Otton Marcin Nikodym
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Zabłotów, Galicia, Austria-Hungary (now Ukraine)
Utica, New York, USA
Otton Marcin Nikodym (sometimes written Otto Martin Nikodym) was born in Zabłotów near Kolomyja in the province of Stanisławow to a Roman Catholic family. His father Otton Boguslaw was a chemical engineer and came from an old Czech family of Nikodyms from Zlutice. He died in an accident when Otton was only one year old and soon after that his mother Marianna Cyprian, from an Italian family, also died. He was brought up by his maternal grandparents Marcin Cyprian (of Italian origin) and Amalia Bott de Pirot (of French origin). Marcin Cyprian had trained as an architect [7]:-He had a lively mind and broad horizons, and he liked to give his children mathematical problems to solve. Otton's uncles told him years later that his mother Marianna excelled at the solutions.Marcin Cyprian became the director of a tobacco factory in Vienna and the family moved there. It was in Vienna that Otton, originally Polish speaking, began his education, being sent to a Roman Catholic boarding school where he became fluent in German. After a short stay in Vienna the whole family returned to Lemberg (now Lviv in Ukraine) in 1897 where he attended the mathematical gymnasium. It was at this school that he first developed a passion for mathematics. Alicja Derkowska relates this interesting story about how his passion for mathematics began [7]:-
... during one of the lessons, the teacher gave the following definition of division: to divide one number by another means to find the third, which, when multiplied by the second, gives the first. The teacher repeated this definition very quickly, without supplementing it with any examples or explanations, and then began to call the students by the alphabet and demand that they recite it correctly. In this way, he reached the letter N and Otto began to pray for the bell to end the lesson, because none of his classmates had repeated this definition correctly so far. Fortunately, the bell rang just in time. After returning home, Otto began to think about the definition, recall it and try to understand its meaning. In the next lesson, he was able to formulate it correctly and support it with his own example. He received a very good grade, and at the same time, pondering this problem and understanding the need for precision in formulations gave rise to a deep passion for mathematics.In 1905 he passed his Gymnasium leaving examination with distinction and prepared himself for the examinations in Latin and Greek, which were not taught in the mathematical gymnasium, and also obtained a classical Gymnasium diploma in 1908. He then studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy and pedagogy at the University of Lwów (as Lemberg was then known). Let us note that at this time this university was named the Franz I University in Lwów and teaching was in Polish. In the period between the two World Wars it was called the Jan Kazimierz University and now it is in Ukraine and named the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
In the early 1900s there were only two mathematics professors, Józef Puzyna and Jan Rajewski, and no assistants in mathematics at the University of Lwów. Józef Puzyna (1856-1919) had completed his doctorate in Lwów, and had then gone to Germany where he attended lectures given by Kronecker and Fuchs. He had been appointed professor in the University of Lwów in 1892. Jan Rajewski (1857-1906) had also been awarded a doctorate from Lwów and had been appointed as a professor in 1900. Rajewski, however, died in 1906 and never taught Nikodym. In 1908 Wacław Sierpiński was appointed as a mathematics lecturer. Theoretical physics lectures were delivered by Marian Smoluchowski. Smoluchowski had studied in Vienna, then at Kelvin's laboratory in Glasgow, in Paris and in Berlin. In 1906 Jan Łukasiewicz submitted his habilitation thesis to Lwów and began lecturing on logic. Kazimierz Twardowski (1866-1938), who had been awarded a PhD and habilitation in philosophy from the University of Vienna, had been appointed to Lwów.
Nikodym studied under Sierpiński, Puzyna, Smoluchowski and the others mentioned above. He was most influenced by Sierpiński's seminar on higher mathematics and Smoluchowski's seminar on theoretical physics. Others who taught Nikodym included Konstanty Zakshevsky who taught physics, Bronisław Radziszewski who taught chemistry, Mankovsky who taught pedagogy, and Jan Łukasiewicz who taught philosophy.
