PinnedPublished inFelix culpa Elanor逐字稿產生器推薦與簡要評測|Goodtape、WebCaptione、 Taption對非英語母語人士來說,聽力即便不是特別差,但往往和中文有段距離,偶爾一個恍神就會失去脈絡,Speech-to-text完全是我們的科技福音。Jan 171Jan 171
Published inElanor WangA review of Heman Chong’s ‘Memories’She is sitting in front of a table, arching her back, clenching her fists, and burying her head in her arms as if in prayer or despair. She…Jul 15Jul 15
Published inElanor WangMusical Review- Standing at the Sky’s EdgeMy eye is drawn to a poster for the musical “Standing at the Sky’s Edge” on the London Underground. A man and a woman are standing on a…Jun 25Jun 25
Published inElanor WangA Review of Chen Zhao-hua’s ‘At Xiaguirou Mt.’“When the Taipei Art Awards Grand Prize nomination list was released, someone had compiled the exhibition experiences of each nominee…Feb 7Feb 7
Published inElanor WangA Review of Lai Chih-Sheng’s “2B205” at Taipei Biennial 2023I walk into Room 205, the corridor of the 2nd floor of Taipei Fine Art Museum (TFAM). The scene is surreal. A comically long-stretching row…Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023
Published inFelix culpa ElanorA Review of Lai Chih-Sheng’s “2B205” at Taipei Biennial 2023I walk into Room 205, the corridor of the 2nd floor of Taipei Fine Art Museum (TFAM). The scene is surreal. A comically long-stretching row…Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023
Published inElanor WangProgram X-Site 2023: “Find Your Way Out”Program X-site is an annual open-call project based at Taipei Fine Art Museum’s plaza. The project, originally inspired by MoMA PSI YAP, is…Sep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
Published inElanor WangSun & Sea (Marina) 2023/08/19“Sun & Sea (Marina)” is an innovative opera, presented as Lithuania’s national participation in the 2019 Venice Biennale which won the…Sep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
Published inFelix culpa Elanor倫敦看歌劇:該怎麼穿、該怎麼看必須先聲明,歌劇(Opera)和音樂劇(Musicial)是完全不同的劇種。我超級討厭看到有人信誓旦旦地寫歌劇購票攻略/介紹,結果打開來發現去的是《歌劇魅影》。Mar 31, 2019Mar 31, 2019
Published inFelix culpa Elanor倫敦爛醉系列 — 藏在民宅、暗巷、菜市場的秘密酒吧作為酒鬼天堂的倫敦,酒吧們無不戰戰兢兢嚴陣以待,深怕變不出新鮮把戲就隨即被喜新厭舊的倫敦人淘汰。你絕對聽說過大名鼎鼎的連鎖店the Breakfast Club在Liverpool Street 的分店,只要輕輕在員工耳邊說 “Here to see The Mayor…Mar 19, 2019Mar 19, 2019