Against a calming backdrop of birdsong, Martin Kohlstedt begins tentatively, as if searching for ideas. A far cry from the ambitious, collaborative nature of 2019’s Ströme and a subsequent series of remixes, FLUR—its title an allusion to paths in forests that allow for maintenance and the movement of animals—is a portrait of a composer alone with his thoughts, making music for our halted times, finding his own way. The collection was recorded on a beautifully prepared piano, and its chiming tone blends with the hypnotic sound of its mechanical action, bringing a rawness to the music. Along Kohlstedt’s path, we encounter the gentle rocking of “PAN” and “XEO,” the shimmering textures of “NOX,” and the joy, even hope of “VIA.” FLUR ends its soulful journey with a rainstorm that we know will one day pass.
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