EDI - Institute of Electronics and Computer Science

EDI - Institute of Electronics and Computer Science

Research Services

Perceive world -> design future

About us

EDI (Institute of Electronics and Computer Science) in Riga, Latvia was established within the framework of the Latvian Academy of Science in 1960. EDI is a public research institution. Currently, EDI is among the highest-rated scientific institutions in Latvia specializing in Smart Embedded Cooperative Systems (SECS). Our mission is to perceive the world and design a better future by creating new knowledge, developing innovative technologies, and demonstrating their practical significance in real-life applications. This mission drives a scientific staff of over 80 people, who are organized in four laboratories: Signal Processing; Space Technology; Robotics and Machine Perception; and Cyber-Physical System labs. At EDI we believe that our future world will be even more connected, digital and automated than ever, forming various ambitious challenges to achieve, e.g. personalized predictive and preventive healthcare; flexible, efficient, connected and autonomous (zero defect) factories; safe (zero fatalities), affordable, sustainable, connected, cooperative, automated and clean (zero emissions) mobility; secure, safe and trustable connectivity and system interoperability; to name a few, which will impact the everyday life of citizens and all business sectors. At EDI we have a unique perspective, expertise, and capacity to contribute to solving all these challenges on a global scale. The key driving force of EDI scientific activities is its economic and social impact, therefore we apply our SECS expertise in mobility, industry, health, digital life, and space domains. Meanwhile, we are focusing on the following research directions: extremely precise event timing; remote sensing and space data processing; robotics and machine perception; signal processing and embedded intelligence; smart sensors and IoT. Our expertise is complemented by close collaboration with 300+ international partners. EDI have coordinated and participated in numerous EU projects.

Research Services
Company size
51-200 employees


Employees at EDI - Institute of Electronics and Computer Science


  • Pētniece Laura Leja piedalās 7. Ibērijas robotikas konferencē – Robot 2024 No 6. līdz 8. novembrim Madrides Universitātē Politécnica norisinājās ikgadējā 7. Ibērijas robotikas konference – Robot 2024. Tajā piedalījās pētniece Laura Leja, lai prezentētu Rolises projekta publikāciju ar nosaukumu "Learning to Move Objects with Fluid Streams in a Differentiable Simulation" un iepazītos ar jaunākajiem robotikas nozares sasniegumiem. Konference aptvēra plašu tēmu spektru, tostarp rūpnieciskos robotus, autonomās sistēmas, izglītības robotiku un lauka robotus. Dalībnieki padziļināti pievērsās modelēšanas metodēm, praktiskajiem pielietojumiem un atbalsta tehnoloģijām, piemēram, sensoru izmantošanai un datorredzei. Īpaša uzmanība tika pievērsta cilvēka un robota mijiedarbībai, diskutējot par personiskajiem un sociālajiem robotiem, kā arī par ekonomiskajiem, ētiskajiem, juridiskajiem un sociālajiem aspektiem, kas saistīti ar robotikas attīstību. Researcher Laura Leja Participates in the 7th Iberian Robotics Conference – Robot 2024 From November 6th to 8th, the annual 7th Iberian Robotics Conference – Robot 2024 – was held at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Researcher Laura Leja attended the conference to present a publication from the Rolise project, titled "Learning to Move Objects with Fluid Streams in a Differentiable Simulation," and to explore the latest advancements in the field of robotics. The conference covered a wide range of topics, including industrial robots, autonomous systems, educational robotics, and field robots. Participants delved into modeling techniques, practical applications, and supporting technologies such as sensor integration and computer vision. Special attention was given to human-robot interaction, with discussions on personal and social robots, as well as the economic, ethical, legal, and social implications related to advancements in robotics.

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  • Strukturētās vidēs – ražotnēs pie konveijeriem, loģistikas centros un noliktavās, būvlaukumos – jau vairākus gadu desmitus daļa uzdevumu tiek uzticēti robotiem. Šādās vidēs situācijas ir iepriekš paredzamas. Daudz sarežģītāk ir tad, ja vide ir dinamiska, mainīga un nezināma, piemēram, meži, purvainas vietas, lauki. Latvijas zinātnieku komanda izstrādājusi autonomu kognitīvās uztveres sistēmu, kas ļaus robotiem patstāvīgi plānot savu rīcību un orientēties arī šādās sarežģītās, nestrukturētās vidēs. NATRIX UGV Pilnu rakstu lasi: https://lnkd.in/dqg47S93

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  • 7.-8. oktobris Vadošais pētnieks Roberts Kadiķis piedalās pašbraucošajām automašīnām un uzlabotas autonomās mobilitātes infrastruktūrai veltītā projekta Augmented CCAM partneru tikšanās pasākumā Madridē. Šoreiz tikšanās fokusējas uz novembrī pānotajiem pilota testiem. EDI veiks trīs lietojuma gadījumu testus Biķernieku trasē, demonstrājot EDI izstrādātos risinājumus neaizsargātu satiksmes dalībnieku drošības uzlabošanā, operatīvā transporta un pābraucošo automašīnu savstarpējā manevru koordinēšanā, un īslaicīgu ceļa remontdarbu konfigurācijas informācijas nodošanā no ceļa remonta uz garām braucošajām autonomajām mašīnām. October 18.-19. Senior researcher Robert Kadiķis attends the Augmented CCAM (Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility) partners meeting in Madrid. This time, the meeting focuses on the pilot tests that will take place in November. EDI will conduct three use-case tests at the Bikernieki track, demonstrating EDI's solutions for improving the safety of vulnerable road users, coordinating manoeuvres between emergency vehicles and automated vehicles, and communicating configuration information from temporary road works to passing autonomous cars.

