Su oru susiduriame kiekvieną mūsų gyvenimo akimirką. Tačiau ar gerai žinome, ką įkvepiame? 🤔💨 Skirtingose vietose aplink mus ore sklendžia pačios įvairiausios aerozolio dalelės – nuo natūralių iki sukeltų žmogaus veiklos. Deja, pastarosios kenkia aplinkai bei mūsų sveikatai, todėl itin svarbu jas tyrinėti ir ieškoti būdų, kaip spręsti šią problemą. 🔬🧪 Oro taršą ir aerozolio dalelių judėjimą oro masėmis nagrinėja FTMC Aplinkotyros skyriaus doktorantė Agnė Minderytė. 🏞️📡 Mokslininkės tyrimų laukas driekiasi nuo Švedijos miškų iki Preilos paplūdimio; nuo Varšuvos universiteto lazerių iki FTMC stogo Vilniuje. 🔬 FTMC tinklalaidėje „Tai ką jūs ten darot?“ Agnė pasakoja, kas yra tos plika akimi nematomos oro dalelės, kaip vyksta mokslininkės darbas, kuo lietuviai gali džiaugtis ir dėl ko reikėtų susirūpinti. 😨 🎧 Kviečiame klausytis LRT Radiotekoje ir žiūrėti FTMC „YouTube“ kanale! 👉 Nuorodos – komentaruose ------ LRT #OroTarsa #Aerozoliai #FTMC #MokslasLietuvoje #Aplinkotyra #TvariAteitis #MoksliniaiTyrimai #SveikaAplinka #OroKokybė #TyrinėkPasaulį #AplinkosApsauga #MokslasKasdien #Ekologija #KlimatoKaita #ŠvarusOras #Tvarumas #Lazeriai #LietuvosMokslas #Podcastas #LRTRadioteka
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)
Research Services
Vilnius, Vilniaus 2,656 followers
The largest scientific research institution in Lithuania
About us
CENTER FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FTMC) is the largest scientific research institution carrying out unique fundamental research, and technological development works in scientific fields of laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, bio and nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, electronics, etc. in Lithuania. Not only the advanced scientific research and the technological development work are performed in FTMC, but also PhD studies and post-doc fellowships are organized as well as qualified researchers capable of performing an independent high level research and solving scientific problems on their own are trained. In the development of new technologies and innovative devices FTMC is closely cooperating with scientists from Germany, France, Great Britain, Scotland, Poland, Taiwan, USA and other countries and is implementing joint European Union and bilateral scientific projects. FTMC and its researchers are members of various international organizations: EARTO (European Association of Research and Technology), EPIC (European Photonics Industry Association), OSA (Optical Society of America) and LIA (Laser Institute of America).
- Website
External link for Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)
- Industry
- Research Services
- Company size
- 501-1,000 employees
- Headquarters
- Vilnius, Vilniaus
- Type
- Partnership
- Founded
- 2010
- Specialties
- chemistry, laser technology, laser, astrophysics, spectroscopy, science, research, technological development, optoelectronics, fundamental research, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, and electronics
Sauletekio aleja
Vilnius, Vilniaus, LT
Savanoriu prospektas
Vilnius, Vilniaus 03113, LT
Demokratų gatvė
Kaunas, Kauno Apskritis, LT
Employees at Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)
You are invited to an important event - the Presentation of Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Agenda ⚛️ Quantum technologies are gaining global attention for their potential to revolutionize fields ranging from information security to high-performance computing and beyond. As these technologies advance and find real-world applications, their importance continues to grow. Lithuania is also taking its first steps in this field, actively engaging in its development and seizing emerging opportunities. 🎯 The Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Association Quantum Lithuania (of which FTMC is one of the founding members) is leading the effort to establish a national Quantum Agenda - a strategic document outlining the country’s priorities and opportunities in this field. Organizations from Lithuania’s scientific, business, and public sectors have actively contributed to shaping these guidelines, forming the Lithuanian quantum technologies steering committee. 🤝 This event marks the first public presentation of Lithuania’s Quantum Agenda and its implications for science, business, and society. It will also outline a long-term strategy for the development of this rapidly growing field. 📈 📍 Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Gedimino pr. 3, Vilnius 📅 February 28 (Friday) ⏰ 13:00–16:00 The event will be held in English. Event programme and free registration: _____ Vilniaus universitetas / Vilnius University Novian Technologies #Lithuania #QuantumTechnologies #Technologies #QuantumAgenda #QuantumLithuania #LQTA #Tech #FTMC
