Acieed Mind, X Sonik, Deep Solution, Qbik 77, Rick Warrol, Tony Queen, Club Princess, Victor Marino, Toxic Beats, Markus Grunewelden, Hugo Morales, Tony Ram, Sono Six, Maurice King, Olajoowantee, Xee Linn, Phunk Elevator, Vanguard, Love Funky & Matt Maxim
Contineltal Groove, The Soho Emsemble, Purity Of Soul, Martin Franklin, The Unsure Ginger, Surrogate Wanker, Carl Kennedy, The Sofa Ensemble, The Ninth Moonshine, Michel Poison, Eduard Smith, Soulful Vex, House 99, Something Coalition, Sonny Fasser, Real System, Milton Diaz, 6th Floor Groove, Atlantic Avenue & The #45 sproof
Monday Elation, Stephan Wind, Don Danny, One Light Project, Freelance Tickling, Jap Boy, Black Jag, Glaze Peanut, Soho Freak, Saxomann, Ingo Lassort, Modell, Mercier, Kong Hong, Robert Lee, Falling Composed, Houseworkers, Marius Rainer, Kay Gold, Blakee & House List
Alexandre Versel, Expedition Four, Le Maison, Piet Lorrigan, Sean Beattied, Second Lake, Steve Riley, Ashleigh Bublé, Black Loop, Electro Base, John Titos, Lola's Groove, Martin Zeeio, Space Investigators, Yoka Doda, Ron Virgin, Sound of NYC, Sun Flowers, Jeffrey Goldstar & Ibeeza Grooves