Category Archives: Leica R

Leica R

Large batch of used Leica cameras and lenses now available at the Leica Store in San Francisco

The Leica Store in San Francisco uploaded close to 200 used Leica items to their online store, including two Hermes MP sets, a M7 Titanium set, many Leica M lenses, and few rare Leica R lenses. The full list of available used Leica gear is available here (PDF file). Additional information on used gear at the Leica Store San Francisco […]

Also posted in Leica Lenses, Leica M, Leica T, Other Leica Stuff | 3 Comments

Rumor: Leica will introduce a new R lens adapter for the upcoming digital M rangefinder

The Leica event “Das Wesentliche” will take place on September 17th (next Monday) in Cologne. The only update I have for now is that Leica will introduce a new M mount adapter for R lenses. If you still have your R glass, soon you will be able to use it on the upcoming Leica M rangefinder (may […]

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Leica R10 and M9 design concepts

The above video shows a design concept for a Leica R10 camera by Pirela Neuman. This is just the artist’s view on how a digital R10 would look like and is not related to Leica AG in any way (I have to say this because there were some misunderstandings in the past). You can also check […]

Also posted in Leica M9 | Tagged | 26 Comments

Don’t sell your Leica R lenses yet

I would suggest that you wait till Photokina (September, 2010) before you sell your Leica R lenses. Leica R lenses prices went down in price on eBay in the past 12 months but I think this will change very soon. As I already mentioned before, Leica did promise a R solution on a digital body and […]

Also posted in Leica T | 16 Comments

Norbert Rosing about his Leica R9 (video)

Another video – Norbert Rosing and his Leica R9:

Posted in Leica R | 4 Comments

Unidentified Leica Camera (ULC)

Over at the l-camera-forum a member posted a picture of what appears to be is an Undentified Leica Camera (ULC). The discussion is heating up. Here is a direct link to the picture.

Posted in Leica R | Tagged | 12 Comments

Leica to auction old R system production tools

The rumor is that Leica is going to auction some old production tools, mainly for the R system, that are no longer in use. The auction is expected to be handled by  Westlicht (they recently auctioned some Leica M9 prototypes). You can also see this movie about a Leica auction at Westlich from earlier this year.

Also posted in Leica Auction Madness | Leave a Comment

New Q&A session with Stefan Daniel from Leica

Every line from this Q&A session is important, so instead of me rewriting it here just go to the l-camera-forum and read the original post.

Also posted in Leica M9, Leica X | Leave a Comment