Johann Sebastian Bach is generally considered one of the greatest composers of all time. So it says something of many of his contemporaries that their music was often mistakenly attributed to him by later generations. This program—BWV is the catalog number used for his works—explores an impressive group of pieces, largely for chamber resources, that were either once erroneously credited to Bach or whose authorship remains in doubt. Given the invigorating and wonderfully persuasive advocacy of Amandine Beyer and her enormously polished Gli Incogniti, this music is presented in the best possible light. An original idea done magnificently.
- Bejun Mehta, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin & Bernhard Forck
- Carolyn Sampson, Freiburger Barockorchester & Petra Müllejans
- Ottavio Dantone, Alessandro Tampieri & Accademia Bizantina
- Chiara Banchini, Ensemble 415 & René Jacobs
- Café Zimmermann
- Magdalena Kožená, Musica Antiqua Köln & Reinhard Goebel