📢 Andorean is seeking a mobile application developer with over 2 years of experience in Information Technology to join our team of young professionals working on the Digital Twin project. Responsibilities: 🔹 Develop and publish Android/iOS mobile applications according to requirements. 🔹Ensure the reliable and efficient operation of applications. 🔹Collaborate closely with other development teams for seamless integration and optimization. 📩 If you are interested, send your CV to hr@andorean.com or apply through the nito.one platform.
IT Services and IT Consulting
Bringing the next generation of Digital Transformation.
About us
We develop a digital twin technology that creates a digital representation of a mine site along with its physical environment, objects, and process, which is capable to demonstrate 4D and 5D visualizations.
- Website
External link for Andorean
- Industry
- IT Services and IT Consulting
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Ulaanbaatar
- Type
- Public Company
- Specialties
- IoT Integtation, Innovative Hardware, Digital Twin, and 3D AI/ML
Ulaanbaatar, +976, MN
Employees at Andorean
Altanbagana Erdenezul
AI engineer, software developer
Battulga Enkhbayar
Software Engineer at Andorean
Sugar Dashdavaa
MS in Human-Computer Interaction | Specializing in Enterprise software applications
Tserenjamts Tumurnyam
With freedom, flowers, books and the moon who could not be happy
📢 Andorean is seeking an analytical, results-driven software engineer who will collaborate with team members to create a digital twin. Working alongside more experienced colleagues, you will be tasked with developing new services and applications for our clients. Your responsibilities will include working on server-side microservices and, naturally, building connectors for the continuously growing array of IoT devices. Responsibilities: 🔹Designing and developing data processing pipelines, which includes designing and optimizing data architecture. 🔹Building and maintaining the necessary infrastructure for efficient data extraction, transformation, and loading from diverse sources to various destinations. 🔹Creating highly scalable and dependable microservices architectures. 🔹Taking part in the testing and deployment of new releases. 📩 If you are interested, send your CV to hr@andorean.com or apply through the nito.one platform.
Ростерийн амралтаараа дэвшилтэт технологид суралцангаа өөрийгөө хөгжүүлэх сонирхолтой инженерүүд та бүхнийг карьераа шинэ түвшинд гаргах боломжтой ажлын байранд урьж байна. 📌 Тавигдах шаардлага: ✔ Уул уурхайн менежмент, ашиглалтын технологийн чиглэлийн инженер байх ✔5-аас дээш жил ажилласан туршлагатай байх ✔ Уул уурхайн салбарын ирээдүйн чиг хандлагын талаар сонирхдог байх ✔ Тасралтгүй суралцах чадвартай байх ✔ Өөрийгөө илэрхийлэх чадвартай, өөртөө итгэлтэй байх ✔ Багаар хамтарч ажиллах чадвартай байх ✔ Англи хэлний ахисан түвшний мэдлэгтэй байх 📍 Улаанбаатар хотод байрлаж ажиллана. 📥 Та уг ажлын байрыг сонирхож байвал өөрийн CV-гээ hr@andorean.com хаяг руу илгээгээрэй. Таныг найрсаг, эрч хүчтэй , оюунлаг хамт олон хүлээж байна 😊