💡 Inclusion financière en #Tunisie : des résultats concrets ! ADA a achevé avec succès un projet de 3 ans dédié à promouvoir l'inclusion financière en Tunisie, un pays où près de 40% de la population adulte est exclue des services financiers formels. Ce projet a permis de renforcer les capacités des autorités nationales dans le domaine de la finance inclusive et a généré des avancées concrètes: 👇 ✅ Renforcement des compétences financières : élaboration d'un programme national d'éducation financière et lancement de nombreuses activités visant en priorité les femmes et les jeunes. ✅ Amélioration de la protection des clients des institutions financières : mise en place d'une plateforme centralisée de réclamations. ✅ Innovation en micro-assurance : lancement d’un produit multirisque professionnel pour les micro-entreprises, une première en Tunisie. ✅ Soutien aux institutions de microfinance : préparation à la création d’un fonds de refinancement pour élargir l’accès au crédit, notamment pour les secteurs à risque comme l’agriculture. 👏 Un grand merci aux autorités et partenaires qui œuvrent pour un avenir plus inclusif en Tunisie. Pour en savoir plus: https://lnkd.in/eJ6Fgn-c Observatoire de l'Inclusion Financière (OIF) Microfinanza DAAM ( ancien CFE-Tunisie ) MAE, Luxembourg Microcred Artur Bala Marina ABBOUD #FinanceInclusive #Microfinance
ADA - Appui au Développement Autonome
Services financiers
Luxembourg, Luxembourg 13 814 abonnés
Une offre de services et des projets pour répondre aux besoins des IMF et de leurs clients.
À propos
ADA, expert en finance inclusive, catalyseur de partenariats et d'innovation. ADA (Appui au développement autonome) est une organisation non gouvernementale luxembourgeoise qui, depuis 1994, utilise la finance inclusive pour renforcer l’autonomie des populations vulnérables vivant en Afrique, Amérique latine et Asie et contribuer aux objectifs de développement durable. ADA mobilise ses ressources et son expertise pour innover, soutenir des partenaires locaux et implémenter des programmes d’appui technique, des activités de conseil en investissement et de gestion des connaissances afin de créer un impact durable pour les populations ciblées. Les activités de ADA se concentrent sur 3 axes thématiques : l’entrepreneuriat des jeunes, les chaînes de valeur agricoles et forestières et l’accès aux services de base qui prennent en compte 3 dimensions transversales : les aspects liés aux changements climatiques, les questions de genre, ainsi que l’utilisation des technologies digitales. En termes d’organisation, l’équipe est composée d’environ 45 employés, auxquels viennent s’ajouter une dizaine de conseillers techniques, basés sur le terrain. Un budget annuel de 15 millions d’euros est prévu pour la mise en œuvre de ses activités.
- Site web
Lien externe pour ADA - Appui au Développement Autonome
- Secteur
- Services financiers
- Taille de l’entreprise
- 11-50 employés
- Siège social
- Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Type
- Non lucratif
- Fondée en
- 1994
- Domaines
- Microfinance, Finance inclusive, Financement des jeunes, Micro-assurance, Accès à l'énergie, Conférences, LMDF, Renforcement des capacités, Formations et Semaine Africaine de la Microfinance
39 rue Glesener
1631 Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU
Employés chez ADA - Appui au Développement Autonome
🌟 ADA at #ImpactWeek 2024 in Bilbao from 27 to 29 November! Executive Director Laura Foschi will represent ADA. 💬 “Impact Week is a key platform for promoting inclusive finance in emerging markets,” said Foschi. “Inclusive finance has the potential to significantly contribute to achieving the SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals. However, to achieve this potential, we need to channel more funds towards emerging markets." As highlighted by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), an impressive $1.571 trillion USD in impact investing assets is managed globally by more than 3,900 organisations, while investments targeting emerging markets account for just $95.3 billion USD. This underlines the huge potential for channeling more resources towards inclusive finance in support of development in low-income countries for the benefit of vulnerable populations. 🤝 By bringing together Europe's key impact finance professionals, Impact Week 2024 offers a unique opportunity to foster meaningful collaboration in view of this mission. 📩 Interested in discussing the future of inclusive finance? Connect directly with Laura Foschi through the event platform - let’s build a more inclusive and sustainable financial ecosystem! #ImpactWeek #ImpactWeek2024 #InclusiveFinance #SustainableDevelopment #EmergingMarkets Impact Europe
