1.Elliptic curves in moduli space of stable bundles. Pure Appl. Math. Q. 7 (2011), no. 4, Special Issue: In memory of Eckart Viehweg, 1761-1783.
2.王萍,曹楠,操晓春,欧阳健飞. 基于交比不变性约束的快速随机抽样一致性算法. 天津大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, Vol.44,No.2:184-188(EI:20111413897949).
3.曹楠,王萍. 基于SIFT特征匹配的图像无缝拼接算法. 计算机与应用化学, 2011, Vol.28, No.2:242-244.
4.李靖,王萍. 白化主成分分析类算法在人脸识别中的应用. 计算机与应用化学, 2011, Vol.28, No.5:643-646.
5.(with H. Liu), On the classification of convex lattice polytopes, Advances in Geometry, 11 (2011), 711-729.
6.Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Separately quasihomogeneous Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space of the polydisk . Sci. Sin. Math. 41(1) ( 2011), 69-80.
7.Cheng Yuan and Ze-Hua Zhou, Spectra of weighted composition operators on algebras of analytic functions on Banach spaces, Czechoslovak Math. J. 61 (2) (2011), 371–381. (SCI: 889RT)
8.Ren-Yu Chen and Ze-Hua Zhou, Hypercyclicity of weighted composition operators on the unit ball of C^n, J. Korean Math. Soc. 48 (5)(2011) , 969-984. (SCI : 816IA)
9.Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Algebraic properties of Toeplitz operators with separately quasihomogeneous symbols on the Bergman space of the unit ball, J. Operator Theory 66(1) (2011), 193–207. (SCI: 829RZ)
10.William Y.C. Chen, Donna Q.J. Dou, and Terence Y.J. Zhang, On three and four vicious walkers, J. Statist. Plann. Inference 141 (2011) 94-101; arXiv:0808.1435. [citations 2].
11.William Y.C. Chen, Neil J.Y. Fan, and Teresa X.S. Li, Han's bijection via permutation codes, European J. Combin. 32 (2011) 217-225; arXiv:1004.3202. [citations 1]
12.William Y.C. Chen and David G.L. Wang, Singletons and adjacencies of set partitions of type B, Discrete Math. 311 (2011) 418-422. arXiv:0910.4212. [citations 4].
13.William Y.C. Chen, Qing-Hu Hou, and Lisa H. Sun, The method of combinatorial telescoping, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 118 (2011) 899-907. arXiv:1001.0312. [citations 3].
14.William Y.C. Chen, Doris D.M. Sang, and Diane Y.H. Shi, Anti-lecture hall compositions and overpartitions, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 118(4) (2011) 1451-1464; arXiv:1006.4081. [citations 4].
15.William Y.C. Chen and Ernest X.W. Xia, The 2-log-convexity of the Apéry Numbers, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139(2) (2011) 391-400; arXiv:0912.0795. [citations 9].
16.William Y.C. Chen, Teresa X.S. Li, and David G.L. Wang, A Bijection between Atomic Partitions and Unsplitable Partitions, Electron. J. Combin. 18(1) (2011) #P7; arXiv:1009.0661. [citations 6].
17.William Y.C. Chen and Ernest X.W. Xia, The ratio monotonicity of the q-derangement numbers, Discrete Math. 311(6) (2011) 393-397; arXiv:math.CO/0708.2572. [citations 3].
18.William Y.C. Chen and Bernard L.S. Lin, Congruences for bipartitions with odd parts distinct, Ramanujan J. 25 (2011) 277-293; arXiv:1004.0547. [citations 11].
19.William Y.C. Chen and Lewis H. Liu, Permutation tableaux and the dashed permutation pattern 32–1, Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) #P111; arXiv:1007.5019. [citations 8].
20.William Y.C. Chen, Larry X.W. Wang and Arthur L.B. Yang, Recurrence relations for strongly q-log-convex polynomials, Canad. Math. Bull. 54 (2011) 217-229;arXiv:math.CO/0806.3641. [citations 12].
21.William Y.C. Chen, Andrew Y.Z. Wang, and Alina F.Y. Zhao, Identities derived from noncrossing partitions of type B, Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) #P129. arXiv:0908.2291. [citations 3].
