We are the recruiting company that supports language education to large and small enterprises executives across the nation. We, at Noble Education aim to provide an exemplary and educational environment for both native English teachers and company organizers.
- 웹사이트
Noble Education 외부 링크
- 업계
- 교육 행정 프로그램
- 회사 규모
- 직원 11-50명
- 본사
- Gangnam-Gu Seoul
- 설립
- 2008
- 전문 분야
- 출강교육, recruiting, education, language, 기업교육 및 언어교육
Hakdong-Ro 156
KR Gangnam-Gu Seoul 06111
Noble Education 직원
Mohamamd Zeeshan Zafar
Education Courses Sales Consultant / Account Manager at Noble Education
Rebecca Song
Recruiting Team Lead
Ubaidur Rehman Ayubi
Tutor|Founder|Administrator|Writer|Public Speaker|Analyst|Assistant Manager
Bushra Khanam
Museologist ; Research Assistant ; Teaching Professional