Samuel S Wilks Award of the American Statistical Association
The Samuel S Wilks Award is one of the most prestigious awards of the American Statistical Association. It was established in 1964 to honour Samuel S Wilks:-
1965 John W Tukey
... by recognizing outstanding contributions to statistics that carry on in the spirit of his work.The award is given:-
... based primarily on statistical contributions (either recent or past) to the advancement of scientific or technical knowledge, ingenious application of existing knowledge, or successful activity in the fostering of cooperative scientific efforts that have been directly involved in matters of national defense or public interest.1964 Frank E Grubbs
1965 John W Tukey
... for his contributions to the theory of statistical inference, his development of procedures for analyzing data, and his influence on applications of statistics in many fields.1966 Leslie E Simon
... for his pioneering contributions to Quality Control, Sampling Inspection, Reliability and Army Design of Experiments, and for his timely promotion of statistical activities which have benefited not only the Army but our government and country as well.1967 William G Cochran
... for continued research on the statistical treatment of data, for his highly fertile research on the design and analysis of experiments and surveys, for his excellent books on the theory and practice of statistical methodology, for his efforts in the training of statisticians at all levels, and for his contributions to national and international statistical societies.1968 Jerzy Neyman
... whose extensive contributions both to the theory and practice of statistics have led to fundamental changes in the thinking and methodology of scientists all over the world. He has inspired and led more than a generation of students and his continued leadership is effective today. Both by precept and by example, he is one of the foremost statisticians in the entire world.1969 William J Youden
... father of "Youden squares" and the "Youden Diagram" for his extensive contributions to the art and practice of experimentation in the sciences and engineering, through conception and lucid exposition of novel, yet rather elementary, techniques of statistical analysis and crafty application of standard methods; and through his exceptional productivity as an author, indefatigable energy and phenomenal effectiveness as a speaker, by which he has inspired a whole generation of scientists and engineers to greater achievements through applications of his unique statistical precepts.1970 George W Snedecor
... for his pioneering contributions in the development and use of statistical methods, including applications of experimental design to research investigations, and for introducing several generations of statisticians and research workers to the subject of statistics through teaching and the six editions of his world-renowned book, Statistical Methods.1971 Harold F Dodge
... in recognition of his pioneering achievements in developing scientific sampling inspection plans and quality rating methods, his leadership in the preparation of quality control standards for government and industry and his continuing interest in teaching others the art and techniques of sampling and of the analysis and interpretations of engineering data.1972 George E P Box
... in recognition of his many significant contributions to experimental design, robustness, Evolutionary Operations, Bayesian methods, and time series analysis, and for his leadership in relating theoretical results to practical problems.1973 H O Hartley
... in acknowledgement of his steady and helpful influences on the applications of statistics in the service of this nation and for his contributions to the theory of statistical methodology.1974 Cuthbert Daniel
... in acknowledgement of his steady and helpful influences on the applications of statistics in the service of this nation and for his contributions to the theory of statistical methodology.1975 Herbert Solomon
... for his many significant contributions to statistical theory and methods and in the acknowledgement of his contributions, outstanding influences on the applications of statistics in the service of this nation.1976 Soloman Kullback
... for enriching the field of statistics with a variety of new methods, for outstanding service as a teacher of statistics, and for the ingenious applications of statistical methods to significant problems.1977 Churchill Eisenhart
... for highly significant contributions to research on, and applications of, statistical methods and problems in agriculture, national defense, science and engineering; for his internationally renowned applications of statistical methodology to basic problems in metrology; and for his singular contributions to the history of methodology in the field of statistics.1978 William Kruskal
... for distinguished contributions to statistical methodology and to study of the history of statistics, for enthusiastic support of statistics in the social sciences, and for extensive public service, especially on behalf of the Joint Service Advisory Group and as chairman of the Committee on National Statistics of the National Academy of Sciences-NRC.1979 Alexander M Mood
... for his many significant contributions to the theory of statistics, an outstanding textbook on the subject, his extensive applications to operations and systems analysis, and unique statistical assessments of education and public policy research.1980 W Allen Wallis
... in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to the effective use of statistical theory and methodology by the armed services during World War II, for his outstanding contributions to clear statistical thinking and effective statistical practice through the publications he authored or edited, for his leadership of statisticians, and for his service to the nation through chairmanship of, membership on numerous high-level Government and non-Government commissions and councils.1981 Holbrook Working
