Yderligere servicevilkår for Product Studio

For at kunne bruge Product Studio ("Product Studio") skal du acceptere følgende:

  1. Googles servicevilkår
  2. Disse yderligere servicevilkår for Product Studio

Læs venligst disse dokumenter omhyggeligt. I disse dokumenter, som under ét betegnes "Vilkårene", er det defineret, hvad du kan forvente af os, når du benytter vores tjenester, og hvad vi forventer af dig.

Vi opfordrer dig desuden til at læse vores privatlivspolitik.

Privatlivspolitikken giver dig indblik i, hvordan du kan opdatere, administrere, eksportere og slette dine oplysninger.

Forbudt adfærd. Ud over at følge anvisningerne i afsnittet "Respekter andre" i Googles servicevilkår, skal du overholde vores politik vedrørende forbudt brug af generativ AI og acceptere, at du ikke må:

Product Studio Additional Terms of Service

To use Product Studio ("Product Studio"), you must accept:

  1. Google Terms of Service
  2. These Product Studio Additional Terms of Service

Please read each of these documents carefully. Together, these documents are known as the "Terms." They establish what you can expect from us as you use our services, and what we expect from you.

We also encourage you to read our Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy will allow you to better understand how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information .

Prohibited conduct. In addition to the "Respect others" section in the Google Terms of Service , you must comply with our Generative AI Prohibited Use Policy and agree not to:
