Edinburgh Mathematical Society Lecturers 1883-2024
Below we list venues, authors of papers/talks, affiliations where known, and titles for meetings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society from 1883, the year of the founding of the Society, to the present day.
Some of those listed were not present at the meeting and their paper was read by a member of the Society The Society's Minutes are not always clear on whether papers are read only by title or discussed. We have included many that will have only been read by title. Also the affiliations of the speaker may not always be correct. Since some who presented papers moved around frequently, it has been impossible to always verify the particular affiliation at the time of giving the lecture.
Some of those listed were not present at the meeting and their paper was read by a member of the Society The Society's Minutes are not always clear on whether papers are read only by title or discussed. We have included many that will have only been read by title. Also the affiliations of the speaker may not always be correct. Since some who presented papers moved around frequently, it has been impossible to always verify the particular affiliation at the time of giving the lecture.
Click on a year below to see the data from that year | |
1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 | |
-1883 | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) Present Fields of Mathematical Research |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) The triangle and its six scribed circles |
Edinburgh | D Munn (High School, Edinburgh) The Nine-Point Circle |
C G Knott (Edinburgh) An Account of Newton's 'Optics' | |
Edinburgh | T Muir (Glasgow High School) New proof of Professor Tait's problem of Arrangement |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Short notes of interest to Teachers | |
A Y Fraser (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The fundamental notions of the Differential Calculus | |
C G Knott (Edinburgh) Plücker's first equation connecting the singularities of curves | |
Edinburgh | C G Knott (Edinburgh) Some notes on Quaternions |
D Munn (High School, Edinburgh) Some theorems on radical axes | |
1883-84 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) Listing's 'Topologie' |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) The circles associated with the triangle viewed from their centres of similitude |
C G Knott (Edinburgh) The Rev G McArthur's construction for Euclid II 9, 10 | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) Mathematical models, chiefly of surfaces of the second degree |
Edinburgh | T Muir (Glasgow High School) Note on a theorem connected with the area of a 2n-sided polygon |
H H Browning (14 Newton Place, Glasgow) Illustrations of harmonic section | |
Edinburgh | W J Macdonald (Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh) Pascal's 'Essais pour les coniques' |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Spherical geometry | |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Note on the condensation of a special continuant | |
Edinburgh | A Macfarlane (Edinburgh) On voting |
Edinburgh | A C Brown (Edinburgh) The hypothesis of Le Bel and Van't Hoff |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) A preliminary account of an overlooked treatise on determinants, published in 1825 | |
Edinburgh | W Peddie (Edinburgh) On the representation of the physical properties of substances by means of surfaces |
D Traill (The Academy, Edinburgh) The theorems as far as proposition 32 of the first book of Euclid's Elements, proved from first principles | |
D Traill (The Academy, Edinburgh) Geometry from common sense | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) Application of the multiplication of matrices to prove a theorem in spherical geometry |
G Chrystal (Edinburgh) On the discrimination of conics enveloped by the rays joining the corresponding points of two projective ranges | |
G Chrystal (Edinburgh) On a problem in partition of numbers | |
1884-85 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) The shoemaker's knife |
Edinburgh | P Alexander Failing cases of Fourier's double-integral theorem (read by Thomas Muir) |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Note on a function of two integral arguments | |
A Y Fraser (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) On the number of conditions determining geometrical figures | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) On the problem to construct the minimum circle enclosing n given points in a plane |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Note on the equation connecting the mutual distances of four points in a plane | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Geometrical notes | |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) Note on a plane strain |
P Alexander Boole's and other proofs of Fourier's double-integral theorem (read by Thomas Muir) | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Gilbert's method of treating tangents to confocal conicoids |
Edinburgh | T B Sprague (Faculty of Actuaries) Note on the evaluation of functions of the form |
J Alison (Edinburgh Academy) The so-called Simson-line | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) On certain formulae for repeated differentiation |
G Chrystal (Edinburgh) On a method for obtaining the differential equation to an algebraical curve | |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Note on the integration of | |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Historical note on the so-called Simson line | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Mnemonics for | |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) On the Detection of amphicheiral knots, with special reference to the mathematical processes involved |
Edinburgh | C Chree (King's College, Cambridge) On the form in polar co-ordinates of certain expressions occurring in elastic solids and in hydrodynamics |
R J Dallas (Teacher, Aberdeen) Notes on the method of orthogonal projection | |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On a number of concurrent spheres | |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Proposition suggested by and a generalisation of the Simson Line | |
1885-86 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) The ancient methods for the duplication of the cube |
W Harvey (Edinburgh undergraduate) Notes on Euclid I 47: the theorem of Pythagoras | |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) On certain integrals |
P G Tait (Edinburgh) On integrals occurring in the kinetic theory of gases | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) To transform a rectangle into a square | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) The theory of contours and its applications in physical science | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Solution of a problem proposed by Dr Muir on algebraical symmetry |
A Y Fraser (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) Two mechanical integrators or planimeters | |
A Y Fraser (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The quadrature of curves especially by means of planimeters | |
Edinburgh | W Harvey (Edinburgh undergraduate) Kinematical theorems |
T H Miller (Borough Road Training College) A proof of Lagrange's theorem | |
Edinburgh | H Rainy (Edinburgh undergraduate) Bifilar suspension treated by the method of contour lines |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Abstract of one of Euler's papers | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Note on a paper or Euler's entitled 'Solutio facilis problematum quorumdam geometricorum difficillimorum' | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) On the divisibility of certain numbers |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) An arithmetical note | |
J Alison (Edinburgh Academy) Statical proofs of some geometrical theorems | |
Edinburgh | H C E Childers (politician, Edinburgh South MP) Note on Euclid II 11, To divide a straight line in medial section |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) The theory of contours and its applications in physical science: Second part | |
C Chree (King's College, Cambridge) Vortex rings in a compressible fluid | |
C Chree (King's College, Cambridge) On the vibrations of a spherical or cylindrical body surrounded by or containing fluid | |
Edinburgh | A Robertson (St Andrew Square, Edinburgh) A problem in combinations |
J Alison (Edinburgh Academy) Trigonometrical mnemonic | |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) Notes on integration by parts and by successive reduction | |
1886-87 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Solutions of Euclid's Problems, with a rule and one fixed aperture of the compasses, by the Italian geometers of the sixteenth century |
R Tucker (Brighton College) On the sine-triple-angle circle | |
W Renton On the equivocal sign | |
Edinburgh | P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) Composition de Mathématiques élémentaires proposée au concours d'Agrégation de 1886 |
P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) Solution d'une question de géométrie | |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) The equilateral and the equiangular polygon | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) On certain inverse roulette problems |
Edinburgh | W J Macdonald Proof of a geometrical theorem |
C Chree (King's College, Cambridge) On vortices | |
J L Mackenzie A theorem in algebra | |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) On a definite integral | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Historical notes on a geometrical theorem and its developments (18th century): incenter, circumcenter, triangle |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Geometrical notes: polygons, quadrilateral, harmonic conjugates | |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) On the value of where m and n are very large |
M D'Ocagne (Corps de Ponts et Chaussées, Cherbourg) Sur les cordes communes à une conique et à un cercle de rayon nul: application à la théorie géométrique des foyers dans les coniques | |
R J Dallas Note on the kinematics of a quadrilateral | |
R J Dallas A problem in linkages | |
Edinburgh | A Y Fraser (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) An experiment in the teaching of Geometry |
Edinburgh | A Cayley (Cambridge) On a differential equation and the construction of Milner's lamp |
P G Tait (Edinburgh) Note on Milner's lamp | |
P G Tait (Edinburgh) An exercise on logarithmic tables | |
W Harvey Geometrical proof of the tangency of the inscribed and nine-point circles | |
1887-88 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G Thom (Dollar Institution) Mathematics in Secondary Schools and Universities |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) A method of transformation in geometry |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On Stirling's approximation to n! when n is large |
A Y Fraser (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) A device for the analysis of intervals and chords in music | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) On the inequality and its consequences |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) A model of the thermodynamic surface which represents the state of water substance in terms of pressure, volume, and temperature | |
Edinburgh | P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) Sur un systéme de cercles tangents à une circonférence et orthogonaux à une autre circonférence |
P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) On the circle which is tangential to one circle and orthogonal to another | |
J Wilson (Edinburgh) The nine-point circle | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Extension of a theorem of Abel's in summation to integration |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On the inscription of a triangle of given shape in a given triangle | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Pappus on the progressions | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Treatment of the progressions by the ancients as it had been preserved by Pappus | |
Edinburgh | C Chree (King's College, Cambridge) Vortex rings in a compressible fluid |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Similitude and inversion | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) A construction for the Brocard points |
1888-89 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) On the relations between systems of curves which, together, cut their plane into squares |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) The value of expressed in quadratic radicals | |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) A short notice of the additions to the mathematical theory of heat since the transmission of Fourier's memoir of 1811 to the French Academy | |
Edinburgh | D Munn (High School, Edinburgh) On the general equation of the second degree representing a pair of straight lines |
N Fraser (United Presbyterian Divinity Hall, Edinburgh) Kötter's synthetic geometry of algebraic curves | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Note on a formula in Quaternions |
J W Butters (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) On the solution of the equation , p being a prime number | |
Edinburgh | C Niven (Aberdeen) On a proposition in statics |
N Fraser (United Presbyterian Divinity Hall, Edinburgh) Kötter's synthetic geometry of algebraic curves: Second part of four | |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Amsler's planimeter | |
Edinburgh | W J Millar On the most economical speed to drive a steamer in relation to the cargo carried and coals consumed |
N Fraser (United Presbyterian Divinity Hall, Edinburgh) Kötter's synthetic geometry of algebraic curves: Third part of four | |
Edinburgh | C Chree (Kew Observatory) On vortex motion in a rotating fluid |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On the expression of a symmetric function in terms of the elementary symmetric functions | |
N Fraser (United Presbyterian Divinity Hall, Edinburgh) Kötter's synthetic geometry of algebraic curves: Fourth part of four | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Solutions of two geometrical problems |
Edinburgh | P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) Sur une propriété projective des sections coniques |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Note on the regular solids | |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) A certain cubic connected with the triangle | |
1889-90 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Green's and allied theorems: a historical sketch |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) A special case of the three-bar motion |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On some theorems in the theory of numbers | |
R H Pinkerton (Glasgow) Note on normals to conics | |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) Note on a curious operational theorem |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On a property of odd and even polygons | |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On some properties of the quadrilateral | |
Edinburgh | W Thomson (Glasgow) On the moduluses of elasticity of an elastic solid according to Boscovich's theory |
Edinburgh | T B Sprague (Faculty of Actuaries) On the different possible non-linear arrangements of eight men on a chess-board |
C Chree (Kew Observatory) On the equations of vortex motion, with special reference to the use of polar co-ordinates | |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On a problem in permutations | |
Edinburgh | A C Elliot (Glasgow) On a hydromechanical theorem |
A C Elliot (Glasgow) On Rankine's formula for earth pressure | |
Edinburgh | J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On a certain expression for a spherical harmonic, with some extensions |
J A Morrison (Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh) A method of teaching Electrostatics in school | |
Edinburgh | A Cayley (Cambridge) Note on the orthomorphic transformation of a circle into itself |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Note on Menelaus's theorem | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Historical notes on a geometrical problem and theorem: triangle, quadrilateral | |
1890-91 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Some new properties of the triangle |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) Proofs of some optical theorems | |
Edinburgh | A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) The triangle and its escribed parabolas |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Some geometrical theorems | |
R H Pinkerton (Glasgow) On the condition that the straight line should be a normal to the conic the co-ordinates being trilinear | |
Edinburgh | J McCowan (University College, Dundee) On the heating of conductors by electric currents, and the electric distribution in conductors so heated |
J D H Dickson (Peterhouse College, Cambridge) The solution of the equation | |
Edinburgh | T H Miller (Borough Road Training College) A problem in the theory of numbers |
P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) Sur un lieu géomérique | |
P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) On a geometrical locus | |
A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) The triangle and its escribed parabolas | |
Edinburgh | W Peddie (Edinburgh) On the use of dimensional equations in physics |
A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) Some relations between the orthic and the median triangles | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On some properties of a triangle of given shape inscribed in a given triangle |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) The pedal line of a triangle and theorems connected with it |
A H Anglin (Queen's College, Cork) On some applications of the pedal line of a triangle | |
Edinburgh | J McCowan (University College, Dundee) On a representation of elliptic integrals by curvilinear arcs |
T B Sprague (Faculty of Actuaries) On the transformation and classification of permutations | |
T H Miller (Borough Road Training College) On the numerical values of the roots of the equation | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) The Wallace line and the Wallace point | |
A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) Note on an equation of motion | |
1891-92 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) The barycentric calculus of Möbius |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Note on an approximate fractional expression for the expansion of to any odd number of terms |
A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) On the history and degree of certain geometrical approximations, (Part 1 of 2) | |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) On the smallest number of entries necessary in a table of logarithms to seven decimal spaces |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On the contact property of the eleven-point conic | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) Deduction of the thermodynamical relations | |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) On lines of magnetic force |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) On the relation between the stereographic projections of points of a plane related to one another by inversion |
C G Knott (Edinburgh) Experimental introduction to the study of magnetism | |
Edinburgh | A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) On the history and degree of certain geometrical approximations, (Part 2 of 2) |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On a surface of the third order | |
Edinburgh | J McCowan (University College, Dundee) On the solution of non-linear partial differential equations of the second order |
R E Anderson On triads of circles connected with the triangle | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Integrals of the form integrated from 0 to 2π) and allied integrals |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Matthew Stewart's theorem | |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) On a property of a quadrilateral | |
1892-93 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J McCowan (University College, Dundee) Note on the solution of partial differential equations by the method of reciprocation |
Edinburgh | A H Anglin (Queen's College, Cork) On certain results involving areal and trilinear co-ordinates |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) History of the nine-point circle | |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Geometrical notes: circle, triangle | |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Note of Newton's theorem of symmetric functions | |
Edinburgh | C G Knott (Edinburgh) The Quaternion and its depreciators: Recent quaternion heresies |
A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) On some loci connected with conics | |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) Note on attraction |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) On the fundamental principles of Quaternions with other vector analyses | |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) On a geometrical problem | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Early history of the symmedian point |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Adams's hexagons and circles | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) The elements of Quaternions, (Part 1 of 2) | |
Edinburgh | C Chree (Kew Observatory) Action at a distance and the transmission of stress by isotropic elastic solid media |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) The elements of Quaternions, (Part 2 of 2) | |
A J Pressland (Edinburgh Academy) Note on a problem in analytical geometry: triangles, parallelograms, diagonals | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) On the history of the Fourier series |
Edinburgh | C G Knott (Edinburgh) Japanese arithmetic |
1893-94 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) The geometrography of Euclid's problems |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Two circular notes | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) An arithmetical problem | |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Note on the number of numbers less than a given number and prime to it: Note on an Elementary Proposition in the Theory of Numbers |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Geographical models | |
J McCowan (University College, Dundee) On ridge lines and lines connected with them | |
Edinburgh | G Duthie (The Academy, Edinburgh) On certain maxima and minima |
J W Butters (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) Notes on factoring | |
Edinburgh | T B Sprague (Faculty of Actuaries) On the geometrical interpretation of ii |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) A proof of the uniform convergence of the Fourier series, with notes on the differentiation of the series | |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Geometrical notes | |
Edinburgh | P Aubert (Collège Stanislas, Paris) Tangential Coordinates |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Two triplets of circum-hyperbolas | |
Edinburgh | W Wallace (Higher Grade School, Leeds) Note on a third mode of section of the straight line |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Three parabolas connected with a plane triangle | |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) The pedal triangle | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Formulae connected with the radii of the incircle and the excircles of a triangle | |
