Plasmapp Co., Ltd. is an innovative manufacturing company specializing in plasma technologies originated at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Based on this technology, Plasmapp has devised a novel plasma sterilizer for medical tools. This technology is made possible by our STERPACK® packaging pouches, which feature a sterilization cycle time of only 5 minutes, and which allow sterilization to be completed at a low temperature of 55ºC. In addition to our medical sterilization devices, Plasmapp has also developed the Linear Jet Plasma Source (LJPS®). This device is used to diffuse the glow-like discharge in manufacturing lines for rechargeable batteries, and can even be used with air or nitrogen gas applied. Plasmapp Co., Ltd. values innovation and we are working hard to create smart plasma applications to satisfy the needs of a high-tech world. It is our goal to provide you with high-quality and cutting-edge plasma solutions. When it comes to plasma, think Plasmapp!
- 웹사이트
Plasmapp Co. Ltd. 외부 링크
- 업계
- 의료장비 제조
- 회사 규모
- 직원 51-200명
- 본사
- Daejeon Yuseong-gu
- 유형
- 비상장기업
- 설립
- 2015
- 전문 분야
- plasma, plasma technology, sterilizers, sterilization, plasma sterilizers 및 plasma sources
83 Jukdong-ro
KR Daejeon Yuseong-gu 34127