... for co-authoring the remarkable 1929 JASA paper in which confidence-limit envelopes for an entire linear relation were introduced, for pioneering work in applying the random walk concept as a model of price movement in an ideal market, and especially for his exceptional contribution to the Allied effort in World War II by organizing, administering, and teaching in a program of intensive courses in statistical quality control attended by about 10,000 persons from industrial concerns in the United States and Canada.1982 Frank Proschan
... for his pioneering development of a statistical theory of reliability; for his contributions to total positivity, inequality theory and biometry; and especially for his many papers, books and teaching that have stimulated a wide audience of practitioners and trained a large body of statisticians.1983 W Edwards Deming
... for more than fifty years of pioneering work in statistical quality control at home and abroad; for outstanding service in the applications and teaching of statistical principles toward the attainment of high-quality productivity; for authoritative leadership in quality assurance; and for contributions as a renowned author and a highly respected leader.1984 Z W Birnbaum
... for major contributions to the theory of reliability and to nonparametric statistics, for the study of the characteristics of wearout and multicomponent systems, for the ingenious derivation of inequalities and bounds used in his theory, for the wide applications and leadership provided by his work, and for his inspiration as a collaborator with and teacher of outstanding statisticians.1985 Leo A Goodman
... for major and significant contributions to theoretical statistics and to the development of statistical methods in many areas of application, particularly in the social sciences; for substantive advances in the use of log-linear models for discrete data; for a prodigious literature output that has guided and stimulated many scientists; and for contributions to professional societies and government programs over many years.1986 Frederick Mosteller
... for major contributions to knowledge in theoretical and applied statistics, for formation and strengthening of linkages between statistics and other sciences - with special mention of the social and health sciences, and for reinforcing in many other ways as well the spirit in which Samuel S Wilks made his many contributions to statistics.1987 Herman Chernoff
... for outstanding research in large sample theory and sequential analysis, for extensive service to scholarly societies and on government panels, for effectiveness and popularity as a teacher, and for his continuing impact on the theory of statistics and its applications in diverse disciplines.1988 Theodore W Anderson
... for major contributions to our knowledge of time series and multivariate statistical analysis; and for pioneering in the advancement of statistics as researcher, teacher, author, editor, and adviser to the government and key national institutions, perpetuating in many ways the spirit in which Samuel S Wilks made his many contributions to statistics.1989 C R Rao
... for major contributions to the theory of multivariate statistics and applications of that theory to problems of biometry; for world wide activities as advisor to national and international organizations; for long time conscientious as a teacher, editor, author and founder of academic institutions; and for the great influence he has had on the applications of statistical thinking in different scientific disciplines, embodying over a career of more than 40 years the spirit and ideals of Samuel S Wilks.1990 Bradley Efron
... for major contributions to and innovations in the theory and practice of statistics; for pioneering in the use of computer power to derive more information from the data; and for the advancement of statistics as researcher, teacher, author, and editor, perpetuating in many ways the spirit in which Samuel S Wilks made his many contributions to statistics.1991 Ingram Olkin
... for major contributions to the development of theory and application of multivariate analysis, specially to educational statistics; for novel statistical applications in social sciences, psychology, medicine, and engineering; for active participation in government commissions and committees for advancement of statistics at the national level; for growth and creation of quality statistical journals; for important contributions to the development of meta-analysis; for development of statistical training through active participation in review committees of department of statistics in universities and generous advise to young statisticians; and for innovative efforts as a teacher, editor, author, and consultant in the spirit and ideals of Samuel S Wilks.1992 Wilfred Dixon
... for pioneering the development of statistical software and founding the Statistical Computing Sections of ASA and ISI; for writing a textbook having a profound influence on the teaching of statistics; for founding and leading distinguished biostatistics and biomathematics departments and collaborative research in biology and medicine; and for methodological research in statistics, and leadership in international scientific efforts.1993 Norman L Johnson
... for outstanding and productive research in applied statistics; for many years of excellent graduate teaching; and especially for important volumes on statistical distributions and the classic Encyclopaedia of Statistical Sciences.1994 Emanuel Parzen
... for outstanding research in Time Series Analysis, especially for his innovative introduction of reproducing kernel spaces, spectral analysis and spectrum smoothing; for pioneering contributions in quantile and density quantile functions and estimation; for unusually successful and influential textbooks in Probability and Stochastic Processes; for excellent and enthusiastic teaching and dissemination of statistical knowledge; and for a commitment to service on Society Councils, Government Advisory Committees, and Editorial Boards.1995 Donald Rubin