Edinburgh | A C Brown (Edinburgh) On the division of a parallelepiped into tetrahedra without making new corners |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) On two differential equations | |
Edinburgh | J McCowan (University College, Dundee) On the highest wave of permanent type |
G E Crawford (Clifton, Bristol) On a problem on tangency: intersecting chords of a circle, inscribed circle | |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) On the solution of the Cubic and Quartic | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) E Carpenter's proof of Taylor's theorem | |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Notes on an orthocentric triangle | |
1894-95 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E Lemoine (Grenoble ) Étude sur le triangle, et sur certains points de Géométrographie |
J McCowan (University College, Dundee) On the solitary permanent wave: a continuation | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) The nine-point circle | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) The Brocard points and the Brocard angle | |
Edinburgh | G E Crawford (Clifton, Bristol ) Geometrical problem |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Parabolic note: co-normal points | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) Colour-sensation and colour-blindness with experiments | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Properties connected with the angular bisectors of a triangle: Some new circles connected with the triangle |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) Properties connected with the angular bisectors of a triangle | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Note on triangle transformations | |
Edinburgh | F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) Theorems in the products of related quantities, (Part 1 of 2) |
R H Pinkerton (University College, Cardiff) On the conditions that a given straight line may be a normal to the quadric surface | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Note on triangle transformations | |
J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) Examples of a method of developing logarithms and the trigonometrical functions without the Calculus, by means of their addition formulae and indeterminate coefficients | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Some formulae in connection with the parabolic section of the canonical quadric |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Some suggestions in mathematical terminology | |
W J Macdonald (Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh) A suggestion for the improvement of mathematical tables | |
G Duthie (The Academy, Edinburgh) Proposal with regard to British tables of linear and square measure: On a necessary reform in arithmetic | |
Edinburgh | J McCowan (University College, Dundee) On the operation of division |
C Bioche On Equilateral Gauche Cubics | |
R E Anderson Isoperimetric -gons applied to finding concisely by a new construction: On the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter | |
L Crawford (Mason College, Birmingham) On the use of the hyperbolic sine and cosine in connection with the hyperbola | |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Proof of a theorem in conics |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) Theorems in the products of related quantities, (Part 2 of 2) | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Isogonals of a triangle | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) A Summary of the theory of a coaxial system of lenses for small apertures, according to Möbius and Gauss, with applications to a photographic triplet |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) On a Diophantine equation | |
1895-96 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A Morgan (Church of Scotland Training College, Edinburgh) Address on celestial photography |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) Note on the circles of curvature of a plane curve |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) A reduction formula for indefinite integrals | |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) Some properties of parabolic curves | |
J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) On the development of the elliptic functions by means of their addition theorems | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Symmedians of a triangle and their concomitant circles |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) A certain linear differential equation | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On superposition by the aid of dissection | |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Note on a certain harmonical progression |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Note on continued fractions | |
A Martin A simple method of finding any number of square numbers whose sum is a square | |
Edinburgh | J D Höppner Note on four-dimensional figures |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Note on the formula for |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) On the pedal lines of polygons | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On deducing the properties of the trigonometrical functions from their addition equations | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On the number and nature of the solutions of the Apollonian contact problem | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Review (with special reference to the Rise of the Infinitesimal Calculus and the Newton-Leibnitz controversy) of Cantor's 'Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik, Dritter Band' |
1896-97 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R E Anderson Extension of the 'medial section' problem, and derivation of a hyperbolic graph |
Edinburgh | A H Anglin (Queen's College, Cork) Theorems on normals of an ellipse |
A H Anglin (Queen's College, Cork) On the geometrical investigation of the circular functions of and | |
R V Aiyar (Trichinopoly, India) A general theorem on the nine-points circle | |
A Morgan (Church of Scotland Training College, Edinburgh) On the geometrical representation of elliptic integrals of the first kind, (Part 1 of 2) | |
Edinburgh | A Morgan (Church of Scotland Training College, Edinburgh) On the geometrical representation of elliptic integrals of the first kind, (Part 2 of 2) |
H S Carslaw (Glasgow) The steady motion of a spherical vortex | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Proof of the theorem that the middle points of the three diagonals of a complete quadrilateral are collinear | |
Edinburgh | J B Clark (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) On a proof of the fundamental combination theorem |
J Alison (Edinburgh Academy) Maximum and minimum | |
J W Butters (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) A geometrical proof of certain trigonometrical formulae (the addition theorem, etc ) | |
Edinburgh | F H Jackson School House, Cowbridge) Certain expansions of xn in hypergeometric series |
J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) The factorisation of | |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) A geometrical theorem with application to the proof of the collinearity of the mid-points of the diagonals of the complete quadrilateral |
R Tucker (Brighton College) Geometrical note | |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On a method of studying displacement |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Isogonic centres of a triangle | |
1897-98 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) The treatment of arithmetic progressions by Archimedes |
M E Lémeray Le quatrième algorithme naturel | |
Edinburgh | J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) A general method of solving the equation of elasticity |
J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) Trigonometrical notes | |
H S Carslaw (Glasgow) Note on the transformations of the equations of hydrodynamics | |
Edinburgh | L Crawford (Mason College, Birmingham) The trisection of a given angle |
G E Crawford (Clifton, Bristol) The centre of gravity of a circular arc | |
Edinburgh | R Guimaraes (Portugese military) On a geometrical problem |
G A Gibson (Glasgow and Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh) Discussion on Euclid's definition of Proportion: Proposal that in the teaching of elementary geometry, Euclid's definition of proportion be abandoned | |
Edinburgh | P H Schoute (Groningen) Extension of the notion of wave-surface to space of n dimensions |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Note on the centre of gravity of a circular arc | |
Edinburgh | L Crawford (Mason College, Birmingham) On the second solutions of Lamé's equation |
H Mitchell (Dundee) The singular solutions of a certain differential equation of the second order | |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Permutations: alternative proofs of elementary formulae |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On the transformation-sequence | |
J W Butters (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) Elementary notes: 1) On the factorisation of a function of n variables, and 2) On the use of the term 'produced' | |
1898-99 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J A Third (Aberdeen) Systems of circles analogous to Tucker circles, (Part 1 of 3) |
W L Thomson (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) Geometrical theory of the hyperbolic functions | |
Edinburgh | J A Third (Aberdeen) Systems of circles analogous to Tucker circles, (Part 2 of 3) |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) 'Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Mathematik', von Moritz Cantor A review: with special reference to the Analyst controversy | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Elementary notes: inequality theorem, exponential limit |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Against Euler's proof of the binomial theorem for negative and fractional exponents | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Note on continued fractions | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) A proof of the binomial theorem when the exponent is a positive integer | |
Edinburgh | T B Sprague (Faculty of Actuaries) On the eight-queens' problem |
Edinburgh | P G Tait (Edinburgh) Note on attraction |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) A discussion on the treatment of proportion in elementary mathematics |
Edinburgh | J A Third (Aberdeen) Systems of circles analogous to Tucker circles, (Part 3 of 3) |
J A Third (Aberdeen) Systems of conics connected with the triangle | |
J A Third (Aberdeen) Systems of spheres connected with the tetrahedron | |
1899-00 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G E Crawford (Clifton, Bristol) Elementary proof that the arithmetic mean of any number of positive quantities is greater than the geometric mean |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) The dissection of any two triangles into mutually similar pairs of triangles | |
J A Third (Aberdeen) Two geometrical transformations | |
Edinburgh | L Crawford (Mason College, Birmingham) On the evaluation of a certain determinant |
A D Russell (High School, Falkirk) A special case of the dissection of any two triangles into mutually similar pairs of triangles | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) Elementary proof of the potential theorems regarding uniform spherical shells | |
Edinburgh | W Peddie (Edinburgh) On the dissipation of energy in vibrating matter |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Remark on Dr Peddie's proof of the potential theorems regarding uniform spherical shells |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On Bessel functions and spherical harmonics | |
Glasgow | J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) The determination of Green's function by means of cylindrical or spherical harmonics |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Note on the fundamental inequality theorems connected with ex and xm |
É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Note sur un problème de Géométrie | |
Edinburgh | W E Philip (H M I S , Aberdeen) A general proof of the addition theorems in Trigonometry |
W E Philip (H M I S , Aberdeen) A slight extension of Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions | |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) Note on proofs by projection in Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry | |
C A Laisant (École Polytechnique) Problème de la section de raison | |
1900-01 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) Euclidean proof of Pascal's theorem |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Note on the expression for the area of a triangle in Cartesian co-ordinates, and a general proof of the addition theorem in Trigonometry connected therewith | |
J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) Alternative proof of a theorem in change of axes | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) Note on four circles touching a common circle |
J A Third (Aberdeen) Triangles triply in perspective | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On the nine-point conic |
D B Mair The nth root of a prime number cannot be the root of an equation of degree less than n with rational coefficients | |
Edinburgh | W Peddie (Edinburgh) Note on the cooling of a sphere in a mass of well-stirred liquid |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Inequalities relating to some algebraic means | |
Edinburgh | G Chrystal (Edinburgh) Some elementary theorems regarding surds |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Note on the application of complex integration to the equation of conduction of heat, with special reference to Dr Peddie's problem | |
Glasgow | L Crawford (Mason College, Birmingham) The general equation of a geodesic on a surface of revolution applied to the sphere |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On a cubic curve connected with the triangle | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) A note on the focal relations of a bicircular quartic | |
H S Carslaw (Glasgow) On the summation of a certain series | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) An extension of Abel's theorem on the continuity of a power series |
H S Carslaw (Glasgow) Oblique incidence of a train of plane waves on a semi-infinite plane | |
1901-02 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) The second integral theorem of mean value: a geometrical proof |
A G Burgess (Ladies' College, Edinburgh) Theorems in connection with lines drawn through a pair of points parallel and antiparallel to the sides of a triangle | |
J N Miller On an instrument for trisecting any angle | |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Note on the theory of the rolling of one rigid surface on another |
L Crawford (Mason College, Birmingham) A proof of Rodrigues' theorem and some expansions derived from it | |
H F Blichfeldt (Stanford, USA) Demonstrations of a pair of theorems in geometry | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) History of a theorem in elementary geometry: the isosceles triangle | |
Edinburgh | H S Carslaw (Glasgow) Note on the use of Fourier's series in the problem of the transverse vibrations of strings |
H S Carslaw (Glasgow) On a theorem in inequalities | |
L Crawford (Mason College, Birmingham) Note on a property of circulating decimals with an even number of repeating figures equivalent to a vulgar fraction with a prime number as denominator | |
Edinburgh | H S Carslaw (Glasgow) A discussion on the teaching of elementary mathematics |
Glasgow | Discussion on the improvements in the teaching of elementary mathematics |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Note on the theorems of Menelaus and Ceva |
J W Butters (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) Notes on decimal coinage and approximation | |
R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On some systems of conics connected with the triangle | |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) The applicability of the law of extensible minors to determinants of special form | |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Notes on the theorems of Menelaus and Ceva |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Constructions connected with Euclid VI 3 and VI A, and the circle of Apollonius | |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Anallagmatic curves, part 1: equations and inversions | |
W Peddie (Edinburgh) A construction for the force, at any point, due to electric point-charges or ideal magnets, with an extension to continuous distributions | |
1902-03 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | H S Carslaw (Glasgow) The use of Green's functions in the mathematical theory of the conduction of heat |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) On a generalization of Bessel's equation | |
Edinburgh | W Peddie (Edinburgh) On the uniqueness of solution of the linear differential equation of the second order |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) Note on two intrinsically related plane curves | |
J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Mathematical correspondence: Robert Simson, Matthew Stewart, James Stirling | |
Edinburgh | J H Smith (deceased, former Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge) and Dickson, J D H (Peterhouse College, Cambridge) On the decimalization of English money, and some simplifications in long division |
J W Butters (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) On the decimalization of money | |
A G Burgess (Ladies' College, Edinburgh) Note on the antireciprocal points | |
T B Sprague (Faculty of Actuaries) On the singular points of plane curves | |
Edinburgh | J A Third (Aberdeen) Triangles in multiple perspective, viewed in connection with determinants of the third order |
J Taylor (The Academy, Edinburgh) Note on mental division by large numbers | |
H Poole A mechanical construction for the quartic trisectrix | |
Glasgow | T H Miller (Borough Road Training College) On the imaginary roots of the equation |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Some methods applicable to identities and inequalities of symmetric algebraic functions of n letters | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) On the equation to a conic circumscribing a triangle | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Construction connected with the locus of a point at which two segments of a straight line subtend equal angles | |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) Generalised forms of the series of Bessel and Legendre | |
Edinburgh | A Holm (Girls' High School, Glasgow) On the convergents to a recurring continued fraction |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) Elementary proof that the mid-points of the three diagonals of any quadrilateral are collinear | |
Edinburgh | W A Lindsay (Free Church Training College, Glasgow) A discussion on 'the co-ordination of the teaching of practical and theoretical geometry' |
1903-04 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Remarques sur l'intégration des fonctions |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) Note on M Collignon's paper on the integration of | |
W L Thomson (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) A note on a theorem in double series | |
Edinburgh | F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) On some algebraic identities |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) On a form of Maclaurin's theorem | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) On the quadrilateral circuminscribed to two circles | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Inequality theorem regarding the lines joining corresponding vertices of two equilateral, or directly similar, triangles, (Part 1 of 2) |
D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) On the fractional infinite series for and | |
D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) Note on the method of finding the particular integral of the differential equation | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Inequality theorem regarding the lines joining corresponding vertices of two equilateral, or directly similar, triangles, (Part 2 of 2) |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) A basic-sine and cosine, with symbolical solutions of certain differential equations | |
Glasgow | J W Butters (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) On the use of symmetry in geometry |
A Holm (Girls' High School, Glasgow) Some points in Diophantine analysis | |
J H M Wedderburn (Leipzig) Note on the linear matrix equation | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Note on the treatment of tangents in recent text-books of elementary geometry |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Minimum deviation through a prism | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On the use of the term power in geometry, and on the treatment of the 'doubtful sign' | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Solution of a geometrical problem | |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) Certain series of generalised Bessel-functions | |
Edinburgh | P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The turning of values of a cubic and the nature of the roots of a cubic equation |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Note on Newton's theorem of symmetric functions | |
P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) Note on the problem: To draw through a given point a transversal to (a) a given triangle (b) a given quadrilateral so that the intercepted segments may have (a) a given ratio (b) a given cross ratio | |
1904-05 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Recherches sur l'enveloppe des pédales des divers point d'une circonférence par rapport á un triangle inscrit |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) The condensation of continuants | |
Edinburgh | P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The turning values of cubic and quartic functions and the nature of the roots of cubic and quartic equations |
D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) The proof by projection of the addition theorem in trigonometry | |
É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Two geometrical notes: Démonstration de deux théorèmes de géométrie | |
Edinburgh | W A Lindsay (Free Church Training College, Glasgow) A proof of the theorem that the arithmetic mean of n positive quantities is not less than their harmonic mean |
G D Valentine (Advocate, Edinburgh) Two theorems on the factors of | |
E B Ross (Christian College, Madras, India) Contact between a curve and its envelope | |
Edinburgh | J N Miller A method of dividing the circumference of a circle into 360 equal parts |
T J l'A Bromwich (Cambridge) The ambiguous cases in the solution of spherical triangles | |
D G Taylor (Cardiff) Polar loci | |
Glasgow | A G Burgess (Ladies' College, Edinburgh) On the orthoptic locus of the semi-cubical parabola |
A Holm (Girls' High School, Glasgow) Determination of the radii of the circles which touch three given circles | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Some proofs of Newton's theorem on sums of powers of roots | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) A proof of Waring's expression for in terms of the coefficients of an equation | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Bibliography of the envelope of the Wallace line: the three-cusped hypocycloid |
