimText($("h2").first().text());
    const h3 = allHeadings ? $("h3").map((i, e) => trimText($(e).text())).get().toString() : trimText($("h3").first().text());

    // Extract content from the provided CSS selector
    const customContent = $(selector).text();

    // Function to truncate links
    function truncateLinks(links) {
      let result = '';
      const limit = 50000; // Google Sheets character limit
      const separator = ', ';

      for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        let temp = result + links[i] + separator;
        if (temp.length > limit) {
        result = temp;
      return result;

    // Function to extract domain from a URL
    function getDomain(url) {
      var domain;
      // If URL contains "://", split by "/" and get the third element
      if (url.indexOf("://") > -1) {
        domain = url.split('/')[2];
      } else {
        // Else, split by "/" and get the first element
        domain = url.split('/')[0];
      // Split domain by ":" and get the first element
      domain = domain.split(':')[0];
      return domain;

    // Get base domain of the input URL
    const baseDomain = getDomain(url);

    // Variables to store internal and external links count
    let internalLinksCount = 0;
    let externalLinksCount = 0;

    // Sets to store unique internal and external links
    let internalLinks = new Set();
    let externalLinks = new Set();

    // Iterate over all anchor tags
    $('a').each((i, link) => {
      const href = $(link).attr('href');
      if (href) {
        const linkDomain = getDomain(href);
        // If link domain matches base domain or href starts with '/', it's an internal link
        if (linkDomain === baseDomain || href.startsWith('/')) {
          internalLinks.add(href.startsWith('/') ? `${url}${href}` : href);
        } else if (href.startsWith('http')) {
          // If href starts with 'http', it's an external link

    // Convert Sets to Arrays for further processing
    internalLinks = Array.from(internalLinks);
    externalLinks = Array.from(externalLinks);

    // Truncate links to fit within 5000 characters and count links
    internalLinks = truncateLinks(internalLinks);
    externalLinks = truncateLinks(externalLinks);

    // Indexability checks
    let indexability = "indexable";
    let indexabilityStatus = "";

    if (status >= 300 && status < 400) {
      indexability = "non-indexable";
      indexabilityStatus = "redirect";
    } else if (status >= 400 && status < 500) {
      indexability = "non-indexable";
      indexabilityStatus = "client error";
    } else if (status >= 500) {
      indexability = "non-indexable";
      indexabilityStatus = "server error";

    if (robots && (robots.toLowerCase().includes("noindex") || robots.toLowerCase().includes("none"))) {
      indexability = "non-indexable";
      indexabilityStatus = "noindex directive";

    if (canonical && canonical !== url) {
      indexability = "non-indexable";
      indexabilityStatus = "canonicalisation";

    // Array to store all schema types
    let schemaTypes = [];

    // Recursive function to extract primary @type properties from an object
    function extractTypes(data) {
      if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) {
        if (data["@type"]) {

    // Find all script tags with type application/ld+json
    $('script[type="application/ld+json"]').each((i, elem) => {
      try {
        // Parse the JSON content
        let structuredData = JSON.parse($(elem).html());

        // If structuredData is an array, extract @type from each item
        if (Array.isArray(structuredData)) {
          structuredData.forEach(item => extractTypes(item));
        } else {
          // If it's an object, extract @type directly

      } catch (error) {
        // Ignore any errors (e.g., if the JSON parsing fails)
        Logger.log("Error parsing JSON: " + error);

    // If status is 200, push all attributes into the data array
    if (status === 200) {
      const resultData = [status, indexability, indexabilityStatus, title, description, h1, h2, h3, robots, canonical, wordCount, internalLinksCount, externalLinksCount];

      // If displayLinks is set to true, include the internal and external links
      if (displayLinks) {
        resultData.push(internalLinks, externalLinks);

      // Push custom content last
      resultData.push(schemaTypes.toString(), customContent);

    } else {
      // If not, only push the status
      data.push([status, indexability, indexabilityStatus]);

    // Return the data array
    return data;

  } catch (err) {
    // If any error occurs during the scraping process, return an error message
    return "Cannot scrape URL";

2. Head over to Google Sheets

Or if you’re really smart, create a new sheet by going to:

Select Script editor from the Tools menu.

Paste the script and save it.

3. Add the Cheerio Library in Apps Script

Search for the Cheerio Library using the ID below. The Cheerio Library makes it easier to parse the HTML from the requested page.


If you’re not sure how to add a library in Apps Script, follow the gif below:

4. Add the formula to any cell in your sheet


Replace A1 with any cell that includes your URL (the page you want to scrape).

The following columns of data will be returned:

  1. Status Code
  2. Indexability
  3. Indexability Status
  4. Page Title
  5. Meta Description
  6. H1
  7. H2 (first heading)
  8. H3 (first heading)
  9. Meta Robots
  10. Canonical URL
  11. Word Count
  12. # of Internal Links
  13. # of External Links
  14. Schema Types


You can also add three further parameters to the function.


If you select allHeadings as true, it will return all h2 and h3 headings as comma-separated lists, rather than the first value.


If you select displayLinks as true, it will return all of the unique internal and external links as comma-separated lists. This is truncated to 5,000 characters which is the cell limit in Google Sheets.

You can also add a custom CSS selector if there are particular areas of a page you would like to scrape. This is added as the final column of returned data.

*Websites could fail when fetching because of bot detection algorithms.

Thanks for stopping by 👋

I’m Andrew Charlton, the Google Sheets nerd behind Keywords in Sheets. 🤓

Questions? Get in touch with me on social or comment below 👇

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