22.William Y.C. Chen, Oliver X.Q. Gao, and Peter L. Guo, On Han's hook length formulas for trees, Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011) #P155. arXiv:1103.4068. [citations 1].
23.William Y.C. Chen, Qing-Hu Hou, and Hai-Tao Jin, The Abel-Zeilberger algorithm, Electron. J. Combin. 18(2) (2011) #P17. arXiv:1105.0178. [citations 14].
24.William Y.C. Chen, Cindy C.Y. Gu and Kevin J. Ma, Minimal permutations and 2-regular skew tableaux, Adv. Appl. Math. 47 (4) (2011) 795-812; arXiv:1010.6261. [citations 1].
25.William Y.C. Chen, Cindy C.Y. Gu, Kevin J. Ma and Larry X.W. Wang, Higher order log-concavity in Euler's difference table, Discrete Math. 311 (20) (2011) 2128-2134;arXiv:0911.2775. [citations 1].
26.Sandy H.L. Chen, William Y.C. Chen, Amy M. Fu, and Wenston J.T. Zang, The Algorithm Z and Ramanujan's 1ψ1 summation, Ramanujan J. 25 (1) (2011) 37-47. arXiv:0911.1285. [citations 2].
27.William Y.C. Chen, Larry X.W. Wang, and Ernest X.W. Xia, The interlacing log-concavity of the Boros-Moll polynomials, Pacific J. Math. 254(1) (2011) 89-99; arXiv:1008.0310. [citations 2].
28.William Y.C. Chen, Neil J.Y. Fan, and Jeffrey Y.T. Jia, Labeled ballot paths and the Springer numbers, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 25 (2011) 1530-1546; arXiv:1009.2233. [citations 4].
29.周芳, 张维, 中国股票市场流动性风险溢价研究 [J], 金融研究, (5), 194-206, 2011.
30.Hu Sheng-Long, Huang Zheng-Hai, and Zhang Qiong, A generalized Newton method for absolute value equations associated with second order cones, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(5) (JAN 2011): 1490-1501. (SCI: 682GP)
31.Miao Xin-He and Huang Zheng-Hai, The column-sufficiency and row-sufficiency of the linear transformation on Hilbert spaces, Journal of Global Optimization, 49(1) (JAN 2011): 109-123. (SCI: 692LT)
32.Lu Nan and Huang Zheng-Hai, Solvability of Newton equations in smoothing-type algorithms for the SOCCP, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(8) (MAR 2011): 2270-2276. (SCI:725JY)
33.Huang Zheng-Hai and Liu Xiao-Hong, Extension of smoothing Newton algorithm to solve linear programming over symmetric cones, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 24(1) (FEB 2011): 195-206. (SCI: 729LD)
34.Zhao Na and Huang Zheng-Hai, A nonmonotone smoothing Newton algorithm for solving box constrained variational inequalities with a P0 function, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 7(2) (May 2011): 467-482. (SCI: 764GF)
35.Miao Xin-He and Huang Zheng-Hai, GUS-property for Lorentz cone linear complementarity problems on Hilbert spaces, Science in China (Series A), 54(6) (2011): 1259-1268. (SCI: 790TO)
36.Chen Jein-Shan, Huang Zheng-Hai, and She Chin-Yu, A new class of penalized NCP-functions and its properties, Computational Optimization and Applications, 50 (2011): 49-73. (SCI: 798VI)
37.Hu Sheng-Long and Huang Zheng-Hai, Alternating direction method for bi-quadratic programming, Journal of Global Optimization, 51(3) (2011): 429-446. (SCI:824BP)
38.F.-Y. Wang, Coupling and applications for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with jump, Bernoulli 17(2011), 1136--1158.
39.F.-Y. Wang, C. Yuan, Harnack inequalities for functional SDEs with multiplicative noise and applications, Stoch. Proc. Appl. 121(2011), 2692--2710.
40.A. Thalmaier, F.-Y. Wang, A stochastic approach to a priori estimates and Liouville theorems for harmonic maps, Bull. Sci. math. 135 (2011) 816--843.
41.F.-Y. Wang, Equivalent semigroup properties for the curvature-dimension condition, Bull. Sci. math. 135 (2011) 803--815.