R V Aiyar (Trichinopoly, India) Notes on inequalities | |
J H A McIntyre On mathematical instruments and the accuracy to be obtained with them in some elementary practical problems | |
Edinburgh | D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) A direct method of obtaining the foci and directrices from the general equation of the second degree |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) Note on the determination of the axes of a conic | |
A Brown (South African College, Cape Town) The ratio of incommensurables in elementary geometries | |
1905-06 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) On the number of independent conditions involved in the vanishing of a rectangular array |
F H Jackson (School House, Cowbridge) Certain series of basic Bessel co-efficients | |
J A McBride (Allan Glen's School, Glasgow) A trigonometric dial: a teaching appliance | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) A problem of Lewis Carroll's, and the rational solutions of a Diophantine cubic |
É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Solution of the cubic equation | |
J Turner (Royal High School, Edinburgh) On the teaching of geometry | |
Edinburgh | D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) On the reduction of |
G E Crawford (Clifton, Bristol) The determination of the centre of gravity of a circular arc by reference to a principal of dynamics | |
P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) On a nine-point conic | |
P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The parabolic path of a projectile | |
Edinburgh | J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) On the Pascal hexagram |
J H M Wedderburn (Edinburgh) On Newton's theorem in the calculus of variations | |
W G Fraser (School Teacher, Stirling) On the relations of certain conics to a triangle | |
Glasgow | W Peddie (Edinburgh) The conditions for the reality of the roots of an n-ic |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Proofs of an inequality | |
J Miller (West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Note on tortuous curves | |
L Arneil (Provincial Training College, Glasgow) On a simple theodolite suitable for use in schools | |
Edinburgh | J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) A proof that the middle points of parallel chords of a conic lie on a fixed straight line |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Notes on the Apollonian problem and the allied theory | |
Edinburgh | J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Quantitative proofs of certain algebraical inequalities |
E B Ross (Christian College, Madras, India) A symbolical method in geometrical optics | |
A G Burgess (Ladies' College, Edinburgh) Theorems connected with Simson's line | |
1906-07 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J H M Wedderburn (Edinburgh) Note on hypercomplex numbers |
É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Various questions relative to the triangle | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) De la Vallée Poussin's extension of Poisson's integral |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) A problem in conics | |
P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) Points at infinity, etc , in a plane | |
Edinburgh | J Miller (West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On the cartesian co-ordinates of classes of tortuous curves |
R V Aiyar (Trichinopoly, India) On the arithmetic and geometric means inequality | |
W Finlayson (lived in Edinburgh) Coaxial circles and conics | |
Edinburgh | D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) Note on the envelope-investigation |
R V Aiyar (Trichinopoly, India) On the 'e' inequality | |
D C McIntosh (Ladies' College, Edinburgh) On the teaching to beginners of such transformations as | |
Glasgow | J H M Wedderburn (Edinburgh) On commutative matrices |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On Vandermonde's theorem and some more general expansions | |
P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) On area-theory and some applications | |
Edinburgh | D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) On certain projective configurations in space of n dimensions, and a related problem in arrangements |
C M K Leggett (lived in London) On a problem in rigid dynamics | |
É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Pythagoras's theorem | |
Edinburgh | J S Mackay (The Academy, Edinburgh) Herbert Spencer and mathematics |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Elementary methods for calculating first and second moments of simple configurations | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) On arithmetical approximations | |
1907-08 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Jack (Wilson College, Bombay) Poles and polars of a conic |
É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Problem in plane geometry | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) A first evaluation of π | |
Edinburgh | A G Greenhill (Royal Military Academy, Woolwich) The dygogram of axle reaction of a pendulum |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Notes on Spherical Harmonics | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Notes on the Apollonian problem and the allied theory | |
Edinburgh | A H Anglin (Queen's College, Cork) On the lengths of a pair of tangents to a conic |
A C Dixon (Queen's College, Belfast) On the lines which intersect three given lines in space | |
A C Dixon (Queen's College, Belfast) Proof that every rational algebraic equation has a root | |
W Finlayson (lived in Edinburgh) Theorem regarding orthogonal conics | |
Edinburgh | C McLeod (Grammar School, Aberdeen) A discussion on 'The place of graphs in a course of mathematics' |
Glasgow | J Miller (West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On the geometry of the conic and the triangle |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) To express a determinant of the nth order in terms of compound determinants of the second order, and vice versa | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) A graphic method of solving n simultaneous linear equations involving n unknowns | |
J A McBride (Allan Glen's School, Glasgow) School apparatus for determining g | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Examples in the geometry of cross ratios |
M T Naraniengar (Central College, Bangalore) The intrinsic properties of curves | |
J G Thomson (lived in Edinburgh) Geometrical extraction of cube root | |
Edinburgh | M T Naraniengar (Central College, Bangalore) On contact of curves |
K J Sanjana (Bhaonagar, Bombay) On factors of numbers of the form | |
T H Miller (Training College, Isleworth) A problem in the theory of numbers | |
1908-09 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W Finlayson (lived in Edinburgh) A certain relation between coaxial circles and conics |
A G Greenhill (Royal Military Academy, Woolwich) The revolving chain | |
Edinburgh | J H M Wedderburn (Edinburgh) On certain theorems in determinants |
É Collignon (Ponts et chaussées) Problem in plane geometry | |
Edinburgh | J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On the Tucker circles of a spherical triangle |
W Miller (lived in Glasgow) A simple theodolite: A teaching appliance | |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Waring's expression for a symmetric function in terms of like powers | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On the locus of a foci of a system of similar conics through three points |
J Miller (West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Note on the geometry of the triangle | |
Glasgow | F E Edwardes (Harrow School) On the stationary eccentricity of a system of conics through four given points |
A Holm (Girls' High School, Glasgow) Theorems on the summation of series | |
H F Thompson (The Academy, Edinburgh) A geometrical proof of a theorem connected with the tetrahedron | |
Edinburgh | A C Brown (Edinburgh) Polygons and polyhedra of higher species: Relation between the distances of a point from three vertices of a regular polygon |
Edinburgh | A Brown (South African College, Cape Town) The relation between the distances of a point from three vertices of a regular polygon |
J G Thomson (lived in Edinburgh) Geometrical construction for the approximate evaluation of | |
1909-10 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On Wilkinson's method of treating the nine-points circle, with generalizations |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) The anharmonic ratios of four points in a straight line | |
F E Edwardes (Harrow School) On the stationary eccentricity of a system of four-tangent conics | |
Edinburgh | G D C Stokes (Glasgow) On the integration of the canonic equations and the principle of duality |
H S Carslaw (Sydney, Australia) Gauss's theorem on the regular polygons which can be constructed by Euclid's method | |
M T Naraniengar (Central College, Bangalore) Notes on the three-cusped hypocycloid | |
Edinburgh | K J Sanjana (Bhaonagar, Bombay) On series for calculating Euler's constant and the constant in Stirling's theorem |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) A problem in voting | |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Classification of geometries with projective metric | |
Edinburgh | M T Naraniengar (Central College, Bangalore) The locus of points at which two sides of a given triangle subtend equal or supplementary angles |
J I Craig (Survey Department, Cairo, Egypt) Orthogonal trajectories in vectorial co-ordinates | |
Glasgow | R C Archibald (Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA) Historical note on Wallace's line |
H S Carslaw (Sydney, Australia) The Bolyai-Lobatschewsky non-Euclidean geometry: an elementary interpretation of this geometry and some results which follow from this interpretation | |
R J T Bell (Glasgow) The locus of the straight lines which intersect three given lines | |
R J T Bell (Glasgow) The factors of | |
Edinburgh | G E Crawford (Clifton, Bristol) Properties of quadrilaterals and five-point space figures |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Note on the geometries in which straight lines are represented by circles | |
Edinburgh | R C Archibald (Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA) Discussion and history of certain geometrical problems of Heraclitus and Apollonius |
C (Grammar School, Aberdeen) and McLeodMilne, W P (Clifton College, Bristol) Triangles triply in perspective | |
1910-11 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J G Thomson (lived in Edinburgh) The relation between the golden section of the radius and the quinquesection of the circle |
A J Pressland (The Academy, Edinburgh) The recent reform of teaching of mathematics and science in Germany | |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) A property of the harmonic triangle of the complete quadrangle formed by the four points of contact of the four tangents to the cubic curve from a point on it |
G D Valentine (Advocate, Edinburgh) A root of the cubic equation expressed as a continued fraction | |
G D Valentine (Advocate, Edinburgh) A method of investigating the geometry of families of curves, with examples | |
Edinburgh | R E Allardice (Edinburgh) On the envelope of the directrices of a system of similar conics through three points |
A C Dixon (Queen's College, Belfast) Approximation by means of convergent fractions | |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) The focal circles of circular cubics |
K J Sanjana (Bhaonagar, Bombay) Note on Professor Allardice's paper "On the locus of the foci of a system of similar conics through three points" | |
A Martin (amateur American mathematician) Algebraic solution to the three-point problem | |
Glasgow | F E Edwardes (Harrow School) (i) A proof of Dupin's theorem, (ii) Two methods of obtaining Cayley's condition that a family of surfaces may form one of an orthogonal triad, (iii) An extension of Dupin's theorem |
J A Donaldson Fermat's theorem deduced from theory of circulating radix fractions | |
Edinburgh | P Pinkerton (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The scope of elementary geometry |
Edinburgh | J Miller (West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On a class of surfaces |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) A method for successive graphic interpretations | |
D G Taylor (University College, Cardiff) End-to-end focal chords in an ellipse | |
W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) The focal and bi-tangent properties of bi-circular quartics | |
1911-12 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) The system of cubic curves circumscribing two triangles and apolar to them |
W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) An easy geometric representation of the sextic covariant of a binary quartic | |
T H Miller (Training College, Isleworth) On the numerical calculation of natural logarithms | |
Edinburgh | W Peddie (University College, Dundee) The mechanical solution of an n-ic, and exhibition of a model for the determination of the roots of a cubic |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Einstein's principle of relativity in its kinematical aspect | |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Note on Legendre's and Bertrand's proof of the parallel postulate by infinite areas | |
Edinburgh | J A Donaldson An infinite series of triangles and conics with a common pole and polar |
F E Edwardes (Harrow School) The condition that the family of surfaces may be one of an orthogonal triad | |
R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) Graphical trisection of circular arc | |
Edinburgh | C Goldziher (Budapest, Hungary) On graphical integration |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) A mechanism for solving equations for the nth degree | |
G Philip (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The geometry of the general pedal curve | |
W Gentle (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) An extension of the remainder theorem | |
Glasgow | G D C Stokes (Glasgow) An analytical study of plane rolling mechanisms |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) The fundamental formula for the area of a triangle in analytical geometry | |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) Proof of a fundamental relation in the theory of bending between the bending moment and load curves, or between the deflection and bending moment curves | |
H Levy (Göttingen) An extension of Clairaut's differential equation | |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) Further investigations of circular cubics and bi-circular quartics |
F G Texeira (Porto) Note on the researches of Maclaurin on circular cubics | |
H T H Piaggio (Nottingham) Note on linear differential equations with constant coefficients | |
Edinburgh | G A Gibson (Glasgow) On graphical work in school teaching |
Edinburgh | H S Carslaw (Sydney, Australia) A problem in the linear flow of heat discussed from the point of view of the theory of integral equations |
D G Taylor (University College, Cardiff) Linear substitutions and their invariants | |
W Brash (Edinburgh undergraduate) Two general theorems in the differential calculus | |
1912-13 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | H S Carslaw (Sydney, Australia) Integral equations and the determination of Green's functions in the theory of potential |
F E Edwardes (Harrow School) On the expansion of in positive integral powers of z, when n is a large positive integer | |
J C Swaminarayan (Gujerat College, Ahmedabad, India) A determinantal proof of Ptolemy's theorem | |
Edinburgh | R J T Bell (Glasgow) A method of finding i) the double points of a unicursal curve and ii) unicursal quartics with three given double points |
G D C Stokes (Glasgow) Integration of the x-u differential equation in the problem of two bodies | |
F G Taylor (University College, Nottingham) The point "O" and two associated cubics | |
Edinburgh | R F Davis (Amateur mathematician) On a certain algebraical elimination |
J C Swaminarayan (Gujerat College, Ahmedabad, India) Osculating conic at any point of a given plane curve | |
H Levy (Göttingen) Diametrical curves, and mean point loci of systems of curves and surfaces | |
Edinburgh | G Philip (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) A problem of Robert Simson's |
J A Donaldson On the summation of | |
J C Swaminarayan (Gujerat College, Ahmedabad, India) Generalized form of Clairaut's equation | |
Glasgow | D Some optical constructions (i) A geometrical construction for the rainbow formula, (ii) Geometrical constructions for refraction and reflection in a prism |
J A Third (Aberdeen) Geometrical constructions for refraction and reflection in a prism | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Notes on mathematical induction | |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) A system of nonagons nonuply in perspective |
D G Taylor (University College, Cardiff) On a certain class of linear substitutions of order four | |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Changes in university mathematics during the last twenty years |
Edinburgh | W Finlayson (lived in Edinburgh) The "O" circle of the co-axial triad through the vertices of a triangle, and the "O" locus for a cyclic quadrangle |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) A simple linkage for describing equal areas | |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) Model of a well-known deformable triangular linkage | |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) Graphical harmonic analysis | |
1913-14 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A B Basset (Amateur mathematician) On a class of singularities discussed by Dr Sprague |
F G Taylor (University College, Nottingham) and Marr, W L (High School for Girls, Aberdeen) The six trisectors of each of the angles of a triangle | |
Edinburgh | J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Notes on spherical harmonics |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) Napier's Logarithms | |
P Humbert (Edinburgh) On some results concerning integral equations | |
Edinburgh | R J T Bell (Glasgow) Note on the axes of a normal section of the enveloping cylinder of a conicoid |
A Milne (Provincial Training College, Edinburgh) On the equation of the parabolic cylinder functions | |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the continued fractions which represent the functions of Hermite and other functions defined by differential equations | |
Edinburgh | A G Burgess (Ladies' College, Edinburgh) Concurrency of lines joining vertices of a triangle to opposite vertices of triangles on its sides |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Note on Gauss's proof of the reciprocity of parallelism | |
A W Young (St Andrews) On the quasi-periodic solutions of Mathieu's differential equation | |
Glasgow | R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Some graphical methods for determining centres of gravity |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Theorems analogous to Newton's theorems on symmetric functions: with elementary proofs | |
D G Taylor (University College, Cardiff) On certain formulae connected with the function | |
D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) On summable series and Bernoullian numbers | |
Edinburgh | F G Taylor (University College, Nottingham) The relation of Morley's theorem to the Hessian axis and circumcentre |
W L Marr (High School for Girls, Aberdeen) Morley's trisection theorem: an extension and its relation to the circles of Apollonius | |
D K Picken (Victoria College, Wellington, New Zealand) On Simson's line and related theory: an exercise in geometric generality | |
E L Ince (Edinburgh) On certain theorems on continued fractions equivalent to Riemann's and other transformations of the P-function | |
Edinburgh | A Gray (Glasgow) On the attractions of spherical and ellipsoidal shells |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the general solution of Mathieu's equation | |
G Philip (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) Napier's 'De Arte Logistica' | |
1914-15 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G N Watson (University College, London) The convergence of the series in Mathieu's functions, {Communicated by Professor Whittaker} |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Taylor's cubics associated with a triangle in non-Euclidean geometry | |
E L Ince (Edinburgh) The elliptic cylinder functions of the second kind | |
Edinburgh | A W H (Trinity College, Cambridge) Thompson The geometry of space, {Communicated by Thomas M MacRobert} |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On a class of differential equations whose solutions satisfy integral equations | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) A theorem on the contact of circles leading up to the theorems of Feuerbach and Hart | |
Edinburgh | H Briggs Vector errors |
A W H (Trinity College, Cambridge) Thompson Solid Geometry, {Communicated by Thomas M MacRobert} | |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On an integral-equation whose solutions are the Legendre polynomials | |
W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) Easy proof of von Staudt's theorem, {Communcated by Peter Comrie} | |
Edinburgh | G H (University College, Bangor) Bryan Note on suspension bridge catenaries, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} |
P Humbert(Edinburgh) On a class of integral equations, {Communicated by Professor Whittaker} | |
A Milne (Provincial Training College, Edinburgh) On the roots of the confluent hypergeometric functions | |
C G Knott (Edinburgh) Quaternion proof of the theorem of moments in rigid dynamics | |
E Blades (George Watson's Ladies' College, Edinburgh) On spheroidal harmonics | |
Glasgow | A W H Thompson (Trinity College, Cambridge) Solid geometry |
G D C Stokes (Glasgow) A simple link apparatus for the mechanical solution of quadratic equations | |
F Tavani New formulae about the theory of the series of alternate sign, {Communicated by A S Morrison} | |
Edinburgh | L R Ford (Edinburgh) On the roots of a derivative of a rational function |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Studies of the life and writings of Colin Maclaurin, {Communicated by David Gibb} | |
H T FlintRecurrence formulae for the functions which represent solutions of the differential equation , {Communicated by Archibald Milne} | |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Exhibition of two simple nomograms | |
Edinburgh | G B Jeffery (University College, London) On spheroidal harmonics and allied functions, {Communicated by Edward Blades} |
A G Burgess (Ladies' College, Edinburgh) Determinants connected with the periodic solutions of Mathieu's equation | |
L R Ford (Edinburgh) On the oscillating functions derived from a discontinuous function | |
W L Marr (High School for Girls, Aberdeen) The angle between two lines in trilinears | |
1915-16 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J A Strang The solution of difference equations by continued fractions, {Communicated by Archibald Milne} |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) A suggested measure of relationship | |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) The solution of difference equations by continued fractions | |
G E Crawford (Clifton, Bristol) Notes on a triangle, {Communicated by T A Brown} | |
E Press (Bank of Abyssinia, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia) An easy geometrical proof of a theorem of Chasles, {Communicated by J Mackenzie} | |