Augustinas Petrulėnas, a physicist in the Solid-State Lasers Laboratory of the FTMC Department of Laser Technologies, has been awarded a PhD degree. 🎓 Today, he defended his thesis on "Femtosecond pulse generation in the 1.1–3 μm range by parametric and stimulated Raman amplification of supercontinuum" (academic supervisor: Dr Aleksėj M. Rodin). 💥 Congratulations to the colleague and best wishes for further success! 🙌 This work has explored various methods for generating femtosecond (a quadrillion times shorter per second!) laser light pulses in the SWIR (Short-Wavelength Infrared Range). ⚡️ According to the scientist, the area of this research is both technologically and practically relevant, as laser radiation in this infrared wavelength range can be widely used in spectroscopy, process diagnostics, medical imaging of biological tissues, materials processing, communications and strong field physics experiments. ⚛️ "I am most pleased that, despite the difficulty of developing systems in this spectral range due to the lack of instrumentation and the complexity of the imaging radiation, we have been able to demonstrate system performance that is on par with laser systems already developed worldwide. I therefore hope that the results of this research will open up new horizons in the development of ultra-short pulse laser sources in the short-wave and mid-infrared range," says the new PhD.
Pirmadienį – speciali LRT RADIJO transliacija iš FTMC 🎙️ Kaip Lietuva pakito per nepriklausomybės laikotarpį? Kuo didžiuojamės, o kur dar reikia pasitempti? Šiuos klausimus kelia LRT RADIJAS, tarp dviejų Lietuvai svarbių švenčių – Vasario 16-osios ir Kovo 11-osios – rengiantis specialų laidų ciklą Lietuvos pokyčiams apžvelgti – ir keturis pirmadienius iš eilės transliuojantis pokalbius iš įvairių Lietuvos vietų. 📻 Artėjantį pirmadienį, vasario 24-ąją, nuo 10 iki 12 val. radijas tiesiogiai transliuos iš didžiausios mokslinių tyrimų organizacijos Baltijos šalyse – Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centro (FTMC)! Pokalbiai vyks I aukšto hole (Saulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius). ▶️ Lietuvos pokyčiai per 35-erius Nepriklausomybės metus: kokie ryškiausi mokslo srityje? Nuo lazerių, genų žirklių iki gynybos inovacijų – kokias galimybes mūsų šalis jau išnaudojo ir kokių iššūkių kyla siekiant daugiau? 🔬 Šiomis ir kitomis temomis kalbės FTMC ekspertai dr. Andrejus Michailovas, dr. Karolis Stašys, dr. Julija Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, dr. Dovilė Čibiraitė-Lukenskienė, dr. Eivydas Andriukonis, dr. Raimonda Bogužaitė bei kitų institucijų įvairių kartų mokslininkai ir verslo atstovai. 🥼 Laidą ves žurnalistė Giedre Ciuzaite. 🎤 Vasario 24-ąją atvykite pas mus, įsijunkite LRT RADIJĄ arba stebėkite transliaciją internetu LRT portale! 🌐
On 17 February, FTMC was visited by Kazi Muntashir Murshed, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of Bangladesh to Lithuania and Poland, and Honorary Consul Sigitas Besagirskas.🤝 Marija Gutauskienė, FTMC Deputy Director for General Affairs, and her colleagues introduced the Center's activities to the guests. 🔬 Dr Wanessa Melo, an expert from the FTMC Department of Functional Materials and Electronics, presented the experiments carried out in the Bioelectrics Laboratory on bacteria, yeast, algae and other biological objects; and Dr Steigvilė Byčenkienė and Dr Ieva Uogintė, scientists from the Department of Environmental Research, shed light on the problem of microplastics and talked about scientific ways to study and dispose of them in our environment. 🧪 The guests expressed their interest in further activities with the FTMC, and one of the most relevant topics mentioned for Bangladesh was recycling and further use of waste. ♻️ 📸 FTMC _____ #Bangladesh #Visit #Meeting #KaziMuntashirMurshed #SigitasBesagirskas #Partnership
