This Hamilton, Ontario-based electronic pop group perform a diverse array of styles, ranging from artsy synth-pop to muted techno and sweet soul music. The emotive music space of “Playtime” works a sparse terrain where each beat and note takes on added significance while “Itchy Fingers,” which features musicians from Shanghai recorded during Jeremy Greenspan’s extended visit there, kicks up the chaos with notes that fly out of control. “You’ll Improve Me” turns up the romantic heat with a subtle pulse and more carefully arranged synths. “A Truly Happy Ending” recalls the synth-pop of the ‘80s. “Second Chance” brews up a soulful R&B groove with Greenspan and co-conspirator Matthew Didemus working the musical cracks of the ‘70s and ‘80s into a modern warp. “Kick the Can” is minimalist and engrossing in its elliptical movement. “Ep” dances around a stripped-down arrangement worthy of Prince. The nine-minute epic “Banana Ripple” finishes things with a mix of all the duo’s influences.