Here are the courses Nikodym took in the summer semester of 1910: two courses Ethical scepticism and Development of modern philosophy from Kant from Kazimierz Twardowski; two courses Ordinary differential equations and Conformal mappings from Józef Puzyna; Exercises in physics from Konstanty Zakshevsky; General chemistry from Bronisław Radziszewski, and two courses Criticism of the main concepts of education and Pedagogical seminar from Mankovsky. In the summer semester of 1911 Nikodym took: Higher mathematics seminar from Puzyna; three courses Application of set theory to analysis, Higher algebra, and Lower mathematics seminar from Wacław Sierpiński; three courses Kinetic theory of matter, Electrical conductivity of gases and Exercises in theoretical physics from Marian Smoluchowski, and Philosophy of mathematics from Jan Łukasiewicz.
In 1911 Nikodym graduated in mathematics and also received a licence to teach mathematics and physics in high schools. Immediately after that he started his job at the IV Real Gymnasium in Kraków where he remained until 1924. Kamil Kraft (1873-1945) was the head mathematics teacher at this Gymnasium. He was a physician being a graduate of medicine and a doctor of medical sciences of the Jagiellonian University. He had also studied at the Philosophical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University and obtained the qualifications to teach physics and mathematics in gymnasiums and real schools.
In 1915 E Tarnawski was Nikodym's student in the fourth class in the Gymnasium and later, in a letter to Władysław Orlicz, he wrote (see, for example, [7]):-
Otto Nikodym is present in my consciousness as a rather unusual individual. ... In my memory, I see him as a slim, dark-haired man with a beard. He was only twenty-something, but different from others of that age, almost impersonal, as if not changing with age. Alienated and distant. ... Ascetically indifferent, with a frail physique, he did not raise his voice, but spoke constantly in a dispassionate, yet clear voice. ... The lecture was interesting due to the consistency of the content, which would seem dry, but aroused some curiosity about what would happen next. This mood was contagious, although the content was accessible only to a relatively small number of students.Others had a much higher opinion of Nikodym as a teacher. An inspector from the Ministry of Education came to see him teach and was so impressed with the way he introduced new concepts that he arranged for Nikodym to receive an invitation to lecture on didactics at the Pedagogical College of the Jagiellonian University. He was happy to accept and gave these lectures for many years.
Otto Nikodym gave a presentation of knowledge, such as it is, without including his own personality, which somehow disappeared from the plan. ... Stanisław Ruziewicz was similar in type to Otto Nikodym, as a university lecturer. Both also taught in a secondary school and both probably had similar results. They educated mathematical individuals, they did not find mass recipients.
Another pupil in 1922-1924 was Marian Miesowicz who later became later director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics and a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He wrote about Nikodym as a teacher [10]:-
A feature of his teaching was an extraordinary ability to engage students in discussion. In these discussions, he tried to convince us that he was not always right. He led the discussion in such a way that he created several possibilities to reach the goal. He often led the student to discovering a new law. He had a great sense of humour and called this law, for example, the law of Kosiński, our colleague. He gave the impression that he was pleased when a student proved him wrong. Maybe he created such situations on purpose. ... At that time, there was no differential calculus in the high school mathematics programme. But Otton Nikodym taught us elements of "higher mathematics" in a very original and accessible way, so that we could understand physics. He taught it beautifully, using mathematical concepts. He was able to arouse appreciation in his students, and in some, delight and enthusiasm, for the perfection and elegance of expressing the laws of physics in a strict mathematical form. Thanks to Nikodym, 16-17-year-old boys could feel the perfection of describing all electromagnetic phenomena using Maxwell's equations, which he considered one of the greatest achievements of the human intellect.In the early stages of World War I the Battle of Galicia was fought between Austrian and Russian forces. Kraków was under threat from the Russian army and schools and offices were closed. By March 1915, however, the Austrian army had pushed the Russians back but Kraków was still in a very difficult situation being cut off. In [23] Hugo Steinhaus recalls a famous meeting in Planty Park in Kraków in 1916. The following is a translation from the original Polish edition of the book:-
Even though Kraków was formally a fortress, one could take walks in Planty in the evenings. During such a walk I heard a conversation, or rather just a few words; the words "Lebesgue integral" were so unexpected that I approached the bench and introduced myself to the two young adherents of mathematics. They told me that they had another companion, Witold Wilkosz, whom they highly praised. They were Stefan Banach and Otton Nikodym. The three were united not only by mathematics, but also by the hopelessness of the situation of young people in the fortress that was Kraków at that time, the uncertainty of tomorrow, the lack of opportunities for gainful employment, and the lack of contact not only with foreign scholars, but even with Polish ones - such was the atmosphere in Kraków in 1916. But that did not prevent the three from sitting in a café and solving problems in the crowds and the hustle and bustle. Since then, we met regularly ...Otton Nikodym was involved in an informal mathematical society in Kraków which began in 1917 and, on 2 April 1919, he was one of the sixteen mathematicians who officially founded the Society. In addition to Nikodym, Kraków mathematicians Stefan Banach, Franciszek Leja, Stanisław Zaremba and Kazimierz Żorawski were among the sixteen founders. It soon became the Polish Mathematical Society.
