This marks the fifth year of Lady Liberty’s Lamp, and we’re glad you’ve been with us for this long. We’re especially thankful to all of the hare-brained trolls who have provided us bucketloads of side-splitting laughs. So, for this landmark anniversary, let’s take a look at one of the funnier half-wits to darken our towels.
Say hello to Joe Alice Daves of Kirkland, Arizona. Joe believes he’s a “libertarian heathen” and has some very mean things to say about us! Let’s take a look at this stirring, erudite skewering of a few our posts. Or not. We’ll keep his spelling and formatting intact, for added flavor. If you’re wondering why paying attention to this nobody, we’re highlighting him as a typical Asatru Folk Assembly apologist– sure, the spelling might be a little different, but the arguments are the same. Almost as if they’re all reading off a script.
Direct from his failure of a blog!
the liberty lamp blog has to my knowledge done two posts on Steve and the AFA these are both filled with hate speech and ridiculous arguments against us.
Oh boy. Someone isn’t familiar with the concept of a “repost.” Circle Ansuz is the author of the posts in question. We just added our own comments. Ridiculous arguments? You mean evidence backed up by comprehensive citations and sources? Dear me, must be that whole “reality has a liberal bias” thing again. Drat!
first both posts begin with images of Nazi symbolism a cheap stunt to shock and horrify their readers ,
And this person can’t read a caption either. I mean, if someone makes a post about subject X, then posts a picture of subject X and adds a caption referencing subject X, they certainly must be completely unrelated and only posted for shock value. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck– well, it must be a refrigerator.
second they attempt to use arrogance and “logic” to argue against the theory of meta genetics and genetic memory here is one example when referring to another article they posted the link to “Details McNallen’s goofy theories on why the souls of white people are incompatible with people of other races, as if they are distinct species”
Wait! That’s point two? You mean that complaining about the fact that you can’t understand how an old cult obsessed with racial spiritualism is related to a new cult obsessed with racial spiritualism constitutes “point one?” This is the type of mental athlete that the AFA sports as its champions? Sigh.
But why did you leave off the bit about how McNallen was an ardent, foaming supporter of South African death squads? Are you ashamed of your cult leader’s past? Tsk tsk, such disobedience means you’ll get half your serving of gruel for dinner! But enough of that– is there any actual refutation of what Circle Ansuz laid out? You know, any proof that Steven McNallen didn’t actually say those things that he actually said? No? This isn’t a refutation or a rebuttal, this is you being dense.
and another ” he quite literally believes that the souls of different races are as incompatible as an Allen wrench to a flat-head screw”
Yes, that’s right, that’s the whole concept of “aryans” not being able to be reincarnated as “non aryans.” Where’s the rebuttal or refutation?
you can not argue against a religious belief you either believe in or you don’t ( I think human history should have taught us that by now )
Wait, what? I can’t even parse this properly. Do you mean to say that it is not possible to argue against a religious belief that you do or do not believe in, or do you mean to say that arguing against a religious belief is impossible in and of itself? In either case, there are millennia of atheist philosophers who stridently disagree. Lest I be penalized for engaging in a straw-man argument, I’ll take your argument as written: How did history prove that it is impossible to argue against a religious belief? You have never actually provided any evidence to support this claim. Of course, this whole statement is preposterous– any subject can be argued. Refusing to accept the existence of those arguments doesn’t make them go away, it weakens your own position to a point where the only thing propping up your tissue of lies is the blind fervor of your adherents. Force is no substitute for intellect. This head-in-the-sand approach seems to be pretty typical of AFA apologists.
and sounding condensed to get people to agree with you is a older cheat stunt then propaganda.
Did you mean “condescending?” We only do that because it’s funny to laugh at people who are so desperately trying to push half-baked racist puffery about how non-whites are genetically incapable of being as spiritually “advanced” as “pure whites.” If there’s anyone more deserving of mockery and derision than the people trying to build a new Thule Society, it’s the people who act as feeble apologists for these crackpots. People like you.
third if different races evolved to look differently then why would they not be spiritual different as well ( see doesn’t sound so goofy does it?)
This makes as much sense as the idiotic creationist trope of “if man evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?” You’re making a straw man argument. There are spiritual differences between cultures, and there are significant similarities– but this isn’t the position of the AFA, and you know that. The position of the AFA is that non-whites are incompatible with “white spirituality.” This isn’t a question of whether or not different cultures have different religious practices, we’re talking about how the AFA perpetuates the notion that Europeans have a homogenous monoculture through the asinine theory that “white” people are genetically and spiritually incompatible with other races– as if we’re talking about dogs and fish interbreeding. The mixed race female cosplayers on your facebook page can attest to the fallacy of your position.
fourth they make many other bigoted comments against us
“Waah, someone’s being mean to me on the internet! I’m going to call them a bigot because it sounds good even though I have no idea what the word actually means!” Have we or Circle Ansuz ever made any derrogatory statements about heathens, pagans or non-christian religions? Of course not. We make derrogatory statements about racist piles of shit who are trying to legitimize their backwards, paranoid and intellectually bankrupt desires for race wars under the guise of spirituality, as if having a minority religious belief is a magical shield against criticism. It’s not “bigotry” to point out that your spiritual leader thought that killing people for fun and profit was a jolly good idea, nor is it “hate speech” to expose links between someone trying to act squeaky clean and neo-nazi groups– these are things called “facts.” We’re sorry that you’re offended by the ugly truth.
like this one “every time we’ve probed this disturbing tendency within the pagan scene, we’ve hit brick walls, hostility or half-assed weasel-worded apologies and excuses. The most common excuse we’ve heard was the “in the spirit of Frith, we don’t speak ill of our brothers and sisters in the heathen community.” Excuse me? There’s a loathsome, glad-handing, grinning creature wriggling under the skin of your community and you claim you’re either unwilling or unable to talk about his batshit-crazy racial theories because it will upset people? To niflhel with that
This isn’t what “bigoted” means.
So “loyalty to your folk” means apologizing for and covering up a racist scam artist? It means crushing dissent and flinging the terms “racist” and “bigot” at anyone who dares question your litany of deceit? It means unquestioningly swallowing demonstrable hogwash in the mistaken belief that ideological purity and subservience to a deranged fool with a Napoleon complex is the path to spiritual liberation? Hey man, if you don’t want people classifying your dearly held beliefs as a bunch of racist garbage, it might help for you to, you know, distance yourself from racist garbage. Unless you actually are a racist pile of shit– in which case you should stop being such a vile coward and admit it. At least the goose-stepping idiots with uniform fetishes are proud to admit that they’re racist buffoons.
these are hate filled arguments and false claims of racism against us another example when they refer to the AFA and steve as and i quote “the cancerous sludge known as the Asatru Folk Assembly and McNallen himself”
in conclusion this is just hate speech if you want to learn about the AFA go to rune