의료장비 제조
We are dedicated to increase the survival rate of emergency patient through AI algorithm.
AIMD Inc is a socially responsible company that leads the development of medical devices for emergency rescue utilizing AI algorithm. We are developing an artificial intelligence video laryngoscope used in various emergency situations such as general anesthesia, lung or heart disease, stroke and addiction. The existing laryngoscope is an expensive equipment, thus has difficulty in dissemination, and has the disadvantage of causing serious accidents in the event of airway intubation failure. To prevent this, we are applying ergonomically designed blades and artificial intelligence algorithms to products to increase the survival rate of emergency patients and furthermore reduce the burden on field practitioners such as paramedics and doctors.
- 웹사이트
AIMD Inc. 외부 링크
- 업계
- 의료장비 제조
- 회사 규모
- 직원 2-10명
- 본사
- 서울특별시
- 유형
- 비상장기업
- 설립
- 2018
- 전문 분야
- Healthcare, Medical Device, AI, Emergency Medicine, Product Design, Technology Solutions 및 Laryngoscope
서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 222
한양대학교 HIT관 B1층 108-8호
KR 서울특별시 04763