Maritime Transportation

Leading private operator, developer and investor of port assets and rail-related services in Latvia.

About us

Riga Port Group JSC is the leading private operator, developer and investor of port assets and rail-related services in Latvia. Since 2005, Riga Port Group JSC has been providing stevedoring services, rail freight forwarding services, infrastructure, and utilities management at its port terminals, employing more than 500 professionals. The convenient and easily accessible location of holding Riga Port Group terminals, land and sea connectivity are the reasons to choose our services.

Maritime Transportation
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Privately Held




  • Pirmais ar zaļo metanolu darbināmais kuģis piestāj Rīgas Centrālajā Terminālā   Šodien 18.09.2024. pie Riga Port Group piestātnes Rīgas Centrālajā Terminālā tika veiksmīgi apkalpots pirmais ar zaļo metanolu darbināmais konteinerpārvadājumu līnijas Green Baltic X-PRESS kuģis ECO UMANDE. Šis notikums iezīmē svarīgu soli Riga Port Group un Latvijas ostu nozares virzībā uz zaļo kursu un ilgtspējīgu nākotni. Kuģis ir ieradies Rīgā, atklājot regulāru X-Press Feeders zaļās kuģošanas maršrutu Roterdama - Antverpene Brige - Klaipēda - Rīga – Roterdama, kā ietvaros turpmāk reizi nedēļā Rīgas Centrālā Termināla piestātnē konteineru kravas tiks apstrādātas videi draudzīgāk.   Riga Port Group valdes priekšsēdētājs norādīja: “Sadarbība ar X-Press Feeders un šādu kuģu apkalpošana ir ne tikai solis pretī zaļākai nākotnei, bet arī būtisks signāls mūsu sadarbības partneriem un klientiem – mēs esam gatavi nodrošināt ilgtspējīgus un inovatīvus risinājumus starptautiskajā loģistikas ķēdē.”   Šī projekta ieviešana ir tikai sākums plašākiem centieniem samazināt ekoloģisko pēdu visā ostas darbības ķēdē un padarīt Riga Port Group par vienu no vadošajiem zaļās ostas paraugiem Baltijas reģionā.

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  • Riga Port Group partners with China Road and Bridge Corporation to develop logistics and manufacturing centers on Krievu sala and Kundzinsala Riga Port Group JSC (RPG) today has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), that marks a significant step forward in the development of the Port of Riga. Riga Port Group JSC (RPG) today has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with China Road and Bridge Cooperation (CRBC), that marks a significant step forward in the development of the Port of Riga. During a multi-day visit to Riga, the CRBC management team explored the port's operations and assessed its infrastructure development and construction plans. Under the Memorandum, RPG and CRBC will jointly develop a logistics center on Krievu sala. This center will focus on the production of electric vehicles, renewable energy equipment, and related components. Additionally, the partnership will focus on creating a logistics and industrial park on Kundzinsala. To ensure the successful implementation of these ambitious projects, a transnational working group will be established, which over the coming year will finalize the cooperation model, prioritize and start the execution of the projects. Ansis Zeltiņš, Manager of the Freeport of Riga, remarked: "As the stevedores at the Port of Riga increasingly diversify their operations away from Russian-origin cargo, it is crucial to attract new manufacturing companies directly to the port. By streamlining the logistics chain, manufacturers can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their goods distribution. The Port of Riga has great potential for development, given both the available land for development and the existing infrastructure." Miķelis Lapše, Chairman of the Board of RPG, stated: "We are delighted to have signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with CRBC. This marks an important first step toward successful collaboration in developing industrial and logistics parks within the Port of Riga for both Latvian and Chinese companies. As cargo flows from Russia and Belarus decline, our focus is shifting towards global manufacturers whose products are traded worldwide. The Port of Riga offers an ideal environment for efficiently organizing their production processes." The European Union's (EU) Green Deal objectives are crucial for all EU Member States, with the overarching goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. This includes substantial emission reductions across agriculture, manufacturing, and transport sectors. The new logistics centers on Krievu Island and Kundzinsala will play a significant role in advancing these goals, contributing to a more sustainable future. https://lnkd.in/dNUFADea

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  • Vakar, no AS “Riga Port Group” piestātnēm SIA “Rīgas Centrālais Termināls” tika attauvots un uz Āfrikas valsti Kamerūnu devās, šajā 2024.gada sezonā, pirmais kuģis ar 12 000 tonnu Latvijā audzētiem kviešiem. Kuģa tilpnēs iekrauti graudi no visiem Latvijas novadiem, kurus ostā piegādā, izmantojot auto transportu un dzelzceļu, lielie Latvijas graudaudzētāju kooperatīvi un graudu audzētāji. Ātrā un efektīvā kravu apstrāde nodrošina Latvijas graudaudzētājiem iespēju nekavējoties sasniegt starptautiskos tirgus. AS “Riga Port Group” ostas termināļos graudu kravu pieņemšanai ir sagatavoti 20 000 m2 slēgtā tipa noliktavu, kur divas no noliktavām ir jaunas un nodotas ekspluatācijā 2023.xn--gad-3oa, kad graudaugu kravu apgrozījums grupas terminālos pārsniedza 90 000 tonnu.

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  • JSC #RigaPortGroup, one of the leading port operators in Latvia, actively participates in the visit of the delegation led by the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Latvia Kaspars Briskens to Hamburg, Germany. The visit coincides with the prestigious Hamburg Port Festival and includes participation in the German-Latvian Business Forum and other related events.

    View organization page for Port of Hamburg, graphic


    #PORTdelegation We are pleased to welcome the Latvian Minister of Transport, Kaspars Briškens, and his delegation to the Port of Hamburg. The delegation was accompanied by the Latvian Ambassador to Germany, Alda Vanaga, and the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Latvia in Hamburg, Sabine Sommerkamp-Homann, as well as the Ministry of Economic and Innovation Affairs and various representatives of Hamburg's political and business community. Marina Basso Michael, Regional Director Europe, accompanied and moderated the tour on behalf of Port of Hamburg Marketing. The delegation's programme in Hamburg also includes a Senate reception at the Hamburger Senat hosted by Dr. Melanie Leonhard, Hamburgs Minister for Transport Innovation, the German-Latvian Business Forum, a visit to Artificial Intelligence Center Hamburg (ARIC) and HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder GmbH , as well as a VIP business and networking dinner. We are delighted with this high-level visit and thank you for the good and important exchange between #Hamburg and #Latvia. 📷 HHM, Hasskamp #portofhamburg #hafenhamburg

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  • RIGA PORT GROUP JSC reposted this

    Izsludināts bērnu darbu konkurss Sadarbībā ar bērnu žurnālu “Ilustrētā junioriem” ir izsludināts bērnu zīmējumu konkurss jaunā #RigaRopaxTerminal vīzijai. Kamēr noris arhitektoniskais konkurss Ropax termināļa izveidei, aicinām bērnus fantazēt un iesniegt savus priekšlikumus šādas ēkas izbūvei Rīgā. Ja arī vēlies piedalīties konkursā, meklē konkursa noteikumus februāra “Ilustrētā junioriem” numurā. Atgādinām, ka arhitektoniskais metu konkurss Ropax terminālim izsludināts un darbu iesniegšana paredzēta līdz 2024.gada 25.martam. Plašāka informācija pieejama: https://lnkd.in/ds6GkY22

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