... for his important contributions to statistical theory and methodology, particularly in causal inference, design and analysis of experiments and sample surveys, treatment of missing data, and Bayesian data analysis; he used statistical techniques to obtain interesting information in education, psychology, and census data, including test evaluation, imputation for nonresponse, and equating of tests; he has effectively served the larger statistical community in the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the National Academy of Sciences, and other organizations.1996 E L Lehmann
... for maintaining the highest professional standards in research, teaching and service to the profession; for fundamental research into the mathematical basis of hypothesis tests and estimates; and for creating a series of textbooks that have inspired a generation of statisticians.1997 Leslie Kish
... for being a truly outstanding statistician, who has had a profound influence on sample survey practice throughout the world. His originality and ability to provide practical solutions to real-world statistical problems illuminate his extensive writings; a notable example is his classic text Survey Sampling, which is widely consulted and referenced by practitioners of statistics everywhere. His wisdom and guidance have benefited countless colleagues and students from America and abroad. For his remarkable work as an applied statistician in consistently using his knowledge and insight for the benefit of society. At the Survey Research centre of the Institute of Social Research at the University of Michigan, he has been a leader in many areas - administration, intellectual creativity, research, training, and mentorship. His influential role in the World Fertility Survey further illustrates his impact as an international ambassador of statistics and a tireless advocate for scientific statistical methods. For being a humanitarian and true citizen of the world. His unmatched concern for those living in less fortunate circumstances and his use of the statistical profession to help is an inspiration for all statisticians.1998 David O Siegmund
... for path breaking research contributions in the applications of sophisticated probability tools to statistical methodology and scientific applications, particularly on optimal stopping, sequential analysis, change-point problems and genetic linkage. For particular excellence in research mentorship and classroom lecturing, for leadership of professional societies and service on numerous national advisory committees.1999 Lynne Billard
... for significant contributions to the theory and methodology of statistics and the advancement of scientific knowledge in a variety of fields, especially in the area of HIV/AIDS; for effective leadership on issues of public interest, particularly with respect to the decennial census; for energetic professional service nationally and internationally; and for influential dedication to the statistical education of both statisticians and the public at large.2000 Stephen E Fienberg
... for significant and fundamental contributions to the advancement of science and statistical theory, particularly in categorical data analysis; for authoring outstanding books; for ingenious application of statistical methods to the social sciences, especially in decennial census, legal, and policy applications; for influential leadership both nationally and internationally; and for dedicated and visionary service as an ambassador for statistics in government, academic, and public arenas.2001 George C Tiao
... for significant and fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of statistics, particularly Bayesian inference, multiple time series modelling, intervention analysis, environmental statistics, seasonal adjustment, and forecasting; for leadership in research in business statistics, econometrics, finance, and atmospheric ozone; for being an outstanding mentor to Chinese statistical education and statisticians of many backgrounds; and for innovative service on government advisory committees and editorial boards.2002 Lawrence D Brown
... for significant and pioneering contributions to statistical theory and practice (particularly statistical decision theory, nonparametric function estimation, Stein shrinkage estimators and transience of Brownian motion with drift, and confidence bounds for binomial proportions), for significant service on statistical issues in census 2000, national statistical committees, statistical journals, and for collegial leadership to the profession of Statistics.2003 David L Wallace
... for fundamental contributions to statistical methodology in a very broad sense, including path-breaking contributions to the development of practical Bayesian methods and their application to areas such as election forecasting and the determination of authorship, for significant service to statistical journals, and for exceptional mentorship of students and colleagues.2004 Paul Meier
... for significant and pioneering contributions to the development of important statistical methods and biostatistical methods, including the Kaplan-Meier estimator for survival analysis; for outstanding leadership of departments of statistics, biostatistics and the overall field of statistics; for extraordinary contributions as an educator and mentor; and for remarkable and sustained positive influence on the practice of statistics in a range of settings from biomedicine, to environmental science, to applications in the courtroom.2005 Roderick Joseph A Little
... in recognition of Professor Little ≈s outstanding and fundamental contributions to statistical research and practice.2006 Marvin Zelen
... for fundamental contributions to the discipline of statistics and for fostering its applications in the public interest.2007 Colin L Mallows
... for extraordinary broad and deep contributions to applied statistics methodology, to mathematical statistics, and to probability, encompassing topics such as regression model selection, covering designs, rankings, graphics, combinatorics, coding theory, and the foundations of data analysis; and for generous, unstinting and productive collaborations and guidance to other statisticians, mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and business executives.2008 Scott Zeger
... for outstanding contributions to statistics.