Moab is pretty expensive, which I guess is what I thought a $170/night ageing motel at the edge of town was a good idea. There were certainly some odd features to the place. Nobody is EVER in the office--the manager (owner?) texts you instructions on getting into your room. On the plus side, if you text him with any problems (like a poorly flushing toilet) he responds promptly. I also had to ask him for the wifi password, which was on a plaque on the wall over the TV, not where I would usually think of looking. A coffee maker was supplied, but with the wrong shape of coffee inserts provided so the coffee didn't brew very well. Plus no cardboard cups for coffee were provided--there are ceramic coffee cups hanging on the wall with a sign saying they are $5.00. So I used one, washed, it, and put it back. No plastic cups in the bathroom to help with teeth brush either, I used my hiking water bottle. On the plus side, my room (on the back side of the motel) was very quiet--not only was there no traffic noise but I didn't hear the other guests either. But strange sounds came from beyond the bathroom--perhaps a noisy heating system?