Nikodym spent his 1923 summer holiday in Zakopane, a resort at the foot of the Tatra Mountains. Many of the Polish mathematicians spent their summer holidays in Zakopane so as well as a holiday it was a chance to discuss mathematics with others. In July 1923 Nikodym met Stanisława Dorota Liliental in Zakopane. She had been born on 2 July 1897 in Warsaw, and had studied mathematics at the University of Warsaw. Otton and Stanisława were married in Warsaw on 2 April 1924. They returned to Kraków and both decided to register to study for their doctorates at the University of Warsaw. Most biographies state that it was only after strong pressure from Sierpiński that Nikodym agreed to take his doctoral examination at Warsaw University. It seems he did not care much for the title or publications - his response to Sierpiński's persuasion was:-
Am I going to be any wiser because of that?In [2], however, Danuta Ciesielska writes:-
It is commonly believed that it was Sierpiński who encouraged Otton to start publishing his results, but I am certain that is not the truth. The correspondence of the newly married couple with Stanisława's family presents the story in a different way. In my opinion, Stanisława and some friends from Kraków had far more impact on Otton than Sierpiński did.The most likely would be that both are true - for several years Sierpiński unsuccessfully tried to persuade Nikodym to register for a doctorate but he only agreed after his wife also encouraged him to register. Stanisława Nikodym wrote to her mother on 26 October 1924 (see [2]):-
[Otton] said that he senses all the happiness coming to us together, including good health and his doctorate. It seems that his scientific success is constantly growing. Sierpiński wrote that he communicated one of Otton's results to Professor Aleksandrov (in Moscow), who really admired it. ... Sierpiński wrote that Professor Fréchet, a very well-known French mathematician, asked him for Otton's address, because he wanted to send him an article in which his name is cited many times. Otton obtained many results that were later achieved by Professor Fréchet, but he hid them in a drawer and communicated only some of them to Tadeusz Ważewski, who cited Otton in an article published in 'Comptes Rendus'. In this way, Fréchet was able to base his work on one of Otton's nice ideas.In November 1924 the Nikodyms moved to Warsaw and Otton Nikodym studied for his doctorate formally advised by Sierpiński, although it is thought that he did not need an advisor. Although Nikodym had published no research papers up to this point, he had already achieved many impressive results as the above quote indicates. He was awarded his doctorate on 26 June 1925 for his thesis A Contribution to the Theory of A Sets (Polish).
After that he moved to the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and started to publish with two single author papers and one joint paper with Sierpiński, all written in French, being published 1925. The Nikodyms (Otton and his wife Stanisława) spent the academic year 1925-26 at the Sorbonne but it was a difficult year barely surviving on a very small Polish scholarship. After returning to Poland, on 21 June 1927, Otton obtained his habilitation at Warsaw University. He asked for his habilitation to be transferred to the Jagiellonian University which was approved on 13 March 1028. In September 1928 he participated in the International Congress of Mathematicians in Bologna, Italy and delivered the lecture Sur le fondement des raisonnements locaux de l'analyse classique Ⓣ. He began his lecture as follows:-
If we consider the case of real variables in classical analysis, we find two kinds of problems, theorems, definitions and reasonings: these are integral problems, theorems etc., and local problems, theorems etc. Here is an example:In the period 1930-1945 the Nikodyms lived in Warsaw and until the beginning of World War II both lectured at the University. During this period Nikodym published 32 papers and four textbooks. During World War II, the University of Warsaw was closed but the Nikodyms held secret classes, perfectly aware of the drastic consequences if the authorities had found out. Edward Ordman writes [12]:-
If we are given a differential equationand a domain D in the (x, y)-plane and we propose to find integrals of this equation, as extended in D as possible, we are dealing with an integral problem.
