Light Conversion님의 커버사진
Light Conversion

Light Conversion

가전제품, 전기 및 전자제품 제조

Femtosecond solutions: lasers, spectroscopy systems, optical parametric amplifiers and more


LIGHT CONVERSION designs and manufactures femtosecond lasers, wavelength-tunable sources (OPAs), optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers (OPCPAs), microscopy sources, and spectroscopy systems for industrial, scientific, and medical applications. All together the portfolio forms a best-in-class set of devices for femtosecond applications in industry, medicine, and research. LIGHT CONVERSION has maintained stable growth in international markets and established itself as a world-class manufacturer of high-value laser products while keeping close ties with academia and investing significantly back into its core research and development operations.

가전제품, 전기 및 전자제품 제조
회사 규모
직원 501 - 1,000명
전문 분야
Lasers, Laser systems, Optical parametric amplifiers, Femtosecond Lasers, PHAROS laser, CARBIDE laser, Spectroscopy system HARPIA 및 Nonlinear microscopy


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    Keramikų g. 2B

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  • Gongyuan Dao building B, Nanshan

    CN Guangdong Shenzhen 518054

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  • No. 510, Hanshin S-meca, 65, Techno 3-ro

    KR Yuseong-Gu Daejeon 34016

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  • 201 South Wallace

    Suite B-2C

    US Bozeman MT 59715

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Light Conversion 직원


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    팔로워 9,733명

    Light Conversion steps into its 31st year with a pocketful of milestones collected during its 30th jubilee. The year was marked by innovation, with new product launches and signature product updates. The company introduced the novel #HARPIA-LIGHT tabletop #spectroscopy #system - classified as a Class 1 laser product, the system combines accessibility, versatility, and unparalleled performance in a single-box design. Additionally, Light Conversion’s signature Yb-based #femtosecond #lasers saw significant specification upgrades with #CARBIDE‘s repetition rate boosted to 10 MHz and #PHAROS-UP‘s pulse energy now reaching 1 mJ while maintaining a <100 fs pulse duration. With just one stage of post-compression, #PHAROS-UP can achieve sub-10 fs pulse durations and be actively CEP-locked. The company also celebrated shipping its 1000th #ORPHEUS optical parametric amplifier for Yb-based lasers, reinforcing its position as the supplier of 95% of OPAs worldwide. This milestone was complemented by the shipment of the 100th #HARPIA ultrafast spectroscopy system. These occasions were among the many that brought the Light Conversion community together to celebrate its achievements. Here’s to another 30 years of driving world-class change with best-in-class #femtosecond #laser systems!

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    팔로워 9,733명

    #OPCPA is the only currently available laser technology that simultaneously provides high peak and average power along with few-cycle pulse durations, meeting the demands of the most advanced scientific applications. This February, Light Conversion completed the installation of its ORPHEUS-OPCPA system at ICFO. Pumped by the #PHAROS #femtosecond #laser, the system generates CEP‑stable, few-cycle pulses at a center wavelength of 2000 nm. At ICFO, the Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics group, led by Prof. Dr. Jens Biegert, works in a highly interdisciplinary field which fuses ultrafast laser physics, extreme nonlinear optics, atomic and molecular physics, SXR spectroscopy, X-ray optics, UHV technology, and electron-ion coincidence imaging techniques. The newly installed ORPHEUS-OPCPA will be used for soft X-ray generation and spectroscopy in the water window.

