오크브룩 호텔 후기

더블트리 바이 힐튼 시카고 - 오크 브룩
3.7/5112개의 리뷰
Absolute worst Hilton property I’ve stayed at in recent memory. ACs weren’t functioning properly and were blowing hot air making it very uncomfortable and hard to sleep. You got a different answer depending on who you asked. Front desk said engineers were working on it, a maintenance member said it had to do with the weather and they still had tarps on top of the units on the roof, another front desk associate said certain wings of the hotel just don’t cool off as much as others which turned out not to be true after I switched rooms, and it was just as hot. When I say hot, I’m talking close to 80° inside the room. I know because I bought a temperature gauge and brought it back to the room to find out. The hallways and lobby are much cooler than the rooms. Everyone was complaining and the hotel did very little to accommodate the concerns. I was told they could check me out so I could go to another hotel if I would like. Another solution from one of the hotel staff was to put me in a room with a balcony, and they said to prop open the door and let the air flow through. Meaning both the balcony door and the hotel room door. I would like to say Crystal and Sam in the evening at the front desk tried to help, but I believe their hands were tied in what they could do for the actual air. They offered a fan and waters. They were very friendly, despite how uncomfortable it was. Inside the room was very rundown. Several security items were broken, including the safety door latch, and there was no way to lock the sliding door or sliding screen on the balcony. In addition, the bathrooms were filthy, and a lot of the fixtures coming apart. See the pictures. Stay away at all costs. Plenty of other great options anywhere but here.

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