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  • Robotikas un mašīnuztveres vadītājs Roberts Kadiķis piedalās projekta IMOCO4.E pēdējā novērtēšanas pasākumā Limerikā, Īrijā. Daudzie projekta partneri tiekas vēl pēdējo reizi projekta ietvaros, lai atskaitītos Eiropas Komisijas recenzentiem par trīs gados paveikto Eiropas industrijas attīstībai veltītajā projektā. https://lnkd.in/dnNknNZJ 🇺🇸 Head of Robotics and Machine Perception laboratory, Roberts Kadiķis is participating in the final review meeting of the IMOCO4.E project in Limerick, Ireland. The international project team is meeting for the last time within the framework of the project to report to the European Commission reviewers on the achievements made over three years dedicated to the development of the European industry. https://lnkd.in/dZ6X9Phy

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  • EDI - Institute of Electronics and Computer Science reposted this

    📸 European Researchers Night Recap! 🌍✨   We received so many amazing photos from the European Researchers' Night that we just had to share them with you! 🙌 Today, we want to extend a huge THANK YOU to all the Latvian visitors who stopped by to chat with our Latvijas Universitate and EDI - Institute of Electronics and Computer Science partners.   It was incredible to see so many curious, smiling faces eager to learn about the principles of a balanced and healthy eating plate 🥗 and the pros and cons of continuous glucose monitoring systems. 📊💡   In just a few hours, our dedicated partners measured capillary blood glucose levels for 150 visitors, offering insights into fasting levels and postprandial levels. 🧪   Seeing the younger generation so engaged and interested truly made our day! 💚   Special thanks to our amazing team for sharing their enthusiasm and passion for the PRAESIIDIUM Project: Aleksejs, Irena, Jelizaveta Sokolovska, Marina, Sofija, Margarita, and Leo! 👏   #ResearchersNight #ScienceForAll #HealthyLiving #UNIL #EDI #Latvia #CommunityEngagement #Diabetes ##ResearchInnovation #EUNight2024 #Networking #PRAESIIDIUM Project #ThankYou  

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  • Kick-off meeting of the new Cynergy4MIE project in Cyprus (September) EDI was represented by lead researcher Rihards Novickis and research assistant Andrejs Cvetkovs. The key collaborator, Silicon Austria (SAL), has already been identified and a discussion with their representative, Manuel Freiberger, has been organized. They discussed the development of the quantum sensor in other (previous) projects, the roadmap for the sensor and the proposed possibilities to integrate it with their machine learning algorithms. We are excited for what the future holds for us!

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  • Aicinām komandā iepirkumu speciālistu! Meklējam kolēģi, kuram/ai ir vismaz divu gadu profesionālā pieredze publisko iepirkumu organizēšanā, praktiska pieredze darbā ar elektronisko iepirkumu sistēmu (EIS), prasme analizēt, interpretēt un piemērot publisko iepirkumu normatīvos aktus. Mēs piedāvājam: Atalgojums (bruto): EUR 1800.00 par pilnu slodzi. Pilnveidot zināšanas starptautiski atzītā pētniecības organizācijā; Kvalifikācijas uzlabošanas iespējas; Bezmaksas autostāvvietu; Veselības apdrošināšanu (pēc pārbaudes laika); Izdevīgu pusdienu piedāvājumu; Draudzīgu, saliedētu komandu un korporatīvos pasākumus. Vairāk par vakanci: https://lnkd.in/dYgcftxV #teirdarbs

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  • Researcher Oskars Teikmanis attends the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IEEE ICRA@40) From September 23 to 26, researcher Oskars Teikmanis attended the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40) in Rotterdam, celebrating its 40th anniversary. ICRA@40 was a uniquely formatted conference that commemorated four decades of existence and evaluated 40 years of achievements in robotics. It aimed to answer the question: what has the robotics community accomplished during this time, and what breakthroughs should we anticipate in the coming decades? On one hand, comparing robotics demonstrations from 1984 and 2024—such as precise control, grasping of various objects, computer vision, legged locomotion, and teleoperation—revealed many similarities over the past 40 years. However, thanks to rapid advancements in sensor and computer performance, there is reason to look confidently toward the future of robotics in the coming decades. The conference offered opportunities to listen to thematic talks, debates, and panel discussions, as well as to participate in presentations of submitted papers. Oskars presented a paper titled “Towards Three-Dimensional Fluid-Directed Rigid Body Control on a Physical System,” discussing a device being developed by EDI that could enable objects to be moved using controlled airflows. This technology has potential applications in transporting fragile objects and creating kinetic art. The paper was developed with the support of funds from the VPP MOTE project.

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  • Līdz šī gada 1. novembrim Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūta un Fizikālās enerģētikas institūta zinātnieki ir aicināti iesniegt projektus Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūta iekšējo pētniecības un attīstības grantu konkursam. Grantu konkursu Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma projekta “Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūta kapacitātes paplašināšana ar enerģētikas pētniecības virzienu (E-EDI)” ietvaros organizē Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts. Lasi vairāk: https://lnkd.in/d4cAzGb4

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