- The Choir of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge & Geoffrey Webber
- Armonico Consort & Christopher Monks
- Guildford Choral Society, Hilary Davan Wetton, 珍妮絲 · 瓦特森, 彼得.霍雷, 皇家愛樂管弦樂團 & St Catherine's School Middle Chamber Choir
- St. John's Cathedral Boys and Girls Choir, St. John's Cathedral Choir, Eric Plutz, Donald Pearson, Cynthia Templin Moe, Glen McGrath, Jean Cioffi & Maureen Sorensson
- 威爾寇克 & 劍橋國王學院合唱團
- Winchester Cathedral Choir & 大衛 · 希爾