📣 Join us for the 9th Edition of the Inclusive and Sustainable Finance Research Conference – just one week away! This year, topics include: ➡️ Impact Investing ➡️ Regulation of Sustainable Finance ➡️ Measuring Financial Inclusion During the conference organised by the ADA University Chair, ADA’s Head of Knowledge Management, Mathilde Bauwin, will present our insights on assessing the environmental impact of inclusive finance projects in developing countries. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore cutting-edge research and policy initiatives, register here: https://lnkd.in/eTBWEANz Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg InFiNe.lu Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance - University of Luxembourg Portail FinDev #InclusiveFinance #SustainableFinance #Research #Policy
Our 9th edition of the Inclusive and Sustainable Finance Research Conference is happening in 10 days! Join us for presentations on current edge research and policy initiatives. Registration and detailed programme can be found on our website: https://lnkd.in/eTBWEANz In partnership with ADA asbl, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative & the FDEF House for Sustainable Governance and Markets. Speakers: Mathilde Bauwin, Nicoletta Centofanti, Dirk Zetzsche, Thom Wetzer, Dr. Julia Sinnig, Marian Unterstell, Laetitia Duren, Stephan Rudolph, Han Pham, Eugenia Macchiavello, Alessandro Mazza, Rafael Guerra.
ADA is supporting Fundación Génesis Empresarial, the largest microfinance institution (MFI) in Guatemala, in unlocking climate adaptation financing. Each Génésis client is situated on a development scale and provided with a tailored pathway towards growth and development. A two-year project with ADA will enrich these development paths with climate adaptation aspects to increase the resilience of vulnerable clients to the adverse effects of climate change. The project will also help Génesis to access climate finance from international investors and to scale up their adaptation efforts as part of ADA’s Inclusive Climate Finance Initiative. Read more about the project: https://lnkd.in/eQdhnZQj #inclusivefinance, #developmentprojects #climateadaptation #climatefinance
🌱 Together with Rabobank, ADA hosted a workshop on exploring the potential of geospatial data for inclusive agriculture and nature finance at the European Microfinance Week. The workshop brought together representatives of the international inclusive finance community, providers of IT-based and data driven solution for microfinance institutions and Luxembourgish remote sensing experts. Participants discussed the opportunities for using increasingly available satellite data to meet the rising demand in the inclusive finance sector for assessing environmental and agricultural risks and impacts and for meeting regulatory and market data requirements. 💬 "Geospatial data can support the upscaling of inclusive agricultural and nature financing and insurance for smallholders and forestry owners in rural and remote areas." Christina Ehlert, Head of Programmes – Agriculture and Forestry Value Chains #EMW2024 #Microfinance #InclusiveFinance #EMFP Albert Boogaard, Benedicte Audet, YAPU Solutions, Ruud Grim, NSO - Netherlands Space Office, Eelko Bronkhorst, Financial Access, Maria Mateo Iborra, IBISA NETWORK, e-MFP
🌍ADA’s Investment Officer Nausica Fiorelli participated in a panel discussion on the Biodiversity frontier in financial inclusion at the European Microfinance Week. 🌿While the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation lists loss of biodiversity as a possible negative impact of financial services, many financial service providers remain unaware of this risk. Based on her experience of providing microfinance institutions (MFIs) in developing countries with investments and technical assistance, Nausica explained that biodiversity loss mitigation is challenging for small institutions as they lack the knowledge and the resources to understand the long-term impact of their actions on biodiversity. Investment Officers therefore have the challenging task of raising awareness and of balancing short-term client needs with long-term environmental consequences without being biodiversity experts themselves. 💬“We all agree on the importance of biodiversity but protecting it will be challenging without the provision of easily adoptable best practices and clear, universally applicable guidance”. #EMW2024 #Microfinance #InclusiveFinance #EMFP e-MFP
