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Software Downloads

Please review the list below of frequently requested Software Downloads to support the technology platforms supplied by Met One Instruments Powered by Acoem.


Comet is a data retrieval utility for most Met One Instruments products.

CometStatus Software

CometStatus allows users to program automatic notifications for their Met One instruments via the cloud.  Currently it supports E-mail and SMS message notifications for the following options:

  • New Data Available – send a notification when a new sample is received from the cloud.
  • Data Retrieval Failed – send a notification when an expected sample is not received.
  • Data Condition – setup a condition for a channel and when the criteria is met, send a notification (e.g. wind speed > 20 mph).

Ethernet Utilities

Ethernet port configuration is required for the following products:  BAM 1020 (firmware 3236-X) w/ BX-965 Report Processor, BAM 1022 V1 (firmware 81650), BC 1054 V1 Carbon Monitor (firmware 82401), and BT-620 Particle Monitor.


FSCommAQ is a data retrieval utility for the following products: SASS, E-FRM, C-SASS, E-SEQ-FRM, and Super SASS.

Profiler Utility

Profiler Utility is a data retrieval utility for the 9720 or 9722 series particle counter products.


SASSCommAQ is a data retrieval utility for the SASS/Super SASS products.

Swift Utility Software

Download the Swift Utility Software for use with all Met One Swift Flow Meters.

USB Drivers

Warning: DO NOT connect the USB cable between the host computer and the Met One product until the correct USB drivers are loaded.

Note:  Before using the USB Type B port, ensure an existing RS-232 connection is disconnected.

The USB drivers are required for Met One Instruments devices which have a serial USB interface port. It is recommended that you load the USB drivers before installing the Comet software, if you are utilizing Comet. This only needs to be done once for each computer that you use with the Comet software.

A Silicon Labs CP210x Driver for this connection must be installed before connecting to the USB type-B port.

Technical Service representatives are available during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. In addition, technical information and service bulletins are available from our website. Please contact us at the phone number or email address below to obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number before sending any equipment back to the factory.

Phone: (541) 471-7111

E-Mail: service@metone.com

Fax: (541) 471-7116

Web: www.metone.com

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