Hanwha Group's three financial affiliates — Hanwha Life Insurance, Hanwha General Insurance, and Hanwha Asset Management — have established the Hanwha AI Center (HAC) in San Francisco. Located at the heart of the global AI ecosystem, HAC plans to collaborate and network with leading universities, AI startups, and investment firms to shape the blueprint for the future of the financial industry powered by advanced technology. Read more: https://lnkd.in/gGgsfqvi 한화그룹의 3개 금융 계열사(한화생명, 한화손해보험, 한화자산운용)가 샌프란시스코에 한화 AI 센터(Hanwha AI Center, 이하, HAC)를 개소했습니다. HAC는 글로벌 AI 생태계의 중심지인 샌프란시스코에서 주요 대학, AI 스타트업, 투자 회사들과 네트워킹 및 협업을 통해 기술과 함께하는 미래 금융 산업의 청사진을 그려 나갈 예정입니다.
금융 서비스
Seoul Seoul 팔로워 1,863명
Providing customer-centric life solution through finance. #life_lively
As the first life insurance company founded in Korea in 1946, Hanwha Life has consistently been at the forefront of the industry’s development, protecting its customers’ health and well-being. Hanwha Life Insurance offers Whole Life Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance, as well as savings-type insurance, including annuities, and provides individual asset management services. Additionally, the company sells retirement pensions, accident and health insurance, and group insurance to corporate clients. With a solid financial structure, boasting total assets exceeding USD 100 billion, Hanwha Life achieves the highest value in terms of asset soundness, operational competitiveness, and product competitiveness. Furthermore, leveraging its competitive edge in digital technology, Hanwha Life is leading the future financial market in Asia. The company is actively expanding into the global financial market, with its headquarters in Seoul and overseas subsidiaries in the United States, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and Japan.
- 웹사이트
한화생명 외부 링크
- 업계
- 금융 서비스
- 회사 규모
- 직원 1,001 - 5,000명
- 본사
- Seoul Seoul
- 유형
- 상장기업
- 설립
- 1946
60, Youido-dong
KR Seoul Seoul 07345
한화생명 직원
Hanwha Life Insurance has signed an agreement to acquire a 75% stake in the U.S. securities firm, Velocity Clearing LLC. This marks the first instance of a Korean insurance company acquiring shares in a U.S. securities firm. Established in New York in 2003, Velocity is an IT-driven, traditional securities firm that provides clearing, settlement, securities lending, and prime brokerage services. Through this acquisition, Hanwha Life aims to create diverse investment opportunities in the U.S., enhance long-term profitability, and expand its global financial network. 한화생명이 미국 증권사 'Velocity Clearing LLC'의 지분 75% 매입계약을 체결했습니다. 한국 보험사가 미국 증권사 지분을 인수한 사례는 처음입니다. Velocity는 2003년 뉴욕에서 설립 된 IT기반의 정통 증권사로 청산, 결제, 증권 대차, 프라임브로커리지 서비스를 제공하는 회사입니다. 한화생명은 이번 인수를 통해 미국에서 다양한 투자 기회를 창출함으로써 장기적 수익성을 강화하고, 글로벌 금융 네트워크를 확장 해 나갈 예정입니다. #Hanwha #HanwhaLife #VelocityClearing
Hanwha Life and 'Vietnam - Korea University of Information and Communications Technology (VKU)', part of Danang University, officially opened the “Financial Technology Research and Training Center” (abbreviated as “Fintech Hub”). “Fintech Hub” is sponsored by Hanwha Life both financially and in sharing experiences with the expectation of contributing to promoting training, building a learning environment, thereby developing talents in the Financial Technology industry in the future. 한화생명이 9월 27일, 베트남 다낭의 한베 ICT 대학교 에서 ‘핀테크 허브’ 개소식 및 '전공 개설 기념식'을 진행했습니다. 한화생명은 한국을 대표하는 금융사로서, 금융기술 산업을 이끌어갈 미래 인재 육성 환경을 조성하는 데 기여하고 있습니다. #Hanwha #HanwhaLifeVietnam #CSR #TalentDevelopment
Hanwha Life is strengthening its insurance sales targeting the growing number of long-term foreign residents in the country. Through the story of 'Kim Kyung-Ah,' the sales team leader at the Kang Gil branch of Hanwha Life Financial Service, Hanwha Life's insurance sales subsidiary, we can observe the increasing demand for insurance among foreigners. She mentioned, "Many foreigners still do not fully recognize the importance of insurance, which is why there is a need for insurance professionals with diverse backgrounds." 한화생명은 늘어나는 국내의 장기체류 외국인을 타겟으로 한 보험 영업을 강화하고 있습니다. 한화생명의 보험판매 자회사인 한화생명금융서비스 강길지점 영업팀장, '김경아' 씨의 스토리를 통해 점점 뜨거워지는 외국인 보험의 니즈를 확인할 수 있었는데요. 그녀는 “많은 외국인들이 아직도 보험의 중요성을 충분히 인식하지 못하고 있기 때문에 다양한 배경을 가진 보험 전문가를 필요로 한다" 라고 언급했습니다.
On September 8, Hanwha Life Esports (HLE) claimed their first-ever championship in the 2024 LCK (League of Legends Champions Korea) Summer Finals since their founding! Hanwha Life, the first Korean financial company to establish a League of Legends (LoL) team in 2018, has gained significant popularity both domestically and internationally through its high-level team management and excellent fan services. After years of effort, the team has finally qualified for this year's "Worlds," the global festival for the MZ generation! Look forward to HLE’s outstanding performance on the world stage! * Read more : https://bit.ly/47Gccxf ★ Visit HLE’s team channels ★ - Homepage : https://hle.kr/en - Facebook : https://lnkd.in/gqPfjCni - Youtube : https://lnkd.in/gPvFPX3r 9월 8일, 한화생명e스포츠(Hanwha Life Esports, HLE)가 창단 후 처음으로 2024 LCK(League of Champions Korea)써머의 결승에서 최종 우승컵을 차지했습니다! 한화생명은 2018년 한국의 금융사로서는 최초로 리그오브레전드(LoL)팀을 창단한 이후 차별화된 선수단 운영과 팬 서비스로 국내외에서 많은 인기를 얻고있는데요, 오랜 노력의 결실을 맺어 드디어 올해 전 세계 MZ들의 축제인 ‘롤드컵’에 진출하게 되었습니다! HLE의 세계 속 활약을 기대해 주세요!
PHOTOS: Hanwha Life team becomes new League of Legends champions | AJU PRESS