
Khoros Communities Fresh Features episode 4

Khoros Staff

It’s that time again! We’re excited to unveil another round of feature updates to our Khoros solutions.

Let’s dive into four key releases for the next-generation Khoros Communities solution, including a few eagerly awaited updates.

Salesforce Connector streamlines workflows

The release of the Khoros Salesforce Connector is a game-changer for escalating and handling community support cases. This enables you to create a tight integration between your community content, Salesforce content, and Salesforce cases.

With this in mind, integrating Salesforce Connector with the next-generation Khoros Communities product helps streamline workflows for community managers and improve experiences for members.

Salesforce connector

Salesforce Connector offers the following key features:

  • Synchronize user data from the community to your Salesforce environment. This enables Salesforce users to access up-to-date information about community members, ensuring consistency between the community members’ data and Salesforce records.

  • The ability to manually escalate community threads or automatically escalate unanswered community threads to Salesforce as support cases.

  • Provide a private support Case Portal where community members can create, update, or close support cases directly from the community.

  • Use enhanced federated search across Khoros and Salesforce content.

Case portal

What does this mean for you?

With Salesforce Connector, we've upgraded the efficiency of the support case escalation and management process. Community managers can now see case details, member data, community metrics, and recently created posts within Salesforce — allowing agents to have all the information they need to handle the escalation right at their fingertips.

Diversify login options with multi-authentication

It’s easier than ever for all users to log into the next-gen Khoros Communities platform with multi-authentication.

Khoros Communities administrators can now configure different login mechanisms like native login and single sign-on (SSO) on the community sign-in modal.

Sign in

Multi-authentication is an essential capability for complex communities, allowing different user groups to choose from various login methods.

What does this mean for you?

Community members and managers now have increased flexibility in sign-on options.

Multi-authentication improves the member experience by allowing users to log in and out successfully with their preferred method.

Incentivize user engagement with badges

Gamification features play a crucial role in motivating online community engagement by introducing elements of competition and reward.

In the next-generation Khoros Communities product, you can assign user badges based on member activity. Earning badges is a powerful way for members to gain recognition for achievements and community activity based on their log-in count, number of posts, solutions, likes, and more.

Badge sets

Community teams can set up badges in Admin settings and organize them into sets to award to users based on specific criteria. Once live, badges are viewable from hover cards on the member's profile page.


What does this mean for you?

Badges join the existing Ranks and Leaderboard features to supercharge gamification within your online community. Look forward to:

  • Boosting engagement and member activity within the community

  • Accelerating the member journey from visitor to superuser

  • Creating a more enjoyable and motivating experience for members

Bring users together with events

Events are powerful tools in the community space to increase brand visibility and foster stronger connections with members.

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Events to host seminars, meetups, and conferences in the next-generation Khoros Communities product.

Event live stream - pre event

Key features include:

  • Support for online, in-person, or hybrid events

  • Seamless integration with Social Live Videos (Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo), enabling the embedding of live video content directly into event pages

  • Integration with the Zoom application, which enables Event managers to host Zoom meetings and webinars within the community

What does this mean for you?

Get ready to leverage events in your community strategy and bring members together.

Communities are excellent places to host events, as members are already active, engaged, and ready to participate. After attending events, 40% of consumers say they feel more loyal to brands. Creating a culture that encourages online and offline engagement is integral to strengthening brand loyalty and community connections.

What’s Next?

We’re excited to continue bringing fresh features to the Khoros Communities solution. As a sneak peek, below are a few innovations coming in the next couple of months:

  • Localized community: Including support for multi-language communities, a language selector in navigation, and node-level language settings

  • Key developer experience features: Unblocking complex customizations with the release of our SDK Publication and Custom React Components

  • Knowledge base guides: Providing the ability to combine Articles into Chapters and Chapters into a Guide to support better categorization of knowledge bases for enhanced discoverability

If you are a Khoros customer, be sure to check out the latest Khoros Communities roadmap update on the Khoros Atlas Community.

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