Albany International Corp.

Albany International Corp.


New Hampshire Rochester 팔로워 34,373명

We provide the most advanced non-metallic materials and specialty components solutions to customers worldwide.


Albany International is a global advanced textiles and materials processing company with two core businesses. Machine Clothing (MC) is the world’s leading producer of custom-designed fabrics and belts essential to production in the paper, nonwovens, and other process industries. MC has a global market share of approximately 30%, compared to 15% estimated share for the next largest competitor. Albany Engineered Composites (AEC ) is a rapidly growing supplier of highly engineered composite parts for the aerospace Industry. AEC is the sole supplier of fan blades, fan cases and other advanced composite components for the CFM LEAP engine; current estimates for annual LEAP production rates are approximately 1600 engines by the end of the decade, for which AEC will deliver approximately 100,000 parts per year. Albany International is headquartered in Rochester, New Hampshire, and operates 22 plants in 10 countries, employs 4,400 people worldwide, and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (Symbol AIN). Additional information about the Company and its products and services can be found at

회사 규모
직원 1,001 - 5,000명
New Hampshire Rochester
전문 분야
industrial textiles, manufacturing, pulp & paper, applied technologies, Composites, Advanced Technology Solutions, 3D Weaving 및 Weaving


  • 기본

    216 Airport Dr

    US New Hampshire Rochester 03867

    길 보기
  • Victor-von-Bruns Strasse 17

    CH Schaffhausen Neuhausen 8212

    길 보기
  • 300 Westmount Street

    CA Quebec Cowansville PQ J2K 1S9

    길 보기
  • P.O. Box 100

    CA Ontario Perth K7H 3E3

    길 보기
  • P.O. Box 500

    US Wisconsin Kaukauna 54130

    길 보기
  • P,O. Box 1939

    US Wisconsin Appleton 54912

    길 보기
  • P.O. Box 608

    US SC St. Stephen 29479

    길 보기
  • 156 South Main Street

    US New York Homer 13077

    길 보기
  • Apartado Postal No. 10-758

    MX Mexico DF Cuautitlán 11000

    길 보기
  • Caixa Postal 141

    BR SC Indaial 89130-000

    길 보기
  • 455 Patroon Creek Blvd

    US New York Albany 12206

    길 보기
  • Box 510

    SE Kristinebergsvägen Halmstad S-301 80

    길 보기
  • Pilsworth Road

    GB Lancashire Bury BL9 8RS

    길 보기
  • B.P. 88

    FR Selestat-Cedex F-67602

    길 보기
  • 1 rue Jacquard – BP 38

    Z.I. Pavillon – Axial

    FR Cedex Saint Junien 87202

    길 보기
  • Via Stazione 80/Q

    IT Ballò di Mirano 30035

    길 보기
  • 630 Yongtan-dong

    KR Chungcheongbuk Chungju-si 380-250

    길 보기
  • No. 99 Gaoxin Wu Road

    Xiaoshan District

    CN Zhejiang Hangzhou City 311231

    길 보기
  • Industry Rd

    Hua Long Town

    CN Guangzhou Panyu City 511434

    길 보기
  • Av. Colón #12-A

    Galeras Parque Industrial Aerotech

    MX Queretaro Colon CP 76295

    길 보기
  • Carreta Estatal 200 Qro-Tequis Km 25+547

    Int M Parque Aeroespacial de Querétaro

    MX Queretaro Colon CP 76278

    길 보기
  • 85 Innovation Dr

    US New Hampshire Rochester 03867

    길 보기
  • 1 Rue de L'innovation

    FR Commercy 55200

    길 보기
  • 1281 N Main St

    US Texas Boerne 78006

    길 보기
  • 5995 w Amelia Earhart Dr

    US Utah Salt Lake City 84116

    길 보기
  • 506 Billy Mitchell Rd

    US Utah Salt Lake City 84116

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Albany International Corp. 직원


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