Dear all, As we approach the end of the year, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for your trust and partnership. May this holiday season bring you joy, warmth, and countless special moments. With warmest wishes, The AVALON HOTEL & Conferences Team
AVALON HOTEL & Conferences
Riga, City Centre 90 followers
4☆☆☆☆superior class hotel features an array of 111 comfortably furnished rooms, 4conference & banquet rooms, restaurant
About us
- Website
External link for AVALON HOTEL & Conferences
- Industry
- Hospitality
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Riga, City Centre
- Type
- Public Company
- Founded
- 2007
- Specialties
- Hotel, Conferences, Accommodation, Hospitality, Business, Travel, Tourism, Leasure, MICE, Restaurant, Riga, Latvia, Meetings, and Events
13.janvāra iela 19
Riga, City Centre LV-1050, LV
Employees at AVALON HOTEL & Conferences
With gratitude and honor, we were happy to welcome and host the new members of German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (AHK). In a friendly and warm atmosphere, new professional collaborations were established and promising future projects were discussed. We are happy to participate and witness how the new bridges were built between entrepreneurs and countries.
🥂 Yesterday, we had the pleasure of hosting our New Members' Welcome Event at the AVALON HOTEL & Conferences in Riga. It was a vibrant gathering that marked a fantastic opportunity to reflect on our shared achievements and to look ahead to the exciting opportunities for businesses of our members. 🗝️ The event kicked off with a fascinating guided tour of the Riga Central Market cellars, followed by insightful presentations from our new members, highlighting the diverse range of industries and expertise they bring to our network. We are proud to welcome AM Craft - Aviation Additive Manufacturing Services, Ellex Klavins, Veho Group, Kaercher SIA, Tilde, Tribe Hotel Hotel Riga, Tamro Baltics, Vītini Z SIA, NordCabin Deutschland, Tauri SIA, GEMEX TRADING AG, Tielec Power Systems SIA, and EVA ROHLINGER GmbH to the AHK family! 🍷 The event wrapped up with some delightful wine, snacks, and networking, giving everyone the chance to make new connections and strengthen existing relationships. 🙏 A big thank you to everyone who attended and made this event a success, especially Maris Balcuns for the warm opening remarks and Kristīne Mazure for presenting the Avalon Hotel. 🍽️ Looking forward to our next gathering? We kindly invite you to join us for the AHK Members’ Business Lunch with Andris Spruds, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, on October 24th, from 12:30 - 14:30 at the Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga. The discussion will focus on "National Security - the Basis for Business. Defense Industry - an Opportunity for Business?" Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to explore how security and business intersect in today’s world. 📅 Register by October 22nd, 12:00 to secure your spot, as space is limited! More details and registration link in the comments below. #PartnerForBaltics #NewMembers #AHK #AvalonHotel
With gratitude and honor, we were happy to welcome and host the new members of AHK. In a friendly and warm atmosphere, new professional collaborations were established and promising future projects were discussed. We are happy to participate and witness how the new professional bridges were built between entrepreneurs and countries.
🥂 Yesterday, we had the pleasure of hosting our New Members' Welcome Event at the AVALON HOTEL & Conferences in Riga. It was a vibrant gathering that marked a fantastic opportunity to reflect on our shared achievements and to look ahead to the exciting opportunities for businesses of our members. 🗝️ The event kicked off with a fascinating guided tour of the Riga Central Market cellars, followed by insightful presentations from our new members, highlighting the diverse range of industries and expertise they bring to our network. We are proud to welcome AM Craft - Aviation Additive Manufacturing Services, Ellex Klavins, Veho Group, Kaercher SIA, Tilde, Tribe Hotel Hotel Riga, Tamro Baltics, Vītini Z SIA, NordCabin Deutschland, Tauri SIA, GEMEX TRADING AG, Tielec Power Systems SIA, and EVA ROHLINGER GmbH to the AHK family! 🍷 The event wrapped up with some delightful wine, snacks, and networking, giving everyone the chance to make new connections and strengthen existing relationships. 🙏 A big thank you to everyone who attended and made this event a success, especially Maris Balcuns for the warm opening remarks and Kristīne Mazure for presenting the Avalon Hotel. 🍽️ Looking forward to our next gathering? We kindly invite you to join us for the AHK Members’ Business Lunch with Andris Spruds, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, on October 24th, from 12:30 - 14:30 at the Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga. The discussion will focus on "National Security - the Basis for Business. Defense Industry - an Opportunity for Business?" Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to explore how security and business intersect in today’s world. 📅 Register by October 22nd, 12:00 to secure your spot, as space is limited! More details and registration link in the comments below. #PartnerForBaltics #NewMembers #AHK #AvalonHotel
✨ Vai esi gatavs pievienoties vienam no prestižākajiem Rīgas viesnīcu kolektīviem? Avalon Hotel & Conferences Riga paplašina savu komandu un aicina pieteikties uz viesnīcas administratora(es) pozīciju! Avalon Hotel & Conferences Riga ir uzņēmums ar vairāk nekā 17 gadu pieredzi viesmīlības nozarē. Mēs lepojamies ar savu profesionālo un pieredzējušo komandu, kas nodrošina augstākās kvalitātes servisu mūsu viesiem. Strādājot pie mums, Tev būs iespēja mācīties no labākajiem un attīstīt savas prasmes dinamiskā un atbalstošā vidē. 🛎 Galvenie pienākumi: - Reģistrēt un apkalpot viesus viesnīcas recepcijā; - Atbildēt uz telefona zvaniem, sniedzot izsmeļošu informāciju par viesnīcas pakalpojumiem; - Aizpildīt norēķinu dokumentus, pieņemt maksājumus; - Strādāt ar viesnīcas vadības sistēmu ’Fidelio’’; - Nodrošināt viesnīcas viesiem augstu apkalpošanas līmeni. 👩💼 Ko mēs gaidām no Tevis: - Latviešu un angļu valoda zināšanas; Citu valodu prasmes tiks uzskatītas par priekšrocību; - Darba pieredze tūrisma/viesnīcu nozarē tiks uzskatīta par priekšrocību; - Spēja strādāt naktsmaiņās, brīvdienās un svētku dienās; - Precizitāte, augsta atbildības sajūta un pozitīva attieksme pret darbu; - Spēja patstāvīgi pieņemt lēmumus un operatīvi reaģēt nestandarta situācijās; - Izcilas komunikāciju spējas un atbildības sajūta, punktualitāte; - Entuziasma pilna un enerģiska personība. 💼 Ko mēs piedāvājam: - Mēneša bruto alga: 8, 00 EUR/h; - Pārbaudes laikā: 6, 90 EUR/h; - Nakts maiņas likme: 11, 90 EUR/h; - Stabilitāti un sociālās garantijas; - Veselības apdrošināšanu pēc nostrādātiem 12 mēnešiem; - Elastīgu darba grafiku, iespēju apvienot darbu ar studijām; - Mūsdienīgus darba apstākļus pašā Rīgas sirdī; - Karjeras izaugsmes iespējas. 📨 Sūti savu CV un motivācijas vēstuli uz ar norādi: "Administrators". Nosūtot savu pieteikumu, pretendents brīvprātīgi sniedz atļauju ’HWS Management’’ (Reģ. Nr. 40103457514) apstrādāt savus personas datus darbā pieņemšanas nolūkā. Atbildi sniegsim pretendentiem, kuri pēc iesūtīto dokumentu atlases iekļūs konkursa 2. kārtā. #teirdarbsriga #teirdarbs #darbs #riga