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Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The permanent disappearance or elimination of a species is called extinction. This generally occurs when a species is unable to adapt to a change in its environment. That is, when the environment changes, species that lack the characteristics that would allow them to thrive in their new circumstances are likely to go extinct.

Scientists divide extinction events into two categories based on the scale of the event—background extinctions and mass extinctions.

Background Extinctions

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Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The ongoing extinction of individual species because of environmental factors is known collectively as background extinctions. Background extinctions are part of the natural cycle of life on Earth. Habitat loss, changes in the food supply, the introduction of a new predator or an invasive species, severe climatic events such as droughts or extended flooding, natural disasters such as hurricanes or volcanic eruptions—all of these are factors that can make it difficult for species to survive. When such an event changes one or more factors in the environment, some species may not be adapted to handle the change in their surroundings. Background extinctions usually affect one or several species that inhabit a small area, such as a forest or a lake.

Mass Extinctions

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The primary difference between background extinctions and mass extinctions is scale. Whereas background extinctions may involve a few species that inhabit a small area, mass extinction events result in the demise of vast numbers of species over a very large geographic area, even globally. Scientific evidence suggests that mass extinctions occur as a result of catastrophic events such as an asteroid impact or ice age.

Extinction occurring on such a vast scale requires a disaster of considerable proportion, and such disasters have been relatively rare during Earth’s history. The fossil record provides evidence for five mass extinction events that have occurred over the past 600 million years. They are presented here in order of descending severity—that is, from most severe to least severe in terms of species loss.

Permian extinction


The worst mass extinction event was the Permian extinction, which occurred about 266 million to 251 million years ago. The event entailed a dramatic loss of organisms. About 95 percent of marine species were lost. Losses of brachiopod and coral species were especially severe. About 70 percent of land species (including early plants, insects, and vertebrates) also were lost.

Ordovician-Silurian extinction

Though not as severe as the Permian extinction, the mass extinction that occurred between the Ordovician and Silurian periods (about 444 million years ago) took a great toll. About 85 percent of marine species were lost, with brachiopods, bryozoans (mosslike animals), and trilobites suffering greatly.

Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction

V.L. Sharpton, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; NASA
© Daniel Eskridge//

One of the most familiar mass extinction events was the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) extinction, which took place about 66 million years ago. Best known as the event that brought about the demise of the dinosaurs, the K-T extinction involved the loss of about 80 percent of all animal species, including the dinosaurs and many species of plants. Many scientists contend that this event was caused by one or more large comets or asteroids striking Earth. However, some scientists maintain that the event resulted from changes in global climate associated with substantial volcanic activity of the time.

End-Triassic extinction

Scientists think that the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the Triassic Period (about 200 million years ago) may have been caused by rapid climate change or by an asteroid striking the Earth. This mass extinction event caused about 20 percent of marine families and some 76 percent of all extant species (those species living at that time) to die out—possibly within a span of about 10,000 years. This vast loss of species opened up many ecological niches, paving the way for the evolution of the dinosaurs.

Devonian extinctions

© Breck P. Kent/

The Devonian extinctions were a series of global extinction events that took place 407 million to 359 million years ago during the Devonian Period. Roughly 15–20 percent of marine families and 70–80 percent of all animal species became extinct during this time. Roughly 86 percent of marine brachiopod species perished, along with many corals and trilobites. Scientists have not yet pinpointed a single cause behind these losses. It is thought that the events may have resulted from a combination of several factors, including rapid global warming or cooling and asteroid or comet impacts.

Extinctions in Modern Times

Charles H. Smith/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

In modern times, many species have become extinct because of human activities, particularly the destruction of natural environments. Current rates of human-induced extinctions are estimated to be about 1,000 times greater than past natural background rates of extinction. This has led some scientists to call modern times the sixth mass extinction.

This high extinction rate is due largely to the massive growth in human population: from about 1 billion in 1850, the world’s population reached 2 billion in 1930 and more than 6 billion in 2000. It is expected to reach about 10 billion by 2050. As a result of increasing human populations, habitat loss is the greatest factor in current levels of extinction.

In addition, increased levels of greenhouse gases have begun to alter the world’s climate. The slowly rising temperatures expected by the middle of the 21st century will likely force species to migrate farther north in the northern temperate zone in order to remain in habitats with the same climate conditions.