Edinburgh | D G (University College, Cardiff) Taylor Real linear substitutions with equimodular multipliers, and their expression in terms of their invariants, {Communicated by Thomas M MacRobert} |
S Brodetsky (Bristol) On the linear differential equation of the second order, {Communicated by H Levy} | |
T A Brown (postgraduate student, Edinburgh) Fourier's integral | |
Edinburgh | H Datta (postgraduate student, Edinburgh) On the theory of continued fractions |
A Milne (Provincial Training College, Edinburgh) The conformal representation of the quotient of two Bessel functions | |
Edinburgh | E L Ince (Edinburgh) On the continued fractions associated with the hypergeometric equation, {Communicated by Glenny Smeal} |
A Milne (Provincial Training College, Edinburgh) Note on the Peano-Baker method of solving linear differential equations | |
D Gibb (Librarian, Edinburgh) On integral relations connected with the hypergeometric function | |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) A simple form of integrometer | |
Glasgow | J F Tinto On the three-dimensional transformations founded on the twisted cubic and its chord systems |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Elliptic cylindrical harmonics: The solution of Mathieu's differential equation | |
Edinburgh | S Brodetsky (Bristol) The linear differential equation of the second order, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) A new nomogram for the cubic equation, {Communicated by Professor Whittaker} | |
G Philip (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) On a group of parabolas associated with the triangle | |
F G (University College, Nottingham) Taylor Birationally related cubics, {Communicated by Alexander George Burgess} | |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the solution of Riccati's equation by continued fractions |
H Datta (postgraduate student, Edinburgh) On symmetric determinants and Pfaffians | |
W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) The Hessian-polars of n-dimensional cubics, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) Determinantal systems of points, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
F G (University College, Nottingham) Taylor An involution pencil of whole-plane birationally related cubics, {Communicated by Alexander George Burgess} | |
1916-17 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Some theorems on determinants |
H Datta (postgraduate student, Edinburgh) On the theory of continued fractions: second paper | |
Edinburgh | L R Ford (Edinburgh) On a class of continued fractions |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On certain determinants of Cayley and Sylvester | |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) An addition to the slide-rule | |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) The apolar locus of two tetrads of points, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} |
L R Ford (Edinburgh) A method of solving algebraic equations | |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) The co-apolars of a cubic curve, {Communicated by Archibald Milne} |
S Brodetsky (Bristol) On the general linear differential equation, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} | |
Edinburgh | G B Jeffery (University College, London) Transformations of axes for Whittaker's solution of Laplace's equation, {Communicated by Edward Blades} |
H Datta (postgraduate student, Edinburgh) On the failure of Heilermann's theorem | |
Edinburgh | L R Ford (Edinburgh) A geometrical proof of a theorem by Hurwitz and Borel |
D G (University College, Cardiff) Taylor Geometrical illustrations of cyclant substitutions, {Communicated by Alexander George Burgess} | |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the latent roots of compound determinants and Brill's determinants |
W L (High School for Girls, Aberdeen) Marr A closed system of triangles apolar to a given triangle, and derivative systems, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
J F Tinto On a group of transformations connected with the 27 lines of the cubic surface, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
J F Tinto On the plane representation of a certain class of homaloidal surfaces, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
A W Young On the computation of a Lagrangian interpolation, {Communicated by Professor Whittaker} | |
L R Ford (Edinburgh) The effect of a rise in prices on the amount of small money used | |
1917-18 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W P Milne (Clifton College, Bristol) The apolar locus of two tetrads of points on a conic, {Communicated by Archibald Milne} |
F G W (West Ham Municipal Technical Institute) Brown The Brocard and Tucker circles of a cyclic quadrilateral, {Communicated by Eleanor Pairman} | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Nicole's contribution to the foundations of the calculus of finite differences, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) An asymptotic representation of the exponential function: On Poisson's integral-equation | |
Edinburgh | E Pairman (Edinburgh) On a difference equation due to Stirling |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On Bernoulli's and Fürstenau's methods for the solution of equations | |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) An approximate formula for the length of an arc of a suspended rope | |
Edinburgh | G Smeal (Edinburgh) The parameter method of iteration |
E Pairman (Edinburgh) A new form of the remainder in Newton's interpolation formula | |
Edinburgh | C G Knott (Edinburgh) Note on the Quaternion theory of confocals |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Geometrical notes on the accelerations of points of a rigid plane body moving in its own plane, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} | |
Edinburgh | D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Some applications of spherical geometry to geometrical optics, {Communicated by Edmund Taylor Whittaker} |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Note on the minimum duration of twilight, {Communicated by Edmund Taylor Whittaker} | |
T H (Training College, Isleworth) Miller Note on the radical axis of intersecting circles, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Rolling loads: a new graphical method, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} | |
Edinburgh | E Pairman (Edinburgh) Relations connected with the generalised differentiation |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Some new expansions in series of polynomials: A formula for the solution of algebraic or transcendental equations | |
1918-19 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Notes on the homographic transformation of the cubic and biquadratic |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) The Stirling numbers and polynomials, {Communicated by Archibald Milne} |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) A theorem of Sonine in Bessel functions, with two extensions to spherical harmonics | |
F Bowman (College of Science and Technology, Manchester) Note on the complete Jacobian elliptic integral | |
Edinburgh | E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) A mechanical solution of a differential equation of torsion |
F (College of Science and Technology, Manchester) Bowman Note on the intersection of a plane curve and its Hessian at a multiple point, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
F (College of Science and Technology, Manchester) Bowman Note on the formula for the radius of the circumsphere of a tetrahedron in terms of edges, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
Edinburgh | J F Tinto On the stereometric generation of the de Jonquières transformation |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Some disputed questions of probability |
C G Knott (Edinburgh) Systems of rays in quaternion symbolism | |
Edinburgh | W H Metzler (Syracuse University, New York) Theorems connected with the differentiation of a circulant, {Communicated by Glenny Smeal} |
T M MacRobert (Glasgow) Relations between the integrals of the hypergeometric equation | |
Edinburgh | W L Marr (High School for Girls, Aberdeen) Determinantal systems of apolar triads in the twisted cubic |
W L Marr (High School for Girls, Aberdeen) The co-symmedian system of tetrahedra inscribed in a sphere | |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Approximations to the length of an arc, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} | |
D G Taylor (University College, Cardiff) A new approximate formula for the complete elliptic integrals | |
1919-20 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) A new basis for graduation |
H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) A geometrical proof of Professor Morley's extension of Feuerbach's theorem, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
Glasgow | G A Gibson (Glasgow) A proof of the binomial theorem, with some applications |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Extension of Frenet's formulae to a curve in flat space of n dimensions | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) A version of Hagen's proof of the law of error | |
Edinburgh | N McArthur (Glasgow) Note on the polynomials which satisfy the differential equation |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) The slip surface and failure of metal in tension | |
R F (Amateur mathematician) Davis Geometrical note on the orthopole, {Communicated by Glenny Smeal} | |
Edinburgh | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) The modified Bessel function |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) A radiant transparent scale for use with an abacus | |
W A Barclay Nomograms for financial formulae | |
Edinburgh | C Tweedie (Edinburgh) The life of James Stirling, the Jacobite Mathematician, with exhibition of autograph letters by N Bernoulli, Clairaut, Cramer, Euler, Maclaurin and Stirling |
J Mitchell On the arrangement of signs of the terms in a certain double series given by Arndt, {Communicated by W S Catto} | |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Some developments in curve-fitting and the calculus of differences |
C G Knott (Edinburgh) Robert Hooke on molecular interplay | |
Edinburgh | G Smeal (Edinburgh) On direct and inverse interpolation by divided differences |
1920-21 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W L Thomson (George Heriot's School, Edinburgh) On inverse probability |
F W Moon A problem in engineering geology, {Communicated by William L Thomson} | |
Glasgow | G D C Stokes (Glasgow) An analytical treatment of the cam problem |
D G (University College, Cardiff) Taylor Multiply perspective polygons inscribed in a plane cubic curve, {Communicated by Neil McArthur} | |
T A Brown Converse of the Le Roy Lindelof theorem | |
Edinburgh | P Humbert (Faculty of Science, Montpellier) Some extensions of Pincherle's polynomials, {Communicated by Professor Whittaker} |
T M MacRobert (Glasgow) Asymptotic expansions for the Bessel functions, and the Fourier-Bessel expansions | |
H (Bristol) Todd On the average value of a variant magnitude, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
Edinburgh | D G (University College, Cardiff) Taylor Addition of a third of a period to the argument of the elliptic function, {Communicated by Thomas M MacRobert} |
W Arthur and McArthur, N (Glasgow) Notes on analytical geometry | |
Edinburgh | E B Ross (Christian College, Madras, India) and Baker, B B (Edinburgh) A problem in dynamics: The vibrations of a particle about a position of equilibrium, |
Edinburgh | B B Baker (Edinburgh) On the relation between Pincherle's polynomials and the hypergeometric function |
J A Strang (Canning College, Lucknow, India) The inverse problem of insoptic loci, {Communicated by James D Fulton} | |
R W (Aberystwyth) Genese On a supplement to Gauss's theorem on the sum of two squares, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
Glasgow | H S Carslaw (Sydney, Australia) On some map projections, including the story of Mercator's projection -- a chapter in the history of mathematics |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) Taylor's theorem and Bernoulli's theorem: a historical note | |
1921-22 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) The geometry of relativity |
Glasgow | W (Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana) Marshall Determination of the arbitrary constants which appear in the asymptotic expansions for the functions of the elliptic cylinder, {Communicated by Thomas M MacRobert} |
G D C Stokes (Glasgow) A school method of evaluation π | |
G D C Stokes (Glasgow) A dissection of the extended form of Pythagoras's theorem | |
R F (Amateur mathematician) Davis Note on Halley's Problem: To construct an ellipse whose focus is given, which shall pass through three given points, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
Edinburgh | B B Baker (Edinburgh) The vibrations of a particle about a position of equilibrium, Part 2 The relation between series and elliptic function solutions |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On Sylvester's dialytic method of elimination | |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Note on an asymptotic expansion for the exponential function | |
Edinburgh | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) The asymptotic expansion of the confluent hypergeometric function and a Fourier-Bessel expansion |
S L (Queen Mary College, London) Green Note on the tetrahedron, {Communicated by David Gibb} | |
E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) Root extraction by the calculating machine | |
Edinburgh | C G Knott (Edinburgh) Recent work on earthquake waves |
G J Lidstone (Scottish Widows' Fund in Edinburgh) A new form for the sum of a trigonometric series, {Communicated by George D C Stokes} | |
Glasgow | G A Gibson (Glasgow) Newton's conception of a limit as interpreted by Jurin and Robins respectively |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Remarks on Mathieu's functions | |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The invariant theory of circles and bicircular quartics |
P Humbert (Faculty of Science, Montpellier) On Mathieu's functions of higher order, {Communicated by David Gibb} | |
G J Lidstone (Scottish Widows' Fund in Edinburgh) Notes on Everett's interpolation formula, {Communicated by George Robinson} | |
C E Wolff Notes on problems in the theory of potential | |
1922-23 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | B B Baker (Edinburgh) The vibrations of a particle about a position of equilibrium, Part 3, The significance of the divergence of the series solution |
B B Baker (Edinburgh) The vibrations of a particle about a position of equilibrium, Part 4, The convergence of the trigonometric series of dynamics | |
A Daniell (lawyer) Note on the integral powers of multinomials | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) The asymptotic expansions of the spherical harmonics |
R Vaidyanathaswami (The University, Madras, India) On decreasing sequences of positive integers | |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On some questions connected with skew determinants |
A W King A form of Laplace's operator, {Communicated by Edward Thomas Copson} | |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The algebra of geometrical reciprocation |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Gordan's theorem for double binary forms | |
A A K Ayyangar (Mysore, India) Notes on elementary geometry, {Communicated by J B Lockhart} | |
Edinburgh | A J Pressland (The Academy, Edinburgh) A discussion on the teaching of elementary geometry |
Glasgow | G A Gibson (Glasgow) James Gregory's mathematical work: a study based chiefly on his letters |
S Brodetsky (Leeds) On curved barriers | |
E L Ince (Liverpool) Associated Mathieu functions, {Communicated by Archibald Milne} | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On the solution of Mathieu's differential equation and their asymptotic expansions | |
St Andrews | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Notes on the equations of the epicycloids and hypocycloids |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on the inversion geometry of bicircular quartics | |
W Saddler (St Andrews) Geometrical interpretation of a few concomitants of the cubic in the Argand plane | |
R Vaidyanathaswami (The University, Madras, India) Note on an extension of the harmonic relation between two conics | |
G S Eastwood (Beath Secondary School in Cowdenbeath) On tubes of force in a special class of electromagnetic fields | |
J P Gabbat (Peterhouse, Cambridge) On the non-Euclidean analogues of Tarry's point | |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Space-filling tetrahedra in Euclidean space | |
S L Green (Queen Mary College, London) On the relation between two quadrics which are such that the edges of an icosahedron inscribed in one are tangents to the other | |
1923-24 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | M C Gray (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London) The equation of telegraphy |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) An elementary proof of Girard's theorem | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) An infinite product of Euler | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) Expansions in series of spherical harmonics |
R F Blades Direct proofs of theorems in elementary geometry | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) and Frewin, G L (George Watson's College, Edinburgh) The numerical evaluation of double integrals | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) On a linear partial differential equation of hyperbolic type | |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Canonical forms of the cubic surface |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On inverse functions | |
J Williamson (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) The linear complexes belonging to the invariant system of three quadrics | |
R Vaidyanathaswami (The University, Madras, India) On mixed determinants | |
Edinburgh | M C Gray (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London) The equation of conduction of heat |
G Prasad (Allahabad) On the numerical solution of integral equations | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on the configuration of the eight common points of three quadrics | |
W Saddler (St Andrews) Note on Sylvester's theorem of elimination | |
Edinburgh | S Beatty (Toronto) On the rearrangement of terms in a complex series, {Communicated by Bevan B Baker} |
F (Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington) Lord Analytical expressions for Zeuner's and other valve diagrams, {Communicated by Ellice Martin Horsburgh} | |
J J Nassau (Warner and Swasey Observatory, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio) Some axi-symmetric determinant with integers for elements, {Communicated by David Gibb} | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) The conservation theorems of a damped dynamical system | |
Glasgow | W H Metzler (Syracuse University, New York) A generalisation and simple proof of Kronecker's theorem concerning the minors of a compound determinant, {Communicated by David Gibb} |
B B Baker (Edinburgh) An extension of Heaviside's operational method of solving differential equations | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Notes on Mathieu's differential equation | |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On the bearings of projective geometry on Weyl's relativity hypothesis |
W Saddler (St Andrews) Note on the geometry of two binary quadratics in the complex plane | |
W Saddler (St Andrews) The geometrical interpretation of the complete system of two double binary (2, 1) forms | |
J Williamson (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) The irreducible covariants belonging to the concomitant system of three quadrics | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Series formulae for the roots of equations | |
R Vaidyanathaswami (The University, Madras, India) The locus of lines meeting three regions | |
G E Chappell (County School, Bridgend, Glamorgan) The properties of a new orthogonal function associated with the confluent hypergeometric function | |
1924-25 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) A series for symmetric functions of roots of equations |
A A K Ayyangar (Mysore, India) On the sexi-sectional equation, {Communicated by Alexander Craig Aitken} | |
C Tweedie (Edinburgh) Notes on James Gray, {Communicated by Archibald Milne} | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) On self-adjoint partial differential equations of the second order, (Part 1) | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) On the expression for the surface density of a sphere in terms of spherical harmonics |
W L Ferrar (Edinburgh) On the Riemann P-equation with integral exponent differences | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Elementary notes on coordinates, conics and conjugate points | |
Edinburgh | J Williamson (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) and Turnbull, H W (St Andrews) On the general invariant theory of two quadratics in n variables |
W L Ferrar (Edinburgh) On the cardinal function of interpolation | |
M C Gray (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London) Particular solutions of the equation of conduction of heat in one dimension, {Communicated by Edward Thomas Copson} | |
R Wilson Power co-ordinates and the bicircular quartic, {Communicated by Herbert Westren Turnbull} | |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On the geometrical connexion between lines in S3 and points of quadrics in S5 |
Aitken A C (Edinburgh) On recurring decimals | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on the orthocentric property of a triangle | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) The addition theorem for the Legendre functions of the second kind |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Elementary notes on coordinates, conics and conjugate points | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) On the development of the elementary functions from Vandermonde's theorem | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) Note on Binet's inverse factorial series for | |
St Andrews | H M Macdonald (Aberdeen) Note on a formula connected with Fourier series |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) Coaxal quadrics | |
R (The University, Madras, India) VaidyanathaswamiThe group of the (2,2) form, {Communicated by Herbert Westren Turnbull} | |
W Saddler (St Andrews) The geometrical interpretation of the concomitants of the double binary (2, 2) form | |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The mathematical theory of graduation |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Notes on the configuration of lines and points on a quadric surface | |
W Saddler (St Andrews) Note on a binary quartic | |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) Note on topics of regions separated by boundaries | |
J M Whittaker (Trinity College, Cambridge) The differentiation of an indefinite integral, | |
W L Ferrar (Edinburgh) On the relation between inverse factorial series and binomial coefficient series | |
T Kaucky Note on the paper of Dr Bevan B Baker: An extension of Heaviside's operational method of solving differential equations | |
1925-26 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) Charles Tweedie, M A , B Sc , F R S E , (Obituary notice) |
A Milne (Provincial Training College, Edinburgh) William Lindsay, (Obituary notice) | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On the condition that ten points should lie on a quadric surface | |