But if we only suppose the existence of a neighbourhood of a given point in which the function satisfies certain conditions of regularity and we seek functions for which there exists a neighbourhood of in which this function satisfies the given equation, we are dealing with a local problem.
Integral problems, theorems, and reasonings are related to a domain given in advance and considered in its entire extent, while local problems are related only to the neighbourhood of a point given in advance and it is in the nature of things that we do not need to know either the size or the precise form of this neighbourhood and it is only the pure existence of the neighbourhood that is the object of the problem. The same is true for theorems, definitions, and reasonings that can be integral or local. Differential calculus provides us at first sight with local theorems and, to obtain integral theorems, we need additional reasonings borrowed especially from topology. Now, I will only speak of local problems, theorems, definitions, and reasonings in the case of real variables.
During the war, of course, the German Nazis were fairly efficient at exterminating the Polish intelligentsia. Nikodym and his wife escaped into the countryside, disguised as peasants. They were sheltered for the duration of the war in a small village, hidden and fed by the peasants. In exchange for being taken care of, they tutored the village children in arithmetic, and sometimes in other subjects, generally at the primary level.Nikodym's name is mostly known in measure theory (e. g. the Radon-Nikodym theorem and derivative, the Nikodym convergence theorem, the Nikodym-Grothendieck boundedness theorem), in functional analysis (the Radon-Nikodym property of a Banach space, the Fréchet-Nikodym metric space, a Nikodym set), projections onto convex sets with applications to Dirichlet problem, generalised solutions of differential equations, descriptive set theory and the foundations of quantum mechanics.
The Radon-Nikodym theorem (Radon proved it in 1913 for and Nikodym in 1930 for the general case) is now a fundamental theorem in analysis:-
Let be a -finite measure on a -algebra of subsets of and a countably additive set function on . If is absolutely continuous with respect to : that is, implies , then for any , where is locally integrable on .Nikodym showed in 1927 how to produce a subset of the unit square with area(N) = 1 such that for each point there is a line intersecting in the single point . This paradoxical set in the plane, which for certain problems plays a role similar to Besicovitch sets, is called a Nikodym set.
In 1945 Nikodym became a professor at the Technical University of Kraków and in academic year 1945-46 taught mathematics. In 1946 Otton Nikodym and his wife Stanisława Nikodym went first for Belgium and then to France where he began his work on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. The couple went from France to London, England, where they attended a conference. William Transue, from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, USA was at the conference and, when he heard that Nikodym wanted to stay in the West, said he would try to get him a job offer from his College. Transue contacted the President of Kenyon College who quickly sent Nikodym the offer of a position at the College. Nikodym and his wife sailed from Southampton to New York on the Marine Flasher leaving Southampton on 21 March 1948 and arriving in New York on 31 March. On his entry to the United States Nikodym declared his final destination to be Gambier, Ohio, that he intended to apply for American citizenship and become a permanent resident. His entry record contains the following details: Height, 5 ft 5 in; Hair Colour, Grey; Eye Colour, Brown; Complexion, Medium. It is not known for certain why he decided to emigrate at this time but those who knew him believed it was because he did not want to live in a Poland controlled by the Soviets.
From 1948 to 1965 he worked in the United States at the private Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. He became a U.S. citizen on 29 June 1953 and continued to teach at Kenyon College. Edward Ordman writes [12]:-
In the early days [at Kenyon College] the Nikodyms went to class together; he lectured from a prepared text and she helped field the questions. They were a dramatic contrast to the usual inhabitants of central Ohio, moving together through this strange culture and language. The small college town was a big help: there was usually someone who could translate, by way of French or German, if there was difficulty communicating in the butcher shop or at the barber, and the shopkeepers knew the college would straighten out any problems By a few years later, his English had improved enough to manage questions himself and his wife no longer needed to attend his classes.After he retired, the Nikodyms moved in 1966 to Utica, New York, where he continued his research, sponsored in part by the Atomic Energy Commission and National Science Foundation.