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    팔로워 9,733명

    High harmonic generation (#HHG) is one of the most sophisticated applications of high-energy femtosecond pulses. Researchers can generate higher-order harmonics extending even into the soft X-ray range by utilizing intense laser pulses. #HHG can even reach the attosecond scale with its broad bandwidth and short wavelengths.   #HHG also enables lightwave electronics (#LWE), which researchers see as the future technology for powering electronics in semiconductor chips, quantum sensors, and quantum computers. #LWE could allow researchers to directly observe how quantum information is processed and how complex phenomena, such as superconductivity, emerge at the quantum level. It also holds potential for artificial intelligence, where rapid, energy-efficient data processing could significantly accelerate learning algorithms and decision-making. In sensing technologies, #LWE may foster the development of more accurate sensors, benefiting fields ranging from medical diagnostics to environmental monitoring.   Generating #HHG typically requires laser intensities on the order of 10¹⁴ W/cm². Traditionally, this process has been restricted to low pulse repetition rates, usually not exceeding a few kilohertz. However, many scientific applications could benefit from higher repetition rates. Yb-based #femtosecond #laser sources provide a compact, table-top solution for generating ultrafast, high-repetition-rate, and coherent EUV light - enabling state-of-the-art experiments that were previously only feasible at large-scale synchrotron facilities.   Follow the link in the comments section to learn more about #LWE powered by Light Conversion’s #femtosecond #lasers in an article by Mackillo Kira (University of Michigan) and Rupert Huber (University of Regensburg), published by Optica.

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  • Light Conversion님이 퍼감

    🔬 Photonic Solutions Ltd. offers state-of-the-art technologies for an extensive range of applications such as #2photon and #3photon imaging. 👨🔬 We installed a new #femtosecond laser system at the Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics - University of Oxford, with Prof Armin Lak and Dr Huriye Atilgan. They are using three-photon imaging to investigate activity in deep brain structures during decision-making behaviour.  👩🔬 Light Conversion's CRONUS-3P laser system is a compact, single-box, turn-key solution, designed specifically for three-photon #microscopy. It is quick and easy to install, and even simpler to use. We can’t wait to see the results. Get in touch for more information! 🌐

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    팔로워 9,733명

    Greta Bučytė, Product Manager for #HARPIA Spectroscopy Systems at Light Conversion, is a true #femtoinfluencer both within the company and beyond. Starting as a laser technician just six years ago, she now leads international projects for spectroscopy systems, collaborating with top university laboratories around the world. Learn more about Greta Bučytė‘s journey through the world of photonics in an exclusive interview by following the link in the comments section. Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

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    팔로워 9,733명

    The Lithuanian Academy of Science has recognized fellow researchers from Light Conversion, EKSPLA, and Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University for their research on High-Power Few-Optical-Cycle Pulse Sources for Extreme Light Technologies (2009–2023). These sources are based on the optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (#OPCPA) - a concept first demonstrated in 1992 by researchers at Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University. The team proposed that using high-energy pump pulses to amplify a chirped and stretched signal in an optical parametric amplifier could boost #femtosecond pulse power to the terawatt level. Since then, the #OPCPA has become a globally recognized and rapidly advancing technology for generating high-power #femtosecond pulses. A prime example is the SYLOS 3 system, installed at the ELI ALPS Research Institute in Hungary. Designed and implemented by a consortium of Light Conversion and EKSPLA, SYLOS 3 delivers 15 TW of peak power at a 1 kHz repetition rate with an 8 fs pulse duration. Its impressive parameters enable a wide range of cutting-edge experiments, including coherent X-ray generation through gas, electron acceleration, and surface higher-order harmonic generation. Congratulations to Jonas Adamonis, Rimantas Budriūnas, Andrejus Michailovas, Tomas Stanislauskas, and Arūnas Varanavičius for their outstanding achievements.

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  • Light Conversion님 단체 페이지를 조회합니다.