W L Ferrar (Oxford) The possible generalisation of Pascal's theorem to three dimensions, {Communicated by Herbert Westren Turnbull} | |
G S Eastwood (Beath Secondary School in Cowdenbeath) Note on calamoids | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) On self-adjoint partial differential equations of the second order (Part 2) | |
Glasgow | P Comrie (Leith Academy) James Archibald (Obituary Notice) |
G Lawson (Waid Academy, Anstruther) Discussion on tangency in elementary geometry | |
Edinburgh | A G McKendrick (College of Physicians Laboratory, Edinburgh) Applications of mathematics to medical problems |
Edinburgh | W Saddler (St Andrews) Apolar triads on a cubic curve |
J Ghosh Transverse vibrations of an elliptic plate | |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Peaucellier's cell and other linkages in non-Euclidean geometry, {Communicated by William Saddler} | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) Note on Whittaker's solution for Laplace's equation | |
W L Ferrar (Oxford) and Bell, R J T (Glasgow) Mathematical Notes, {Communicated by Peter Ramsay} | |
Glasgow | R Walker (Provincial Training College, Glasgow) William A Lindsay, M A , B Sc , (Obituary notice) |
G A Gibson (Glasgow) Some criticisms of Robert Simson by Sir T L Heath | |
J Hyslop (Glasgow) Geometrical illustrations of the matrix theory | |
Edinburgh | Cancelled due to general strike |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The invariant theory of the quadratic complex |
H Bateman (California Institute of Technology) Local electromagnetic fields | |
J Ghosh The Einsteinian gravitational field of a heterogeneous fluid sphere | |
1926-27 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Hyslop (Glasgow) A theorem on the integral of Stieltjes |
H F Baker (Cambridge) Symbolic algebra and rational curves on quadrics, {Communicated by Herbert W Turnbull} | |
H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) Note on the line of striction | |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) An addition theorem for the Mathieu functions | |
Glasgow | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the concept of frequency of light |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Difference equations and asymptotic expansions | |
A H Two models for teaching solid geometry in schools (with demonstrations) | |
T M MacRobert (Glasgow) On some Legendre function formulae | |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on double binary perpetuants |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) On determinants of symmetric functions | |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the correlation of aggregates | |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the cardinal function of interpolation theory | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) Note on the integral equations for the Lamé functions | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on partial fractions and determinants | |
J McWhan (Glasgow) On the maxima and minima of functions of two variables | |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Permutations and allied topics |
W Saddler (St Andrews) Note on the trilinear correspondence | |
W F Sheppard (Edinburgh) Interpolation with least mean square of error | |
J Ghosh A class of solutions of Einstein's gravitational equations | |
H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) On the meaning of an equation in dual coordinates | |
H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) On the uninodal quartic curve | |
Edinburgh | C A Stewart (Sheffield) The solution of Cauchy's problem for linear partial differential equations, with constant coefficients, by means of integrals involving complex variables |
W Saddler (St Andrews) Apolar triads on a cubic curve | |
R Vaidyanathaswami (The University, Madras, India) A special pencil of binary quartics | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on partial fractions and determinants | |
Glasgow | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Definitions, axioms and existence-theorems in Euclid |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On differentiating a matrix |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) On the latent roots of matrices | |
W Saddler (St Andrews) Apolar triads of a cubic curve | |
R Vaidyanathaswami (The University, Madras, India) A special pencil of binary quartics | |
R N Sen (Edinburgh) Infinitesimal analysis of an arc in n-space | |
1927-28 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | C E Wolff Note on numerical integration |
W L Ferrar (Oxford) A critical study of generalised derivatives and integrals, {Communicated by Edward Thomas Copson} | |
C E Weatherburn (The University, Perth, West Australia) Some properties of a family of curves on a surface | |
S C Mitra (Dacca University, India) On the zeros of the confluent hypergeometric function | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) On Hardy's theory of m-functions | |
Glasgow | G D C Stokes (Glasgow) Three mathematical notes |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) Cardinal function interpolation | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Three mathematical notes | |
Edinburgh | J Williamson (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) Division algebras |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On matrix differentiation |
W Saddler (St Andrews) On the invariant algebra associated with lines | |
E T Bell (California Institute of Technology) A generalisaton of circulants | |
Glasgow | J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) On Whitehead's theory of relativity |
R F Muirhead (Glasgow) On maxima and minima | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Newton's laws of gravitation and relativity | |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Great Geometers |
St Andrews | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Note on Numerical Integration |
J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) On the factorization of | |
J Williamson (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) The complete system of the quadratic complex | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On matrix equations | |
J J Nassau (Warner and Swasey Observatory, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio) A theorem on bordering symmetrical determinants whose elements are of the form araaas | |
1928-29 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Recurrence formulae in the theory of the equations of mathematical physics |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The numerical solution of algebraic equations | |
Glasgow | R A Robb (Glasgow) Lecture on the mathematics of business statistics |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Matrices whose elements are matrices |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The reduction of a matrix to its normal form | |
A A K Ayyangar (Mysore, India) A linear combination prime to a given integer | |
Edinburgh | W Saddler (St Andrews) On some algebraical points connected with the four-nodal cubic surface |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the Stieltjes integral | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) On an integral due to Ramanujan, and some ideas suggested by it |
J Hyslop (Glasgow) On the Hellinger integral | |
C E Walsh A note on double limits | |
C E Walsh An application of Abel's lemma to double series | |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) A general formula of polynomial interpolation |
R N Sen (Edinburgh) On rotations on n-dimensional space | |
H S Ruse (Edinburgh) Notes on the tensor calculus | |
J Hyslop (Glasgow) Note on the remainder theorem | |
St Andrews | P N D (St Andrews) and GuptaTurnbull, H W (St Andrews) Systems of linear complexes associated with a quadric surface |
J Hyslop (Glasgow) On Young's condition for the Stieltjes integral | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The invariant theory of bilinear forms and a problem of enumeration arising therefrom | |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the Poisson sum of a Fourier series | |
1929-30 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G J Lidstone (Scottish Widows' Fund in Edinburgh) On the extention of Aitken's theorem (on polynomial interpolation) to the Everett Types, {Communicated by A C Aitken} |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) A matrix form of Taylor's theorem | |
R N Sen (Edinburgh) Spherical simplexes in n-dimensions | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) A formula for the product of two hypergeometric functions |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) On Charlier's new form of the frequency function | |
G D C Stokes (Glasgow) Note on Hero's formula | |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) An extension of Clifford's chain of circles | |
Edinburgh | G D Birkhoff (Harvard) On the number of ways of colouring a map, {Communicated by H W Turnbull} |
H F Baker (Cambridge) A geometrical theorem and the resultant of two binary forms | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on the resultant of two binary forms | |
W L Ferrar (Oxford) On generating functions, {Communicated by E T Copson} | |
Edinburgh | H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) On rational solutions of , {Communicated by G Timms} |
M Mursi (Cairo) On the uniformization of algebraic curves of genus 3 | |
J G Semple (Edinburgh) Grassmann manifolds and their representations | |
E T Copson (Edinburgh) A generalization of a theorem of Mercer | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) On some relations between the Bessel and Legendre functions |
J Dougall (Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow) Transmission of stress in a conical rod | |
T Muir (Glasgow High School) Alternative forms of expression for Hermite's determinant | |
Edinburgh | J G Semple (Edinburgh) Intersections of quadrics |
B N Prasad (Edinburgh) The absolute summability (A) of Fourier series | |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the 'flat' region of integral functions of finite order, {Communicated by E T Copson} | |
Dundee | J E A Steggall (University College, Dundee) On the limiting forms of certain rational curves |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Canonical matrices | |
H S Ruse (Edinburgh) On the 'Elementary' solution of a Laplace's equation | |
J W (Cambridge) Sutherland Equiangular spirals associated with a nest of isosceles triangles, {Communicated by G Timms} | |
1930-31 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) Early instruments in navigation and surveying |
R Wilson Quadratic equations in a cyclic number system | |
W H McCrea (Edinburgh) A 'cubical' universe | |
G C McVittie (Cambridge) Solution with axial symmetry of Einstein's equations of teleparallelism | |
R N Sen (Edinburgh) On the connexion between Levi-Civita's parallelism and Einstein's parallelism | |
Glasgow | A Oppenheim (Edinburgh) A problem of Ramanujan |
W H McCrea (Edinburgh) Mass condensations and the size of the universe | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) An elementary note on the determinant of symmetric functions, {Communicated by E T Copson} | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The remainder theorem | |
H S Ruse (Edinburgh) Generalised solutions of Laplace's equation | |
J Blakey (Sunderland Technical College) The Milne quadrics of the trinodal cubic surface, and the contact conics of the harmonic envelope of the plain trinodal quartic | |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Determinants and Latin squares |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) On the solution of differential equations by definite integrals | |
W O Kermack (Royal College of Physicians Laboratory, Edinburgh) and McCrea, W H (Edinburgh) On Whittaker's method of solution of differential equations by definite integrals, Part I | |
J Williamson (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) Bazin's matrix and other allied matrices | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Note on dual symmetric functions | |
Edinburgh | A Oppenheim (Edinburgh) A class of arithmetical identities |
W H McCrea (Edinburgh) On the sections of a sicyoid | |
H S Ruse (Edinburgh) On the partial differential equations of mathematical physics | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Matrix differentiation of the characteristic function | |
Glasgow | T M MacRobert (Glasgow) Notes on Fourier Integrals |
R A Robb (Glasgow) Note on Charlier's Type A curve | |
J Hyslop (Glasgow) Notes on the Stieltjes integral | |
D Rutter (Leeds University) The polar properties of the trinodal quartic curve | |
Edinburgh | I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) On errors in determinants |
W H McCrea (Edinburgh) Operational proofs of some identities | |
W O Kermack (Royal College of Physicians Laboratory, Edinburgh) and McCrea, W H (Edinburgh) On Whittaker's method of solution of differential equations by definite integrals, Part II | |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The solution of matrix equations |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The mechanical solution of linear equations | |
J M Whittaker (Edinburgh) The composition of linear differential systems | |
1931-32 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E T Copson (Edinburgh) Recent advances on the theory of functions |
H S Carslaw (Sydney, Australia) On Cramer's theorem concerning the Gibbs' phenomenon | |
H S Carslaw (Sydney, Australia) and Lyons, R S A trigonometrical sum | |
S C Mitra (Dacca University, India) On the properties of a certain polynomial analogous to Lommel's polynomial | |
J D Parsons (Trinity College, Dublin) Solutions with axial symmetry of Einstein's equations of teleparallelism | |
D Rutter (Leeds University) The polar properties of the plane trinodal quartic curve | |
R Wilson A note on resultants of equations in a cyclic number system | |
Edinburgh | W H McCrea (Edinburgh) James Clerk Maxwell and Peter Guthrie Tait |
J G Tait Extracts from letters and other documents which passed between Maxwell and Tait | |
A G Walker (Merton College) On small deformation of sub-spaces of a flat space | |
W F Sheppard (Edinburgh) Interpolation given by means of differences (Central difference notation) | |
H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) The tritangent circles of a circular quartic curve | |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Careers open to Honours Graduates in Mathematics |
P Humbert (Faculty of Science, Montpellier) On Appel's function | |
Edinburgh | R W M Thomson An apparatus for determining coefficients in power series, {Communicated by William Peddie and read by H S Ruse} |
R P Gillespie (Glasgow) On functions of integrals | |
E L Ince (Liverpool) A partial differential system | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Generalised continued fractions | |
D M Y Sommerville (St Andrews) Metrical coordinates in non-Euclidean geometry | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) On interpolation by iteration of proportional parts, without the use of differences | |
St Andrews | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Mathematical Statistics |
Edinburgh | T P Black (Trinity Academy, Edinburgh) Mr H G Forder's recent works on geometry, in relation to school mathematics |
M Mursi-Ahmed (Cairo) On the composition of simultaneous differential systems of the first order | |
N H McCoy (Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts) Certain expansions in the algebra of quantum mechanics | |
M Fekete (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) On the absolute summability (A) of infinite series | |
J T Campbell (Edinburgh) Factorial moments and frequencies of Charlier's Type B | |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) An algebraical principle of hereditary reduction |
A G Walker (Merton College) Generalised moving axes | |
D E Rutherford (St Andrews) On the canonical form of a rational integral function of a matrix | |
H E Daniels (Edinburgh) A theorem on the complete integral | |
C E Walsh A note on sequences determined by recurrence relations | |
C E Winn On absolute summability for any positive order | |
E G Phillips Self-reciprocal functions in the form of series | |
1932-33 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E M Horsburgh (Edinburgh) Sir John Leslie, mathematician and natural philosopher |
Dundee | G Timms (St Andrews) The perambulator in projective geometry |
Edinburgh | G H Thomson (Edinburgh) Mathematical ability and mathematical teaching |
Edinburgh | R P Gillespie (Glasgow) The calculus of variations |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) James Gregory: an account of his unpublished contributions to algebra and analysis |
St Andrews | R P Gillespie (Glasgow) Integral inequalities; |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Notes on wave mechanics | |
1933-34 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Dougall (Glasgow) Circles ancient and modern |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) and Aitken, A C (Edinburgh) On pencils of hermitian forms; |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) On fitting polynomials to correlated data | |
Edinburgh | W L Edge (Edinburgh) Some elementary properties of twisted curves |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On quadric surfaces circumscribing a hexagon; |
I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) A method of multiplication; | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) On solving simultaneous equations | |
Dundee | D E Rutherford (St Andrews) Modular invariants |
Edinburgh | G Lawson (Rector, Waid Academy, Anstruther) Some teaching problems: arithmetic and elementary algebra |
St Andrews | W L Edge (Edinburgh) A canonical form for three quinary quadratics; |
G C McVittie (Edinburgh) The synchronising of clocks in general relativity | |
1934-35 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Recent developments in Higher Algebra |
Edinburgh | H S Ruse (Edinburgh) The twenty-one coordinates of a conic; |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Notes on least squares | |
Edinburgh | D'A W Thompson (St Andrews) Some polygons and polyhedra |
Dundee | B M Wilson (Dundee) Some notes on divergent series |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On the exponential limit and Euler's gamma; |
F M Marzials On the teaching of simple mathematical astronomy in schools; | |
I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) The use of non-associative algebra in genetics; | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) A useful expansion in determinants | |
Aberdeen | H M Macdonald (Aberdeen) A history of dynamical methods |
St Andrews | H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) On the tritangent planes of a quadric-cubic space curve; {communicated by Bath, F } |
W Ledermann (St Andrews) Note on permanants | |
1935-36 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R O Street (Royal Technical College, Glasgow) Earthquake waves |
Edinburgh | W L Edge (Edinburgh) A problem of reciprocation; |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The evaluation of latent roots and latent vectors | |
Edinburgh | C G Darwin (Edinburgh) Uncertainty |
Dundee | G Timms (St Andrews) The higher the fewer - some higher geometry in an elementary manner |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Bideterminants; |
I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) Determinants of fractional order; | |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) A further note on multivariate selection | |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) Light waves and the Fourier theory |
St Andrews | W Ledermann (St Andrews) On the upper limit of the latent roots of a certain class of matrices |
1936-37 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | H S Ruse (Edinburgh) Modern differential geometry |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The invariant system of a quaternary quadratic; |
R A Smith (St Andrews) The disintegration of atomic nuclei | |
Edinburgh | W Taylor School mathematics |
Edinburgh | W L Edge (Edinburgh) Three quadric surfaces |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Deformable quadrics and their circular sections; |
A G McKendrick (College of Physicians, Edinburgh) Some properties of points on a single twisted Möbius surface; | |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Note on the history of the fundamental theorem of the integral calculus | |
Aberdeen | E M Wright (Aberdeen) The solution of Waring's problem |
St Andrews | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The arithmometer in some problems of practical mathematics |
1937-38 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R O Street (Royal Technical College, Glasgow) Tidal theory, classical and modern |
Edinburgh | J M Hyslop (Glasgow) On the approach of a series to its Cesaro limit; |
W H McCrea (read by Etherington, I M H ) The geometrical foundations of certain relativity theories; | |
H W Richmond (King's College, Cambridge) On extensions of Pascal's Theorem, Part 2 | |
Edinburgh | F Bath (Edinburgh) Serret's syzygies and their applications |
Edinburgh | J Mackie (Rector, Leith Academy) School mathematics - a discussion |
Edinburgh | A J Macintyre (Aberdeen) Overconvergence and gap theorems |
Edinburgh | C Strachan (Aberdeen) The theory of metals |
St Andrews | D'A W Thompson (St Andrews) A semi-regular solid with triangular and pentagonal faces; |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The original proof that ; | |
I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) Respiration mathematics; | |
F Bath (Edinburgh) Wallace's Theorem | |
1938-39 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G Lawson (retired Rector of Waid Academy, Anstruther, Fife) Robots in first year algebra |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Reciprocals of some persymmetric matrices; |
W Ledermann (St Andrews) A variation of Wilson's theorem; | |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) The connection of classical contact-transformations with non-commuting quantities | |
Edinburgh | G Timms (St Andrews) Elementary lecture on some topics in Higher Geometry |
Edinburgh | W M H Greaves (Astronomer-Royal for Scotland) The escape of radiation from stars |
Edinburgh | G H Thomson (Edinburgh) Mathematical problems in the analysis of human ability |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On the latent roots of a matrix |
J M Hyslop Some sufficient conditions for the absolute Cesaro summability of series; | |
J B Marshall (Edinburgh) On the extension of Fermat's Theorem to matrices | |
St Andrews | T E Faulkner (University College, Dundee) Problems connected with the theory of surfaces |
1939-40 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J A Carroll (Aberdeen) The foundations of natural philosophy |
Edinburgh | E Freundlich (St Andrews) The 2-body problem in modern astronomy |
Edinburgh | W M Inverarity (Schoolmaster, Clarkston) |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) and Lang, A (H M Senior Inspector of Schools) School mathematics for the prospective honours graduate | |
Edinburgh | E L Ince (Edinburgh) Lamé functions |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) On the geometrical treatment of elementary divisors; |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Estimation of statistical parameters by minimum variance | |
1940-41 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W M Smart (Regius Professor of Astronomy, Glasgow) Stellar systems |