By the time I was a student at Kenyon and took a course from Nikodym (an introduction to Hilbert Space, using the text by Halmos) in the early 1960's, he was in his eighties. A small man, somewhat stooped over, he was driven to work every morning by his wife. She followed two paces behind as he walked to his office, removed his coat for him and hung it up, then went home until she returned for him in the evening. A sweet, soft spoken man, he still lectured from a prepared text but his English was limited and we often had to phrase our questions in French and German, a good experience for us students but it generally restricted his enrolment to senior maths majors planning to attend graduate school, not a large number of people in this small college which then had about 800 students. A high point of our undergraduate education was being invited home for dinner at the Nikodym home. It was a small but elegant apartment carved from a large house on a hilltop owned by the college, built well over a century ago as the palace of the then Episcopal Bishop of Ohio. Mrs Nikodym served what seemed to us a very European dinner, and with some prompting from her husband told of their earlier lives and especially their hiding out during the Second World War.
After 1947 he wrote about 50 research papers. He lectured in Italy, Belgium, France, England, Germany, Romania, Canada and at universities in USA. In 1965 he was invited for a semester by the University of Naples, Italy, to lecture on measure theory.
Nikodym wrote three volumes of Didactics of pure mathematics in high school but published only the two first volumes in 1930 and 1938. He was discouraged by the poor response of teachers to his popular methods of improving teaching and so he burned the manuscript of the third volume. He presented popular lectures on radio such as: Logic and intuition in science, On infinity, On paradoxes in logic, What good is algebra?, On different kinds of spaces, The mystery of gravitation, On the importance of theory and these were published in 1946 as a book Let's look deeply inside the mind [Spojrzmy w glebiny mysli].
Some of his other books were: Introduction to differential calculus (Warsaw, 1936) (jointly with his wife Stanisława Nikodym), Theory of tensors with applications to geometry and mathematical physics 1 (Warsaw, 1938), and Differential Equations (Poznań, 1949).
Three of his other books, the second volume of Theory of Tensors and two volumes of Mechanics, disappeared during World War II. When Nikodym heard that his many years' work were lost he only said:-
In that case I will not have to correct the galley-proofs.On the question of whether he would like to write these books again, he answered:-
There are so many new problems that I cannot spend more time on those that I have already finished.His last book The Mathematical Apparatus for Quantum-Theories, based on the Theory of Boolean Lattices published in 1966 by Springer-Verlag contains, on almost thousand pages, the mathematical formalism for quantum mechanics or more precisely a detailed study of the Boolean subalgebras of the logic of closed subspaces of a complex Hilbert space.
Alicja Derkowska writes in [7]:-
Nikodym was a very demanding man - both towards himself and others. Perhaps that is why not everyone liked him. ... He always set himself ambitious scientific goals, liked to struggle with difficult problems and persistently worked for years to solve them.Eugen P Nassar writes in [11]:-
He despised what he called careerism: he despised fame-hungry scientists who, in order to advance, play politics in universities and in government. He also despised what he called sham - any pretence of greatness not based on honest truth. ... I remember vividly some of his sayings, for example: - An honest shopkeeper is worth much more than a pretend scientist; - Beware of the "happy-makers." They are usually unhappy themselves and bring misfortune to others; - Work is a reward and pleasure for those few who understand it, all the rest are careerists. And yet a person is quite happy with family, home, friends, a few beautiful things around him, creative work at his desk and health. Applause is unnecessary.Nikodym read books on biology, chemistry or medicine, liked good literature and fairy-tales, which he believed developed imagination, but mostly he loved music. He was able to play for hours on the piano. He loved Chopin, admired Wagner's operas, and highly valued classical and romantic composers. He knew (apart from Polish) English, French, German and Italian. He lectured in all these languages but struggled with English.