42.F.-Y. Wang, J.-L. Wu, L. Xu, Log-Harnack inequality for stochastic Burgers equations and applications, J. Math. Anal. Appl.384(2011), 151--159.
43.F.-Y. Wang, Harnack inequality for SDE with multiplicative noise and extension to Neumann semigroup on non-convex manifolds, Annals of Probab. 39(2011), 1449--1467.
44.F.-Y. Wang, Analysis on path spaces over Riemannian manifolds with boundary, Comm. Math. Sci. 9(2011),1203--1212.
45.M. Gordina, M. Rockner, F.-Y. Wang, Dimension-independent Harnack inequality for subordinated semigroups, Potential Analysis 34(2011), 293--307.
46.F.-Y. Wang, Gradient Estimate for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Jump Processes, Stochastic Processes Applications 121(2011), 466--478.
47.S. Feng, W. Sun, F.-Y. Wang, F. Xu, Functional inequalities for the unlabeled two-parameter infinite-alleles diffusion, Journal of Functional Analysis 260(2011), 399--413.
49.Minqiang Li, Liu Liu, Dan Lin, A fast steady-state ε -dominance multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Computational Optimization and Applications, 48(1): 109-139,2011
50.Wu Wei and Wan Zhaoxun, Generalized Derivdtions in Prime Rings, Tran. Tianjin Univ., 17(2011): 75-78.
51.D. Liu*, G. Xu, Applying Powell’s symmetrical technique to conjugate gradient methods, Computational Optimization and Applications, 2011,49(2): 319-334.
52.Y. Chen*, Z. Han, G. Xu, D. Liu, Exponential stability of string system with variable coefficients under non-collocated feedback controls, Asian Journal of Control, 2011,13(1):148-163.
53.D. Liu*, G. Xu, Spectra of an 1-D Wave Equation on Networks,Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2011, 1037-1042.
54.Jian Han, Nan Jiang,Yan Tian, Second mode unstable disturbance measurement of hypersonic boundary layer on cone by wavelet transform, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2011,27(4),488-493
55.Danhong Liu and GenqiXu. Reliability of redundant system with common-cause failures and one standby unit. Tianjin DaxueXuebao (ZiranKexueyuGongchengJishu Ban), 2011, 44(5), 454-565. (Ei:20112314043927)
56.Danhong Liu and Huang Tao. A non-interior-point smoothing algorithm for the nonlinear complementarity problem with a P* function. International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 2011, 5711-5714. (Ei:20113814353195)
57. Danhong Liu,GenqiXu and Nikos E. Mastorakis, Reliability analysis of a deteriorating system with delayedvacation of repairman. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 2011, 10(12): 413-424. (Ei:20121314888807)
58.An, Xiaowei; Song, Xianfa A note on blow-up analysis for a system of semilinear parabolic equations. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 12 (2011), no. 1, 611–614.
59.Q.-H. Hou, T. Mansour, The kernel method and systems of functional equations with several conditions, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235 (2011) 1205--1212.
60.Q.-H. Hou, Y.-P. Mu, Minimal universal denominators for linear difference equations, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 17 (2011) 977--986.
61.W.Y.C. Chen, Q.-H. Hou, L.H. Sun, The method of combinatorial telescoping, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 118 (2011) 899--907.
62.W.Y.C. Chen, Q.-H. Hou, H.T. Jin, The Abel-Zeilberger algorithm, Electr. J. Combin. 18 (2011) P17.
63.ZaihuiGan, Boling Guo, Lijia Han, Jian Zhang, Virial type blow-up solutions for the Zakharov system with magnetic field in a cold plasma, Journal of Functional Analysis, 2011, 261:2508-2518
64.Xin-He Miao, Zheng-Hai Huang*, GUS-property for linear complementarity problems on Hilbert spaces, Science China Mathematics, 2011: 54(6): 1259-1268.
65.Xin-He Miao, Jein-Shan Chen*, On the Lorentz cone complementarity problems in infinite-dimensional real Hilbert space, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 2011, 32(5): 507-523.
66.Xin-He Miao, Zheng-Hai Huang*, The column-sufficiency and row-sufficiency of the linear transformation on Hilbert spaces,Journal of Global Optimization, 2011, 49(1): 109-123.
67.Zhang Y., Lu N.*, Non-interior continuation algorithm for solving system of inequalities over symmetric cones. Transactions of TianJin University, 2011, 17(2):89--95.
68.Lu N., Zhang Y.*, A smoothing-type algorithm for solving inequalities under the order induced by a symmetric cone, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2011, 2011: 4.
69.Xinzhen Zhang, Chen Ling and Liqun Qi, Semidefinite relaxation bounds for bi-quadratic optimization with quadratic constraints, Journal of Global Optimization, 49(2011), 293-311.
70.Chen Yunlan* , Han Zhongjie,XuGenqi,Liu Dongyi,Exponential Stability of string system with variable coefficients under noncollocated feedback controls,Asian journal of controls, 13(1)2011,148-163. SCI:710DR.
71.Lixia Ma, GenqiXu and Nikos E. Mastorakis.Optimization normal availability of a cold standby system withpriority. Recent Researches in System Science,2011, 29-34.
72.Ma Lixia, XuGenqi. Reliability analysis of a reparable multistate device attended bya repairman with single vacation. Source: Proceedings of the 30thChinese Control Conference, CCC 2011, 1178-1183. Proceedings of the30th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2011 (EI Compendex检索:20113914369292)
73.Ma Lixia, XuGenqiand Mastorakis Nikos.. Analysis of a deteriorating cold standby system with priority.WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 2011, 10(2): 84-94, (EI Compendex检索:20112414066578 )
74.S. Fang, J.Shao, Fokker-Planck equation with respect to heat measures on loop groups, Bull. Sci. math. 135 (2011) 775-794
75.J. Shao, Transportation cost inequalities for Wasserstein diffusions, Bull. Sci. Math.135 (2011), 383-394
76.J. Shao, A new probability measure-valued stochastic process with Ferguson-Dirichlet process as reversible measure, Electron. J. Probab.16 (2011) 271-292.
77.J. Shao, From the heat measure to the pinned Wiener measure on loop groups,Bull. Sci. Math. 135 (2011) 601-612.
78. Shao, Harnack inequalities and HWI inequalities on infinite dimensional spaces, ActaMathematicaSinica, English Series, 27 (2011), No. 6, 1195-1204.
79.(With Igor Zelenko) Jacobi Equations and Comparison Theorems for Corank 1 sub-Riemannian Structures with Symmetries, Journal of Geometry and Physics,61:781-807,2011
80.Zhong-Jie Han, Gen-Qi Xu, Dynamical behavior of a hybrid system of nonhomogeneous Timoshenko beam with partial non-collocated inputs, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 2011,17: 77-121.
81.Zhong-Jie Han and Gen-Qi Xu, Exponential stability of Timoshenko beam system with delay terms in boundary feedbacks, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM-COCV), 2011, 17: 552-574.
82.Ya-Xuan Zhang, Zhong-Jie Han(*) and Gen-Qi Xu, Expansion of solution of an inverted pendulum system with time delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217: 6476-6489.
83.Ren-Yu Chen* and Ze-Hua Zhou, Hypercyclicity of weighted composition operators on the unit ball of C^n, J. Korean Math. Soc. 48 (5) , 969-984, (SCI : No. 816IA) , 2011.
84.Guo-Niu Han and Kathy Q. Ji, Combining hook length formulas and BG-ranks for partitions via the Littlewood decomposition, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011) 1041--1060.
85.Kathy Q. Ji, The combinatorics of k-marked Durfee symbols, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011) 987--1005.
86.Ou Wu*, Yunfei Chen, Bing Li, Weiming Hu: Evaluating the visual quality of web pages using a computational aesthetic approach. ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2011: 337-346.
87.Ou Wu*, Weiming Hu, Jun Gao;Learning to Rank under Multiple Annotators; International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pp.1571-1576;2011/12/01
88.Ou Wu*, Weiming Hu, Jun Gao;Learning to Predict the Perceived Visual Quality of Photos; International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp.225-232;2011/12/01
89.Weiming Hu, Haiqiang Zuo,Ou Wu, Yunfei Chen, Zhongfei Zhang, David Suter: Recognition of adult images, videos, and web page bags. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) 7(Supplement): 28, 2011
90.Yongsheng Li, Yifei Wu, GuixiangXu: Global well-posedness for the periodic mass-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Journal of Differential Equation, V.250, 2715-2736, 2011.