Edinburgh | L M Brown (Edinburgh) A description of elementary topology |
Edinburgh | R Schlapp (Edinburgh) Turbulence |
Edinburgh | M M (James Gillespie's High School for Girls) and NapierErdélyi, A (Edinburgh) School mathematics in the U S A and Europe |
Edinburgh | T S Graham (Glasgow) Continuous groups and differential geometry |
Edinburgh | A Erdélyi (Edinburgh) Integral equations for Lamé functions; |
R Schlapp (Edinburgh) A note on small vibrations | |
St Andrews | E T Copson (Dundee) Some problems in the theory of partial differential equations of physics |
1941-42 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | D E Rutherford (St Andrews) Substitutional analysis - an account of the life-work of the late Alfred Young |
Edinburgh | J Cossar (Edinburgh) The summability of Fourier's integral; |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The invariant theory of canonical matrices | |
Edinburgh | W L Edge (Edinburgh) Quartic polynomials |
Edinburgh | A F Buchan (Moray House Training College), Mackie, J (Rector, Leith Academy), and Reith, G (Saughton Junior Secondary School) Has mathematics as it is or could be taught in schools, any cultural or educational value for the average pupil? |
Edinburgh | P Eggleton On the theory of thermostat control; |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Note on bialternants | |
Edinburgh | A Erdélyi (Edinburgh) Doubly orthogonal systems |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Report on recent progress in the theory of forms |
1942-43 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | M Born (Edinburgh) Stability and thermodynamics of crystal lattices |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The mathematical discoveries of Newton |
Edinburgh | M Born (Edinburgh), Rutherford, D E (St Andrews) and Ledermann, W (St Andrews) The distribution of the latent roots of certain matrices associated with problems of crystal bodies |
Edinburgh | W Scott The Junior Secondary School and its place in the Educational System |
Edinburgh | A C Offord (King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne) An inequality for sums of independent random variables; |
N Walls On Morley's adjustable cycloids | |
Edinburgh | C A Coulson (Queen's College, Dundee) Mathematics of some radiative problems in biology |
St Andrews | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh), Turnbull, H W (St Andrews) and Aitken, A C (Edinburgh) A hundred years of non-commutative algebra |
1943-44 | Back to the top |
Heriot-Watt College | R Schlapp (Edinburgh) Eight mathematical films |
Edinburgh | W Ledermann (St Andrews) A note on alternate numbers; |
W L Edge (Edinburgh) Another talk on quartic polynomials | |
Edinburgh | A D Steele (Edinburgh) Some beginnings of algebraic structure in Greek mathematics |
Edinburgh | J Mackie (Principal Teacher of Mathematics, Leith Academy) The teaching of advanced mathematics in schools |
Edinburgh | G S Rushbrooke On the momentum distribution associated with a Morse potential field; |
I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) Transposed algebras | |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) The symmetric group and invariant theory |
St Andrews | E T Copson (Dundee) Unsolved problems in the theory of waves |
1944-45 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R Schlapp (Edinburgh) Some early mathematical works in Edinburgh University library |
Edinburgh | J Cossar (Edinburgh) The introduction of the circular functions into analysis; |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) The Gordan-Capelli theorem | |
Edinburgh | W O Kermack (Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh) Randomness in theory and in practice |
Dundee | F Bath (Edinburgh) The teaching of geometry in schools |
Edinburgh | J Paton The use of the temperature-entropy diagram in meteorological practice |
Edinburgh | W W Rogosinski (Aberdeen) Measure and integral |
St Andrews | W Ledermann (St Andrews) A note on vector potentials; |
S Read A transition of soap film from two circular discs into a catenoid; | |
I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) Non-associative arithmetics | |
1945-46 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W L Edge (Edinburgh) Sylvester's synthematic totals and Maschke's quartic forms |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Some remarks on iteration; |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) A note on bi-forms | |
Edinburgh | A F Buchan and Elder, T School examination questions in mathematics |
Edinburgh | A Erdélyi (Edinburgh) Symbolic representation of the Laplace transformation; |
McIntyre | |
Edinburgh | E G Richardson (King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne) The classical and real fluids |
Edinburgh | A D Steele (Edinburgh) Mathematics - What it is, and what it is for; |
E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) The logistical school of Bertrand Russell | |
St Andrews | E M Wright (Aberdeen) Difference-differential equations |
1946-47 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Mackie (Principal Teacher of Mathematics, Leith Academy) Augustus De Morgan |
Edinburgh | R Schlapp (Edinburgh) The life of Colin Maclaurin |
Edinburgh | L M Brown (Edinburgh) Plane involutions |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Some remarks on matrix differentiation; |
A Erdélyi (Edinburgh) Discontinuous wave functions | |
Edinburgh | E T Copson (Dundee) Latent roots and eigenfunctions |
Edinburgh | H S Ruse (Leeds) Spaces of recurrent curvature |
St Andrews | R D Lord (Royal College of Science, Glasgow) The addition of random vectors; |
H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Symmetric determinants and Cayley and Capelli operators | |
1947-48 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R P Gillespie (Glasgow) Lagrange multipliers |
Edinburgh | J M Whittaker (Liverpool) The representation of functions by series |
Edinburgh | F F Bonsall (Edinburgh) Linear independence of functions |
Edinburgh | G Reith (Depute Director of Education, Edinburgh) Statistics as an aid to the examiner |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Symposium on probability |
Edinburgh | W M H Greaves (Astronomer-Royal for Scotland) The structure of globular clusters |
St Andrews | J M Jackson (University College, Dundee) An approximate method of evaluating certain types of surface integral; |
L S Goddard (Aberdeen) Self-transformations of algebraic surfaces | |
1948-49 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) Recent progress in non-associative algebras |
Edinburgh | H J Zassenhaus (Hamburg and Glasgow) One-sided distributive algebras |
Edinburgh | W L Edge (Edinburgh) Undulations on plane quartic curves |
Edinburgh | G H Thomson The logic of factorial analysis |
Edinburgh | E T Whittaker (Edinburgh) The life and work of Laplace |
Dundee | A H Wallace (University College, Dundee) Invariant matrices and the Gordan-Capelli series; |
N A Bowen Phragmen-Lindelöf and Tauberian theorems | |
St Andrews | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) A note on the confluent regular group matrix; |
P Vermes (Birkbeck College, London) Series to series transformations and analytic continuation by matrix methods | |
1949-50 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J B Marshall (Edinburgh) Powers of Gauss sums |
Edinburgh | L S Goddard (Aberdeen) The base for curves upon an algebraic surface |
Edinburgh | N W McLachlan The application of Mathieu's equation to non-linear stability problems, |
A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Some polynomial reciprocities | |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) Newton and his Scottish disciples |
Edinburgh | E McHarg (Glasgow) Generalisations of van der Pol's equation; |
D G Palmer The problem of generalising the Jordan curve theorem | |
Edinburgh | I N Sneddon (Glasgow) The propagation of waves in solids |
St Andrews | K A Hirsch (King's College, Newcastle) An arithmetic property of finite groups; |
J P H Mackay (St Andrews) A note on group representation | |
1950-51 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | L M Brown (Edinburgh) Configurations of associated spaces |
Edinburgh | E T Copson (St Andrews) The relations between Maxwell's equations and geometrical optics |
Edinburgh | W L Edge (Edinburgh) Humbert's plane sextics of genus 5 |
Edinburgh | A Robson (Marlborough College) Reforms that have taken place during the last half-century in the teaching of geometry in schools |
Edinburgh | D N Lawley (Moray House, Edinburgh) Mathematical problems connected with the construction of intelligence tests |
Edinburgh | J L Burchnall (Durham) Some properties of Legendre polynomials |
St Andrews | D C Pack (Dundee) A problem in incompressible flow; |
I M H Etherington (Edinburgh) Note on quasigroups associated with a cubic curve | |
1951-52 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | H W Turnbull (St Andrews) What is zero? A sidelight on the Newton-Leibniz controversy |
Edinburgh | R Schlapp (Edinburgh) Some phenomena of oscillatory motion |
Edinburgh | H M Melvin (London) A generalisation of Holder's inequality; |
L S Goddard The surfaces containing a given rational curve | |
Edinburgh | D A Walker The scaling of teachers' estimates |
Edinburgh | A J Macintyre (Aberdeen) Integral functions with gap power series |
Edinburgh | E Freundlich (St Andrews) The relativistic deflection of light in the gravitational field of the sun |
St Andrews | E M Patterson (Aberdeen) Complex analytic manifolds |
1952-53 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) Positive linear transformations and Markov chains |
Edinburgh | D E Rutherford (St Andrews) The numerical solution of differential equations |
Edinburgh | H Popova (Aberdeen) Quasigroups whose logarithmetics are groups; |
J M Jackson (University College, Dundee) A physical application of Hankel's inversion theorem | |
Edinburgh | L M Brown (Edinburgh) What is a circle? |
Edinburgh | M J Lighthill (Manchester) Sound generated aerodynamically |
Edinburgh | E Wolf (Edinburgh) The circle polynomials of Zernike |
St Andrews | W Ledermann (Manchester) The birth and death process in an unlimited population |
1953-54 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | T S Graham (Glasgow) Power associative algebras |
Edinburgh | M Macbeath (Dundee) Averaging methods in the geometry of numbers |
Edinburgh | A Nisbet (Edinburgh) Linearly polarised time-harmonic electromagnetic waves of arbitrary form; |
E M Patterson (Aberdeen) Lie algebras of dimension three | |
Edinburgh | W J Donaldson The teaching of calculus in schools |
Edinburgh | J C Gunn (Glasgow) Group theory in nuclear physics |
Edinburgh | D Borwein (St Andrews) On the abscissae of the summability of a Dirichlet series; |
Robertson Unconditional convergence | |
St Andrews | J Hunter (Glasgow) Minimum discriminants of algebraic number fields |
1954-55 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | H S A Potter (Aberdeen) Some applications of lattice theory |
Edinburgh | A G Vosper (Dundee) The measure of sum-sets of p-adic numbers |
Edinburgh | T Scott (Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh) Notes on a pentahedral net of quadrics; |
W Robertson On linear topological spaces | |
Edinburgh | R Schlapp (Edinburgh) Teaching of elementary dynamics; Sowery, Teaching of elementary dynamics; |
Smith (Inspector of Schools) Teaching of elementary dynamics | |
Edinburgh | N Kemmer (Edinburgh) The success of bad mathematics in modern physics |
Aberdeen | E M Wright (Aberdeen) The roots of a certain transcendental equation |
St Andrews | R A Rankin (Glasgow) Hyperbolic geometry of numbers |
1955-56 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E T Copson (St Andrews) The wave-equation - second thoughts on an old topic |
Edinburgh | D B Scott (King's College, London) Infinitely near points |
Edinburgh | E F Collingwood (Durham) Some boundary properties of analytic functions |
Edinburgh | T S Graham (Glasgow) From school to university mathematics; |
L M Brown (Edinburgh) From school to university mathematics | |
Edinburgh | W K Heisenberg (Göttingen) The present position in the theory of elementary particles |
Edinburgh | D C Gilles (Glasgow) Some elements of the development of automatic computing |
St Andrews | J L Britton (Glasgow) An unsolved problem in the theory of ordered groups; |
B Noble (Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow) An alternative to relaxation methods | |
1956-57 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R Smart (Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh) Oliver Heaviside |
Edinburgh | B H Neumann (Manchester) Plane polygons |
Edinburgh | F Bonsall (Newcastle) Banach spaces - a survey lecture |
Edinburgh | E A Maxwell (Queen's College, Cambridge) Facts and fancies |
Edinburgh | A E Green (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Large elastic deformations - a survey |
Glasgow | D G Kendall (Magdalen College, Oxford) Ergodic theorems for Markov processes |
Edinburgh | G Temple (Oxford) Whittaker's work on the integral representation of special functions |
St Andrews | W L Edge (Edinburgh) Baker's property of the Weddle surface |
1957-58 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R D Lord (Royal College of Science, Glasgow) Hankel transforms and some boundary-value problems |
Edinburgh | H Davenport (University College, London) The applications of analysis to the theory of numbers |
Edinburgh | D J Finney (Aberdeen) A mathematical problem of genetic equilibrium |
Edinburgh | I R Vesselo (Cheshire Training College) Mathematical films |
Edinburgh | B Meltzer (Edinburgh) The mathematics of electron flow |
Glasgow | D G Northcott (Sheffield) The modern theory of syzygies |
St Andrews | Rutherford Aris (Edinburgh) Some remarks on diffusion problems; |
C St J A Nash-Williams (Aberdeen) Random walk in infinite networks | |
1958-59 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R A Rankin (Glasgow) Interval functions and their applications |
Edinburgh | B Noble (Royal College of Science, Glasgow) Diffraction by strips and discs |
Edinburgh | L E Payne ((Maryland) Isoperimetric inequalities and approximation methods |
Edinburgh | T A A Broadbent (Royal Naval College, Greenwich) Biped mathematics |
Edinburgh | A G Walker (Liverpool) Harmonic spaces |
Glasgow | M S Bartlett (Manchester) The mathematical theory of epidemics |
St Andrews | C Dixon (Dundee) Convection of fluids |
1959-60 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J M Jackson (University College, Dundee) Fourier transforms and the equations of motion of a continuous medium |
Edinburgh | A C Aitken (Edinburgh) James Stirling |
Edinburgh | A G Mackie (St Andrews) Some aspects of free streamline problems in fluid dynamics; |
J B McLeod (Edinburgh) Four inequalities in Symmetric functions | |
Edinburgh | P L Taylor (Metropolitan Vickers, Manchester) Mathematics in industry |
Edinburgh | H A Brück (Astronomer Royal for Scotland) Problems of galactic structure |
Glasgow | R J Duffin (Carnegie Technological Institute, Pittsburg) Networks, difference equations and continua |
St Andrews | T M Flett (Liverpool) The summability of a power series on its circle of convergence |
1960-61 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | I N Sneddon (Glasgow) Mixed boundary problems |
Edinburgh | G E H Reuter (Durham) Sample functions of Markov processes |
Edinburgh | W D Munn (Glasgow) Some results on inverse semigroups; |
R P Pearce Vorticity in the atmosphere | |
Edinburgh | J H Smith (H M Inspectorate of Schools) Senior Secondary School Mathematics |
Edinburgh | S Colombo (Paris) Solutions of Volterra's Equations with logarithmic kernels |
Glasgow | H Heilbronn (Bristol) Averaging arithmetical values of two variables |
St Andrews | D Stone (Manchester) Some aspects of measure theory |
1961-62 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | D Martin (Glasgow) Some topics in differential geometry in the large |
Edinburgh | A J White (Aberdeen) Spherical summation of multiple Fourier series; |
J L Smyrl (Royal College of Science, Glasgow) The impact of a shock-wave on a thin wedge moving at supersonic speed | |
Edinburgh | W K Hayman (Imperial College, London) Circles, spheres and condensers |
Edinburgh | F W Land (Hull) A background for mathematics teaching |
Edinburgh | R L Goodstein (Leicester) Formalisations of recursive arithmetic |
Dundee | M Macbeath (Dundee) Non-euclidean geometry |
Glasgow | J D Weston (Newcastle-on-Tyne) A theory of operational calculus |
St Andrews | D S Jones (Keele) Some boundary value problems in the theory of diffraction |
1962-63 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | S Read Some thoughts on closing the gap between school and university mathematics |
Edinburgh | H Halberstam (Dublin) Perfect difference sets |
Edinburgh | S Swierkowski (Glasgow) Some problems involving translations, rotations and reflections; |
J D Lambert (St Andrews) Finite difference techniques of increased accuracy | |
Edinburgh | D A Quadling (Marlborough) Current developments in school mathematics |
Edinburgh | R Giles (Glasgow) Modern mathematics and the foundations of physics |
Glasgow | D Monk (Edinburgh) Unexceptional models in algebraic geometry: a survey of recent results |
St Andrews | F Ursell (Manchester) Short-wave asymptotics - a class of singular perturbation problems |
1963-64 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | D C Pack (Dundee) Mathematicians at Anderson's University |
Edinburgh | D R Cox (Birbeck, London) Some industrial applications of the theory of probability |
Edinburgh | J M Howie (Glasgow) Congruences on inverse semigroups; |
E J Squires Elementary particles and asymptotic limits of scattering amplitudes | |
Edinburgh | D Donald The teaching of sets in schools; |
W T Blackburn The teaching of groups in schools; | |
W More The teaching of vectors in schools | |
Edinburgh | W N Everitt (Dundee) The use of classical and functional analysis in eigenfunction expansion |
Dundee | J L Synge (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) The Hamiltonian method and its application to water waves |
Glasgow | C A Rogers (University College, London) Sections and projections of convex bodies |
St Andrews | W Ledermann (Sussex) Recent progress in the theory of finite groups |
1964-65 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | D E Rutherford (St Andrews) Boolean matrices |
Strathclyde | T R F Nonweiler (Glasgow) The design of wings for high speed flight |
Edinburgh | A Erdélyi (Edinburgh) Axially symmetric potentials |
Edinburgh | J Duncan (Aberdeen) Dual representations of Banach algebras; |
T West Riesz operators | |
Edinburgh | A G Sillitto A view of school geometry |
Dundee | P M Cohn (Queen Mary College, London) Rings with a weak algorithm |
Edinburgh | R A Rankin (Glasgow) Some conjectures of J W L Glaisher |
Aberdeen | S Wylie (GCHQ) The Travelling Salesman and Related Problems |
St Andrews | M F Atiyah (Oxford) A Lefschetz fixed point formula for elliptic operators |
1965-66 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E M Patterson (Aberdeen) (Presidential address) Pseudo-rings |
Glasgow | A R Mitchell (St Andrews) Some recent advances in the numerical solution of partial differential equations |
Edinburgh | F F Bonsall (Edinburgh) The stability of a wedge under continuous transformations |
Edinburgh | T J Willmore (Durham) Convex immersions |
Edinburgh | (joint with the Edinburgh Mathematical Association) |
K A H Gravett (Oxford) Mathematics as logic | |
Dundee | W D Collins (Strathclyde) Hyperbolic systems of equations in applied mathematics |
Burlington House | (joint with the London Mathematical Society)
H Flanders (Purdue) Aspects of the differential geometry of hypersurfaces A M Macbeath (Dundee) Topological lattices of subgroups |
Aberdeen | K Yano (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Almost complex and almost contact spaces |
St Andrews | C A Coulson (Oxford) Lower bounds to eigenvalues |
1966-67 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E A McHarg (Glasgow) (Presidential address) Some problems in differential equations |
Edinburgh | D S Butler (Strathclyde) Applications of numerical analysis to non-continuum flow |
Dundee | J R Ringrose (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Representations of operator algebras |
Strathclyde | R S Scorer (Imperial) Unstable centrifugal forces |
Edinburgh | (joint with the Edinburgh Mathematical Association) |
J V Armitage (Durham) The place of geometry in schools | |
Edinburgh | Goldie A W (Leeds) A survey of non-commutative noetherian rings |
Aberdeen | J B McLeod (Oxford) Regge poles and Hilbert-Schmidt operators |
St Andrews | H S M Coxeter (Toronto) The abstract group |
1967-68 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Fulton (Edinburgh) (Presidential address) The QD algorithm |
Edinburgh | S D Silvey (Glasgow) Optimum regression designs for convex loss functions |
Edinburgh | M E Noble (Kent) Interpolatory function theory |
Dundee | P Chadwick (East Anglia) Mixtures of two continua |
Edinburgh | (joint with the Edinburgh Mathematical Association) |
G Matthews (Nuffield Foundation) From cradle to college | |
Glasgow | H C Longuet-Higgins (Edinburgh) A mathematical theory of temporal recall |
Aberdeen | M M Robertson (Surrey) Identities associated with Farey sequences |
St Andrews | E C Zeeman (Warwick) Thom's theory of catastrophes |
1968-69 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R P Gillespie (Glasgow) (Presidential address) The problem of Bolza |
Heriot-Watt | A H Zemanian (SUNY, on leave at Edinburgh) The Hankel transformation of generalized functions |
Edinburgh | L Fox (Oxford University Computing Laboratory) How to obtain meaningless numerical answers |
Strathclyde | J W Craggs (Leeds) Elementary solutions of partial differential equations |
Edinburgh | (joint with the Edinburgh Mathematical Association) |
R R Skemp (Manchester) Psychological foundations of learning mathematics | |
Aberdeen | A M Macbeath (Birmingham) Galois theory and modular functions |
Stirling | P Hall (Cambridge) Some advances and retreats in the study of simple groups |
St Andrews | R A Rankin (Glasgow) Designs |
1969-70 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R Schlapp (Edinburgh) (Presidential address) Aspects of dynamical stability |
Glasgow | H J Godwin (Swansea) Work on Euclid's algorithm |
Edinburgh | R W Carter (Warwick) Geometrical structures associated with simple groups of Lie type |
Edinburgh | A G Mackie (Edinburgh) Some pure and applied mathematical problems on the borders of particle and continuum mechanics |
Edinburgh | A J White (Aberdeen) The structure semigroup of a measure algebra |
Dundee | J Eells (Warwick) Fredholm structures |
Aberdeen | J L Britton (Kent) Recent results on the Burnside problem |
St Andrews | C T C Wall (Liverpool) Transversality |
1970-71 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Hunter (Glasgow) (Presidential address) Some thoughts on Fermat's Last Theorem |
Strathclyde | A Jeffrey (Newcastle) Dispersion in non-linear waves |
Edinburgh | J E Reeve (King's College London) Some reflections on the cubic curve |
Heriot-Watt | E R Lapwood (Cambridge) The earth as a giant bell |
Edinburgh | H Jack (Dundee) Integrals of functions of matrix argument |
Dundee | C A B Smith (University College London) Genetics, evolution and some related and unrelated mathematics |
Stirling | J G Thompson (Cambridge) Finite simple groups - some special cases |
Edinburgh | R Brauer (Harvard) (Hardy Lecturer) Some problems in the theory of finite groups |
St Andrews | J F C Kingman (Oxford) Markov transition functions |
