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This show focuses on the luxury consignment / resale / vintage archival segment of the retail industry including vintage shows, ebay, Poshmark and 1stDibs as well as the Hollywood styling industry. Vintage pop ups. This show gives behind the scenes insight and frank talk about all sides of the business. The show interviews leaders in the styling, reselling and consignment industry. Host, Jennie Walker, gives personal insights through her own experiences as a reseller and stylist through The ...
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Since launching in 2000, All Songs Considered has been NPR's flagship program for music discovery, artist interviews and conversations with friends and fellow music lovers about the really big questions, like what was the best decade for music, are there albums everyone can agree on, and what do you put on when you need a good cry? Weekly, with host Robin Hilton and the NPR Music family.
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Dan Falk and Amanda Gefter

From neurons to nanotech and from quarks to the cosmos, BookLab is the podcast that puts science books under the microscope! Join hosts Dan Falk and Amanda Gefter for a look at the latest in popular science writing: what’s new, what’s hot, and what you ought to be reading right now.
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Wining About Herstory

Wining About Herstory

Have you ever wondered where all of the women were in your history books? You're not alone! Join long time gal pals, Kelley & Emily, as they swap stories about incredible women from history over a cheap bottle of wine. They take wining to a whole new level. Women's history has never been this tipsy!
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The Spear

Modern War Institute at West Point

The Spear is a podcast from the Modern War Institute at West Point. It sets out to explore the combat experience, with each episode featuring a guest who tells a detailed and personal story, describing the events and exploring topics like decision-making under stress and what it feels like to be in combat.
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Salt & Spine

Brian Hogan Stewart

We tell the compelling stories behind cookbooks you won't get anywhere else. Featuring interviews with leading authors, we explore the art and craft of cookbooks, looking at both new and vintage cookbooks and the inspirations behind them … the compelling people who create them … and their impact on home cooks and the culinary world. saltandspine.substack.com
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Museums, galleries and historic houses are treasure troves of items from the past. But how easy is it at these sites to unknowingly just walk straight past an object with an incredible story to tell? In this podcast series host Ploy Radford talks to the experts at different museums, galleries and historic houses about the most underrated objects in their collection, and unveils some fantastic facts.
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A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. France 24, Germany, Japan, and Cuba.
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Dermatology Weekly

Medscape Professional Network

Official Podcast feed of MDedge Dermatology and Cutis Peer-to-Peer, part of the Medscape Professional Network. Weekly episodes include the latest in Dermatology News and peer-to-peer interviews with Doctor Vincent A. DeLeo, MD, and Dr. Candrice Heath, MD. Plus, resident discussions geared toward physicians-in-training. The information in this podcast is provided for informational and educational purposes only.
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Celtic Christmas Music

Christmas Music Lover and Celtic Musician, Marc Gunn

If you love Christmas and Celtic music, you should be subscribed to this podcast. It is absolutely free to subscribe. It features over 30 hours of great Celtic Christmas music from all the top Celtic podcasts online. Every few days from the beginning of December until Christmas, the Celtic Christmas Podcast shares with you the Christmas music and entertainment from various Celtic podcasts online. This podcast features a wealth of Celtic Christmas craic for your holiday pleasure.
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StarTalk Radio

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Science, pop culture, and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, and his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities, and scientific experts explore astronomy, physics, and everything else there is to know about life in the universe. New episodes premiere Tuesdays. Keep Looking Up! Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
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Fork U(niversity) Not everything you put in your mouth is good for you. There’s a lot of medical information thrown around out there. How are you to know what information you can trust, and what’s just plain old quackery? You can’t rely on your own “google fu”. You can’t count on quality medical advice from Facebook. You need a doctor in your corner. On each episode of Your Doctor’s Orders, Dr. Terry Simpson will cut through the clutter and noise that always seems to follow the latest medica ...
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Hi! My name is Lindsay and I host Stuff about Things: An Art History Podcast. It is a podcast where I tell you stuff about things. From giant Buddhas to lost paintings, each episode is a deep dive into a particular work of art, artist, or issue within the world of art history. My goal is to make art history accessible, enjoyable, and fun for anyone with a digital device and a desire to learn! My dog, Gus, also plays a key role as the podcast's muse and mascot. Come for the information, stay ...
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