🌍At a panel discussion on supporting young entrepreneurs at #EMW2024, Axel de Ville, ADA's Director of Strategy and Innovation, shared the NGO’s experience of and approach to working with young entrepreneurs in Africa and Central America. 💬He explained that “financing young entrepreneurs is an investment in a stable and innovative future - it’s not an option, but a necessity. However, supporting young entrepreneurs is challenging due to their limited technical and professional skills and lack of financing history. Reliable business records are also a barrier for obtaining funding. To address these issues effectively, we need to adopt a holistic approach and seek partnerships dedicated to backing the next generation.” 🤝In Africa for example, ADA is connecting incubators with business accelerators and microfinance institutions to not only provide young entrepreneurs with financing solutions but also with the necessary business management skills, including accounting and record keeping. This managerial support not only helps the entrepreneurs to build a profitable business but also de-risks their financing from the perspective of the microfinance institutions. 📢For more information about ADA’s programmes dedicated to young entrepreneurs, visit: https://lnkd.in/eHNPNCvp EBRD, ConsumerCentriX, e-MFP #FinancialInclusion #Youngentrepreneurs #EMW2024 #InclusiveFinance
🌍 The opening plenary of the European Microfinance Week in Luxembourg called on the financial sector to collectively come up with de-risking solutions for impact investments to increase the financial flows towards developing countries. ADA will be delighted to participate in this initiative likely to be coordinated by Inclusive Finance Network Luxembourg InFiNe.lu. 📈 In addition, the panel called on the sector to better assess its contribution to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals as this could serve as an important investment incentive. The ADA-sponsored University Chair in Financial Law (Inclusive Finance) will coordinate research to this end. 💬 These calls to action were initially made at a roundtable discussion with key Luxembourgish inclusive finance actors in October. Read the conclusions of this roundtable for further information: https://lnkd.in/eF6g93S3 #EMW2024 #InclusiveFinance e-MFP
🌍 At the opening plenary of the European Microfinance Week in Luxembourg, ADA’s Executive Director Laura Foschi positioned the inclusive finance sector as a prime channel for achieving impact with sustainable finance: by channelling financial flows through inclusive finance organisations in developing countries, it is possible to generate a positive environmental and social impact and contribute to sustainable development goals. 💸 However, the flow of capital needs to be increased significantly to enable inclusive finance to achieve its full potential. This is hampered by a high risk perception of investors who continue to be hesitant about investing in emerging markets. 💬 “We need a mindset change, instead of aiming to maximise financial returns at zero risk, we need to convince investors to aim to maximise impact while managing risks.” 📄 Further information in this article: https://lnkd.in/e398hiGU #EMW2024 #InclusiveFinance #Microfinance e-MFP
🌍ADA is participating in the European Microfinance Week organised by e-MFP in Luxembourg. Our experts will share their expertise on a broad range of topics: 📅Wednesday, 13 November 🕐13:00 - Laura Foschi, Executive Director, Opening Plenary - Empowering Global Change: How Inclusive Finance Will Accelerate the Path to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 🕝14:30 - Christina Ehlert, Head of Programmes – Agriculture and Forestry Value Chains, Workshop ADA/ Rabobank - Explore the Potential of Geospatial Data for Inclusive Agriculture and Nature Finance 📅Thursday, 14 November 🕘9:00 - Axel de Ville, Head of Strategy and Innovation, Panel - Young Entrepreneurs as a Priority for Impactful Inclusive Finance Youth 🕘9:00 - Nausica Fiorelli, Investment Officer, Panel - Biodiversity Frontier in Financial Inclusion, Climate & Green finance Regulation, Funding & Investing 🌐Throughout the week – Catapult Africa startup bootcamp organised by The LHoFT - Luxembourg House of Financial Technology 💼 Bénédicte Godefroid, Director of Programmes, fintech pitch jury member, presentation – financial inclusion 🔧 Cristelle Vanina Nguemouhe, FIT Coordinator, presentation – Financial Innovation Tool (FIT) 💡 Sophie Hartman, Head of Programmes – Youth Entrepreneurship, and Nadia Ouriemchi, Programme Officer – Youth Entrepreneurship, startup mentors #EMW2024 #Microfinance #InclusiveFinance #EMFP