I had the privilege and joy of visiting five different seminaries across the United States (Boston, New York, and Detroit) and meeting with wonderful people devoted to priestly formation missions to learn about their ministry and discuss the challenges in priestly vocation and formation. I am very much grateful for this enlightening experience and these enriching meetings.
-Rev. Stephen E. Salocks, Rector of St. John's Seminary, Boston, MA.
-Fr. Patrick O’Rourke, Dean of Students at Hellenic College Holy Cross, Boston, MA.
-Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, Dean of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, New York, NY.
-His Grace Bishop James Massa (Rector Bishop) and Fr. Michel Bruno, Dean of Seminarians at St. Joseph Seminary, New York, NY.
-Fr. Charles Fox, the vice Rector at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI.