- Alex Latino
- Modell & Mercier
- Don Caro, Cycle Bottom, Bradley Duncan, Nixon Hamilton, Dee Drop, Plastic Jam, Francis Leone, Cliff Bauer, Chicago House Grooves, Nicolas Hilton, Starduster, Alfred Millorca, First Jazz Generation, Basement Underground, Plattform 8, Zachary Hills, Corey Drake Junior, Bungle Run, Robbie Romario & Martin York
- DJ Kam
- Contineltal Groove, The Soho Emsemble, Purity Of Soul, Martin Franklin, The Unsure Ginger, Surrogate Wanker, Carl Kennedy, The Sofa Ensemble, The Ninth Moonshine, Michel Poison, Eduard Smith, Soulful Vex, House 99, Something Coalition, Sonny Fasser, Real System, Milton Diaz, 6th Floor Groove, Atlantic Avenue & The #45 sproof
- Chill Groovers, Eight Talking, Mark A., Kreeze, Stephen Aguilar, Anthony Chocco, Claude Zimmermann, In the Night, Stereo Deep, Yanus Hamy, Fine Deep, Roger Vena, Alek Six, The Presidents, Deep Makers, Santos Pasha, The Book Tangerine, Tom Nigro, Sutramaka & K Krown