1971-72 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W N Everitt (Dundee) (Presidential address) A return to an inequality in Hardy, Littlewood and Polya |
Glasgow | B E Johnson (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Amenable algebras |
Edinburgh | H K Moffatt (Cambridge) Knotted vortex lines - the clue to dynamo action |
Edinburgh | R L E Schwarzenberger (Warwick) Topological problems in mathematical crystallography |
Heriot-Watt | J Aitchison (Glasgow) Hippocratic school geometry |
Dundee | F M Arscott (London) Orthogonal polynomials in several variables |
Aberdeen | J M Howie (St Andrews) Products with amalgamation in groups, rings and semigroups |
Stirling | F Smithies (Cambridge) Semigroups of linear operators |
1972-73 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A Erdélyi (Edinburgh) (Presidential address) Singular perturbations |
Strathclyde | R J Knops (Heriot-Watt) Qualitative behaviour in the theory of elasticity |
Edinburgh | J C Robson (Leeds) The language of noetherian rings |
Heriot-Watt | R Fletcher (Dundee) Exact penalty functions - the philosopher's stone |
Edinburgh | A J MacIntyre (Aberdeen) Isomorphism theorems in model theory |
Stirling | P Whittle (Cambridge) Optimal stopping problems |
Aberdeen | P R Halmos (Indiana) Non-commutative approximation theory |
St Andrews | R Rado (Reading) Families of sets |
Edinburgh | Rota G -C (MIT) (Hardy Lecturer) Enumeration and the calculus of finite differences |
1973-74 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W D Collins (Strathclyde) (Presidential address) Time optimal control of a crane |
Glasgow | C St J A Nash-Williams (Aberdeen) Some recent milestones in graph theory |
Edinburgh | J D P Meldrum (Edinburgh) Near-rings and groups |
Edinburgh | P D Robinson (Bradford) Dual variational principles and Padé-approximant bounds |
Edinburgh | D J S Robinson (Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Splitting theorems and the vanishing of certain cohomology groups |
Dundee | J H Wilkinson (National Physical Laboratory) How small is zero? A central problem in numerical analysis |
Aberdeen | G R Allan (Cambridge) Integral formulae in several complex variables |
St Andrews | T Brooke Benjamin (Essex) Modern mathematics and mechanics |
1974-75 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J M Howie (St Andrews) (Presidential address) Varieties |
Strathclyde | R Sibson (Cambridge) Metrics and distances |
Edinburgh | J A Mirrlees (Oxford) The mathematical economics of taxation and punishment |
Heriot-Watt | J G Taylor (King's College, London) Black holes and gravity |
Edinburgh | J Duncan (Stirling) Cauchy and Banach |
Dundee | K W Morton (Reading) Finite difference and finite element methods |
Stirling | E G Rees (Oxford) When are two maps homotopic? |
St Andrews | G Higman (Oxford) Infinite simple groups |
1975-76 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R J Knops (Heriot-Watt) (Presidential address) Non-linear elasticity |
Glasgow | A R Mitchell (Dundee) The finite element method - success or failure |
Edinburgh | G E Wall (Sydney) The functional equation of the exponential function in non-commutative variables |
upon-Tyne | (Joint meeting with the LMS) A Erdélyi (Edinburgh) Integral transforms of generalized functions
G Brown (New South Wales) Convolutions of measures |
Edinburgh | R F Streater (Bedford College, London) Classical and quantum probability |
Dundee | D L Colton (Glasgow) Integral operators and partial differential equations |
Aberdeen | W Ledermann (Sussex) Schur's multiplier |
Stirling | S A Robertson (Southampton) Mobility in classical geometry and in categories |
1976-77 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | D A R Wallace (Strathclyde) (Presidential address) Polynomials and group rings |
Strathclyde | D S Jones (Dundee) Aerodynamic noise |
Edinburgh | T S Blyth (St Andrews) Residuated mappings |
Heriot-Watt | J R Ringrose (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Recent developments in operator algebras |
Edinburgh | S J Taylor (Lancaster) Small sets in potential theory and probability |
Stirling | R W Richardson (Durham) An application of the Serre conjecture to semisimple algebraic groups |
Aberdeen | G F Roach (Strathclyde) Multiparametric problems |
St Andrews | J A Green (Warwick) Modular representations |
1977-78 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | F F Bonsall (Edinburgh) (Presidential address) Operator representations and analogies |
Edinburgh | M J D Powell (Cambridge) Numerical methods for nonlinear constraints in optimization calculations |
Glasgow | J M Ball (Heriot-Watt) Compensated compactness |
Edinburgh | J H Williamson (Reading) IN groups, SIN groups, and some others |
Edinburgh | A W Goldie (Leeds) Some recent developments in non-commutative ring theory |
Dundee | D Martin (Glasgow) Black holes |
Aberdeen | R A Rankin (Glasgow) Differences between primes: a survey |
St Andrews | J S Rose (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Some naive approaches to the problem of group extensions |
1978-79 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A D Sands (Dundee) (Presidential address) Radicals of rings |
Strathclyde | J B McLeod (Oxford) The Korteweg-de Vries equation and connection problems for ordinary differential equations |
Edinburgh | (meeting held in memory of the late Professor Arthur Erdélyi) |
I N Sneddon (Glasgow) Some aspects of the life and work of Arthur Erdélyi | |
upon-Tyne | (Joint meeting with the LMS)
A S Wassermann (Glasgow) Classes of well-behaved C*-algebras M F Atiyah (Oxford) The Yang-Mills equations, Morse theory and the Weil conjectures |
Heriot-Watt | P M Neumann (Oxford) A problem of nineteenth century group theory |
Dundee | P Chadwick (East Anglia) Continuum theories of rubber like solids |
Stirling | B Bollobás (Cambridge) The structure of graphs |
St Andrews | E B Dynkin (Cornell) (Hardy Lecturer) Time-reversibility of stochastic processes and duality in probability theory and analysis |
1979-80 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R A Rankin (Glasgow) (Presidential address) The Edinburgh Mathematical Society - the first fifty years |
Stirling | P J Cameron (Oxford) Multiple transitivity in graphs |
Edinburgh | A F Beardon (Cambridge) Negative curvature and complex analysis |
Edinburgh | J Wiegold (University College, Cardiff) Problems about generating simple groups |
Edinburgh | W A Sutherland (Oxford) Manifolds and bundles: an expository talk |
Dundee | D E Edmunds (Sussex) Spectral asymptotics |
Aberdeen | B D Sleeman (Dundee) Non-well posed problems for the wave equation |
Glasgow | R Penrose (Oxford) Several complex variable theory and theoretical physics: some new developments |
1980-81 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | T S Blyth (St Andrews) (Presidential address) Pseudocomplements |
Strathclyde | D R J Chillingworth (Southampton) Loss of stability, bifurcation and a topological index |
Edinburgh | I G Macdonald (Queen Mary College, London) The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula |
Heriot-Watt | E C Lance (Leeds) K-theory in geometry, algebra and analysis |
Edinburgh | D R Woodall (Nottingham) How to divide a cake fairly |
Stirling | J F Adams (Cambridge) Triviality, Spin(8) , , the Cayley projective plane and all that |
Aberdeen | L E Fraenkel (Sussex) Dirichlet's principle and the Sobolev space : a meeting ground of pure and applied mathematics |
St Andrews | D J H Garling (Cambridge) Complex convexity |
Edinburgh | E Bombieri (Princeton) (Hardy Lecturer) Minimal submanifolds and variational problems |
1981-82 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Duncan (Stirling) (Presidential address) Semi-group algebras |
Glasgow | D Williams (Swansea) Wiener-Hopf factorization of matrices and operators |
Edinburgh | J D Lambert (Dundee) Numerical analysis - an extension of the calculus? |
Edinburgh | A M Sinclair (Edinburgh) Wiener's Tauberian theorem and the Gaussian semigroup |
Edinburgh | F J Ursell (Manchester) Uniform asymptotics of integrals |
Dundee | N J Young (Glasgow) Power transfer and the non-Euclidean geometry of operators |
Aberdeen | D G Northcott (Sheffield) Familiar and unfamiliar aspects of linear algebra |
St Andrews | I N Stewart (Warwick) Hopf bifurcation writ large |
1982-83 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | G F Roach (Strathclyde) (Presidential address) Modified Green's functions and null field methods |
Strathclyde | R F Churchhouse (Cardiff) The (re-)discovery and (new) proof of two continued fractions of the Rogers-Ramanujan type |
Edinburgh | D C Pack (Strathclyde) Complementary variational principles and the estimation of flux |
New Senate Hall | (The Centenary Meeting and Dinner)
M F Atiyah (Oxford) Angular momentum, convex polyhedra and algebraic geometry |
Heriot-Watt | H G Dales (Leeds) Application of complex analysis to real problems |
Dundee | C A Stuart (Lausanne) The range of some non-linear differential equations |
Stirling | K J Devlin (Lancaster) Do mathematicians have GUTS (or what is the connection between very large sets and metric spaces) ? |
St Andrews | J C Lennox (Cardiff) Grigorchuk's elementary solution of the generalised Burnside problem |
Edinburgh | J H Tits (Collège de France, Paris) (Hardy lecturer) The Leech lattice |
1983-84 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A G Mackie (Edinburgh) (Presidential address) A contour integral equation |
Glasgow | R Y Sharp (Sheffield) Local rings and generalized fractions |
Edinburgh | M J Sewell (Reading) A unified approach to maximum and minimum principles |
Edinburgh | C M Series (Warwick) From Eudoxus to Thurston: continued fractions, lunar cycles and train tracks |
Dundee | D J Collins (Queen Mary College, London) From topology to groups to graphs |
upon-Tyne | (Joint meeting with the LMS)
G B Segal (Oxford) Loop groups E Størmer (Oslo) Involutive antiautomorphisms of von Neumann algebras |
Stirling | C W Clenshaw (Lancaster) Beyond floating point: arithmetic with large numbers |
Aberdeen | I Anderson (Glasgow) Some recent combinatorial inequalities |
1984-85 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | I T A C Adamson (Dundee) (Presidential address) Not quite linear |
Strathclyde | T Brooke Benjamin (Oxford) Advantages of Hamiltonian theories in continuum mechanics |
Edinburgh | C Maclachlan (Aberdeen) Volumes of hyperbolic manifolds |
Heriot-Watt | K A Brown (Glasgow) Noetherian rings twenty-five years after Goldie's theorem |
Edinburgh | C T H Baker (Manchester) Structure in the numerical solution of Volterra integral equations |
Stirling | J W Moon (Alberta) Random trees and river networks |
Aberdeen | E G Rees (Edinburgh) Algebraic varieties of matrices |
St Andrews | D A Rand (Warwick) Universality and chaos in dynamical systems |
Edinburgh | R H Bott (Harvard) (Hardy Lecturer) What is an instanton? |
1985-86 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W D Munn (Stirling) (Presidential address) Inverse semigroups |
Glasgow | J D Murray (Oxford) Pattern formation mechanisms in developmental biology: analysis and applications |
Edinburgh | R J Archbold (Aberdeen) Kaplansky's Stone-Weierstrass conjecture |
Edinburgh | R Fletcher (Dundee) Expected conditioning |
Edinburgh | J Eells (Warwick) The geometry of Coulomb gauge fields |
Dundee | J R Whiteman (Brunel) Finite-element methods, including superconvergence, for problems involving singularities |
Aberdeen | H K Moffatt (Cambridge) The Euler equations of fluid flow - a variational problem under topological constraints |
St Andrews | J C Robson (Leeds) Projective modules and simple rings |
1986-87 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J R Hubbuck (Aberdeen) (Presidential address) H-multiplications on Cartesian products |
Strathclyde | D G Crighton (Cambridge) Acoustics, asymptotics and applied mathematics |
Edinburgh | N L Biggs (Royal Holloway and Bedford New College) Regular trees and their quotients |
Heriot-Watt | B D Ripley (Strathclyde) Pseudorandomness: some unexpected applications of number theory |
Dundee | J W Bruce (Newcastle upon Tyne) Whatever happened to calculus? |
Stirling | R Heath-Brown (Oxford) Arithmetic progressions in integer sets |
Edinburgh | (Joint meeting with the LMS) |
E B Davies (London) Heat kernel bounds for Laplace-Beltrami operators and subelliptic operators on manifolds | |
E M Stein (Princeton) Harmonic analysis on nilpotent groups | |
M Christ (California, Berkeley) Particularly singular integrals and a ∂- problem | |
A M Davie (Edinburgh) Fourier analysis of dynamical systems | |
N Th Varpoulos (Paris) Dirichlet forms on Lie groups | |
St Andrews | D Segal (Oxford) On counting subgroups of finite index, and some rational Poincaré series |
Edinburgh | M Rabin (Harvard) (Hardy Lecturer) Randomized algorithms in number theory |
1987-88 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | P Heywood (Edinburgh) Ap conditions in harmonic analysis |
Glasgow | A J Pritchard (Warwick) The distance of a stable matrix from the set of unstable ones |
Edinburgh | W S Kendall (Strathclyde) Symbolic computation, Ito calculus and the statistics of shape |
Edinburgh | R W Ogden (Glasgow) Bifurcation phenomena in non-linear elasticity |
Edinburgh | K J Falconer (Bristol) Fractals: some recent theory and applications |
Dundee | G S Hall (Aberdeen) Geometry and symmetry in relativity theory |
Stirling | R B J T Allenby (Leeds) Residual properties of 1-relator groups and 1-relator products |
Aberdeen | S K Donaldson (Oxford) Quasiconformal 4-manifolds |
1988-89 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R M F Moss (Stirling) (Presidential address) Homotopy groups of spheres |
Strathclyde | J D Gibbon (Imperial College, London) Global attractors and low-dimensional behaviour of partial differential equations |
Edinburgh | R W Carter (Warwick) Kac-Moody algebras |
Heriot-Watt | I C Percival (Queen Mary College, London) Chaos in Hamiltonian systems |
Edinburgh | A Truman (University College, Swansea) Stochastic mechanics and quantum mechanics |
Stirling | A J R G Milner (Edinburgh) An algebraic theory of communicating automata |
Aberdeen | J Coates (Cambridge) Iwasawa theory |
St Andrews | T A Gillespie (Edinburgh) The transfer of inequalities in analysis |
Edinburgh | V F R Jones (Berkeley) (Hardy Lecturer) Braid group representations in quantum physics |
1989-90 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) B D Sleeman (Dundee) Biological complexity and Hamiltonian dynamics |
Glasgow | T J Lyons (Edinburgh) Brownian motion and stochastic differential equations |
Edinburgh | P -L Lions (Paris-Dauphine) Recent mathematical results on the Maxwell-Boltzmann equation and related kinetic models |
Edinburgh | C R Leedham-Green (Queen Mary College, London) A geometrical structure theorem for finite p-groups |
Edinburgh | C G Gibson (Liverpool) Geometry of robotics |
Dundee | R M May (Oxford) The transmission dynamics of HIV/AIDS |
Aberdeen | D G Quillen (Oxford) Index theory, circle actions and cyclic cohomology |
St Andrews | J Howie (Heriot-Watt) An algorithmic approach to solving equations over groups |
1990-91 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J M Ball (Heriot-Watt) (Presidential address) Layers within layers - the calculus of variations and crystal microstructure |
Strathclyde | T W Körner (Cambridge) Molehills out of mountains |
Napier | J R Ockendon (Oxford) Free boundary problems in crystal growth and superconductivity |
Heriot-Watt | J F Cornwell (St Andrews) Quantum groups |
Edinburgh | I Madsen (Aarhus) The cyclotomic trace and diffeomorphisms of manifolds |
Dundee | A Spence (Bath) Stable matrices and Hopf bifurcations in large systems, with applications to problems in fluid mechanics |
Stirling | R Bailey (Goldsmiths' College, London) Latin cubes |
St Andrews | A O Morris (Aberystwyth) Schur's Q-functions and their applications |
Edinburgh | H Lawson (Stony Brook) (Hardy Lecturer) Manifolds of positive curvature |
1991-92 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E G Rees (Edinburgh) Evolutes, focal sets, and Morse theory |
Glasgow | D Preiss (University College, London) New results in classical geometric measure theory |
Edinburgh | R W K Odoni (Glasgow) Monogenic rings of integers |
Edinburgh ICMS | Edinburgh) |
A R Mitchell (Dundee) Attractors in long time numerical solutions of nonlinear systems | |
R D James (Minnesota) Paper folding and the microstructure of crystals | |
Edinburgh | P H Kropholler (Queen Mary and Westfield College) Bounded cohomology |
Institute of Technology | A A Lacey (Heriot-Watt University) Blow-up for reaction-diffusion equations |
Stirling | G R Grimmett (Bristol) Large deviations, and the method of bounded differences |
Aberdeen | M V Berry (Bristol) Divergent series: reaping Dingle's harvest |
1992-93 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | W B R Lickorish (Cambridge) The Temperley-Lieb algebra and (quantum) invariants for 3-manifolds |
Strathclyde | J F Toland (Bath) An extraordinary bifurcation of large amplitude homoclinic orbits for Hamiltonian systems |
Glasgow | S J Pride (Glasgow) Using pictures to study groups and semigroups |
Heriot-Watt | S R Bullett (Queen Mary and Westfield College) Geometry and topology of iterated correspondences |
Edinburgh | T J Ransford (Cambridge) Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets |
Stirling | D M Titterington (Glasgow) A statistician's perception of perceptrons (neural networks) |
Aberdeen | A J MacIntyre (Oxford) Logic and real analytic functions |
St Andrews | I S Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & C E R F A C S ) Solution of symmetric, indefinite, sparse, linear equations |
Edinburgh | W Feit (Yale) (Hardy Lecturer) The existence of algebraic number fields with given Galois group and maximal subfields of division rings |
Edinburgh | (EMS/LMS Popular lectures) |
S A Robertson (Southampton) How to see objects in four dimensions | |
R McN Alexander (Leeds) Optimisation of running and jumping | |
1993-94 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A C McBride (Strathclyde) A Celebration of R-L Int |
Glasgow | A H Schofield (Bristol) Ore localisation and universal localisation |
Napier | P G Drazin (Bristol) Hydrodynamic stability |
Edinburgh | R J Wilson (Open University) Edge-colourings of graphs |
Edinburgh | P J Giblin (Liverpool) Shape, symmetry and grasp |
Dundee | N G Lloyd (Aberystwyth) Polynomial differential equations: Hilbert's sixteenth problem |
Aberdeen | R S Ward (Durham) Discrete Sine-Gordon solitons |
St Andrews | S Wainger (Wisconsin) Lebesgue's theorem on the derivative of the integral, Fourier transforms, and some nilpotent Lie groups |
Edinburgh | (EMS/LMS Popular lectures) |
R G Pinch (Cambridge) Fermat's last theorem | |
C Wright (Solipsys Limited) Juggling | |
1994-95 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | E C Zeeman (Hertford College, Oxford) Controversies in Mathematics; on the ideas of Daniel Bernoulli and René Thom |
Strathclyde | J N Elgin (Imperial College, London) Perturbations of optical solitons |
Edinburgh | D McDuff (SUNY at Stony Brook) The geometry of symplectic energy |
Heriot-Watt | H Ockendon (Oxford) The changing face of mathematics in industry |
Edinburgh | M J Dunwoody (Southampton) Ends of graphs and groups |
Abertay | A D Wood (Dublin City University) Stokes phenomenon demystified |
Stirling | C J H McDiarmid (Oxford) Random graph colouring |
St Andrews | M A Berger (University College, London) Topological invariants of vector fields |
Edinburgh | K R Parthasarathy (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi) (Hardy Lecturer) What is a quantum Markov process? |
Edinburgh | (EMS/LMS Popular lectures) |
P T Saunders (King's College, London) Measuring the Marigold | |
N Ray (Manchester) Wild Geometry | |
1995-96 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A D D Craik (St Andrews) Tradition and innovation: Scottish mathematics of the early 19th Century |
Glasgow | A W Reid (Cambridge) p-adic Lie groups in low-dimensional topology |
Edinburgh | D J A Welsh (Oxford) Polynomials of knots, colourings and codes and their complexity |
Edinburgh | J K Langley (Nottingham) Value distribution of meromorphic functions and some connections with iteration |
Dundee | J Carr (Heriot-Watt) Self-similarity in coarsening models |
Stirling | P J Rippon (Open University) Some geometric properties of quadratic Julia sets |
Glasgow | (Joint meeting with London Mathematical Society) |
J -E Pin (Paris VI, LITP and CRNS) Automata, finite semigroups and the Hall topology for the free group | |
C Maclachlan (Aberdeen) Bianchi groups and quadratic forms | |
A Lubotsky (Jerusalem) Subgroup growth: the gap problem | |
K R Goodearl (Santa Barbara) Some geometric aspects of quantum coordinate rings | |
J Rickard (Bristol) Infinite-dimensional representations of finite groups | |
G Levitt (Toulouse) Elements of finite order in and the dynamics of free group automorphisms | |
Aberdeen | N J Hitchin (Cambridge) Theta functions and Riemannian geometry |
Glasgow | (EMS/LMS Popular lectures) |
P J Hilton (SUNY) New wine in old bottles | |
M J Sewell (Reading) Bubbles and dinosaurs | |
1996-97 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | M F Atiyah (Trinity College, Cambridge) Duality in Mathematics and Physics |
Strathclyde | C J Budd (Bath) New types of bifurcations in non-smooth problems |
Napier | S M Rees (Liverpool) Some group actions on the circle |
Edinburgh | A C Newell (Warwick) The description of natural patterns |
Edinburgh | S C Power (Lancaster) Towers of finite-dimensional algebras |
Stirling | A G Thomason (Cambridge) Ramsey's Theorem - then and now |
Aberdeen | B E Johnson (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Crossed homomorphisms and group actions in topological spaces |
St Andrews | T J Laffey (University College, Dublin) The inverse eigenvalue problem for matrices with nonnegative entries |
Edinburgh | (EMS/LMS Popular lectures) |
M D Atkinson (St Andrews) Staying ahead of the opposition | |
J T Kent (Leeds) How to study random shapes | |
1997-98 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | P F Smith (Glasgow) Division algebras and Forfar |
Glasgow | J Roe (Oxford) Products in K-theory and K-homology |
Heriot-Watt | W T Gowers (Cambridge) Arithmetic progressions of length four |
Edinburgh | E J Hinch (Cambridge) A load of balls in Newton's cradle |
Edinburgh | M Mendes-France (Bordeaux) Thermodynamics of curves and real zeros of polynomials |
Dundee | A Iserles (Cambridge) The numerical analysis of differential equations on manifolds |
Aberdeen | M R Bridson (Oxford) The geometry of word problems in groups |
St Andrews | T O Hawkes (Warwick) Some reflections on character tables |
Strathclyde | (LMS/EMS Popular Lectures) |
T W Körner (Cambridge) Marrying, Voting, Choosing | |
T J Pedley (Cambridge) Giraffe Blood Flow and Pattern-forming Bacteria | |
1998-99 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | L N Trefethen (Oxford University Computing Laboratory) Schwarz-Christoffel mapping in the computer era |
Strathclyde | I D Abrahams (Manchester) Matrix Wiener-Hopf factorization with applications in fluid and solid mechanics |
Napier | C Brezinski (Lille) A historical survey of convergence acceleration methods and Padé approximation |
Edinburgh | J R Partington (Leeds) Convolutions and complexity |
Edinburgh | G D James (Imperial College) Symmetric groups and related algebras |
Abertay | J Sherratt (Heriot-Watt University) Painting by numbers in biology: mathematical modelling of pattern formation |
Stirling | W Jackson (Goldsmith's College) Applications of graph connectivity to network reliability |
Edinburgh | D McDuff (SUNY at Stonybrook) (Hardy Lecturer) A survey of symplectic topology |
