AIMEDBIO is a spin-off company from Samsung Medical Center with the sole purpose of pursuing after attainable treatment solutions to patients with refractory brain disease, including cancer, in hopes of providing better quality of life. Our primary objective is based on data-driven personalized treatment to address current medical unmet needs in the field of brain disease through international collaborations that we have solidified through years of close partnership. We have an excellent research team with profound achievements, own R&D pipelines with outstanding drug development platform and are building strong global networks with key opinion leaders in the field.
- 웹사이트
Aimed Bio Inc. 외부 링크
- 업계
- 제약
- 회사 규모
- 직원 11-50명
- 본사
- Seoul
- 유형
- 비상장기업
- 설립
- 2018
- 전문 분야
- Brain Tumor, Neurodegenerative disease, Antibody Engineering, Brain Therapeutics, Big data 및 Precision medicine
67 Jeongui-ro, Songpa-gu
11F, MK Tower
KR Seoul 05835