Join Us! 🤝 FTMC is a symbol of scientific progress in Lithuania, representing the country as a hub for high-tech innovation in Europe. It brings together top-level scientists and engineers working on the development and application of cutting-edge technologies. FTMC actively contributes to scientific advancement and enhances the competitiveness of Lithuania’s industry. 🔬 ------ #technology #science #chemistry #physics #nanotechnology #innovation #lasers #Lithuania #Europe #world #materialscience #electronics #engineering #research #hightech #future #scientificinnovation #labs #scientists
On the occasion of the Day of Restoration of Lithuania's Independence, the President Gitanas Nausėda, presented state awards for merits to Lithuania and for promoting the name of Lithuania worldwide. 🏅 We are very pleased that among the awardees is Prof. Dr habil. Arunas Ramanavicius, Head of the FTMC Department of Nanotechnology! ✨ The distinguished physicist and chemist has been awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas for his significant contribution to Lithuanian science and society, and for promoting the name of Lithuania worldwide. 🌎 We congratulate our colleague and are very proud! 🙌 📸 Robertas Dačkus / Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania
The Synergy of Science and Diplomacy: Foreign Diplomats Visit FTMC 🤝 On February 12, FTMC had the honor of hosting representatives from the embassies of Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Representatives from the European Commission Representation in Lithuania and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport also participated in the event. During the visit, FTMC Director Prof. Dr Ramūnas Skaudžius and his team presented the Center's activities, scientific achievements, and opportunities for international collaboration. We are delighted to have established new connections and engaged in meaningful discussions—conversations that we believe will pave the way for future partnerships and successful joint projects. Thank you to all participants, and we look forward to our next meeting! 📷 Judita Vadeikė ------ European Commission UK in Lithuania - British Embassy Vilnius Švietimo, mokslo ir sporto ministerija Karel Tesar Eglė Striungytė Agnė Camara Ringaile Saviciene Jūratė Dagienė Milda K. Neviera Jeanette Sautner Lepage Egle Jurkeviciene Jack Twiss Quarles van Ufford Hannah Pannwitz Strumskiene Salomėja Pranckienė #ScienceAndDiplomacy #InternationalCooperation #ResearchInnovation #FuturePartnerships #ScientificExcellence #InnovationForTheFuture #GlobalScience #STEMCollaboration #LithuaniaScience #EmbassyEngagement #EUResearch #ScientificNetworking #Leadership #FutureOfScience #DiplomaticRelations #ResearchPartnerships #FTMC #ScienceForSociety #InnovationEcosystem #CollaborationMatters
FTMC joins the Artificial Intelligence Association of Lithuania! 🤝 It is a non-profit organisation uniting all members of the Lithuanian AI community, from research institutions, companies and start-ups to individual professionals and enthusiasts. 🙌 "FTMC researchers are mainly focused on using and developing AI techniques in photonics, sensors, chemistry, structural analysis and environmental science. For example, one of the recent new activities of our scientific department are related to the development of autonomous materials research infrastructure using large open databases, machine learning and laboratory automatization," says Dr Linas Vilčiauskas, the initiator of the Center's membership of the AIAL and Head of the FTMC Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology. ✨ According to the expert, by becoming a member of the AIAL, the Center expects to network and collaborate in the field of AI, participate in joint R&D projects, and implement and innovate. It is also committed to develop and use AI technologies in Lithuania, to engage in initiatives, working groups and public policy making for the benefit of the Lithuanian AI ecosystem. 🌐 "FTMC aims to strengthen the advancement of AI-driven scientific advancements, especially in fields like materials science, physics simulations, and data analytics for scientific experiments. We can also contribute to AI applications that solve industry-specific problems, for example, in automation, predictive maintenance, or smart manufacturing. Our expertise facilitate the transfer of AI-based technologies from the research lab to the market, helping local industries leverage AI for increased efficiency and innovation," says L. Vilčiauskas. _____ #FTMC #AI #artificialintelligence #science #AIAL #LDIA #industry #Lithuania