HYPED Radio mit Aria Nejati
Germany is HYPED. The Apple Music radio show accompanying the playlist of the same name is the place where Hip-Hop is lived, loved and celebrated. It’s hosted by Aria Nejati, who has called the scene his home since receiving a copy of the first 50 Cent album from his mum aged 9. As one of the most respected hip-hop tastemakers in the country he has amongst others met Ufo361, Nimo and Juju. Every Wednesday HYPED will feature the country’s rap tracks, hand-picked insider tipps, interviews with No. 1 artists of today and tomorrow and show all aspects of German rap. Who’s in and who’s out right now? Listen to Aria, listen to HYPED.
- Aria Nejati & Ahzumjot
- Aria Nejati & Samra
- Aria Nejati & Tierstar
- Aria Nejati & FiNCH
- Aria Nejati & Moses Pelham
- Aria Nejati & KALIM
- Der Künstler, der den Super Bowl erobern wird.
- Brandneue Kompromisslose Playlist und KALIM im Interview.
- Aria zeigt uns die besten Deutschrap-Hits des Jahres.
- Die Supergroup ist wieder vereint.
- Aria und Nadeska feiern Rocky und so viel mehr.
- Starte in den Sommer mit Arias Empfehlungen.
- DJ Maxxx & DJ Abuze
- DJ Maxxx & DJ Abuze
- DJ Maxxx & DJ Abuze
- DJ Maxxx & DJ Abuze
- DJ Maxxx & DJ Abuze
- keanu & DJ Maxxx
- DJ Maxxx & DJ Abuze
- Curse, Cora E., Stieber Twins, Aphroe & DJ Maxx
- Curse & DJ Maxxx
- Jazeek & DJ Maxxx
- Celo & Abdi & DJ Maxxx
- Sazou & DJ Maxxx
- Miami Yacine & DJ Maxxx
- Apple Music Deutschrap
- Apple Music
- Apple Music Deutschrap
- Apple Music Deutschrap
- Apple Music Deutschrap
- Apple Music Deutschrap
- Snoop Dogg
- Eddie and Nick
- Young M.A
As Heard On
- The new music that matters.