Aberdeen | A Rendall (Max Planck Institut, Potsdam) Blow-up singularities in solutions of hyperbolic PDE's and their significance for general relativity |
Glasgow | (LMS/EMS Popular Lectures) |
F Berkshire (Imperial College) Floating, Spinning, Tumbling | |
C M Series (Warwick) Tangent Circles - Patterns and Packings | |
1999-00 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | C Maclachlan (Aberdeen) Hyperbolic 3-manifolds and arithmetic |
Glasgow | C Bardos (Paris) Deterministic approach to the limit of a large reversible system |
Heriot-Watt | D Vassiliev (Bath) The Dirac equation without spinors |
Edinburgh | M Ainsworth (Strathclyde) Fundamental systems of numerical schemes for linear convection-diffusion equations and their relationship to accuracy |
Edinburgh | U L Tillmann (Oxford) The moduli space of Riemann surfaces - a homotopy approach |
Dundee | P K Maini (Oxford) Chemotaxis as a model pattern generator: applications to snakes, slime, mould, alligators and chickens |
Stirling | J F McKee (Oxford) Pisot numbers with negative trace |
St Andrews | G A Margulis (Yale) Diophantine approximation, lattices and flows on homogeneous spaces |
Strathclyde | (LMS Popular Lectures) |
J Barrow (Cambridge) Simplicity and complexity | |
K J Falconer (St Andrews) Fractals - the New Geometry | |
2000-01 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | L H Kauffman (University of Illinois at Chicago) Virtual knot theory |
Strathclyde | D F Griffiths (Dundee) Mixed finite element methods, stability and related issues |
Napier | W A Light (Leicester) Approximating scattered data with radial basis functions |
Edinburgh | A M Etheridge (Oxford) Grasshoppers everywhere: evolution in spatially continuous populations |
Edinburgh | S Donkin (Queen Mary & Westfield College, London) Symmetric and exterior powers |
Aberdeen | H R Morton (Liverpool) Skein theory and the Murphy operators |
Stirling | R Hill (Salford) Codes, Lies and Videotape |
Edinburgh | P Diaconis (Stanford) (Hardy Lecturer) An introduction to random matrix theory |
St Andrews | H Brezis (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI) New thoughts on Sobolev spaces: connections to topology |
Strathclyde | (EMS/LMS Popular Lectures) |
C J Budd (Bath) Simulating the world | |
P J Cameron (Queen Mary & Westfield) Codes | |
2001-02 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) J Howie (Heriot-Watt) Group theory and three-dimensional manifolds |
Glasgow | W W Crawley-Boevey (Leeds) Counting representations of quivers |
Heriot-Watt | M A J Chaplain (Dundee) Aspects of cancer growth: mathematical modelling, mutations and metastases |
Edinburgh | I B Leader (Cambridge) Discrete isoperimetric inequalities |
Edinburgh | S B Wiggins (Bath) Arnold diffusion |
Dundee | E Suli (Oxford) Finite element approximation of partial differential equations: stability, accuracy, adaptability |
Aberdeen | D Notbohm (Leicester) On the homotopy theory of classifying spaces |
Edinburgh | A Its (Purdue) (LMS Hardy Lecture) Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, the Riemann-Hilbert problem and universality in matrix models |
St Andrews | G M Stallard (Oxford) Dimensions of Julia sets |
Strathclyde | (EMS/LMS Popular Lectures) |
H Mason (Cambridge) Our dynamic sun | |
J Silvester (King's College, London) Geometry Ancient & Modern | |
2002-03 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J H Lint (Technical University of Eindhoven) Recent applications of coding theory |
Strathclyde | A M Stuart (Warwick) Stochastic behaviour of deterministic systems |
Napier | D G Dritschel (St Andrews) Intertwining mathematics and numerics in the simulation of atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics |
Edinburgh | J H Davenport (Bath) Recent developments in cryptographic number theory |
Stirling | M R Jerrum (Edinburgh) Computing the permanent: a study in Markov chain Monte Carlo |
Abertay | J F Toland (Bath and ICMS Edinburgh) Linking in the calculus of variations |
Edinburgh | (joint with the British Society for the History of Mathematics) |
J W Searl (Edinburgh) Where do ideas come from? | |
H Mason (Madras College, St Andrews) J E A Steggall: teaching mathematics 1880-1933 | |
P M Neumann (The Queen's College, Oxford) A discourse concerning algebra: finite fields in nineteenth century algebra | |
J Stedall (The Queen's College, Oxford) A discourse concerning algebra: John Wallis (1616-1703) and seventeenth century algebra | |
Aberdeen | A Skorobogatov (Imperial) On the Hasse principle for curves and surfaces |
Edinburgh | (Joint meeting with LMS as part of ICMS Hodge Centenary Conference) |
M F Atiyah (Edinburgh) Sir William Hodge - the man and the mathematician | |
R Penrose (Oxford) Mathematical experiences as a Cambridge research student under William Hodge | |
F Hirzebruch (Bonn) Hodge numbers, Chern numbers, Catalan numbers | |
2003-04 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) T A Gillespie (Edinburgh) Variations on Hilbert's matrix |
Glasgow | S E Rees (Newcastle) The fable of the hare and the tortoise; a race between word hyperbolic and nilpotent groups |
Heriot-Watt | D M Sloan (Strathclyde) On norms of inverses of pseudospectral differentiation matrices |
Edinburgh | P H Kropholler (Glasgow) Classifying spaces for proper group actions |
Edinburgh | B M Hambly (Oxford) Directed percolation, queues and random matrices |
Dundee | J Stark (Imperial) T-cell Fratricide, Homeostasis and HIV |
Stirling | D R Woodall (Nottingham) Paradoxes of preferential voting |
Edinburgh | T Tao (University of California Los Angeles) (Hardy Lecturer) Honeycombs and sums of Hermitian matrices |
St Andrews | R M Thomas (Leicester) Groups and formal languages |
2004-05 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Roe (Penn State University) Manifolds of bounded geometry |
Strathclyde | I G Graham (Bath) Boundary element methods: analysis of accuracy & complexity |
Napier | P R Graves-Morris (Bradford) The parameterisation of resonances |
Edinburgh | E Iriondo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Control: theory and numerics |
Edinburgh | B J Green (Bristol) Linear equations in the primes: recent progress and future prospects |
Aberdeen | M Reid (Warwick) Diptych varieties and CC* covers of Mori flips of type A |
Stirling | J P Keating (Bristol) Random Matrix Theory and the Riemann Zeta Function |
St Andrews | M Pollicott (Warwick University, visiting Porto) Guessing the size of fractal sets |
2005-06 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) P Rowlinson (Stirling) Star complements in finite graphs |
Glasgow | M Liebeck (Imperial College) Probabilistic group theory and Fuchsian groups |
Heriot-Watt | B Leimkuhler (Leicester) Molecular dynamics in and out of equilibrium |
Edinburgh | H M Byrne (Nottingham) Multiscale modelling of solid tumour growth |
Edinburgh | L A Goldberg (Warwick) Markov chains and sampling graph colourings |
Dundee | N J Higham (Manchester) Four theorems in matrix analysis, with applications |
Aberdeen | A G Robertson (Newcastle) Trees, buildings and boundaries |
St Andrews | M Geck (Aberdeen) Canonical bases in representation theory |
Edinburgh | Y Manin (Max Planck Institute, Bonn) (Hardy Lecturer) Iterated integrals of modular forms and non-commutative modular symbols |
2006-07 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | A Carbery (Edinburgh) How much mass can you put into space without there being too much in any tube, and why do we care? |
Strathclyde | A Wathen (Oxford) Matrix iterations and saddle-point systems: from optimization to Navier-Stokes and back |
Heriot-Watt | C Grebogi (Aberdeen) Chaotic dynamics and modelling |
Edinburgh | T Bridgeland (Sheffield) Quivers and surface singularities |
Edinburgh | K M Ball (University College, London) From monotone transportation to geometry and probability |
Dundee | B Sandstede (Surrey) Dynamics of nonlinear waves |
Stirling | M R E Proctor (Cambridge) Instabilities of patterns induced by strong spatial resonances |
Aberdeen | J Chuang (Bristol) Rhombus tilings and tiltings |
2007-08 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) C M Campbell (St Andrews) Presentations galore |
Glasgow | Stuart C A (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Buckling and bifurcation |
Strathclyde | Jimack P K (Leeds) Multigrid and nonlinear systems of PDEs |
Edinburgh | F Kirwan (Oxford) Non-reductive group actions and symplectic implosion |
Edinburgh | (125th Anniversary Meeting) |
M J Taylor (Manchester) Aspects of Galois theory in arithmetic geometry | |
J F Toland (Bath) A relaxed approach to optimization with geometric constraints | |
Dundee | A Stevens (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig) Mathematical analysis of pattern formation: Turing mechanisms vs local interaction in developing cell systems |
Aberdeen | A A Ranicki (Edinburgh) The Poincaré duality theorem and its converse |
St Andrews | C W Parker (Birmingham) Characterizations of simple groups |
Edinburgh | S Weinberger (University of Chicago and Hebrew University) (Hardy Lecturer) Playing the Novikov game |
2008-09 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | F Ricci (Scoula Normale Superiore, Pisa) Uncertainty inequalities and semigroups |
Glasgow | K Hess (Lausanne) Free loop spaces in topology and physics |
Edinburgh | (Joint EMS/LMS meeting) |
A Valette (Neuchâtel) The Haagerup property and its stability properties | |
E Zelmanov (UC San Diego) Asymptotic properties of finite groups and finite dimensional algebras | |
L Bartholdi (Göttingen) Automatically presented groups | |
M R Bridson (Oxford) Dimension, rigidity and fixed point theorems | |
Heriot-Watt | L E Fraenkel (Bath) On the increase in asymmetry of capacity, surface area and the like |
Edinburgh | C M Linton (Loughborough) Three astronomical anniversaries |
Dundee | R Ricca (Milano-Bicocca) Topology bounds the energy of knots and links |
Stirling | J R King (Nottingham) Divergent series and the role of exponentially small terms in differential equations |
St Andrews | A Caranti (Trento) Ciphers and groups |
2009-10 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) R J Archbold (Aberdeen) Strength of convergence and improper actions of groups |
Strathclyde | S J Chapman (Oxford) Kelly vs Markowitz: a comparison of alternative systems for maximising gain and minimising risk |
Heriot-Watt | C J K Batty (Oxford) Functional calculus of unbounded operators |
Edinburgh | N Snaith (Bristol) (Popular lecture) Hollywood's Hippest Mathematics: random matrices and Riemann zeros |
Edinburgh | B J Totaro (Cambridge) The Hodge conjecture |
Stirling | O Diekmann (Utrecht) On delay equations and population dynamics |
Aberdeen | C Drutu (Oxford) On limit spaces and actions of groups [This meeting was cancelled due to travel difficulties caused by volcanic ash] |
St Andrews | M Lackenby (Oxford) Classifying knots via Reidemeister moves |
Edinburgh | H Nakajima (Kyoto) (Hardy Lecturer) Quiver varieties and cluster algebras |
2010-11 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | B Keller (Paris VII) Quiver mutation and quantum dilogarithm identities |
Strathclyde | D G Crowdy (Imperial College) Function theory in multiply connected domains |
Glasgow | J H Maddocks (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) meeting cancelled due to adverse weather conditions |
Edinburgh | M Neunhoffer (St Andrews) (Popular lecture) Sudoku and mathematics |
Edinburgh | T Tao (UCLA, visiting Newton Institute) Discrete random matrices |
Dundee | D J Silvester (Manchester) Fast iterative solvers for saddle point problems |
Aberdeen | I Reiten (Trondheim) Cluster algebras and cluster categories |
Stirling | S Gourley (Surrey) Modelling the evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes and effective use of insecticides |
2011-12 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) P Davies (Strathclyde) Numerical approximation of wave scattering problems |
Glasgow | J H Maddocks (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Optimal packings of tubes, global radius of curvature, and ideal knot shapes |
Heriot-Watt | B Niethammer (Oxford) Self-similar solutions for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation |
Edinburgh | S Olhede (UCL) Modulated oscillations |
Edinburgh | C Wright (Solipsys Limited) (Popular lecture) Juggling: theory and practice |
Dundee | L Preziosi (Politecnico di Torino) The mathematics of cancer: an overview |
Aberdeen | N Monod (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Fixed points and derivations |
St Andrews | P Dehornoy (Caen) Set Theory fifty years after Cohen |
Edinburgh | E Ghys (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) (Hardy Lecturer) Monge and optimal transport |
2012-13 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R Thomas (Imperial College, London) The Göttsche conjecture |
Strathclyde | R Craster (Imperial College, London) Vignettes in Mathematics |
Heriot-Watt | S Howison (Oxford) Games with exhaustible resources |
Edinburgh | C Donnelly (Imperial College, London) Badger culling and the science led policy challenge |
Edinburgh | D Bedford (Keele) (Popular lecture) Tales of ants, bricks, bugles, barrels and infinity |
Dundee | A Marciniak-Czochra (Heidelberg) Mathematical models of fitness selection during cell differentiation and stem cell-initiated cancer development |
Stirling | N Britton (Bath) Give him our noses and let him go: modelling interspecific kleptoparasitism |
St Andrews | R Möller (Reykyavik) Visualizing the shape of a group |
2013-14 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) M A J Chaplain (Dundee) Cucumber, calculus and cancer: a presidential perspective |
Strathclyde | J Robinson (Warwick) A simple partial differential equation with surprising behaviour |
Glasgow | I Smith (Cambridge) Symplectic topology of Euclidean space |
Edinburgh | D Maclagan (Warwick) Geometry of the moduli space of genus zero curves |
Stirling | J A Plata (Imperial College) Stability and pattern formation in nonlocal interaction models |
Edinburgh | J D Barrow (Cambridge) (Popular lecture) Maths and sport |
Aberdeen | P Sniady (Munich) Combinatorics of asymptotic representation theory |
St Andrews | I Leary (Southampton) Platonic polygonal complexes |
2014-15 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | T Wooley (Bristol) A translation-invariant perspective on arithmetic (and) harmonic analysis |
Glasgow | C Stroppel (Bonn) Classical dualities from a modern perspective |
Heriot-Watt | M Hairer (Warwick) Taming infinities |
Edinburgh | J Pintz (Renyi Institute, Budapest) Bounded gaps between primes and some old conjectures of Paul Erdős |
Edinburgh | T Tokieda (Cambridge) (Popular lecture) Science from a sheet of paper |
Dundee | B Perthame (Paris) Mathematical aspects of tumour growth |
Stirling | M R Bridson (Oxford) Curvature, complexity and finite shadows of infinite groups |
Aberdeen | E Breuillard (Paris Sud) Heights in Diophantine geometry, entropy and growth of groups |
Barcelona | EMS/SCM (Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques) joint meeting
2015-16 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address)
A Carbery (Edinburgh) Analysis, topology and beyond: a reflective perspective on the teaching-research continuum from Bolzano to Guth and Catz |
Strathclyde | J-F Gerbeau (Inria and Sorbonne Universities UPMC) Approximated Lax pairs for nonlinear evolution equations |
Edinburgh | (Joint EMS/LMS meeting)
Mathematical aspects of big data: ¬ |
E Tardos (Cornell) Learning, inference, and efficiency in games | |
J Brodzki (Southampton) Joining the dots: mathematics of data | |
I Diakonikolas (Edinburgh) Algorithmic aspects of inference | |
M Scott (Glasgow) "Size is not all that matters" - scale, variety and complexity of BIG data | |
I Rivin (St Andrews) Zeolites, experimental mathematics, and other potential applications of data science | |
R Coifman (Yale) Harmonic analysis and geometry of databases, concept and context dualities | |
C McDiarmid (Oxford) Random graphs from structured classes | |
C Cartis (Oxford) The power of optimization algorithms - tractability and and scalability for large problems | |
Heriot-Watt | L Saint-Raymond (ENS Paris / Harvard) Linear fluid models as scaling limits of interacting systems of particles |
Edinburgh | R Twarock (York) (Popular lecture) Geometry: a secret weapon in the fight against viruses |
Dundee | C Bris (Ecole des Ponts and Inria, Paris) Modern materials science: mathematical theory and computational approaches |
Aberdeen | S Eilers (Copenhagen) The complete classification of Cuntz-Krieger algebras |
St Andrews | M Zähle (Jena) Geometry past and present - a stroll through curved spaces |
2016-17 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | J Pach (Renyi Inst Budapest and EPFL Lausanne) Towards a Semi-Algebraic Combinatorics |
Strathclyde | I Graham (Bath) Solving the Helmholtz equation at high frequency |
Stirling | J Kratochvil (Charles University, Prague) Geometric Representations of Graphs: Partial Extensions versus Simultaneous Embeddings |
Edinburgh | N Monod (EPFL Lausanne) (Popular Lecture) 1+1=1, or the Banach-Tarski paradox |
ICMS/ Edinburgh | D Buck (Imperial College, London) Knotted DNA: Mathematical Models and Biological Consequences |
Glasgow | Vaughan Jones (Vanderbilt and Newton Institute) A machine for constructing representations of R Thompson's groups, unitary and otherwise |
St Andrews | T Jordan (Bristol) Multifractal analysis beyond uniform hyperbolicity |
Dundee | R Ghrist (Pennsylvania) Topological Inference from Data |
ICMS/ Edinburgh | EMS/SCM (Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques) joint meeting
2017-18 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address)
I Strachan (Glasgow) Miura maps: from the Union Canal to quotient singularities |
St Andrews | G Heijst (TU Eindhoven) The behaviour of vortex structures near solid obstacles |
Heriot-Watt | C-B Schönlieb (Cambridge) Model-based learning in imaging |
ICMS/ Edinburgh | L Vega (Basque Country) The Vortex Filament Equation: the Talbot effect and the transfer of energy and momentum |
Edinburgh | J Grime (Cambridge) Alan Turing and the Enigma Machine |
Glasgow | N Snashell (Leicester) Koszul Algebras, cohomology and support varieties |
Aberdeen | U Bader (Weitzmann Institute) The Ergodic Method for Linear Groups |
Stirling | J White (Bath) What makes a good drug for transdermal delivery or monitoring? Insights from mathematical modelling |
Glasgow | M A J Chaplain (St Andrews) Mathematical Modelling, Mutations and Metastases: Can We Cure Cancer with Calculus? |
2018-19 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | R Marsh (Leeds) Frieze patterns of integers |
Stirling | T Zastawniak (York) Branching processes representation of solutions to non-linear Dirac equations |
Heriot-Watt | J Quastel (Toronto and Newton Institute) The KPZ fixed point |
Glasgow | G Stallard (Open University) Complex dynamics: the intriguing case of wandering domains |
Strathclyde | P-G Martinsson (Texas) Randomised algorithms for large scale linear algebra and data analytics |
Dundee | O Pironneau (Paris VI) Mathematics and Supercomputing |
Aberdeen | S Kuhlmann (Konstanz) Automorphism groups of fields of generalised series |
2019-20 | Back to the top |
St Andrews | D Acheson (Oxford) Mathematics, Magic and Playing the Guitar |
Edinburgh | (Presidential Address) Ineke De Moortel (St Andrews) Our dynamical sun: a 21st Century view |
Dundee | M Pulvirenti (Rome I) Scaling limits and derivation of effective equations for particle systems |
Edinburgh | B Leclerc (Caen) Real elements of crystal bases and their categorification |
Strathclyde | Z Strakos (Prague) Sensitivity of Gauss quadrature to changes in the distribution function - an issue that has been missed? |
Heriot-Watt | F Otto (Max Planck Institute, Leipzig) Effective behavior of random media |
Aberdeen | G Mikhalkin (Geneva) [Cancelled due to coronavirus] |
St Andrews | R Twarock (York) [Cancelled due to coronavirus] |
Online | K Falconer (St Andrews) Symmetry and Enumeration of Fractals |
2020-21 | Back to the top |
Online | S Carr (Bays Consulting) What is the best super power? |
Online | J Maynard (Oxford) Approximating real numbers by fractions |
Online | J Carrillo (Oxford) Nonlinear Aggregation-Diffusion Equations: Gradient Flows, Free Energies, and Phase Transitions |
Online | S Vaes (KU Leuven) Ergodic theory without invariant measures |
Online | D Barkley (Warwick) A fluid mechanic's analysis of the teacup singularity |
Online | A Skeldon (Surrey) Mathematical modelling of the sleep-wake cycle: light, clocks and societal rhythms |
Online | R Twarock (York) Mathematical Virology: Geometry as a key to the virosphere |
Online | G Mikhalkin (Geneva) Commutative and non-commutative amoebas |
Online | E Estrada (IFISC, Balearic Islands) Postcards from network theory
2021-22 | Back to the top |
Online | (Popular lecture) H Segerman (Oklahoma State) Artistic mathematics: truth and beauty |
Online | (Presidential address) G Gibson (Heriot-Watt) Data augmentation and imagination |
Online | S Cox (Aberystwyth) The mathematics of soap bubbles |
Online | M Bridston (Oxford) Finite shadows of infinite groups, finiteness properties, and geometry |
Online | S Tobias (Leeds) From order to chaos and chaos to order in fluid flows |
Online | S Terracini (Turin) Pattern formation through spatial segregation |
Online | C Makridakis (Crete and Sussex) Mathematics of computational modelling: some challenges of computing nonlinear phenomena |
Aberdeen | H Lenstra (Leiden) Efficient algebraic number theory
2022-23 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Popular lecture) K Yates (Bath) The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the maths behind epidemics |
Edinburgh | J Bennett (Birmingham) Induction on Scales |
Dundee | D Peralta-Salas (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid) Steady incompressible fluid flows: a zoo of complexity |
Glasgow | R Goldstein (Cambridge) Cytoplasmic Streaming and the Swirling Instability of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton |
Strathclyde | D Vella (Oxford) Beyond Gauss's Pizza Theorem: From wrinkly isometry to snap-through |
Heriot-Watt | E Gorla (Neuchâtel) Multivariate cryptography and the hardness of polynomial system solving |
Aberdeen | D Joyce (Oxford) What is Derived Geometry? |
Stirling | E Hunsicker (Loughborough) Introduction to Statistical Metrology
2023-24 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Popular lecture) J Lotay (Oxford) Knotty problems |
Edinburgh | (Presidential address) R Norman (Stirling) Deconstructing beta: Using mathematical models to understand disease transmission and control |
Edinburgh | J Baez (University of California, Riverside) Category Theory in Epidemiology |
Strathclyde | D Higham (Edinburgh) Can We Rely On AI ? |
Heriot-Watt | B Doyon (King's College London) The emergence of hydrodynamics in many-body systems |
St Andrews | M Jerrum (Queen Mary University London) Perfect sampling, old and new |
Aberdeen | B Hanke (Ausburg University) The two sides of scalar curvature
2024-25 | Back to the top |
Edinburgh | (Popular lecture) D Spiegelhalter (Cambridge) Chance, luck, and ignorance; how to put our uncertainty into numbers |
Edinburgh | (AGM) Yang-Hui He (LIMS and Oxford) The AI mathematician |
Dundee | A-K Tornberg (KTH Stockholm) Layer potentials - quadrature error estimates and approximation with error control |
Strathclyde | A Goriely (Oxford) Seeing is deceiving: The mathematics of visual illusions |
Edinburgh | A Etheridge (Oxford) The Forwards and Backwards of Population Models |
Glasgow | J Chapman (Oxford) Exponential asymptotics and applied mathematics |
St Andrews | S Baker (Loughborough) |
Stirling | B Beckermann (Lille) |
Written by CMC/JOC/EFR