    팔로워 9,733명

    Only a few realize how essential lasers are to the technologies we rely on today and the innovations shaping tomorrow - almost everyone owns an electronic device containing components processed with a femtosecond laser. Additionally, the generation and transport parameters of charge carriers, which are critical for evaluating optoelectronic devices, can be analyzed using #ultrafast #laser #spectrometers. Researchers from the Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology and Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) employed Light Conversion’s #HARPIA-TG transient grating #spectrometer to study the effect of Zn2+ substitution in CsPbI3 perovskite (partially replacing Pb2+ with Zn2+) on charge carrier lifetimes and diffusion coefficients. The diffusion coefficient, diffusion length, and charge carrier lifetime were measured across a wide range of excitation densities using both fast and slow light-induced transient grating (#LITG) methods. #LITG is a non-destructive pump-probe technique that utilizes laser interference instead of a single laser beam to excite a sample, enabling the evaluation of carrier lifetime and diffusion coefficient. Learn more about the achievements of this study by following the link in the comments section. Congratulations to Abdul Mannan Majeed, Kazimieras Nomeika, Mantas Auruškevičius, Sandra Stanionytė, Edvinas Radiunas, and Patrik Scajev.

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  • Light Conversion님 단체 페이지를 조회합니다.

    팔로워 9,733명

    Light Conversion’s industrial-grade Yb-based #femtosecond #lasers deliver unparalleled precision and flexibility for today’s most demanding applications. The physical parameters of these lasers are essential to #micromachining of various materials, enabling fabrication that supports applications across a range of high-precision industries. In fact, many of us have even been “processed” by a femtosecond laser ourselves as these lasers play a crucial role in manufacturing #stents and other #medical #devices. Stents save lives by keeping blood vessels open. A stent is a tiny wire mesh or precisely cut tube inserted into a narrowed or blocked blood vessel. Today, laser-based #stent #cutting is the preferred method for medical device manufacturers, allowing precise fabrication from various metallic alloys, plastics, and other biocompatible materials. The challenge of manufacturing these materials with micrometer-level precision makes #PHAROS or #CARBIDE #femtosecond #lasers the ideal tools for stent cutting, eliminating the need for costly post-processing and cleaning steps. #Femtosecond #laser marking ensures that #medical #devices meet regulatory standards while maintaining functionality and patient safety. These lasers emit ultrashort pulses that interact with the material surface without generating significant heat. The marks produced by #femtosecond #lasers do not introduce contaminants or negatively impact the material, maintaining the biocompatibility required for medical devices. The marks are permanent and resistant to wear, sterilization, and harsh environments – a critical requirement for devices that undergo repeated use and exposure to medical cleaning processes. Discover how Light Conversion’s industrial-grade #femtosecond #lasers can give you a competitive advantage in your high-precision applications at MD&M Trade Shows #MDMWest in Anaheim, California. Meet Domas Baliukonis and Aivaras Urniezius at booth #717 on February 4–6.

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  • Light Conversion님 단체 페이지를 조회합니다.

    팔로워 9,733명

    Light Conversion’s #HARPIA #ultrafast #spectroscopy system performs a variety of sophisticated time-resolved spectroscopic measurements, allowing researchers to explore processes in various materials with femtosecond temporal resolution. This technique uncovers the dynamic properties of molecules and materials across a broad range of time scales, aiding our understanding of fundamental processes in chemistry and physics. After all, these processes occur in less than a picosecond - how else could we study them if not with femtosecond lasers? #HARPIA #spectroscopy #systems provide a complete solution, including femtosecond lasers, optical parametric amplifiers, spectrometers, and dedicated measurement and analysis software – all developed by Light Conversion. The system offers three extension modules built around the HARPIA-TA transient absorption spectrometer, allowing to customize the system to meet specific measurement needs. Additionally, the HARPIA-TG transient grating spectroscopy system is designed to measure diffusion coefficients, carrier lifetimes, and diffusion lengths through direct optical means. Light Conversion’s product portfolio also features the HARPIA-LIGHT tabletop spectroscopy system. Despite its compact size, it houses an industrial-grade #CARBIDE #femtosecond #laser and a spectrograph with advanced, yet user-friendly data acquisition software. Classified as a Class 1 laser product, the system combines accessibility, versatility, and unparalleled performance in a single-box design.   Discover how #ultrafast #spectroscopy can support your research applications with Light Conversion‘s #HARPIA #spectroscopy systems. Meet Stefan Piontek, Ph.D. at the Swiss Surface and Interface Symposium #SAOG at the College of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg on January 31st.

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