The ruin of Fort Cornwallis was considerably big and there was no advisable sightseeing route. So I walked to and fro, but I think that I saw almost all the items such as the ruin of the church, barracks, and gunpowder magazines. The Diamond Princess was close at hand from the photographing point. I visited Fort York (link) in Toronto in 2012 where the War of 1812 had been fiercely fought between Great Britain and the US. The fort resembled Fort Cornwallis. The Porta de Santiago (link), which I had seen last summer in Malacca, had been fortified by Britain. It also resembled Fort Cornwallis.
As for Japan, the period from the 17th century to the middle of the 19th was the peaceful Edo Era, during which Japan made remarkable progress on the basis of arts and culture. I realized that Japan had been really lucky not to be involved in such international conflicts.
Goryokaku Fort (link), which had been built in the end of the Edo Era, was also tinged with the same characteristics as Fort Cornwallis. According to the explanation board, Fort Cornwallis seemed to be star-shaped.
In the fort, I came across a German group and I exchanged greetings in German. I'm now taking German lessons twice a month. My German teacher is patient enough with my clumsy speaking and listens to my words carefully, but I have no opportunity to talk with ordinary German people. I was so happy to chat with them.
War of 1812 英米戦争(1812~14、アメリカとイギリスの間の戦争)
マラッカ海峡クルージング記: コーンウォリス要塞 その2
要塞跡はかなり広い。順路は決められていないため自由勝手に歩いた。少し見逃したものがあるかも知れないが、すべての場所を見学できたと思う。要塞跡の記念撮影ポイントからダイヤモンド・プリンセスはすぐそこに見えた。教会跡、兵舎跡、弾薬庫なども保存されていた。2012年に訪れた英米戦争の激戦地トロントにもFort Yorkというよく似た砦があった。昨年秋に訪問したマラッカで見たサンチャゴ砦も同時期にイギリスによって強化されたもので、レンガで作られていた。
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