Sam Vogel, the Los Angeles-based dance producer known as Jauz, didn’t seriously work out until this year. “Fans would always come up to me saying that certain songs helped them get through their workouts, and I really had no idea what they meant,” he tells Apple Music. “Then, about six months ago, I started getting really into weightlifting. Now I totally understand what they mean.” Vogel structured his Apple Music Fitness Mix around one pivotal thing: energy. “A good workout mix should be able to motivate you from start to finish and make the hour fly by—even if you’re working your butt off,” he says. A few key tracks here do just the trick: Endor’s recent reimagining of “Pump It Up”, the hyperactive Euro-club classic from 2004, and “Desire”, a drum ’n’ bass team-up from Sub Focus and Dimension. Says Vogel: “They’re two of my favourite producers of all time, and this song is pure adrenaline.”