When the National Science Foundation in the USA asked him what to do to raise the level of mathematics in USA, he answered:-
We should invite lecturer-enthusiasts since enthusiasm is infectious.He himself was full of enthusiasm until the end of his life.
In 1971 he suffered a stroke and for two years and ten months did not regain consciousness. He died on 3 May 1974 and he was buried in the "cemetery for the meritorious" in Doylestown, Pennsylvania (at the shrine to Our Lady of Czestochowa). His tombstone, decorated with a colourful mosaic of flowers, was designed by his wife. After his death Nelson Dunford wrote in the letter to Nikodym's wife:-
Otton was, and always will be, a great man. I am happy that I knew him. His discoveries were very deep and will live for ever as long as Pythagoras's theorem, which has survived for centuries.
References (show)
- A I Borodin and A S Bugai, Eminent mathematicians (Russian) (Kiev, 1987).
- D Ciesielska, Stanisława and Otton Nikodym, in E Kaufholz-Soldat and N Oswald (eds), Against All Odds. Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences 6 (Springer, 2020), 151-175.
- D Ciesielska, Stanisława i Otton Marcin Nikodymowie w Polsce i Stanach Zjednoczonych, in M Kordas, K Kucharski and I Stefaniak (eds.), Polacy w Ameryce: Materiały z polsko-amerykańskiej konferencji naukowej z okazji 50-lecia Muzeum im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Warce (Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, 2017), 143-156.
- D Ciesielska, A mathematician and a painter Stanisława Nikodym and her husband Otton Nikodym, Mini-Workshop: Women in Mathematics: Historical and Modern Perspectives (Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 2017), 115-118.
- D Ciesielska and K Ciesielski, Banach and Nikodym on the Bench in Kraków Again, Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society 104 (2017), 25-29.
- J Diestel and J J Uhl, Jr., Vector Measures (Providence 1977).
- A Derkowska, Otton Marcin Nikodym (Polish), Wiadomości Matematczne 25 (1983), 74-88.
- A Derkowska, Corrections to: 'Otton Marcin Nikodym' (Polish), Wiadomości Matematczne 27 (1983), 45-46.
- K Kuratowski, A half century of Polish mathematics (Warsaw, 1980).
- M Miesowicz, My teacher, reminiscence on Professor Nikodym (Polish), Matematyka 3 (1980), 182-183.
- E P Nassar, Nikodym, Otton Marcin, Polish American Historical Association 65 (1) (2008), 13.
- E T Ordman, Otton Nikodym balances teaching and research, Ordman Net Home (2001). - Otton Marcin Nikodym, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol 7 and Supplement II (Kluwer 1991, 2000).
- Otton Marcin Nikodym, Find A Grave (6 July 2008). - Otton Marcin Nikodym, in W Krysicki (ed), Roster of the great mathematicians (Polish) (5th edition) (Bielsko-Biala, 2001).
- W Piotrowski, More on the biography of Otto and Stanisław Nikodym (Polish), Wiadomości Matematyczne 50 (1) (2014), 69-74.
- Prexy Announces Appointments, New Promotions, The Kenyon Collegian 84 (1) (8 October 1948).
- Prof Nikodym Elected To Science Academy, The Kenyon Collegian 73 (22) (20 May 1949).
- Professor Nikodym Lectures in Europe, The Kenyon Collegian 86 (1) (2 October 1959).
- Portrait of Otton Nikodym, American Institute of Physics (2015). - Y G Prytula, Otto Marcin Nikodym, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 May 2015). - Stanisława and Otton Nikodym Papers, Szukaj w Archiwach (2014). - H Steinhaus, Mathematician for all seasons, Recollections and Notes 1 (1887-1945) (Birkhäuser, 2015).
- W Szymanski, Who was Otto Nikodym?, Mathematical Intelligencer 12 (2) (1990), 27-31.
- W Wójcik. Nikodym Otto Marcin, Giganci Nauk, Instytut Pamieci Narodowej (2024).,Nikodym-Otto-Marcin.html
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Written by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
Last Update November 2024
Last Update November 2024