African women with a doctorate in mathematics 1

The International and African Mathematical Union Commission on the History of Mathematics in Africa produced a Special Issue of their AMUCHMA Newsletter 33 in 2006 which listed women born in Africa or who had spent much of their careers in an African country who had been awarded a doctorate in mathematics or mathematics education up to 2005. We note that AMUCHMA's list is extracted from Paulus Gerdes's book African Doctorates in Mathematics. A Catalogue (African Academy of Sciences Publishers, Nairobi, 2006). We give below a version of AMUCHMA's list to which we have made some corrections and added biographical data when we could find it. Anyone who has information about further corrections/additions, please let us know and we will update this list.

The list below contains those whose PhDs were gained between 1963 and 1996. It is ordered chronologically and then alphabetically inside each year.

An alphabetical list of African women PhDs is at THIS LINK

  1. Grace Awani ALELE-WILLIAMS
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1963.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Dynamics of education in the birth of a New Nation: Case study of Nigeria.
    University: University of Chicago (USA).
    Biographical Data: The mathematician Grace Alele-Williams, born on 16 December 1932, was the first female Ph.D. of Nigeria. She received her doctorate in education in 1963. She was the first female Vice Chancellor of a Nigerian university and the chair of the council of vice chancellors of Nigeria. She has been the Vice President of the World Organisation for Early Childhood Education. Alele-Williams served the African Mathematical Union as the first chairperson of its Commission on Women in Mathematics in Africa (1986-1991).
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  2. Soraya SHERIF
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1963.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Tauberian theorems.
    University: Birmingham University (UK).
    Advisor: Brian Kutner.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 3 July 1934.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  3. Maassouma Mohamed KAZIM
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1964.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Basic assumptions for a secondary school mathematics program.
    University: University of Kansas (USA).
    Biographical Data: She was born in about 1935. She received a diploma from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1949. She was awarded an M.A. by Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA, in 1955, having written the dissertation A study of some phases of the use of the history of mathematics in secondary education. She received a second M.A., this time from the University of Kansas, in 1961 having written the dissertation The Development of Our Concepts of Ancient Babylonian Mathematics Since the Middle of the 19th Century. She received a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas two years later. She was appointed Professor at Qatar University. She became a member of the Commission on the History of Mathematics in Africa formed in 1986 and was on the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics Advisory Board 1984-1988, 1992-2000. She was a speaker at the 'Non-euclidean geometries symposium' in Budapest 27 July-3 August 1988. Her publications include The use of history of mathematics in the teaching of mathematics in secondary education (1983). She died in 2005.

  4. Fatma MOALLA
    Country: Tunisia
    Year: 1964.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Sur quelques théorèmes globaux en géométrie finslérienne.
    University: Université de Paris (France)
    Year: 1965.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état.
    University: Université de Paris (France).
    Biographical Data: She was born on 14 January 1939.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  5. Elizabeth Eme Samson ETUK
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1967.
    Degree: Ed.D.
    Thesis title: The development of number concepts: An examination of Piaget's theory with Yoruba-speaking Nigerian children.
    University: Columbia University (New York, USA).
    Biographical Data: She studied for her Ed.D. at the Teachers College of Columbia University. For her thesis she conducted a Piaget-oriented study of Nigerian children. A standardised interview schedule based on Piaget's tasks was used to investigate the theory that conservation, seriation, and classification develop concurrently. Etuk also examined the relationship of the development of number concepts to intelligence, the effect of sex differences on the development of number concepts, and differences in performances of children from modern and traditional homes. The subjects of Etuk's study were Yoruba-speaking pupils of seven primary schools. Results generally supported Piaget's theory. Etuk found only a slight relationship between intelligence and performance on number tasks. She found slight sex differences and that the children from modern homes performed at a higher level than earlier counterparts from traditional homes.

  6. Laila Mohamed Fahmy ABD-ELAL
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1969.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Numerical solutions of integral equations.
    University: Sussex University (U.K.).
    Advisor: Leonard Michael Delves.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 1 October 1940. She was appointed Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Cairo University. She has published at least 15 papers including A numerical method for locating the zeros and poles of a meromorphic function (1970), On the numerical solution of integral equations with singular kernels (1975), A regularization technique for a class of singular integral problems (1976), An asymptotic expansion for a regularization technique for numerical singular integrals and its application to Volterra integral equations (1979), A fast method for the numerical solution of singular integro-differential equations (1986), and A computational approach for optimal control systems governed by parabolic variational inequalities (2003).

  7. Nawal Mohamed Mahmoud EL-SAMRA
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1969.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Spin-orbit forces and nuclear binding energies.
    University: University of Southampton (UK).
    Advisor: Hermann Arthur Jahn.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 14 September 1937. She worked at the Women's College, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt where she was an Assistant Professor in 1998. She published papers such as Reduced determinantal forms for characters of the classical Lie groups (1979) and Dimensions of irreducible representations of the classical Lie groups (1979). At the time of writing these papers she was on a research visit to the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The Abstracts of these papers, in the order given, are as follows: (1) "The authors derive the reduced determinantal forms for the characters of all the irreducible representations of the classical Lie groups SU(N), SO(N), and Sp(N) from Weyl's character formula. The results apply to all irreducible representations, whether specified by ordinary or composite Young diagrams and whether tensor or spinor in nature. The derivations involve a lemma of Frobenius and the results are expressed in terms of characters specified by hook diagrams" and (2) "The dimensions of the irreducible representations of the classical Lie groups SU(N), SO(N), and Sp(N) are expressed in terms of a factorial polynomial in N divided by a product of hook length factors."

  8. Jennifer Denise KEY
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1969.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Some Topics in Finite Permutation Groups.
    University: University of London (UK).
    Advisors: Ascher Wagner and Kurt Hirsch.
    Biographical Data: Jennifer Key worked initially in group theory, but later moved to combinatorics and, most recently, coding theory. She has at least 113 research articles published in these fields, and one graduate level book. She has been employed at the universities of Surrey, Reading, Manchester and Birmingham, in the UK, and from 1990, at Clemson, South Carolina, USA, where she was employed as a Full Professor until her retirement from Clemson in 2007. She is now Professor Emeritus at Clemson, and has honorary positions at the universities of Aberystwyth, KwaZulu-Natal, and the Western Cape.
    Her papers include A characterization of some doubly transitive groups (1968), Closure properties of the special linear groups (1986), Affine and projective planes (1990), Small sets of even type and codewords (1998), Binary codes from graphs on triples (2004), Partial permutation decoding for codes from finite planes (2005), Codes associated with triangular graphs and permutation decoding (2010), Codes from incidence matrices of graphs (2013), and Codes from adjacency matrices of uniform subset graphs (2018).
    Her book Designs and their codes (1992) was reviewed by Vera Pless who wrote, "I think this book will be a valuable resource for researchers in either finite geometries or coding theory as well as for algebraists who want to learn about this lively, growing area. There are several open problems mentioned in the text which will stimulate research, as will the entire book."

  9. Joséphine GUIDY-WANDJA (née WANDJA)
    Country: Côte d'Ivoire
    Year: 1971.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Sous les courbes fermées convexes du plan et le théorème des quatre sommets.
    University: Université de Paris 6 (France).
    Advisor: René Thom.
    Year: 1981.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état en sciences mathématiques.
    Thesis title: Modèles de décision entre investissement en biens durables et épargne en biens fiduciaires et modèle de partage équitable ou théorie du chômage.
    University: Université Nationale de Cote d'Ivoire (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire).
    Advisor: Jean-Pierre Aubin.
    Year: 1992.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état en science économie.
    Thesis title: La dynamique d'intégration commerciale des pays de l'Afrique subsaharienne: cas de la Zone Franc.
    University: Université Nationale de Cote d'Ivoire (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire).
    Biographical Data: She was born in 1945.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  10. Hendrika Cornelia Scott SWART
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1971.
    Degree: D.Sc.
    Thesis title: Sesquilinear Curves in Desarguesian Planes.
    University: Universiteit Stellenbosch (South Africa).
    Advisor: Kurt-Rüdiger Kannenberg.
    Biographical Data: She was born in 1939.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  11. Elizabeth Gingell HENDRIKZ
    Country: Zimbabwe
    Year: 1973.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: A study of the scientific and mathematical concepts and levels of scientific thinking available to selected adolescent academic secondary school pupils and the factors influencing their development.
    University: University of London (UK).
    Biographical Data: She was born on 19 March 1923 in Swanwick, near Fareham, Hampshire, England. She married Edwin Hendrikz (born 25 January 1921), who worked for the Southern Rhodesian Government in the Ministry of Mines. They had sons Russell Hendrikz (born 28 February 1954) and David (born 15 February 1957). They sailed on the Edinburgh Castle from Durban to Southampton arriving on 1 June 1956. She was awarded a Masters Degree by Birkbeck College, University of London, England, for her thesis A cross-cultural investigation of the number concepts and level of number development in five-year-old Urban Shona and European children in Southern Rhodesia (1966). After the award of her doctorate in 1973, she was appointed to the Faculty of Education, University of Zimbabwe.
    She has published a number of papers including Sex Differences In Scientific And Mathematical Competence At Adolescence (1973), The effects of subclinical bilharziasis on mental ability in school children (1974), Spatial reasoning and mathematical and scientific competence: a cross-cultural study (1975), Conflicts and compromises in education (1977), Education for the New 'Zimbabwe' (1979) and the 224-page book An Introduction to Educational Psychology (1986).
    She rose to be Dean and then Professor of Education of the University of Rhodesia, which was renamed the University of Zimbabwe. She left Zimbabwe in 1981 and together with her husband returned to England. She continued to teach well into her seventies. She died in 2005.

  12. Entisarat Mohamed El-SHOBAKY
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1973.
    Degree: Dr.rer.nat.
    Thesis title: Functional analysis.
    University: University of Jena.
    Biographical Data: She was appointed Professor at Ain Shams University, Cairo. She married Mohamed Sabry Ahmed Abdel-Mottaleb, an Egyptian chemistry professor. They had three children: Nagwa Abdel-Mottaleb, Yousra Abdel-Mottaleb and Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb.
    She has published around 20 papers including On p-nuclear and entropy quasinorms in Banach spaces (1979), On projection constant problems and the existence of metric projections in normed spaces (2001), On the projection constants of some topological spaces and some applications (2001), Interpolation methods to estimate eigenvalue distribution of some integral operators (2004), On The General Term of a Cauchy Product of Two Series of The Truncation Error for Some Restrictive Approximations for IBVP for Parabolic and Hyperbolic Equations (2004), Finite co-dimensional Banach spaces and some bounded recovery problems (2004), Generalization of Banach contraction principle in two directions (2007), Two population three-player prisoner's dilemma game (2016), The payoff matrix of repeated asymmetric 2 %2 games (2016).

  13. June M. JURITZ (née BEER)
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1973.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Aspects of non-central multivariate t distributions.
    University: University of Cape Town (South Africa).
    Advisor: Casparus Gerhardus Troskie.
    Biographical Data: June M Beer was born on 5 July 1933. She married John Juritz in Bristol, England, in 1952. John W J Juritz was a lecturer who was born on 22 November 1920. They had three children, Robert (born 2 June 1954), Jennifer (born 2 September 1955) and David (born 27 June 1957). June and the three children were all UK passport holdders while John was a South African passport holder. They travelled by ship from Durban, South Africa, to Southhampton, England, on the ship Athlone Castle arriving on 20 February 1959. John worked at the W W Wills Physics Laboratory in Royal Fort Gardens, Bristol, England. On 31 December 1959 they returned to Cape Town on the ship Winchester Castle.
    June Juritz obtained a B.Sc. (Hons) from the University of South Africa, and both an M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Cape Town. She was appointed as an Associate Professor of Statistics at the University of Cape Town.
    She published several papers including The partial multiple correlation coefficient and its applications in regression analysis (1970/71), (with C G Troskie) Noncentral matrix T distributions (1976), (with J W F Juritz and M A Stephens) On the accuracy of simulated percentage points (1983), (with John L Fresen) A note on Foss's method of obtaining initial estimates for exponential curve fitting by numerical integration (1986), (with Gillian Z Stein and Walter Zucchini) Parameter estimation for the Sichel distribution and its multivariate extension (1987), (with Gillian Z Stein) Bivariate compound Poisson distributions (1987), and (with Gillian Z Stein) Linear models with an inverse Gaussian-Poisson error distribution (1988).

  14. Bukunola Mabogunje OSIBODU
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1975.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: The development of a model program for in-service mathematics education of primary school teachers in Western State, Nigeria.
    University: Michigan State University (USA).
    Biographical Data: Akinlawon Ladipo Mabogunje writes in A Measure of Grace (2016), "My sister, Bukunola, was working at the Nigerian embassy [in Washington D.C.] at the time [1963] and it was nice to learn how she had been getting on, since she came two years before to join her husband, Mr Osibodu, who was a student at Tuskegee Institute. Things had not worked out too well with the marriage and she had left for Washington D.C. to seek employment and enrol at a nearby university for a degree course in mathematics education. She already had a girl then called Bolaji, and had just delivered another baby boy called Muyiwa. We joined at the baptismal service for both children in Washington." The Huron Daily Plainsman (25 August 1974) reports: "Dr Oluwatope Mabogunje and his sister Mrs Bukunola Osibodu visited Wednesday night and Thursday at the home of Mrs Robert D Lusk. ... Mrs Osibodu will continue work on her doctorate in education at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan."
    Her papers include The part-time associateship certificate in education of the Institute of Education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1982), Improving the Access of Girls and Women to Mathematics and Mathematics Related Education (1982), Technology education and girls' participation in Nigeria (1985), Practices in Higher Education Personnel Development in Nigeria: Professional Imperatives for the Future (1987), An Investigation of Teachers Instruction Problems in Mathematics Teaching (1988), and The African Child and the Development of Mathematical Skills (1991).

  15. Oreofe Olabisi UGBEBOR (née FALODE)
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1976.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Sample path properties of Brownian motion.
    University: University of London (UK).
    Advisor: Samuel James Taylor.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 29 January 1951.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  16. Souad KORTAS (née REDJEB)
    Country: Tunisia
    Year: 1977.
    Degree: Doctorat 3eme cycle.
    Thesis title: Le développement des structures logico-mathématiques élémentaires chez des enfants tunisiens de milieux sociaux différents.
    University: Université de Bordeaux 2 (France).
    Advisor: Jacques Wittwer.

    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1978.
    Degree: D.Sc.
    Thesis title: Die teorie van nie-stasionêre B-evolusies geassocieer met dinamies-gekoppelde randwaardeprobleme [The theory of non-stationary B-evolutions associated with dynamically-linked boundary value problems].
    University: University of Pretoria (South Africa).
    Advisor: Niko Sauer.
    Biographical Data: She was born in 1939. She was appointed as a Professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Her interests are Partial differential equations, Functional Analysis, Mathematical Physics.
    She has published around 35 papers including Evolution Problems involving non-stationary Operators between two Banach Spaces I (1985), Fractional Powers of a Closed Pair of Operators between two Banach Spaces (1986), On the Solvability of the Boundary-value Problem for the Elastic Beam with Attached Load (1994), Interlude of Operators and a Von Kármán Plate-beam Problem with Rotational Inertia(2000), Well-posedness of the equations governing the motions of a one-dimensional hybrid thermo-elastic structure (2005), Strong stabilization of a structural acoustic model which incorporates shear and thermal effects in the structural component (2010), Polynomial decay rate of a thermoelastic Mindlin-Timoshenko plate model with Dirichlet boundary conditions (2015).

  18. Christina Magdalena MYNHARDT (née STEYN)
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1978.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: The G-constructability of graphs.
    University: Rand Afrikaans University (Pretoria, South Africa).
    Advisor: Izak Broere.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 7 April 1953 in Cape Town, South Africa, the daughter of Samuel Pieter Marthinus Steyn and Susara Johanna Mostert. Also known as Kieka Mynhardt, she was educated at the Hoërskool Lichtenburg. She married Johannes Mynhardt on 2 February 1974. She was appointed to the University of Pretoria, South Africa, then to the University of South Africa, Pretoria. She later became a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics in the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
    She has around 160 publications on graph theory including Remarks on the critical graph conjecture (1979), Generalized colorings of outerplanar and planar graphs (1985), Irredundant Ramsey numbers for graphs (1989), Reinforcement in graphs (1990), Universal minimal total dominating functions in graphs (1994), Symmetry and domination in queens graphs (2000), Secure domination, weak Roman domination and forbidden subgraphs (2003), Construction of trees and graphs with equal domination parameters (2006), Vertex covers and eternal dominating sets (2012), and Connected k-dominating graphs (2019).

  19. Emmarentia Liefde RAATH
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1978.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Polinoomreekse in meerveranderlike analise [Polynomial series in multivariate analysis].
    University: University of South Africa (Pretoria).
    Advisor: Jacobus J. J. Roux.
    Biographical Data: She worked at the National Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria.
    She has published several papers including Generalised Laguerre series forms of Wishart distributions (1973), Some extensions of the Wishart moment generating function (1975), An extension of Geisser's discrimination model to proportional covariance matrices (1982), A general model for negative multinomial frequency counts (1989).
    To illustrate her work we give the abstract of the 1982 paper: "The predictive discrimination model of Geisser is derived for the case in which the covariance matrices of the different populations are assumed proportional, with unknown constants of proportionality. It is shown that this model provides a better fit to a set of data than does the usual homoscedastic model."

  20. Nouzha El YACOUBI
    Country: Morocco
    Year: 1978.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Sur les Modules Topologiques et Bornologiques [On topological and bornological modules].
    University: Université de Rabat (Rabat, Morocco).
    Advisor: Mohamed Akkar.
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état.
    Thesis title: Sur les Algèbres Topologiques non Associatives [On non- associative topological algebras].
    University: Université de Rabat (Rabat, Morocco).
    Advisor: Mohamed Akkar.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 24 April 1950. Nouzha El Yacoubi, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Mohammed V University in Rabat, was elected president of the African Mathematical Union for the period 2017-2021. She is the first woman to hold this position. Previously she had been Secretary General of the African Mathematical Union (2004-2009) and chaired the African Mathematical Union Commission on Pan African Mathematics Olympiads from 1995 to 2009.
    She published papers such as Spectral theory of some Jordan topological algebras (1993), Spectral study of some topological Jordan algebras (1994), J-diviseurs topologiques de zéro dans les algèbres de Jordan p-normées unitaires (1997), J-diviseurs topologiques de zéro d'une algèbre de Jordan localement multiplicativement convexe (1998), Théorèmes de structure d'algèbres de Jordan topologiques ou bornologiques (1999), Impediment and challenges of innovations in mathematics education in Africa (2013), Gender and Mathematics Education in Africa (2015).
    She is a member of the Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées and a member of the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World.
    Here is the Abstract of the 2013 paper listed above: "In the past, common people were expected to have skills in reading, writing and arithmetic to succeed to have a job. Philosophy and/or Science were required for reaching a high position and belonging to the national elite. In this new millennium, information, knowledge, science and technology constitute a real power, and an educated person is asked to be able to access, interpret and possess information, to understand science and use technology. The role of education has moved towards forging connections between knowledge development and its application to the workplace. So, critical thinking skills, problem-solving and creativity remained the key factors to be a successful worker. Therefore innovations and new trends were necessary to face the change from the industrial society to the current information society and to fulfil the high expectations of this new millennium. The implementation of ICT has then been in the forefront of education reforms in the developed countries. ICT stood to make the greatest impact on education as a whole and particularly on Science, Mathematics and Technology. This required some planned and systematic strategies to introduce and support ICT in education, as well as in the society as a whole, in terms of software, hardware, training and maintenance support. The integration of ICT aimed to offer a powerful teaching and learning resource, and interesting opportunities for self-learning, distance and modular. The introduced innovations in ICT implementation, focused first on the vision of using ICT as a teaching and learning aid."

  21. Fatoumata Camara DIALLO
    Country: Mali
    Year: 1979.
    Degree: Doctorat 3eme cycle.
    Thesis title: Recherche des conditions de possibilité d'une didactique mathématique au Mali.
    University: Universite de Bordeaux 2 (France).
    Advisor: Jacques Wittwer.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 22 November 1949. Ms Diallo Fatoumata Camara holds a PhD in Education Sciences. She was appointed as Secretary of State for Basic Education (June 1992-April 1993), and she became the third woman Secretary of State of Mali. Then, she became Minister of Basic Education (April - November 1993). Fatoumata Camara then headed the multifunctional women's complex, the Aoua Kéïta Center, in the late 1990s. She is a member of the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), a pan-African Non-Government Organisation founded in 1992 by five women ministers of education to promote girls' and women's education in sub-Saharan Africa.

  22. Nabila Ahmed Gad EISSA
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1979.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Application of group theory on molecular vibration.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisor: Afaf Ahmed Sabry.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 30 April 1941.

  23. Mona Kamel Abd EL-HADY
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1980.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Studies on the stability and instability tending to fission of nuclei.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisor: Afaf Ahmed Sabry.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 12 June 1950.

  24. Azza Mohamed Kamal KHALIFA
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1980.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: New approach to constructive topology and measure theory.
    University: Moscow University (Russia).
    Advisors: A. A. Markov and A. G. Dragalin.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 2 January 1946. She published two papers, A New Approach to Constructive Topology and Measure Theory (1989) and A constructive version of Sperner's lemma and Brouwer's fixed point theorem (1990) which both contain results she obtained while working for her Ph.D. in Moscow. In both papers she gives her address as Cairo, Egypt.

  25. Isabelle Agwaledo ADJAERO
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1981.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Uniqueness of the Coefficient Ring and Related Problems in Group Rings.
    University: University of Connecticut (Storrs CT, USA).
    Advisor: Eugene Spiegel.
    Biographical Data: Before undertaking research for a Ph.D. she obtained a Lic.Sc.Math. from the Université Catholique, Belgium (1968) and an M.S. from the University of Connecticut. She worked at the University of Nigeria-Nsukka Ahambra State, Nigeria.
    In her Ph.D. thesis she gives the following Acknowledgements: "I wish to express sincere appreciation to my major adviser, Professor Eugene Spiegel, for his continual interest and encouragement throughout the time I was working on this project; for stimulating discussions, and for his many valuable contributions to the preparation of this dissertation. I wish to thank my associate advisers. Professor William Wickless and Professor Charles Vinsonhaler, and also Professor James Hurley, for many clarifying conversations and helpful suggestions. I would also like to thank my Government and the African American Institute, for their financial support. I dedicate my dissertation to my parents, in gratitude for themselves and their belief in equal opportunity to all their children."
    She has published, jointly with Eugene Spiegel, On the uniqueness of the coefficient ring in a group ring (1983) and Isomorphic group rings over domains (1989).

  26. Sawsan Sami ELIAS
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1981
    University: Unknown in Egypt.
    Biographical Data: She worked at Ain-Shams University, Cairo. She published papers including The characteristics of a bulk service system operating in a random environment (1982/83), The reliability function and the availability of a duplication redundant system with a single service facility for preventive maintenance and repair (1983), The characteristics of a queueing system operating in a random environment(1985), On a two-unit standby redundant system subject to repair and preventive maintenance (1987), Three queues in parallel (1988), One-stream storage model with Markovian inflows and a constant-value release policy (1988), Cost analysis of one-server two-unit system with three different modes and subject to two switching devices (1989), Reliability evaluation of three different complex systems by network decomposition technique (1993).

  27. Laure Pauline FOTSO
    Country: Cameroon
    Year: 1981.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Multiple objective programming.
    University: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA).
    Advisor: Joseph Ecker.
    Biographical Data: Professor Fotso is the Coordinator of UNU-INRA's operating unit in Cameroon. From the 1977 academic year onwards, Profesor Fotso held the position of Consulting Programmer at State University of New York at Albany (SUNYA), and a Teaching and Research Assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Back home in 1981, Professor Fotso taught courses in computer sciences at the Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I. From October 2004 to January 2009, she was the Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Science of the University of Yaoundé I. Since January 2009, she has held the position of Vice-Rector in charge of Internal Control and Evaluation at the University of Dschang, Cameroon. Professor Fotso has co-directed two Ph.D. theses and directed more than thirty master's degree theses.
    She has authored three books and several scientific papers in peer review journals and communications including The mixture problem (2003), An approach for finding efficient points in multiobjective linear programming (2008), A quadratic edge-finding filtering algorithm for cumulative resource constraints (2014) and Using Boolean factors for the construction of an artificial neural networks (2018).
    A member of the Democratic Rally of the Cameroonian People, she has been a member of the National Assembly of Cameroon since 2013.

  28. Anna Francina HARDING (née MEIRING)
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1981.
    Degree: D.Sc.
    Thesis title: Numerical Studies of Reaction-Diffusion in Physiological Processes.
    University: University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa).
    Advisors: Jan A. Snyman (Pretoria) and Ron Mitchell (Dundee, Scotland).
    Biographical Data: She was born on 21 February 1952. Her thesis was written under her maiden name of Anna Francina Meiring. She worked at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
    She has published Discontinuous finite element basis functions for nonlinear partial differential equations (1989), again under the name Meiring.

  29. Noufissa MIKOU
    Country: Morocco
    Year: 1981.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état.
    Thesis title: Modèles de réseaux de files d'attente avec pannes [Models of queuing networks subject to breakdowns].
    University: Université de Paris 11 (France).
    Advisor: Erol Gelenbe.
    Biographical Data: She worked at Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco before holding a full Professor position at the University of Burgundy, France. Her main research interests are related to traffic modelling, traffic control functions and access control protocols in computer communications systems, mobile, wireless and ad hoc networks.
    Her published papers include Analyse et optimisation d'une procédure de reprise dans un système de gestion de données centralisées (1979), A two-node Jackson's network subject to breakdowns (1988), Two processes interacting only during breakdown: the case where the load is not lost (1995) and Optimal QoS control of interacting service stations (2002).
    For more information, see THIS LINK.

  30. Fawzia Abdel Azim SAAD
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1981.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: A study of kinetics of protiodeacylation.
    University: Brunel University (UK).

  31. Soad El-Sayed BADAWI
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1982.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Waves on beaches.
    University: Cairo University (Egypt).
    Advisors: Attia A. Ashour and Jean Pierre Germain.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 15 November 1948. She married the mathematician Mohamed Atef Helal on 16 July 1972; they have two children: Ahmed, Iman. She has written a joint paper with her husband, Waves in a Rotating Stratified Shallow Water (1989). They both have the address Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science. Cairo University, Giza, Egypt on the paper but, in a footnote, state, "Present Address: Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Girls, Scientific Sections, Al Sitteen st,. Al Malaz, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia." We note that her advisor Jean Pierre Germain was based in Grenoble, France.
    The Summary of the paper reads: "In this paper, a study of nonlinear stratified rotating fluids is introduced with the shallow-water theory. The mathematical model for two layers of perfect fluids in a rotating circular cylinder is given as well. A distortion for shallow water and slowly rotating fluids is established. A detailed study of the particular case for progressive waves on both layers is presented and the analytical solution has been obtained; this solution is believed to be new."

  32. Hajer BAHOURI
    Country: Tunisia
    Year: 1982.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour des opérateurs à symbole principal réel.
    University: Université de Paris-Sud (France).
    Advisor: Serge Alinhac.
    Year: 1987.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état.
    Thesis title: Unicité, non unicité et continuité Hölder du problème de Cauchy pour des équations aux dérivées partielles: propagation du front d'onde C*(L) pour des équations non linéaires.
    University: Université de Paris-Sud (France).
    Advisor: Serge Alinhac.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 30 March 1958 in Tunis.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  33. Habiba EL-BOUAZZAOUI
    Country: Morocco
    Year: 1982.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Étude de situations scolaires des premiers enseignements du nombre et de la numération. Relations entre divers caractères de ses situations et le sens, la compréhension de l'apprentissage de ces notions [Study of school situations of the first teaching of number and numeration. Relationships between diverse characters of these situations and the meaning, the understanding of the learning of these notions].
    University: Université Bordeaux 1 (Bordeaux, France).
    Advisor: Guy Brousseau.
    Biographical Data: Here is an Abstract of her thesis: "Two didactic transpositions of the concept of numeration emerge through the study of teaching methods. In the first, numeration is a protomathematic object, and its teaching is contained in that of numbers. The pupil first learns mechanisms and then their meaning through various exercises. In the second, numeration is a mathematical object, subject of explicitly designated teaching. We note the loss of the meaning and context of knowledge. We propose a new transposition in which the relations between numeration and numbers are dialectical. In the new didactic situations, numeration serves to give meaning to numbers and to build new ones. The pupil constructs a system of representation of the numbers which he modifies, improves or rejects by the play of certain didactic variables."
    Year: 1988.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Conceptions des élèves et des professeurs a propos de la notion de continuité d'une fonction [Pupils' and teachers' conceptions concerning the notion of continuity of a function].
    University: Université Laval (Québec, Canada).
    Advisors: Claude Gaulin and Guy Brousseau.
    Biographical Data: Abstract of the thesis: "This research aims to study the conceptions expressed by Moroccan students and teachers at the end of secondary school about the notion of (simple) continuity of a function. In order to better achieve our objectives, we initially analysed the evolution of conceptions in the genesis of this notion, as well as the conceptions that have been conveyed by textbooks in Morocco since 1945. For the study of students' conceptions we used three means: the administration of a questionnaire to 311 students in 10 classes at the end of secondary school in Morocco; the organization of debates in each class on the answers to the questionnaire; conducting individual interviews with five students in each class. To study the conceptions of teachers and those they convey in teaching, we interviewed at length 20 teachers, including ten in charge of the ten previous experimental classes."
    She worked at the Institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques, University of Bordeaux, Talence, France. She published several papers including La numération au cours préparatoire (1978), Analyse d'un contrat didactique (1989), Les déterminants de la réussite scolaire au Congo (1995), Initiatives destinées aux enfants et jeunes exclus de l'école formelle (2001).

  34. Soad Zaki MELEK
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1982.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: On basic sets and basic matrices.
    University: Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisor: Ragy H. Makar.
    Biographical Data: She worked at Ain Shams University, Cairo. She published several papers such as On the order of the product set of two basic sets of polynomials (1982/83), On the order of the sum set of two basic sets of polynomials (1984), On the type on a circle of basic sets of polynomials associated with functions of nonalgebraic semi-block matrices (1990), On the successive approximate solutions of the differential equation Y" - (x + ax5)y = 0 (1991), On the order and logarithmic order of entire functions and of basic sets of polynomials in equipolycylinders (1993) and On basic sets of polynomials of two complex variables (1994).
    As an example of this work we give the Summary to the 1990 paper: "In this paper we investigate the type on a circle of basic sets of polynomials associated with functions of a nonalgebraic semi-block matrix satisfying certain conditions. We also investigate the type on a circle of basic sets of polynomials associated with functions of two commutative nonalgebraic semi-block matrices of the same structure type and satisfying certain conditions. Several results are established."

  35. Frieda THERON (née MINNAAR)
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1982.
    Degree: D.Sc.
    Thesis title: Relative Injectivity for R-modules [in Afrikaans].
    University: University of Pretoria (South Africa).
    Advisor: Lourens M. Pretorius.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 3 March 1956. She worked at the University of Pretoria and North-West University, South Africa. She published papers under the name Frieda Minnaar: Pole assignability of rings of low dimension (1988), On pole assignability and feedback cyclisation for systems over rings of finite dimension (1988), and Polynomial rings which are BCS-rings (1990).

  36. Aìssata MOUMOUNI-KANE
    Country: Niger
    Year: 1983.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Étude de quelques problèmes pédagogiques et linguistiques concernant l'enseignement des mathématiques au Niger.
    University: Université Paris VII (France).
    Biographical Data: She married the physicist Abdou Moumouni Dioffo (1929-1991) who worked on solar energy. She is the first woman to become a minister in the Nigerian government, showing other women the way to prominent political positions which, until then, were reserved exclusively to men.

  37. Fatma Gaballah Abo EL-MAGD
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1983.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    University: Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
    Biographical Data: She was awarded a B.Sc. in 1974 and an M.Sc. from Ain Shams University in 1977 for her thesis A study of estimation by maximum likelihood principle advised by Abd El-Azim Anis. She had taken the five courses Theory of Statistics, Theory of Storage, Theory of Probability, Sequential Analysis, and Time Series in 1974-75.

  38. Nahed Abd-El-Salam MOKHLES
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1983.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Some problems in reliability theory.
    University: Zagazig University, Ash Sharqiyah, Egypt.
    Advisors: Youssif Nasr El-Din and Abdul Hadi Nabih.
    Biographical Data: The following Acknowledgements appear in her Ph.D. thesis, "I am especially indebted to the professors who have helped finishing this dissertation and without their help this work would have not been completed. Special thanks go to Professor Mohamed Tolba Ewaida, President of Zagazig University, for his kind encouragement and helpful support that I needed in preparing this dissertation. Thanks are also due to (Late) Professor Youssif Nasr El-Din, who did a superb job of stimulating my interest in research. The outstanding work of Professor Abdul Hadi Nabih is greatly appreciated. He has provided valuable assistance in numerous tasks connected with updating this dissertation. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my mother and my husband for their patience, encouragement, understanding and support during the preparation of this dissertation."
    She worked at Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt) and the Jordanian Union University.
    She published Probabilistic analysis of K-out-of-N:F three state-unit redundant system with common-cause failure and replacements (1988), Reliability analysis of a k-out-of-N:F repairable system with dependent units (1988), A two nonidentical units redundant system with common-cause failure and one standby unit (1989), A new technique in a cutset evaluation (1993), Stochastic behaviour of a standby redundant repairable complex system under various modes of failure (1993) and Consecutive k-out-of-n:F system with sequential failures and a single repair (1994).

  39. Antoinette Irène RASOLOFONIAINA (née RAVOLOMANANA)
    Country: Madagascar
    Year: 1983.
    Degree: Doctorat.
    Thesis title: Présentation et utilisation d'informations dans un texte, les conditions d'un apprentissage mathématique par la lecture.
    University: Université de Strasbourg (France).
    Biographical Data: The name on her thesis is given as 'Antoinette Irène Rasolofoniaina'. Here is an Abstract of the thesis: "The study presented here focuses on factors that facilitate learning through reading. Different modalities of presentation of a text introducing the (congruence modulo m) were proposed to 1st grade students. After the reading, we asked the student to write down what they had retained from what had been read and we included a set of exercises to test the student's ability to apply what he had learned in the reading to solve problems. The main result observed was that the information best assimilated by the reader is that which satisfies both the following conditions: (i) It has been explicitly presented; (ii) it has been reused."
    She published Conditions d'apprentissage mathématique par la lecture (1984). This paper, based on her thesis, has the following Abstract: "This work examines some of the factors which facilitate learning mathematics through reading. For this, we take 11th grade students a reading which dealt with a concept new to the students ( congruence modulo m ). Different versions were distributed. In these versions, we varied some of the factors likely to facilitate the student's understanding of the new concept: an introducing problem, a paraphrase in every day language, a page of partially solved problems... After the reading, we asked the student to write down what they had retained from what had been read and we included a set of exercises to test the student s ability to apply what he had learned in the reading to solve problems. This study showed that the information in the reading that was both introduced and recycled to prove other concepts was best assimilated by the readers."

  40. Heiltjie Magdalena RAUTENBACH
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1983.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Kwaternione: Ontwikkeling en toepassings met spesiale verwysing na die kwaternioonnormaalverdeling (Quaternions: Development and Applications with Special Reference to the Quaternion Normal Distribution).
    University: University of South Africa (Pretoria).
    Advisor: Jacobus J. J. Roux.
    Biographical Data: She worked at Rand Afrikaans University, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, South Africa. She published papers Statistical analysis based on quaternion normal random variables (Afrikaans) (1985) and A characterization of bimatrix variate distributions with special cases (Afrikaans) (1988).
    The first paper, based on her thesis, has the following Abstract: "The quaternion normal distribution is derived and a number of characteristics are highlighted. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure in the quaternion case is examined and the conclusion is reached that the estimation procedure is simplified if the unknown parameters of the associated real probability density function are estimated. The quaternion estimator is then obtained by regarding these estimators as the components of the quaternion estimator. By means of a example attention is given to a test criterion which can be used in the quaternion model."

  41. Barbara SWART
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1983.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Numerical solution of hyperbolic partial differential equations.
    University: University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa).
    Advisor: Tunc Geveci.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 13 February 1956. She worked in the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Pretoria, South Africa. She published Computation of the acoustic modal solutions in a shallow ocean with an elastic seabed (1994), Linear algebra in the financial world (2001) and Credit risk models (2002).
    We give the Abstract of the 2002 paper: "We investigate and compare the Merton model and the Shimko-Tejima-van Deventer model for the evaluation of credit risk. These models lead to partial differential equations which can be solved to obtain the credit spreads for risky bonds. In the Merton model a constant short-term interest rate is assumed whereas in the model by Shimko et al. we consider an interest rate driven by a stochastic differential equation. The models are also applied to South African data."

  42. Victoria Wilson INYANG
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1984.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Uniserial Space Groups.
    University: University of London (UK).
    Advisor: Susan McKay.

  43. Rosalia Sam KATAPA
    Country: Tanzania
    Year: 1984.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Statistical Analysis of Familial Data.
    University: University of Toronto (Canada).
    Advisor: Muni Shanker Srivastava.
    Biographical Data: She became Associate Professor and Head of Department of Statistics, University of Dar-es-Salaam. In 2002 she was attached to the Central Census Office of Tanzania.
    She has written many books and articles such as Comparison of estimators of interclass and intraclass correlations from familial data (1986), Estimation of interclass and intraclass correlation in multivariate familial data(1988), A test of hypothesis on familial correlations (1993), Gender differences in school performance: Evidence from the National form IV examination results and implications for poverty (1999), Gender Statistics in the United Republic of Tanzania (2002), and A comparison of female and male headed households in Tanzania and poverty implications (2004).

  44. Aimée Egyptienne RAMASY
    Country: Madagascar
    Year: 1984.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Propriétés extrémales des valeurs singulières d'opérateurs compacts: applications statistiques à la reduction de variables.
    University: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau (France).
    Advisor: Alain Pousse.
    Biographical Data: The 94-page thesis contains chapters: Preliminary results. Optimum reduction of a real random function. Optimal reduction of the variable response in a linear regression. She worked at the Polytechnic School of Antananarivo, Madagascar. She gives her professional experience as: Teaching Mathematics at Secondary and Higher level at Ambositra High School; Industrial Engineer at the Higher Institute of Technology of Antananarivo; Ecole Professionnelle Supérieure Agricole of Bevalala, Madagascar; contribution to the end of study dissertation of the BTS (equivalent to the baccalaureate) at Bevalala, Madagascar.

  45. Bahija EL-BAROUDI
    Country: Morocco
    Year: 1985.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Bifurdications de codimension 1 et 2 pour un système différentiel autonome de R3 à non linéarité quadratique.
    University: Université Paul Sébatier (Toulouse, France).
    Biographical Data: Here is the Abstract of her Thesis: "The bifurcations of codimensions 1 and 2 of the equilibrium solutions of an ordinary autonomous differential system are studied to show the existence of an orbitally asymptotically stable boundary cycle which appears by a classical bifurcation of Poincaré-Hopf and disappears by a double bifurcation "node-collar" accompanied by the appearance of globally invariant planes."

  46. Jeannette DZOUMBA
    Country: Republic of the Congo
    Year: 1985.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Sur les polynomes de Laguerre-Hahn.
    University: Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France).
    Biographical Data: Here is the Abstract of her thesis: "We seek formulas for obtaining differential equations of the Laguerre-Hahn polynomials: the associated Stieltjes function satisfies a Rccati equation. We shows that these polynomials satisfy either a differential equation of the second order, or a differential equation of the fourth order."
    She works at the Department of Mathematics of the University Marien Ngouabi, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. She has published the papers Newton form of Hermite interpolation polynomial (2005) and Hermite interpolation polynomial of several real variables (2006).

  47. Gamal Ali Fouad ISMAIL
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1985.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Accuracy of the multi-step methods for solving differential equations.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisor: Abbas Ibrahim Abdel Karim.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 29 October 1950 in Zagazig, El Sharkia, Egypt.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  48. Norma C. PRESMEG
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1985.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: The Role of Visually Mediated Processes in High School Mathematics: A Classroom Investigation.
    University: University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK).
    Advisor: Alan Bishop.
    Biographical Data: Norma C Presmeg was awarded an M.Ed. by the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, in 1981 for her unpublished thesis Albert Einstein's Thought, Creativity and Mathematical Education. She worked at the University of Durban-Westville, the University of Natal, Florida State University and the Illinois State University. She undertakes research on Teacher Education, Teaching Methods and Curriculum Theory.
    She has published many books and papers including Visualisation in high school mathematics (1986), Visualisation and mathematical giftedness (1986), Prototypes, metaphors, metonymies and imaginative rationality in high school mathematics (1992), Uncontrollable mental imagery: Graphical connections between a function and its derivative (1997), Realistic Mathematics Education Research: Leen Streefland's Work Continues (2003), Transitions Between Contexts of Mathematical Practices (2006), Critical Issues in Mathematics Education: Major Contributions of Alan Bishop (2008), Generalization using imagery in mathematics (2013), Reasoning with metaphors and metonymies in mathematics learning (2013), Approaches to Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education: Examples of Methodology and Methods (2014).
    Here is the Abstract of the second of the 1986 papers: "Recent research findings are described which uncover the fact that visualisers are seriously under-represented amongst high mathematical achievers at senior high school level. Possible reasons for this phenomenon are discussed, and kinds of imagery which overcome some of the limitations of visual processing in mathematics are described."

  49. Samia S. ELAZAB
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1986.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Linear and non-linear stability of rotating fluid cylinder under the influence of surface tension and (or) other forces.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisors: Dirk K. Callebaut and Afaf Ahmed Sabry.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 22 January 1954. She worked at Ain Shams University College for Women, Ain Shams University, Cairo and became head of the Mathematics Department.
    She has published around 30 papers including Capillary instability of a viscous hollow cylinder (1987), Exact solution of time fractional partial differential equation (2008), Hydromagnetic stability of oscillating hollow jet (2011), Axisymmetric hydromagnetic stability of a streaming resistive hollow jet under oblique varying magnetic field (2012), Stability of streaming compressible fluid cylinder pervaded by axial magnetic field and surrounded by different magnetic field (2015).
    Here is the Summary of the 1987 paper: "The capillary instability of a viscous hollow cylinder is studied and the dispersion relation describing the characteristics of the model is derived. In the absence of viscosity, the configuration is found to be unstable for certain values of the wavelength and stable for all other values. As the viscosity becomes important, one has the same situation but there is no finite maximum mode of instability and the configuration will not have a tendency to break up at points separated by distances comparable to the circumference of the cylinder, but rather to give way at few distant places. Moreover for a certain value of the growth rate sigma, the viscosity has the effect of increasing the wavelength in comparison with the corresponding value when the inertia is predominant over the viscosity."

  50. Rabha Mohammad Mostafa El-ASHWAH
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1986.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: On Bazilevic and close-to-convex functions.
    University: University of Wales (Swansea, UK).
    Advisor: Derek Keith Thomas.
    Biographical Data: After working at Mansoura University, Egypt, she became Assistant Professor of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Egypt. She has published around 200 papers with, remarkably, 110 of these appearing in print in the six years 2013-2018.
    Here are a few examples of her papers: Growth results for a subclass of Bazilevi
    (1985), Some subclasses of close-to-convex function (1987), Some properties of certain subclasses of meromorphically multivalent functions (2008), Some subclasses of meromorphically univalent functions (2010), Subordination properties of multivalent functions defined by certain integral operator (2012), Inclusion relationships properties for certain subclasses of meromorphic functions associated with Hurwitz-Lerech zeta function (2013), Some properties of certain subclasses of meromorphic multivalent functions of complex order defined by certain linear operator (2014), Some properties for certain subclasses of starlike functions defined by convolution (2016), and Argument properties for p-valent meromorphic functions defined by differintegral operator (2018).

  51. Marietjie FRICK (née UYS)
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1986.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Generalized colourings of graphs.
    University: Rand Afrikaans University (Pretoria, South Africa).
    Advisor: Izak Broere.
    Biographical Data: She was awarded an M.Sc. in finite soluble groups, working with Mike Newman, from the Australian National University. Her research interests are the longest paths and cycles in graphs, vertex partition problems, local properties of graphs. She worked at the University of South Africa, and now is an extraordinary professor at the University of Pretoria. She has two papers on group theory (1972 and 1973) and then over 50 papers on graph theory, the first in 1985.
    These graph theory papers include On the order of color critical graphs (1985), A survey of hereditary properties of graphs (1997), The directed path partition conjecture (2005), Traceability of k-traceable oriented graphs (2010), Cycles in k-traceable oriented graphs (2011), Infinite families of 2-hypohamiltonian/2-hypotraceable oriented graphs (2014), and Hamiltonicity of locally hamiltonian and locally traceable graphs (2018).

  52. Jacqueline Suzanne GALPIN
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1986.
    Degree: D.Sc.
    Thesis title: Robust and bounded influence regression.
    University: University of Potchefstroom (South Africa).
    Advisor: Douglas Michael Hawkins.
    Biographical Data: We note that some of her papers are written under the name Jacky S Galpin. She worked at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Pretoria, then at the School of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of the Witwatersrand. Served on the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions.
    Her papers include A note on some conditions for optimality of certain ridge regression estimates(1980), Methods of L1L_{1} estimation of a covariance matrix (1987), The behaviour of normal plots under non-normality for mixed models (2004), Weighting of household survey data: a comparison of various calibration, integrated and cosmetic estimators (2006), A unified approach on residuals, leverages and outliers in the linear mixed model (2007), and Area specific confidence intervals for a small area mean under the Fay-Herriot model (2016).

  53. Verdiana Grace MASANJA (née KASHGA)
    Country: Tanzania
    Year: 1986.
    Degree: Dr.-Ing.
    Thesis title: A Numerical Study of a Reiner-Rivlin Fluid in an Axi-Symmetrical Circular Pipe.
    University: Technical University of Berlin (West Berlin, Germany).
    Advisors: Wolfgang Mushick, Gert Brunk and Heinrich Fiedler.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 12 October 1954. She became a Professor of Mathematics at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology in Arusha, Tanzania.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  54. Samia Awaad METWALLY
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1986.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    University: Ain Shams University, Cairo.
    Biographical Data: She worked at Ain Shams University. She wrote several papers including The characteristics of a bulk service system operating in a random environment (1982/83), The characteristics of a queueing system operating in a random environment (1985), Three queues in parallel (1988), The general three-server queueing loss system: discrete-time analysis (2000), Stochastic behaviour of closed queueing maintenance network with different repair centres (2001), and On a batch arrival queue with priority and single vacation (2009).

  55. Bekchita Abdel Aziz SAAD
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1986.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    University: Unknown in Egypt.

  56. Susanah J. M. BRITS
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1987.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Voorwaardelik gespesifiseerde inferensie: Rangnommer vooraftoets- prosedures vir die verewekansigde blokontwerp en die genestelde ontwerp [in Afrikaans].
    University: Rand Afrikaans University (South Africa).
    Advisor: Hermanus H Lemmer.
    Biographical Data: She worked at the Department of Statistics, the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Physics of the Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, and then at the Department of Statistics and the Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Johannesburg.
    She published papers such as Nonparametric tests for treatment effects after a preliminary test on block effects in a randomized block design (1986), Energy level motion and a supersymmetric Hamiltonian (1988), Thermodynamic quantities and the motion of energy levels (1988), Energy level crossings in quantum mechanics (1988), Painlevé test and energy level motion (1990), An adjusted Friedman test for the nested design (1990).

  57. Laurette PRETORIUS
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1987.
    Degree: D.Sc.
    Thesis title: Gauss-type Quadrature Formulas for Spline Functions.
    University: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (South Africa).
    Advisor: Dirk P. Laurie.
    Biographical Data: She published Spline-Gauss rules and the Nyström method for solving integral equations in quantum scattering (1987) which was part of her thesis. The authors write: "This paper describes a method for constructing a Gauss quadrature formula that is exact for splines. The spline-Gauss quadrature is used in a Nystrom method for solving integral equations of the second kind. A practical application is provided by solving integral equations that arise in quantum scattering theory." At this time she was at the National Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria. She then worked at the University of South Africa in the Department of African Languages and the School of Computing University of South Africa Pretoria.
    Her many published papers on applications of computing to African languages include Finite-State Computational Morphology: An Analyzer Prototype For Zulu (2003), Experimental Bootstrapping of Morphological Analysers for Nguni Languages (2008), Introduction to the special issue on African Language Technology (2011), and The Multilingual Semantic Web as Virtual Knowledge Commons: The Case of the Under-Resourced South African Languages (2014).
    As an example of this work we give the Abstract of the 2003 paper: "As one of the largest of the 11 official languages of South Africa, Zulu is spoken by approximately 9 million people. It forms part of a language family which is characterized by rich agglutinating morphological structures. This paper discusses a prototype of a computational morphological analyzer for Zulu, built by means of the Xerox finite state tools, in particular lexc and xfst. In addition to considering both the morphotactics and the morphophonological alternation rules that apply, the focus is on implementation and other issues that need to be resolved in order to produce a useful software artefact for automated morphological analysis. The current status of the prototype is alluded to by providing morphological scope, that is the various word categories (parts of speech) that may be handled, and the lexical coverage in terms of the number of different Zulu roots that are included in the embedded lexicon of the analyzer. Preliminary testing and validation procedures are briefly discussed."

  58. Zoubida Souici BENHAMMADI
    Country: Algeria
    Year: 1988.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Transformations holomorphiquement projectives des espaces symétriques complexes.
    University: Université Claude Bernard (Lyon, France).
    Advisor: Yvan Kerbrat.
    Biographical Data: She worked in the Department of Mathematics, Université Badji Mokhtar de Annaba, Algeria. She published Variétés de Jacobi et groupoïdes de contact (1993), Forme semi-locale des feuilletages legendriens (2015), and Riemannian epsilon steepest descent method with Armijo line search (2018). Here is the Abstract of the 2018 paper: "In this paper we propose the epsilon steepest descent method to solve optimization problems in Riemannian manifolds. This algorithm accelerates the convergence of steepest descent method on Riemannian submanifolds of Rn. We establish the convergence of our new algorithm with Armijo line search and we present a numerical experiment to minimize the Rayleigh quotient on the unit sphere."

  59. Néfertiti MEGAHED
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1988.
    Degree: Doctorat.
    Thesis title: Autour des algèbres de Malcev.
    University: Université de Montpellier II (France).
    Advisor: Artibano Micali.
    Biographical Data: She was born in 1953. She gave the following Abstract of her thesis: "Malcev's algebras are non-associative algebras satisfying certain identities, suggested by A I Malcev in 1955, and which always hold in the case of Lie algebras. As all subalgebras generated by two elements of a Malcev algebra is a Lie algebra, the Malcev algebras belong to the class of binary Lie algebras. Lie algebras remain an essential reference in the evolution of the theory of Malcev algebras. In 1967, Kuzmin defined, for Malcev algebras, the concept of Cartan subalgebras, an idea that will be widely developed in this work. By showing that its definition is equivalent to that of Lie algebras, the results known on Lie algebras have been extended more easily to Malcev algebras. A major part of this work is dedicated to the study of different sets of subalgebras of a Malcev algebra. Each time we study the relationships which may exist between such sets and those of the Cartan subalgebras. Through the concept of a dual isomorphism, a classification of a class of Malcev algebras is given. By showing that they are Lie, the results concerning Lie algebras with a dual can be extended to them."
    She worked at the Department of Mathematics, Cairo University. She published Sur les sous-algèbres de Cartan d'une algèbre de Mal'cev (1987), The extension theorem with respect to symmetrized weight compositions (2015) and Code-checkable group rings (2017).

  60. Fatma Zohra NOURI
    Country: Algeria
    Year: 1988.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: A study of pseudospectral Mmethods for the solution of a nonlinear dispersive wave equation.
    University: University of Strathclyde (UK).
    Advisor: David M. Sloan.
    Biographical Data: She was awarded her Baccalaureate in Mathematics after studying at the Lycée Rabahi Nouar, Souk Ahras, Algeria (June 1979), a Diplôme d'études supérieures from Annaba University (June 1983), a Joint Matriculation Board after study at Bell School, Norwich, UK (March 1984), an M.Sc. in Modelling and Numerical Analysis from Oxford University, UK (October 1985), a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Strathclyde University, UK (November 1988).
    The Abstract of the thesis is as follows: "This thesis examines time-stepping techniques for the numerical solution of the Korteweg - de Vries (KDV) equation by pseudospectral spatial discretization. The KDV equation is an ubiquitous nonlinear dispersive wave equation. To appreciate the numerical difficulties and to understand the need for solutions to such equations it is necessary to know a little about the fascinating array of solutions which arise in the study of dispersive wave equations. Accordingly, their physical occurrences and phenomena, and simple solutions are discussed in chapter one, with derivation of conservation conditions given therein in chapter two, a theoretical study of methods is considered and sufficient conditions for stability and convergence results are presented. This analysis is used in a later chapter to seek numerical solutions of the KDV equation. Chapter three mainly deals with problems with periodic boundary conditions. Various time discretization methods are studied and compared for accuracy and efficiency. The remainder of the thesis concerns a further generalization, allowing the investigation of stability and efficiations for Chebyshev pseudospectral methods and their applications to solve nonlinear dispersive wave equations, namely the KDV equation with general boundary conditions. Finally, a new domain-decomposition technique is adapted for pseudospectral methods and general conclusions and discussions are presented."
    She became a professor in the Institute of Mathematics, Université Badji Mokhtar de Annaba, Algeria, where she was appointed in 1989. She has published at least 16 papers including Spectral portrait for non-Hermitian large sparse matrices (2000), On finite spectral method for axisymmetric elliptic problem (2006), A study of a bi-phasic flow problem in porous media (2013), Numerical simulation for two-phase flow in a porous medium (2015), and Dynamical behaviour of miscibles fluids in porous media (2018).

  61. Victoire TANKOU
    Country: Cameroon
    Year: 1988.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Use of auxiliary information in sampling theory.
    University: Southern Illinois University (Carbondale IL, USA).
    Advisor: Sudhakar Dharmadhikari.
    Biographical Data: Here is the Abstract of her thesis: "In sample surveys precision in estimating the unknown mean or the total of a finite population may be increased by using an auxiliary variable which is correlated with the study variable. In most of the survey studies, information on several auxiliary variables correlated with the variable under study is available. This thesis is concerned with the optimal use of multi-auxiliary variables. Given the means (or the totals) of auxiliary variables positively correlated with the character of interest, we construct a multivariate estimator for the population mean/total to be used with simple random sampling (srs) or with any probability proportional to size (pps) design. The estimator is at least as good as all the multivariate regression type and ratio type estimators found in the literature, under the given conditions. By constructing some strategies, we show that there are many ways to increase the accuracy of estimates by combining pps selection and estimators. Using the Hansen-Hurvitz estimator, we show that it may be better to combine measures of size. Using superpopulation models, we show that selecting a sample by pps of a single size measure or a combined size measure may be better than by srs; but with multi-auxiliary variables it is not clear which measure or combinations of measures of size is more appropriate."
    She worked at the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa, Statistics Division, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She published Improvement of Ratio-Type Estimators I (1989) and Improvement of Ratio-Type Estimators II (1991).

  62. Fatma Abdu Abu ALIA
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1989.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Equilibrium forms and stability of charged drops.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisors: Afaf Ahmed Sabry and Farouk Amin Ayoub.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 24 September 1952. Her thesis is dedicated to her husband and her sons. It contains the following Acknowledgement: "I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Professor Afaf Ahmed Sabry, professor of Applied Mathematics at Ain Shams University, for his guidance and his kind encouragement. His invaluable criticisms have been most helpful at all stages. I wish also to express my deepest gratitude to my other supervisor: Professor Farouk Amin Ayoub, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Ain Shams University, for his kind supervision, help and encouragement."

  63. Hoda Kamal Mohamed EL-SAYIED
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1989.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: On Riemannian and complex submanifolds.
    University: Tanta University (Egypt).
    Advisors: Mohamed Kamel Gabr, Mohamed Afwat Abd El-Megid and Mohamed Swealam Hamad.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 18 August 1959. She was awarded a B.Sc. in 1981 and an M.Sc. in 1985 both from Tanta University. She was appointed as a Demonstrator in the Department of Mathematics of Tanta University on 25 November 1981 and a lecturer there on 4 June 1985. Here is an Abstract of her hesis: "The stability of surfaces and hypersurfaces in Riemannian and complex manifolds is one of the most important branches in differential geometry. In this thesis, we are concerned with this problem on Riemannian and complex submanifolds." She continued working at Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt, and has published around 27 papers.
    Her publications include: Manifolds with negative curvature (1991), Isometric deformation of surfaces in Kähler plane preserving the mean curvature function (2000), Generalized convex bodies in elliptic spaces (2000), Relative convexity in Euclidean space (2008) and Locally symmetric f-associated standard static spacetimes (2018).
    She is Head of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Science at Tanta University.

    Country: Algeria
    Year: 1989.
    Degree: Doctorat.
    Thesis title: Problèmes aux limites pour des E.D.P. hyperboliques non linéaires.
    University: Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumedienne (Algiers, Algeria).
    Biographical Data: She has worked at the Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, the Institute of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumedienne, Algiers, the Laboratoire de Calcul Scientifique, Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon), Besançon, and the Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie et Probabilités, Université d'Aix-Marseille I (Université de Provence), Marseille (which later became Aix-Marseille Université).
    She has published around 50 papers, all published under the name Assia Benabdallah except the first which is under the name Assia Lagha-Benabdallah, including Limites des équations d'un fluide compressible lorsque la compressibilité tend vers zéro (1984), Stabilisation de l'équation des ondes par un contrôleur dynamique (1995), Exponential decay rates for a full von Kármán system of dynamic thermoelasticity (2000), Null controllability of a thermoelastic plate (2002), Null-controllability of some reaction-diffusion systems with one control force (2006), Carleman estimates for the one-dimensional heat equation with a discontinuous coefficient and applications to controllability and an inverse problem (2007), Inverse problem for a parabolic system with two components by measurements of one component (2009), Recent results on the controllability of linear coupled parabolic problems: a survey (2011) and New phenomena for the null controllability of parabolic systems: minimal time and geometrical dependence (2016).

  65. Manal Mohamed NASSAR
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1989.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Characterizations of some statistical distributions.
    University: University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA).
    Advisor: Dan Rapescu.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 5 May 1954. She was awarded a B.S. from Ain Shams University, Cairo (1974) and an M.S. from the same university in 1977. In her Ph.D. thesis she writes, "I wish to thank Professors D Rapescu, T C Chang and P Horn for their comments that helped the completion of the dissertation. Special thanks to my husband B I Bayoumi for his understanding and support." After the award of her Ph.D. she was appointed to Ain Shams University, Cairo.
    She has published around 15 papers including A characteristic property of the generalized hyperexponential distribution (1993), On the exponentiated Weibull distribution (2003), A note on some characterizations of the hyperexponential distribution (2005), On Bayesian sample size determination (2011) and The Kumaraswamy-Laplace distribution (2016).

  66. Angail Amain SAMAAN
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1989.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity in steady incompressible boundary layer flow.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisors: Mohamed G. S. El-Mohandis and S. A. S. Tem.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 15 April 1951. In her thesis she thanks her supervisors and Soraya Sherif, Head of Department. She worked in the Department of Mathematics, Girls Faculty, Ain Shams University, Cairo.
    Her published work includes Temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity in steady flow along a semi-infinite plate (1992), The dependence of the modulus of elasticity on reference temperature in generalized thermoelasticity with thermal relaxation (2004), State space formulation for magnetohydrodynamic free convection flow with two relaxation times (2004), Analytical and numerical methods for the momentum, species concentration and energy equations of a viscous incompressible fluid along a vertical plate (2010) and One-dimensional problem of a conducting viscous fluid with one relaxation time (2011).
    As an example of her work we give the Abstract of the 2011 paper: "We introduce a magnetohydrodynamic model of boundary-layer equations for conducting viscous fluids. This model is applied to study the effects of free convection currents with thermal relaxation time on the flow of a viscous conducting fluid. The method of the matrix exponential formulation for these equations is introduced. The resulting formulation together with the Laplace transform technique is applied to a variety problems. The effects of a plane distribution of heat sources on the whole and semispace are studied. Numerical results are given and illustrated graphically for the problem."

  67. Laila SOUEIF
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1989.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Transfer of properties in normalizing extensions.
    University: Cairo University (Egypt).
    Advisors: M. Amer and A. Page.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 1 May 1956. She is an Egyptian human- and women's- rights activist, mathematician and professor at Cairo University.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  68. Andriette BEKKER
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1990.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Generalising, compounding and characterising as methods to obtain parameter-rich distributions (In Afrikaans).
    University: University of South Africa (Pretoria).
    Advisor: Jacobus J. J. Roux.
    Biographical Data: She worked in the Department of Statistics, University of South Africa. She is now Professor and Head of the Department of Statistics at the University of Pretoria. She has around 50 publications on statistics, in particular on Distribution theory and Bayesian Theory, the first paper being A characterization of bimatrix variate distributions with special cases (Afrikaans) (1988).
    Other papers include Bayesian multivariate normal analysis with a Wishart prior (1995), Stochastic model of an intermittently used system with non-perpetual vigil: its estimation study (2004), Bounds for the Bayes error in classification: a Bayesian approach using discriminant analysis (2007), Subjective Bayesian analysis of the elliptical model (2015), Bivariate gamma type distributions for modeling wireless performance metrics (2018), and Weighted distributions of eigenvalues (2019).

  69. Kathleen Ann DRIVER
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1991.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Convergence of Padé approximants for some q-hypergeometric Series (Wynn's Power Series I, II and III).
    University: University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa).
    Advisor: Doron S. Lubinsky.
    Biographical Data: Here is the Abstract of her thesis: "The convergence of certain sequences of Padé approximates for three types of power series is investigated. For a specified range of values of one of the parameters occurring in the power series, each of the functions has a natural boundary on its circle of convergence. Explicit formulae for the Padé denominators, together with analysis of their zero distribution and asymptotic behaviour enable us to obtain convergence in capacity of super-diagonal Padé sequences inside the circle of convergence. Moreover, we obtain pointwise convergence of a subsequence of the diagonal Padé approximants inside the circle of convergence."
    She worked at the University of the Witwatersrand until about 2007 when she moved to the University of Cape Town.
    She has published around 75 papers including On the degree of nonuniqueness of simultaneous Hermite-Padé approximants to a vector of entire function (1993), Simultaneous rational approximants to Nikishin-systems (1995), Asymptotic zero distribution of hypergeometric polynomials (1999), The zeros of linear combinations of orthogonal polynomials (2005), Asymptotic zero distribution of a class of hypergeometric polynomials (2007), Zeros of quasi-orthogonal Jacobi polynomials (2016) and Zeros of quadratic quasi-orthogonal order 2 polynomials (2019).

  70. Nadia Radwaan Abd EL-GAWAAD
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1991.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic stability for different periodic fields.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisors: Mohamed G. S. El-Mohandis and El Sayed E. A. El Shehawey.
    Biographical Data: She is a lecturer in the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, Cairo.
    Her published work includes: Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic stability for different periodic fields on the waves motion on the surface of viscous fluid of finite depth on the waves on the surface of a flow of viscous fluid of finite depth due to a nonuniform surface pressure (1978), On the waves motion on the surface of viscous fluid of finite depth (1980), Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic instability conditions of an interface between two fluids under the influence of a tangential periodic electric field (1989), Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic stability for different periodic fields (1991), and Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability conditions of an interface between two fluids under the effect of a tangential periodic electric field (1992).

  71. Lubna Abdel Kadir FATIN
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1991.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    University: Unknown in Egypt.

  72. 'Mamphono KHAKETLA
    Country: Lesotho
    Year: 1991.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: An Analysis of the Lesotho Junior Certificate Mathematics Examination and its Impact on Instruction (Mathematics Examination).
    University: University of Wisconsin (Madison WI, USA).
    Advisor: Thomas A. Romberg.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 5 March 1960.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  73. Yewande OLUBUMMO
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1991.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Measures on empirical logics and the properties of their associated dual Banach spaces.
    University: University of Massachusetts (Amherst, USA).
    Advisor: Thurlow Cook.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 8 February 1960, the daughter of mathematician Adegoke Olubummo.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  74. Awatef SAYAH
    Country: Morocco
    Year: 1991.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état.
    Thesis title: Contribution à l'étude des équations d'Hamilton-Jacobi.
    University: Université Mohammed V Agdal (Rabat, Morocco).
    Biographical Data: She works at the Department of Mathematics and Data Processing, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco.
    She published Equations d'Hamilton-Jacobi du premier ordre avec termes integro-differentiels Parties I et II (1991), Stability results for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with integro-differential terms and discontinuous Hamiltonians (2002), On the observers for a class of discrete bilinear systems (2007) and Kernel density smoothing using probability density functions and orthogonal polynomials (2016).

  75. Isabella Cornelia BURGER
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1992.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Pre-orderings of theories induced by semantic information (in Afrikaans).
    University: Rand Afrikaans University (Johannesburg, South Africa).
    Advisor: Johannes Heidema.
    Biographical Data: Isabella Cornelia (Kinta) Burger grew up at the foothills of the Magaliesberg moutains and matriculated at Bekker High School in Magaliesburg in Gauteng in 1981. During this time she became passionate about animals, nature and Mathematics. After she completed her undergraduate, honours, and master studies in mathematics as well as a Postgraduate Teaching Diploma (all cum laude from the Rand Afrikaans University), she taught Mathematics at Linden High School for one year. In 1991 she was appointed as Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at the former Rand Afrikaans University. She was awarded the PhD in Mathematics in 1992 on the basis of a thesis in the field of non-monotonic logic.
    During her study years she received several prizes and awards for academic achievements. She served as Chairperson of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Rand Afrikaans University where she initiated a wide range of outreach and academic support programmes in Mathematics. She was appointed Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Johannesburg in 2003 and positioned the Faculty as an important player in the higher education arena, both locally and internationally. She took up office as the University of Johannesburg's Registrar on 1 January 2014.
    She published Comparing theories by their positive and negative contents (1994) and Merging inference and conjecture by information (2002).

  76. Anneliese SCHAUERTE
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1992.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Biframes.
    University: McMaster University (Canada).
    Advisor: Bernhard Banaschewski.
    Biographical Data: She was awarded a B.Sc. Hons. from the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa and an M.Sc. from the University of South Africa. Her thesis contains the following Acknowledgements: "I am grateful to my supervisor, Professor B Banaschewski, for the opportunity of studying under his guidance. I benefited a great deal from his enthusiasm for mathematics and his insight into it, and appreciate the help and the encouragement he gave me in my work. I would like to thank the faculty and my fellow students at McMaster for providing a stimulating and friendly research atmosphere. Particularly I thank Xiangdong Chen, for conversations on frame theory and help with computers. I acknowledge financial support from the Foundation for research Development of South Africa and from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of McMaster University."
    She has published over 20 papers including Biframe compactifications (1993), Notions of local compactness and smallest compactifications of biframes (2006), The Samuel compactification for quasi-uniform biframes (2009), Completions of uniform partial frames (2015), and Meet-semilattice congruences on a frame (2018).
    She has worked all her career at the University of Cape Town.

  77. Uche N. V. AGWAGAH
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1993.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Instruction in mathematics reading as a factor in students' achievement and interest in word problem solving.
    University: University of Nigeria (Nsukka, Nigeria).
    Biographical Data: Uche Agwagah (née Okeke), is the last child of John D. Okeke and the Janet Okeke of Umuatulu village in Enugwu-Ukwu, Njikoka local government area of Anambra state. She married Emmanuel Emeka Agwagah also of Umudunu village. They have three children. Agwagah obtained her first degree, B.Sc (ED.) in Mathematical Education in 1981, a Masters Degree, M.ED. in Measurement and Evaluation in 1985 with the thesis The development and preliminary validation of an achievement test in mathematics methods, and a PhD in Mathematics Education in 1993, all from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She was employed in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1991, as a lecturer in the Department of Science Education. She is now a Professor of Mathematics Education, a promotion she earned in 2002. She belongs to many professional associations.
    She has served as the National President of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria for a two-year term, 2012-2014. She has also served in many roles in the Association over the years including as National Vice President, 2010-2012, National ex-officio member, 2003-2007, chairperson Enugu state Chapter, 2002-2006. She has also served in various other leadership positions such as, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education of the University of Nigeria, 2002-2004, Coordinator, Sub-Department of Science Education, University of Nigeria, 2003-2005, President - University Women's Association of the University of Nigeria, 1997-2001, Vice President of that Association, 1995-1997, and Vice President of the University of Nigeria Secondary School Nsukka P.T.A. 1998-2004.
    Agwagah has attended many international and national conferences and has produced over 70 publications including Gender difference in Mathematics achievement (1994), Laboratory Approach to Mathematics I Instruction: A Situation Report on Nigerian Secondary schools in The 1990s (1997), Influence of gender difference of students in their achievement in secondary school mathematics (2000), Training of undergraduate teachers in Nigerian universities: focus on problems of effective integration and attitude of students to computers in mathematics instruction (2003), Improving students' interest in mathematics, through the concept mapping technique. A focus on gender (2006), Improving the teaching of mathematics for attainment of seven point agenda: Implication for gender parity (2013), and Effect of Origami on Students' Retention in Geometry (2014).

  78. Halima Nur ALI
    Country: Somalia
    Year: 1993.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: On the Stability of the Couette Flow between Rotating Cylinders.
    University: Howard University (Washington DC, USA).
    Advisor: Isom Harris Herron Jr.
    Biographical Data: She was employed in the Department of Mathematics, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, USA. She has published The two-dimensional stability of a viscous fluid between rotating cylinders (1996), Symmetric simple map for a single-null divertor tokamak (1997), The principle of exchange of stabilities for Couette flow (2003), Derivation of the dipole map (2004), and Symplectic mappings for divertor tokamaks (2005).
    As an example of her work we give the Abstract to the 1996 paper: "The problem of a steady motion of a viscous incompressible fluid between two rotating coaxial cylinders (Couette flow) is considered. It is shown by operator theory that it is linearly stable with respect to two dimensional disturbances under all circumstances. The proof is based on a lemma which can be generalized to apply to other problems with a similar structure."

  79. Nyovani Janet MADISE
    Country: Malawi
    Year: 1993.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Birth spacing in Malawi and its impact on under five mortality [Social Statistics].
    University: University of Southampton (UK).
    Advisor: Ian Diamond.
    Biographical Data: She studied mathematics and economics at the University of Malawi and later obtained her Masters' and PhD degrees from the University of Southampton. She worked as a Lecturer at the University of Malawi and as a Senior Research Scientist at the African Population and Health Research Centre in Kenya. She became Professor of Demography and Social Statistics at the University of Southampton. She has held many senior management roles including Associate Dean Research in a large faculty at Southampton; Deputy Head of School; University Lead for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion; Director of Public Policy, and Director of the Centre for Global Health, Population, Poverty, and Policy at Southampton. In 2016, she received an honorary DSc degree from the University of Aberdeen in recognition of her research. She was appointed as the Director of Research and Development Policy at the African Institute for Development Policy on 1 February 2018.
    She has published around 70 papers including Determinants of infant mortality in Malawi: an analysis to control for death clustering within families (1995), Child malnutrition and feeding practices in Malawi (1997), Variations in antenatal care between women of different communities in Kenya (1999), Frequency and timing of antenatal care in Kenya: explaining the variations between women of different communities (2000), Patterns and determinants of breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in urban informal settlements, Nairobi Kenya (2007), Food security in a perfect storm: using the ecosystem services framework to increase understanding (2014), and How does poverty affect children's nutritional status in Nairobi slums? A qualitative study of the root causes of undernutrition (2017).

  80. Amal Talaat Mohamed MATTER
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1993.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Approximation of functions and operators.
    University: Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
    Advisor: Entisarat El-Shobaky.
    Biographical Data: She was awarded a B.Sc. in Mathematics in 1983 from Ain Shams University and a M.Sc. in Mathematics from the same University in 1987. In her thesis she give the following Acknowledgement: "I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Prof Dr Entisarat El-Shobaky, Professor of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, for suggesting the point of research, her continuous supervision, valuable suggestions, and keen interest. My thanks to Dr Adel a El-Kady, Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, and Dr Labib R El-Sayed, Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, for their help and interest. Thanks to the head and the members of the Mathematics Department, Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University for their encouragement and providing the necessary facilities. Finally I would like to express my deepest thanks to my husband, Dr S Y Elziat, Lecturer in Physics, Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, for his continuous encouragement and typing the thesis."

  81. J. Thuli NHLENGETFWA
    Country: Swaziland
    Year: 1993.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: The impact of mathematics/science in-service teacher education programs on the Manzini region (Swaziland) elementary schools.
    University: Ohio University (USA).
    Biographical Data: Here is the Abstract of her thesis: "This study has examined the impact math/science inservice teacher education programs, on elementary schools of the Manzini region, provided since their inception in the early 1980s. The investigation entailed: (a) the personal backgrounds of the teachers in selected schools that participated in the workshops: (b) the physical environment under which teachers operate in their respective schools, (c) the skills obtained from the workshops in terms of classroom interaction needs that involve the use of different teaching methods in one lesson, the use of hands-on events in a lesson and the use of questions and responses by both teachers and pupils in a lesson, and (d) finally the effect of collegial support called the multiplier effect. This research combined three methodologies in collecting the data, a triangulation of three phases that used structured instruments of: a survey/questionnaire, interview and lesson observation. Demographic and qualitative data are presented to determine the impact of the Manzini region elementary school math/science inservice education programs in the classroom. The research carried explanations of the data that account for patterns of teacher information, the classroom environment and interaction observed in math/science lessons. Demographic data and open-ended question responses were provided by 109 elementary school teachers of the Manzini region in Swaziland through surveys. Ten of the respondents were further interviewed and 12 were observed while teaching mathematics and science in 12 different lessons. Analysis of averages, frequencies, percentages and ranges using pie, line and bar graphs were coupled with qualitative data from interviews and lesson observations to analyse, summarize and make recommendations for this research. The data analysis of all the four different sub-problems presented in this research reflect a positive impact of the math/science inservice education programs in the Manzini region elementary schools."
    She is the Director of the National Curriculum Centre, Ministry of Education, Manzini, Swaziland. She delivered the paper Literacy for sustainable development. Reading for all: a Pan-African voice for literacy to the 4th Pan-African Reading For All Conference in August 2005. She was the Team Leader for the project Evaluation of the Karen Christian College Early Childhood Development (ECD) 2009-2011Project BN#10650.

  82. Salwa Fahmy KALDS
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1994.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: On the stability conditions for some problems of couple-stresses in fluids.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisor: Mohamed G. S. El-Mohandis.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 7 January 1954.

  83. Alima KAMARA
    Country: Côte d'Ivoire
    Year: 1994.
    Degree: Doctorat.
    Thesis title: Contribution à la modélisation par éléments finis des écoulements turbulents; application au remplissage en fonderie.
    University: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (France).
    Advisor: Michel Bellet.
    Biographical Data: Here is an Abstract of her thesis: "This work deals with the numerical simulation of die-casting mold filing. It focuses mainly on turbulence modelling for non-stationary fluid flows. After a review of the various models described in the literature, our study deals with the simple zero-equation model and the more complex two-equation model of the k-e kind. After recalling the finite element methods used for solving laminar fluid flows (Chapter III), we describe in chapter IV the way the various models are taken into account in these methods. Two different formulations have been used, their results being quite similar: P2P0 elements with incompressibility penalization, and P2-P1 element using a mixed velocity-pressure formulation along with an Uzawa-like algorithm. With regard to (k, k / e) it was investigated with unsatisfactory results because it is far from the reference model k-e (Chapter V). A more efficient strategy has been the use of a modified Runge-Kutta time-integration scheme, which eliminates out-of-range (negative) values for the turbulence variables. Two cases of application of this model to the filling of molds (Chapter VI) have shown its capacity to account for the phenomena characteristic of unsteady turbulent flows with free surface."
    She is Director of Planning, Statistics and Evaluation for the Côte d'Ivoire.

  84. Soumaya MOUSSA
    Country: Morocco
    Year: 1994.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Proprietés géométriques d'agregats de polygones aléatoires et application à la classification d'images.
    University: Université de Montréal (Canada).
    Advisor: Marc Moore.
    Biographical Data: Here is an Abstract of her thesis: "The first goal of this thesis is to establish new results about some random sets extracted from the Poisson and Voronoy tessellations of the plane. In addition to a random polygon we consider its neighbours and some aggregates of polygons. In particular, we introduce the concept of an amalgam generated by a polygon, that is the union of a polygon and all its neighbours. For each random polygonal set considered we study the number of sides, the perimeter and the area. We present all the algorithms to simulate the random sets considered and to compute their characteristics. The simulation study involve the generation of two millions independent realisations of each tessellations in a bounded region of the plane. Results are presented in the form of estimates (with standard deviations) and estimated distributions. Two indices are used to appreciate the degree of convexity of an amalgam; they involve respectively the perimeter and the area. For the Poisson tessellation it is shown that the convexity of an amalgam is related to the number of sides of the generating polygon. The second objective of this thesis is related to image analysis. We explore some properties of binary random mosaics obtained from the two processes considered in the first part. We introduce the concept of a patch in such an image. Algorithms to generate the portion of such a patch that is observable in a bounded region of the plane are constructed. It is also shown how some geometrical characteristics of this random set and its convex hull can be computed. A simulation study involving 4000 independent realisations of each of the Poisson and Voronoy images is reported. The empirical distribution of each of the two convexity indices mentioned above are presented. The one based on the area seems to depend only slightly on the intensity of the image generating process. We conclude by showing how this index could be used to discriminate between Poisson and Voronoy images."
    She has worked in the Canadian Government Administration, Statistique Canada, since 2006 and, in addition, as a Senior Analyst in the Canadian Government Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada since February 2017.

  85. Khadija NIRI
    Country: Morocco
    Year: 1988.
    Degree: Doctorat 3ème cycle.
    Thesis title: Etude des propriétés oscillatoires de systèmes différentiels à retard de type monotone.
    University: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France.
    Advisor: Ovide Arino.
    Year: 1994.
    Degree: Doctorat d'état.
    Thesis title: Étude théorique et numérique des oscillations dans les systèmes differentiels à retard.
    University: Université Mohammed V Agdal (Rabat, Morocco).
    Biographical Data: She works at the Departement de Mathematiques and d'Informatique, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco. She has published papers including Oscillations in vector spaces: a comparison result for monotone delay differential systems (1991), Subdominant behavior in positive semigroups: the case of a class of delay differential equations (1996), Oscillations in differential equations with state-dependent delays (2003), Fluctuations in a SIS epidemic model with variable size population (2010), Global Stability of an Epidemiological Model with Relapse and Delay (2014, and Global asymptotic stability of an SIS epidemic model with variable population size and a delay (2017).
    As an example of her work we give the Abstract of her 2014 paper: "Using the monotone dynamical systems theory, we study in this paper a model of Herpes simplex virus type 2 transmission. It is a three compartmental model with relapse and delay. Sufficient conditions of global stability are given. Numerical simulations support our analytical conclusion and a discussion explains possible behaviour of the model."

  86. Christien THIART
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1994.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Aspects of estimation in the linear model with special reference to collinearity.
    University: University of Cape Town (South Africa).
    Advisors: Tim Dunne and Cas Troskie.
    Biographical Data: She has a Biometry degree from the University of Stellenbosch and a masters and PhD in Statistical Sciences from the University of Cape Town. Her Master's Degree thesis was Collinearity and consequences for estimation: a study and simulation (1990). The Abstract of the thesis begins: "Violations in the assumptions of the linear regression model lead to problems that make the ordinary least square estimator inappropriate. When the error terms are non-normal, the inference procedure that usually follows ordinary least squares estimation is no longer strictly valid. Collinearity, error terms that are non-normal and outliers are usually factors present to some degree in combination in a regression data set. Their effects may be confounded. In examining the factors separately the whole story is not told. We therefore set up a factorial design to investigate these problems under various scenarios."
    She held various positions in the Western Cape from biometrician in the Department of Agriculture, to computer science teacher and lecturer in mathematical and statistical sciences. She joined the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town in 1999 as a senior lecturer, and become an Associated Professor in 2004. She was Deputy Head of the department since 2005 and Head of the department in 2009-2013. She published the paper A comparison of plug-in predictors for lognormal kriging (2016).
    The authors give the following Summary: "When skewed spatial data are encountered, a common procedure is to invoke lognormal kriging. The resultant naïve lognormal predictors are however biased. A family of optimal predictors which address this unbiasedness has been introduced into the literature by De Oliveira (2006). The behaviour of this family is well documented in the case of known covariance parameters. In contrast, when the covariance parameters are not known and must be estimated, the behaviour of the predictors is unknown. In the present paper, the performance of a subset of the family of predictors formulated by De Oliveira (2006), together with a predictor introduced by Abt et al. (1999), with 'plug-in' estimates of the covariance parameters introduced into the appropriate theoretical formulae, is investigated by means of a simulation study. Results based on eighteen scenarios describing a range of covariance structures and three performance criteria are presented and, in addition, results for a real world example are reported. The main features to emerge from the study are that the naïve predictor is negatively biased, that the lognormal predictor is representative of key predictors in the class introduced by De Oliveira (2006) and that the empirical mean squared prediction error severely underestimates the true value."

  87. Sabah Hafez ABDALLAH
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: On integrodifferential equations and mathematical models in population dynamics.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisors: Soraya A. E. Sherif and Afaf A. E. Saleh Zaghrout.
    Biographical Data: She wrote the following Acknowledgement in her thesis: "I would like to express my sincere thanks to Prof Dr Soraya A. E. Sherif, Professor of Pure Mathematics, University College for Women, Ain Shams University, for suggesting the subject of the thesis, her valuable advice, continuous encouragement and for her helpful discussions which have improved the final form of this thesis. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Prof Dr Afaf A. E. Saleh Zaghrout, Professor of Pure Mathematics, Al-Azhar University for Girls, for proposing the points of research and planning the problems of this thesis. With her stimulating discussions, sincere advice, valuable suggestions and capable supervision, this work has been accomplished. I also offer my grateful thanks to the staff members of the Department of Mathematics, University College for Women, Ain Shams University."
    The Abstract of the thesis is as follows: "The main purpose of this dissertation is to improve results for the oscillations of neutral differential equations of odd order. Also some new comparison results are obtained. A model of stage-structured population growth, where the age to maturity is state dependent, is investigated. The stability of positive equilibrium criteria is studied. New necessary and sufficient conditions for all solutions of an integrodifferential equation to have at least one zero crossing is obtained. An application to a Logistic integrodifferential equation is discussed. We introduce new results for global asymptotic stability in a competition system of four competitive species modelled by autonomous delay integrodifferential equations are obtained. We also introduce sufficient conditions for persistence and stability of an autonomous integrodifferential system."
    She worked at Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. She has published On analyse the behaviour of the solutions on a bounded set (2000), Oscillatory and non-oscillatory behaviour of second-order neutral delay differential equations (2003) and Stability and persistence in plankton models with distributed delays (2003).

  88. Nkechi Madonna Adeleine AGWU
    Country: Nigeria
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Using a Computer Laboratory Setting to Teach College Calculus.
    University: Syracuse University (Syracuse, New York, USA).
    Advisor: Howard Johnson.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 10 August 1962.
    Access her biography at THIS LINK.

  89. Maha EL-ASHRAM
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Operations research.
    University: Cairo University (Egypt).
    Biographical Data: She was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University in January 1996. She published Possibilistic Logistic Regression Model with Minimum Fuzziness (2009). A Master of Arts thesis by Karim Abdoun submitted to the American University in Cairo in March 2015 has the following Acknowledgement: "This work is dedicated to parents: Ismail Abdoun and Maha El-Ashram who have supported me over the years with love, motivation and encouragement. Their world of support helped guide me through long hours of research and writing on a topic that took me so much time away from them."

  90. Londiwe C. MASINGA
    Country: Swaziland
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Application of linear quadratic tracking to the regulation of harvested populations.
    University: University of Sheffield (UK).
    Biographical Data: She studied for a Bachelor of Commerce in Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods at the University of South Africa (2001-2006), appointed as a lecturer at Wits Plus, The Centre For Part Time Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2003. and as a lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2002. In 2008 she was appointed as an Operations Evaluation Specialist at the Development Bank of Southern Africa. In 2015 she founded Quest4Solutions Consulting and became its Director. She writes "Extensive background lecturing Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in universities in Swaziland and South Africa. My quest is to contribute to industrial decision making using Operations Research methodologies. I have worked five years as an evaluator of projects and programmes in a Development Finance institution. I am the founding director of Quest4Solutions Consulting, with a focus on Monitoring and Evaluation: evaluations, systems and capacity building."
    Her publications include The development of mathematics education in Swaziland in the past two decades (1987), A nonlinear optimisation model with stochastic demand for optimal order quantities with price change (2004), Optimal order quantities with volume discounts before and after price increase (2004), and HIV modelling in a labour force (2006).
    As an example of her work we give the Abstract of the 2006 paper: "A section of the workforce employed by a certain company has been found to be HIV positive. Demographic, social and clinical data has been gathered by medical practitioners at the company's Wellness Centre for each patient from the time they were put in a wellness programme to monitor their health and fitness for placement in various work categories with different levels of labour intensity. The medical staff would like to know how the collected data can be used to determine critical indicators that a given patient is fit to go back to work in the same job, and for how long he can stay on that job. CART analysis software is used to investigate the problem. Among the variables in the data, mass and viral load are found to rank high in importance as determinants for making a decision on the fitness of the participants."

  91. Margaret NABASIRYE
    Country: Uganda
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Statistical inferences on insect pest resistance indices: implications for selection in crop plants.
    University: Makerere University (Kampala, Uganda).
    Biographical Data: As well as the Ph.D., she has a B.Sc. and an M.Sc from Makerere University. She became an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and IT at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. She also works in the Department of Crop Science at Makerere University was the Principal Investigator on the project The impact of climate change and climate variability on agricultural productivity in selected climatological zones of Uganda (2009-2011).
    She published a paper in 2012 with the title Evaluating the Impact of Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties on Yield in Uganda: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Her other papers include The prospects of statistics in agriculture-the case for Uganda (1991), A comparison among various Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre) clonal materials and their seedling progenies at different levels of nitrogen (1993), Critical resistance levels (CRL): thoughts and views (1995), Gender in agricultural engineering activities of the Post-Harvest Programme of Uganda (1996), Sorghum yield response to kraal manure combined with mineral fertilisers in Eastern Uganda (2004), Dairy heifer growth and time to mating weight when fed elephant grass as sole feed: A simulation model (2009), and Scientific data management training (2012).

  92. Patricia NEBOUT ARKHURST
    Country: Côte d'Ivoire
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Doctorat.
    Thesis title: La signification contextuelle dans les processus de transposition didactique: l'exemple de l'enseignement de la géométrie au niveau du collège en Côte d'Ivoire.
    University: Université de Paris 5 Sorbonne (France).
    Advisor: Gérard Vergnaud.
    Biographical Data: The Abstract of her doctoral thesis at the Université de Paris 5 is as follows: "The general aim of this dissertation is the analysis of the process of didactic transposition whose major aim is to challenge the illusion of transparency which affects the knowledge that is imparted. It hopes to achieve this by showing the differences between the intellectual and didactic functioning mechanisms. This dissertation has elected to consider the field of plane geometry because its use and role can be observed in the teaching of mathematics in the junior classes at the secondary school level. This example highlights the specific constraints of contextual meaning which require recourse in the process of transposition and also constitutes a mode of functioning. A distinction is made between constraints inherent in what is called the "noosphere" (the sphere of thought and decision-making), and constraints inherent in didactic functioning mechanisms through didactic means (syllabus for the teaching geometry, geometry exercises). These didactic creative models provide a field of study in which other aspects of didactic transposition may be examined concretely within a theory of contextual meaning. The contextual meaning attempts to describe the factors that determine a didactic situation. Teaching in itself or the concept to be taught must take place within a context from whence it derives its meaning and contextual significance. This is what is referred to as the concept "contextual meaning". The significant contribution of this dissertation will be its study of the effects of didactic transposition."
    She studied for Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) at the Ecole Normale Superieure d'Abidjan from 1995, awarded with the highest honours in 2016. She was awarded Commander of the Merit of National Education by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Côte d'Ivoire in 2010 in recognition for her services in the field of national education and higher education. She was appointed Head of the Department of Education Sciences at the Ecole Normale Superieure d'Abidjan in 2012.
    The papers she has published include Des enjeux de la compétence aux compétences en jeu (2007), Analyse des stratégies de résolution de problèmes: Exemple du manuel scolaire ivoirien de mathématiques du primaire CP1 (2012), La motivation, une clé didactique pour l'apprentissage (2013).

  93. Manar Elshiekh Abdel RAHMAN
    Country: Sudan
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Comparisons of tests for trend in proportions with small samples.
    University: Boston University (USA).
    Advisor: L. Adrienne Cupples.
    Biographical Data: Manar Elhassan is trained and expert in Biostatistics and Epidemiology, awarded a PhD from Boston University (USA), an MSc in Statistics from University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) and a BSc in Statistics and Computer Science from University of Khartoum (Sudan).
    Here is the Abstract of her thesis: "This research addresses and compares tests for trend in proportions in ordinal categorical data in terms of robustness and power. Robustness is evaluated by comparing actual probabilities of rejecting a true hypothesis with specified nominal levels. Power, estimated as the actual probability of rejecting a false hypothesis, is compared among the tests considered. For a single contingency table data, the study compares the Mantel extension test, an exact conditional test, and Kendall's tau b asymptotic test when applied to small samples. The approach is based on exact calculations by complete enumeration of the sampling distributions from which actual significance levels are derived. The results show that the Mantel extension test is robust for the higher nominal levels 0.05 and 0.10, in that the actual significance levels do not seriously exceed the nominal levels. The Exact test is found to be conservative at all nominal levels. The study also shows that the power of Mantel extension test is always greater than the power of the Exact test. In addition, the results show Kendall's tau b test to be a liberal test and suggests the test to be inappropriate for small samples. For stratified data, a simulation study investigates the Mantel extension test, a trend test used in the Framingham Study, and the Wald test in a logistic regression, when applied to small and moderate samples. The approach is based on generating the empirical sampling distributions from which the actual probabilities of rejecting the hypothesis are estimated. The results demonstrate that the Mantel extension test is robust at all nominal levels, where the actual significance levels were always very close to the nominal levels. The Wald test performs similar to the Mantel extension test for the larger sample sizes and the larger nominal levels. The study also shows that the behaviour of the Framingham Study trend test depends on the hypothesis considered and on the sample size, although the actual significance levels were generally greater than the nominal levels. The power analysis shows that the power of the latter test is greater than that of Mantel extension test."
    She is currently an associate professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Department of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Qatar University. She previously worked on cancer survival of Atomic bomb survivors at the Radiation Effects Research foundation in Hiroshima (Japan). She also worked on cancer survival at the Non-communicable Disease Epidemiology Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK). Manar was previously employed at the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum holding positions of Head of Statistics Department, Deputy Dean and Dean of the Faculty. Over the past decade, Manar has been involved with household surveys, mainly Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). She served as household survey expert for many countries as well as the regional consultant for UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Region. Her research interests include discrete data analysis, survival analysis, epidemiology, statistical modeling, clinical trials and analysis of complex survey data on women and children health.
    She has published around 30 papers including A survey of oral health in a Sudanese population (2012), Factors associated with tooth loss and prosthodontic status among Sudanese adults (2012), Predictors of cure, amputation and follow-up dropout among patients with mycetoma seen at the Mycetoma Research Centre, University of Khartoum, Sudan (2012), A New Model for Management of Mycetoma in the Sudan (2014), and Mycetoma in the Sudan: An Update from the Mycetoma Research Centre, University of Khartoum, Sudan (2015).

  94. Karima Mohamed Abed-Rabo RAMADAN
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: A study on multicriteria decision making integer non-linear problems.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisor: Omar M. Saad.
    Biographical Data: She presented her Master of Science thesis, with title Special functions: The Hypergeometric function of Gauss, to Ain Shams University, Cairo, in 1981. The thesis contains the following Acknowledgement: "The author is greatly indebted to Prof Dr Fouad Mohamed Ragab (D.Sc.) for suggesting the topic of this thesis, for his helpful guidance and kind advice throughout the supervision of the research work."

  95. Azza Gameel Hasan SAYED
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: A parametric analysis on multi-criteria integer decision-making problems.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisor: Mohamed Sayed Ali Osman.
    Biographical Data: She worked at the College of Women, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. She published the paper Solving a special class of large-scale fuzzy multiobjective integer linear programming problems (1999).
    The paper has the following Abstract: "We present a method useful in solving a special class of large-scale multiobjective integer problems depending on the decomposition algorithm. These problems involve fuzzy parameters on the right-hand side of the independent constraints. The presented solution method is based upon a combination of the decomposition algorithm coupled with the weighting method together with the branch-and-bound method. An illustrative numerical example is given to clarify the theory and the method discussed in this paper."

  96. Mona Mohamed Mohamed TARRAD
    Country: Egypt
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Recent methods in solving multi-criteria decision making problems.
    University: Ain-Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).
    Advisors: Mohamed Sayed Ali Osman, Soraya A. Sherif and Elsayed A. M. Eltelt.
    Biographical Data: She was born on 24 January 1957 in Cairo. She was awarded a B.Sc. in Mathematics (grade "Excellent") from the College for Women, Ain-Shams University in 1979 and an M.Sc. from the same university in 1985. She was appointed as a Demonstrator in the College for Women, Ain-Shams University on 15 December 1979 and promoted to Assistant Lecturer on 15 January 1986.
    Here is the Acknowledgement from the thesis: "I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to Prof Dr. M. S. A. Osman, Professor of Pure Mathematics and Operations Research and Head of Department of Basic Sciences, Higher Technological Institute, Tenth of Ramadan City, for suggesting the problems, his continuous help and active discussions throughout the development of this thesis. His kind supervision has been most helpful at all stages. My sincere thanks are also due to Prof. Dr. Soraya Sherif, Professor of Pure Mathematics, University College for Women, Ain Shams University, for her encouragement and her kind help. I must acknowledge also Dr. Elsayed A. M. Eltelt, Assistant Professor of Pure Mathematics, MTC, Cairo. Egypt, for revising the manuscript of this thesis, and for helpful suggestions."
    Here id the Abstract of the thesis: "This work aims to give a comprehensive study in recent methods for solving multicriteria decision making problems (M-CDMP). Also a new method to determine the stability set of the first kind has been introduced for M-CDMP without differentiability. The author presents two interactive algorithms for solving multi-objective non linear programming problems. She makes also a comparative study between them and an interactive algorithm for solving generalized goal programming problem. The researcher presents two interactive algorithms for solving M-CDMP under fuzzy environment in both vector optimization problems and goal programming problems. The author presents method for determining the stability set of the first kind for M-ONLPP without differentiability. This method depends on the procedure for solving the problem."
    She works at the Department of Pure Mathematics, Girls' College for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams University, Egypt. She published Duality in the parametric spaces for parametric non-linear programming problems (2015).

  97. Emmerentia Hendrika Antoinetta VENTER
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Aanpasbare Numeriese Integrasie [Adaptable numerical integration].
    University: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (South Africa).
    Advisor: Dirk Laurie.
    Biographical Data: She worked at the Department of Applied Sciences, Vaal Triangle Technikon, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, then as the Department of Decision Sciences, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa and at North-West University, South Africa. She published Automatic quadrature of functions of the form g(f(x))g(|f(x)|) (1996), A selection criterion in a doubly adaptive integration algorithm (2002), What is quantitative finance?: commentary (2006), The paradox between technology adoption and student success: a case study (2011) and Challenges in the use of computer technology in teaching mathematical skills in the ODL environment.
    Here is the Abstract of the 2006 paper: "There has been an explosion of activity in financial mathematics and financial engineering worldwide. It is a dynamic multidisciplinary field which received a major impetus in 1973 with the work of Fischer Black, Myron Scholes and Robert Merton. The modelling of derivative instruments, bonds, credit risk and other financial processes with the aid of mathematics, probability theory and statistics, is of increasing importance. Mathematical finance has become the basis of an enormous financial industry with a huge impact on global economics. This article gives an overview of the history and basic concepts of quantitative financial analysis."
    Here is the Abstract of the 2011 paper: "There are different factors influencing the adoption of technology in the service of learning in open and distance learning (ODL) in a developmental state such as South Africa. While there is ample reason to increasingly adopt a range of technologies to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning, the relationship between the adoption of technology and student success is less certain. The hype surrounding the adoption and inclusion of technologies in teaching is often lacking evidence that they actually increase student success. This article reports on the introduction and adoption rate of computer technology to enhance learning in the ODL environment. In 2008, an open source software tool, Maxima, was introduced in a Mathematical Modelling module in order to help students learn and understand mathematical skills applied to problem solving. Though the results show that the introduction of a compulsory assessment improves the adoption rate of the package, the link between technology adoption and student success is less certain. The article explores a number of reasons for the lack of evidence that the adoption of Maxima by students has not had any impact on their success. Based on the concept of technological pedagogical content knowledge, and the technology acceptance model, the article concludes with a reflection on strategies to ensure that the adoption of technology is integrated into the Mathematical Modelling curriculum in order to improve student throughput."

    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1995.
    Degree: Doctorat.
    Thesis title: Completeness and nearly fine uniform frames.
    University: Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).
    Advisors: Francis Borceux and C. Gilmour (South Africa).
    Biographical Data: She has worked at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, the University of Denver, Colorado, USA, and later at the Center for Excellence in Computation, Algebra, and Topology, Chapman University, Orange California, USA. Her Masters Thesis was Uniform sigma frames and the cozero part of uniform frames submitted to the University of Cape Town in 1989.
    She has published over 20 papers, the first being Compactifications and uniformities on sigma frames (1991) which appeared before her marriage under the name Joanna Walters, as did her Masters Thesis. In 2000 she published Cozfine and measurable uniform frames which has the following acknowledgement: "Most of this paper is part of the doctoral thesis written under Francis Borceux and Christopher Gilmour. I acknowledge scholarships from the Foundation for Research Development of South Africa and the University of Cape Town, and the support of the departments of Mathematics of the University of Cape Town and Universite Catholique de Louvain and the Topology and Category Theory Research Group at Cape Town." Although this paper appeared in 2000, it was first submitted in February 1997. Her later papers include A pointfree study of bases for spaces of minimal prime ideals (2003), Coz-onto frame maps and some applications (2007), The P-frame reflection of a completely regular frame (2011), and The Dedekind MacNeille site completion of a meet semilattice (2016).

  99. Jillian Beryl ADLER (née SMIDT)
    Country: South Africa
    Year: 1996.
    Degree: Ph.D.
    Thesis title: Secondary School Teachers' Knowledge of the Dynamics of Teaching and Learning mathematics in Multilingual Classrooms.
    University: University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa).
    Biographical Data: She worked at the University of the Witwatersrand where she has advised at least four doctoral students. She published the book Teaching mathematics in multilingual classrooms in 2002. David Pimm writes in a Foreword: "In this book, Jill Adler has written an extensive account of her work exploring key dilemmas of secondary mathematics teachers' practice as they teach. She speaks with a strong 'I' voice, grounded in her practice as a researcher and much more, while at the same time lowering the ladder on the activity of research itself by careful and thoughtful commentary, with both her argument and rationale intentionally and explicitly presented. Adler focuses on three main dilemmas of multilingual mathematics teaching and learning and comments that "Teachers manage their dilemmas", adding also that "Every day, teachers in South Africa (and in many other countries), manage their mathematics teaching in multilingual settings."
    Adler writes: "First and foremost is my deep gratitude and respect for the mathematics teachers who are so central to this book. They welcomed me into their classrooms, gave generously of their time and participated in the research process openly, self-critically and with enthusiasm. I can only hope they benefited and were enriched by a process that undoubtedly enriched me. This book is the culmination of many years' work. As such, it has been shaped and influenced by many colleagues in the field as well as students in my graduate classes. I thank them all."
    For an article about Adler's career, see THIS LINK.
The list continues at THIS LINK.

Written by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
Last Update March 2019