Nomainījām datorus pret lāzertaga ieročiem un kartinga stūrēm 🏁 ..un pirmo ZenIS kolektīvo pasākumu varam saukt par īstu adrenalīna ballīti! Kas teica, ka mēs tikai protam sēdēt pie datora? Zen IS komanda pierādīja, ka mēs varam ne tikai kodēt, bet arī šaut precīzi kā nindzjas 🥷! Vai lāzertags mūs saliedēja, vai tomēr vairāk lika viens otram izskatīties kā mērķim? Saliedēja... nu, vismaz uz to brīdi, kamēr neuzzinājām, ka kolēģi ir lieliski mērķi! Bet tagad mēs zinām, kas ir “mežonīgais šāvējs” un kas labāk piemērots bēgšanai 😏 Un kartingā? Šķita, ka pat mūsu CEO Roberts Dzenis un CTO Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis nevarēja sagaidīt, lai parādītu savas braukšanas iemaņas… rezultātā viņi “uzņēma” dienas ātrākos apļus ar iespaidīgu laiku - 23 sekundes! 23 sekundes aplim? Tas ir ātrāk nekā mēs pagatavojam kafiju birojā! Varbūt viņi ir slepenie F1 piloti?🏎️💨 Bija fantastiski redzēt Zen IS kolektīvu ārpus biroja telpām. Kopā mēs esam ne tikai kolēģi, bet arī lieliska komanda 💙
Zen IS
IT Services and IT Consulting
Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality 145 followers
A long-term digital partner Enterprise digital transformation for people in a Human way
About us
A long-term digital partner. Objective - Enterprise digital transformation for people in a Human way. Vision - Harmony between users and systems. Values – Humanity, openness, transparency, long-lasting relationships, mutual trust and good user experience. Services Consulting (Digital strategy, training and coaching, Advisory, Representation of the client's IT interests) Data, Concept & the Design (Research and Data Analysis, Concept Development, Digital Design) Development (Development, Dev Ops, System integration)
- Website
External link for Zen IS
- Industry
- IT Services and IT Consulting
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2020
Dzirnieku iela 24
Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality LV-2167, LV
Employees at Zen IS
Veidojam nākotnes veselības aprūpi kopā 💙 ! Vai jau esat dzirdējuši par apmācībām “Cilvēcīgi par tehnoloģijām”, kas tiek organizētas sadarbībā ar Riga TechGirls un Rīga Stradiņš University? Šonedēļ piedalījāmies noslēguma pasākumā 🙌 🚀 "Cilvēcīgi par tehnoloģijām” apmācības sniedz lielisku iespēju veicināt veselības aprūpes speciālistu digitālo prasmju attīstību. Apmācības ir ne tikai vērtīgas, bet arī ļoti nepieciešamas, jo palīdz veselības aprūpes speciālistiem iegūt praktiskas zināšanas, kas uzlabo pacientu apkalpošanas kvalitāti, samazinot kļūdu iespējamību un nodrošinot ātrāku un precīzāku ārstēšanas procesu. Pasākuma ietvaros dalībniekiem bija iespēja iepazīties ar ZenIS.AI produktu - iDoctor čatbotu, kas palīdz veselības aprūpes iestādēm samazināt darbinieku slodzi un uzlabot klientu pieredzi. Mēs esam pateicīgi, ka varējām piedalīties inovatīvajā un uz nākotni vērstā pasākumā. Kā arī vēlamies izteikt pateicību Pauls Siliņš, Riga TechGirls projektu direktoram un valdes loceklim, par viņa ieguldījumu šī projekta organizēšanā. Bija lieliski tikties klātienē ar citiem nozares profesionāļiem 🤩 . Uz turpmāko sadarbību un jauniem, vērtīgiem projektiem nākotnē! #Veselībasaprūpe #Digitālāsprasmes #Čatboti
📌What Latvian IT companies should know about partnering with Finland? In the last week of October, our CTO Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis, along with representatives from other Latvian IT companies, visited Finland. Hanne Mikkonen, economist at Technology Industries of Finland, provided a valuable overview of the economic trends in Finland, Europe, and the US. Other speakers shared insights on how data, API, and AI trends are shaping the Finnish market, comparing it to Latvia. We explored how the IT industry is changing and what that means for companies looking to work together across borders. For Latvian IT companies looking to expand or partner with Finnish businesses, it's crucial to understand Finland's strong public-private partnerships, especially in areas like AI, quantum, sustainability, and cybersecurity. These efforts are shaping the Finnish market and creating new opportunities for collaboration. Finland and Latvia have very similar ways of doing business. Both countries focus on delivering high-quality work, but sometimes we forget to make sure others know about it. It’s a good reminder that in IT business, it’s not