91.Changxing Miao, Yifei Wu, GuixiangXu: Global well-posedness for Schrödinger equation with derivative in H1/2(R), Journal of Differential Equation, V.251, 2164-2195, 2011.
92.Yongsheng Li, Yifei Wu, GuixiangXu: Global well-posedness for the mass-critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, V.43, pp 322-340, 2011.
93.Lu Li-Yong and Gu Wei-Zhe*, A non-interior continuation algorithm for the CP based on ageneralized smoothing function. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2011, 235:2300-2313.
94.Huaiqiang Yu and Bin Liu, Properties of value function and existence of viscosity solution of HJB equation for stochastic boundary control problems. J. Franklin Inst. 348 (2011), no. 8, 2108-2127.
95.Liu Chungen and Zheng Youquan, Linking solutions for p-Laplace equations with nonlinear boundary conditions and indefinite weight, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 41(2011), no.1-2, 261-284.
96.Liu Chungen and Zheng Youquan, Existence of nontrivial solutions for p-Laplacian equations in RN, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 380(2011), no.2, 669-679.
97.R. Jiang, D.C. Yang,Predual spaces of Banach completions of Orlicz-Hardy spaces associated with operators, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 17 (2011), 1-35.
98.R. Jiang, Gradient estimate for solutions to Poisson equations in metric measure spaces,J. Funct. Anal. 261 (2011), 3549-3584.
99. Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Separately quasihomogeneous Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space of the polydisk (in Chinese). Sci. Sin. Math. 41(2011), 69-80.
100. Xing-Tang Dong and Ze-Hua Zhou, Algebraic properties of Toeplitz operators with separately quasihomogeneous symbols on the Bergman space of the unit ball, J. Operator Theory, 66 (2011), 193–207. (SCI )
101.Y Duan, Y Wang, XC Tai and J Hahn, A Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method for Euler's Elastica Model, International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), 144-156, 2011
102.X-C Tai and Y Duan, “Domain decomposition methods with graph cuts algorithms for image segmentation”, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 8(1): 137-155, 2011
103.Wang, D. and Zhang, H. (2011). Generalized RCINAR(p) process with signed thinning operator. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 40, 13-44.
104.Zhang, H., Wang, D. and Zhu, F. (2011). The empirical likelihood for first-order random coefficient integer-valued autoregressive processes. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 40, 492-509.
105.Zhang, H., Wang, D. and Zhu, F. (2011). Empirical likelihood inference for random coefficient INAR(p) process. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 32, 195-203.
106.(withW.Y.C.Chen, D.D.M.Sang) Anti-lecture hall compositions and overpartitions,J.Combin. Theory, Ser. A. 118 (4)(2011)
107.宋保方,叶正寅;风洞实验中机翼振动对气动特性影响的计算分析;空气动力学学报; Vol. 29, No.2; 2011年4月;226-230
108.10. S. Hu, Z.H. Huang, Alternating direction method for bi-quadratic programming. Journal of Global Optimization, 2011, 51(3): 429–446.
109.S. Hu, Z.H. Huang, Q. Zhang, A generalized newton method for absolute value equations associated with second order cones. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2011, 235: 1490–1501.
110.Zhixin Liu and Guangshi Lü, Density of two squares of primes and powers of 2, International Journal of Number Theory, (5) 7 (2011) 1317-1329. (SCI)
111.Zhixin Liu and Guangshi Lü, On unlike powers of primes and powe (rs of 2, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, (1-2) 132 (2011), 125-139. (SCI)
112.Zhixin Liu, A result on Waring-Goldbach problem for cubes, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, (1) 51 (2011), 13-25. (SCI)
113.Zhixin Liu and Guangshi Lü, Two results on powers of 2 in Waring-Goldbach problem, Journal of Number Theory, (4) 131 (2011), 716-736. (SCI)
114.Zhixin Liu, An Improvement on Waring-Goldbach problem for unlike powers, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, (1-2) 130 (2011), 118-139. (SCI)