更多Southwestern Seminary Oratorio Chorus的作品
- 2003年
- 罗伯特・萧, 克里夫兰管弦乐团 & 克利夫兰交响乐团
- Frederick Swann, The Riverside Choir, John Walker, Dale Zurbrick, Norma Barsness, George W. Thomas, Francis F. Fisher, Placida Robinson, Albert Wilson, Jeanne Audrey Powers, Kathryn Cowdrick, Sandra Stone, Eugene E. Laubach, Jerry Brainard, Judith Bachleitner, Dale Bishop, Jane Weidensaul, Robert Macdonald, Ann Mackay, Raymond Kohere, Dennis Elliot, Lawrence Benz, Robert Harley, William Rhodin, Anthony Korf, Louise Natale & John Howell Morrison
- Joseph Flummerfelt & 威斯敏斯特合唱团
- The Michael O'Neal Singers
- Voices of Ascension Chorus, Dennis Keene & 洪惠英
- Philip Brunelle, VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, Sigrid Johnson, VocalEssence Chorus, David Livingston, Christopher Kachian, Krista J. Palmquist, Lori Lewis, Charles Hodgson, Charles Kemper, Charles Gray, Marilyn Ford, Lynne Aspnes, Dale Newton & Anthony Ross