enough to just do great work - you also need to make sure people hear about it 🌍! As Uldis shared, "I’ve heard that Finns are often described as not sociable and shy, but that’s not true at all. Thank you for being so open and welcoming—it was a pleasure to meet you!” We’re thrilled to have had the opportunity to participate in such an important event and to be a part of that exciting event on the collaboration between Latvia and Finland🙏. We’re grateful for the warm welcome from Mrs. Dace Treija-Masī, Latvian Ambassador to Finland, and Mr. Gatis Ozolins, Head of the Representative Office in Finland, Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra - LIAA. We also extend our sincere gratitude to everyone involved for making this a fantastic opportunity to connect. A big thank you to the Latvian IT Cluster / DIH for your support in making this trip possible. 🙌 #LatviaFinland #Techinnovation #AI #Dataeconomy #Partnerships #Collaboration
Zen IS at Summer Retreat: a day of learning, networking, and fun 🙌🎤 This summer, Zen IS was proud to sponsor the DevOps & Agile Summer Retreat in Latvia. It was an amazing event that brought together experts and enthusiasts from the world of DevOps & Agile. The event was organized by DevOps & AI Latvia who were previously known as DevOps & Agile Latvia. They recently rebranded and we want to congratulate them on this exciting new chapter 🥳 They did a fantastic job creating something truly unique. There were 5 different tracks with 20 speakers, offering both technical and non-technical mini workshops. It was inspiring to see so many talented people sharing their knowledge and learning from each other 🤩. One of the things we loved most about this retreat was how inclusive it was. It was a family-friendly event, with activities for all ages. While the adults enjoyed the workshops, the kids had activities just for them. For those who came to network, the relaxed networking area was the perfect spot to make new connections and exchange ideas in a casual, friendly environment. At Zen IS, we believe in the power of collaboration and learning from others 🤝 This event was a great example of that spirit, and we’re grateful to have been part of it. We can’t wait to see how the DevOps & AI Latvia community continues to grow! #DevOpsAI #SummerRetreat #TechCommunity #Networking #Collaboration
We’re excited that our CTO, Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis, will be participating as the panel moderator and speaker at today’s Nordic DevOps Days event! 🤩 With his extensive experience in the industry, Uldis is guaranteed to offer valuable perspectives and insights to the discussions. 🙌
And last but definitely not least, we’re excited to announce Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis from Zen IS as our panel moderator and closing speaker 🙌 He’ll be leading the final discussions and offering insightful closing notes to cap off a (hopefully 😄) successful event! See you all tomorrow at TalTech Innovation and Business Centre Mektory 👋 P.S.! You can still buy tickets here 👉
Exciting Highlights from 5G Techritory: A Step Toward the Future 🚀 Last week, our CEO, Roberts Dzenis, had the exciting chance to attend the #5GTechritory conference. The event focused on the future of mobile connectivity and its impact on digital innovation. One key topic was how #5G technology can improve emergency response and healthcare. With real-time monitoring, 5G can help provide faster, more accurate help in emergencies, potentially saving lives. This shows how important it is to have plans in place for new technologies, especially in areas like urban air mobility. Speakers also talked about the need for partnerships across different industries to make sure that new technology meets both market needs and benefits society. While it's important to adopt new tech quickly, it's also crucial to manage risks and ensure safety. Discussions with experts at the conference helped us see that Europe is about to make big advances in digital identity management. Latvia is leading the way in 5G and 6G technology, and it's important to keep developing the right conditions for global success. In an exciting announcement, the "Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking" shared that €500 million in EU funding will go toward supporting #6G research and innovation. This shows Europe’s strong commitment to staying ahead in 6G development. Overall, the 5G Techritory conference was a great opportunity to learn from experts and explore how we can shape the future of mobile technology together. A big thank you to everyone who made the 5GTechritory event a huge success! #Digitalinnovation #Techpartnerships #6GTechnology #EuropeTech
