Led by ex–U.S. Maple multi-instrumentalist Todd Rittmann, Dead Rider refine and expand on his former group’s chaotic approach until the rhythms are far more commanding and, on their third album, more heavily reliant on whomping synths. Everything comes together on the near-perfect “Blank Screen.” It's followed up with the demented dub-noir of “Weaves,” where everyone shoots off a few rounds of live riffs before letting the vocals bring it together; it assures that they’re not playing for anyone’s ambitions but their own. The further one delves into the album, the more apparent it is how David Bowie’s Low and the complete works of Suicide can be turned inside-out by a group who consider Captain Beefheart’s Magic Band as the ultimate rock ’n’ roll group. Keyboardist/trumpeter Andrea Faught, saxophonist Noah Tabakin, and drummer Matt Espy build their sound on spare parts. “Sex Grip Enemy” sounds like Public Image Ltd. brought to life by The Wu-Tang Clan via Butthole Surfers. The musicians involved likely see it more as free space being occupied by the instruments at hand.