Latest Release

- 17 NOV 2023
- 14 Songs
- Shock'n Y'all · 2003
- Honkytonk University · 2005
- Unleashed · 2002
- Should've Been a Cowboy (25th Anniversary Edition) · 1993
- How Do You Like Me Now?! · 1999
- Unleashed · 2002
- 35 Biggest Hits · 2003
- American Ride · 2009
- Don't Let the Old Man In - Single · 2018
- Clancy's Tavern (Deluxe Edition) · 2011
Essential Albums
- The bestselling album of Toby Keith’s career is also one of the definitive works of 2000s country. For the rest of his life, Keith will be associated with “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)”, which became a channel for the mix of belligerence and pride that many Americans felt in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The song is jingoistic — its designs are obvious, and intentional — but as a fist-pumping, chest-puffing anthem, it's incredibly effective. It applies redneck justice to a complex international crisis, but Keith wasn’t proposing a solution to the world’s problems — he simply voiced what he and millions of others were feeling. The rest of Unleashed isn’t nearly as in-your-face. “Huckleberry” and “Rock You Baby” are earnest declarations of love from a man who doesn’t get enough credit for his sensitive side. While the Willie Nelson duet “Beer for My Horses” is good, silly fun, “It’s All Good” offers the flipside to “The Angry American”. The song describes the solace small pleasures can offer in a world that often appears lost to chaos.
- 2015
Artist Playlists
- The Oklahoma boy's country roots have an of-the-moment polish.
- He learned from outlaw-country OGs and classic heartland rockers.
- The country firebrand cuts both killer covers and tender ballads.
- Grab the mic and sing along with some of their biggest hits.
Singles & EPs
- 2023
More To Hear
- Celebrating the life of Toby Keith.
- Nick features music and highlights from Toby Keith.
- Toby Keith details the wild stories behind Peso In My Pocket.
- Toby Keith talks about his beginnings and his latest album.
More To See
About Toby Keith
Toby Keith's debut was a self-fulfilling prophecy. Released in 1993, "Should've Been a Cowboy" introduced the world to Keith’s salt-of-the-earth twang and became the most-played country song of that decade, transforming the small-town boy into an all-American icon. Born in 1961 in Oklahoma, Keith earned his working man’s bona fides long before his big break, sitting in with the band at his grandmother’s nightclub as a kid and toiling in the oil fields as a young adult. After playing the Oklahoma and Texas honky-tonk circuits, he took to Nashville in the early ‘90s, setting himself apart by staying honest and blunt about his values. He pledged allegiance to the U.S. flag with the post-9/11 song “Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)”, and sought vigilante justice with Willie Nelson on “Beer for My Horses”. But every cowboy knows how to get loose, too, and Keith’s party jams, like the boozy “Red Solo Cup”, are legion. After battling cancer for nearly two years, Keith died in February 2024 at the age of 62.
- Clinton, OK, United States
- 8. Juli 1961
- Country