Radošuma un inovāciju veicināšana 🦾 Pagājušajā nedēļā piedalījāmies vērtīgā konferencē “STEAM: Tehnoloģiju un Radošuma Simbioze”, kas norisinājās RTU. Konferencē uzstājās dažādu nozaru pārstāvji, kas dalījās ar STEAM pieejas priekšrocībām, kas dod iespēju īstenot mācīšanas procesu, aptverot dabaszinātnes, tehnoloģijas, inženierzinātnes, mākslu un matemātiku. Mūsu CTO Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis uzstājās ar iedvesmojošu priekšnesumu “Nelieciet bērnus kastēs”, kurā dalījās ar savu pieredzi un dzīves stāstu. U.Karlovs-Karlovskis uzsvēra, cik svarīgi ir ļaut bērniem izpaust savu radošumu un domāšanu ārpus ierastajiem rāmjiem. Bija iedvesmojoši redzēt kā radošums var nest sev līdzi tik daudz iespēju 🚀 Paldies visiem dalībniekiem un organizatoriem par iedvesmojošo pasākumu Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte (Riga Technical University) | RTU Science and Innovation Centre | Saint-Tech SIA | Tomega SIA | #Steam #Inovācija #Tehnoloģijas
Throwback to RIGA COMM - event filled with innovation, creativity, and tons of energy 🚀 🎤Our co-founder Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis took the stage at “RIGA COMM” with Erik Kaju, Ewan Weinberg and Andris Gangis last week. We spoke on a hot topic “Overcoming common challenges in Fintech Product Development”. It was a great opportunity to share experiences and hear from inspiring speakers about the latest trends. The event wasn’t just about IT and business- it was about creativity, thinking on your feet, and having fun along the way. We had the chance to absorb the latest innovation updates, connect with hundreds of talented tech founders, industry leaders and investors. It was a valuable experience that fuels Zen IS passion to push boundaries in our projects. We feel inspired to keep growing and delivering even better services. A huge thanks to all the amazing participants and to the RIGA COMM organizers for a professional and inspiring event 🙌 Let’s code, create, conquer together and never stop exploring 🚀 #fintech #rigacomm #rc24
When people raise their hands and start running around chaotically, our CTO Uldis Karlovs-Karlovskis with his mediation and technology skills brings clarity and peace 🧘 We're proud to participate in the RIGA COMM 2024 to see it in action!
Co-founder, CTO and IT Coach -> scale and 🚀 your business by leveraging my AI adoption strategy and Professional DevOps
Book your calendars for “RIGA COMM 2024” - the most practical business technology event in the Baltics. Erik Kaju (CPO and CTO@Inbank), Ewan Weinberg (CTO@Engine), Andris Gangis (CTO@Cube Systems) and I (CTO@ZenIS Group) will be exchanging ideas on the Executive stage! Watch our introduction video below. Join us for an enlightening conversation where we'll provide valuable insights from our experiences and strategies, providing a deep dive into: 💱 Fintech - challenges and complexities of Fintech product development 🛡️ Security and Regulatory compliance - in an era where business operations are increasingly scrutinized, ensuring regulatory compliance of KYC, AML, NIS2, WCAG, ESG and other acronyms is more crucial than ever 💰 Embedded finance and how financial services are seamlessly integrated into various aspects of life 🧠➡️💲 Neuro-fintech, where generative AI is the new UX, to transfer money with a thought We will share unique perspectives and experiences, offering invaluable insights and challenges. Don't miss it! See you in RIGA COMM 2024 on October 3-4. Let's make things happen! #rc24 #rigacomm #fintech #executives
Stepping outside the office walls for a change! 🏢➡️🏟️ A few weeks ago we had a blast at Sports Complex 333, organized by the Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera. 🙌 It was a refreshing break filled with networking, introductions, great food and most importantly - a kart race together with Margarita Epermane (bij.Meļņikova) and Gints Aksiks against Aivars Usans, Diana Novikova, Ainārs Apsītis and many others. Thanks for the awesome experience!