Don’t sell your Leica R lenses yet

I would suggest that you wait till Photokina (September, 2010) before you sell your Leica R lenses.

Leica R lenses prices went down in price on eBay in the past 12 months but I think this will change very soon.

As I already mentioned before, Leica did promise a R solution on a digital body and I suspect that this solution will have something to do with the rumored Leica EVIL camera. Another flashback: Stefan Daniel said in one of the old video interviews that going the DSLR route for Leica “is like jumping in a pool full of sharks” (the S2 is a DSLR but in a different category). The only way to provide an R solution without going the DSLR route is to go mirrorless (EVIL=Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens). I also think that Leica will produce few new lenses, specifically designed for that new EVIL camera/system.
